by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

He let out a slight whimper as he fought to free himself from the confines of my firm hold around his neck. Once I felt that he had begun to implore for his freedom enough, I released his bulky frame allowing him to crumple to the cold cement floor gasping for breath like a fish out of water.

  “Such a pathetic excuse for a vampire … gasping for air as if it was needed to sustain you.”

  I shook my head and clicked my tongue in disgust as I made my way to Dasha’s room. She was expecting a report on how her magics faired with our little practice run.

  “Enter,” Dasha spoke as I tapped on her door announcing my arrival.

  “Dasha.” I nodded once I entered her ostentatiously decorated room.


  “It worked.”

  “How well?”

  “Well enough to bring her to the pinnacle of pleasure several times in fact.”

  “You fucked the bitch? Are you an idiot? We hadn’t even tested the tonic yet! What if she realized it was fucking real?!”

  “She didn’t and I didn’t actually as you so eloquently put it fuck her. I only kissed her. She passed out shortly after, everything else that happened was because I entered her dreams and manipulated them to my desired intents.”

  “So, she had no idea you were really with her… and you know this how?”

  “I just know.”

  “That’s not good enou- “

  “Well I guess it will have to be won’t it.”

  “I swear to the Goddess if you fucked this up because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself – “

  “ENOUGH! I have already had my patience worn incredibly thin do not push me beyond my limits Dasha.”

  “Fine. But it’s your mess to deal with if she figures it out.”

  “So be it.”

  She scowled. Dasha hated that she wasn’t able to fully control my nature. There were limits to what she had no control over when it came to me. My desire being one of them.

  Despite my lack of benevolence, I had overheard Dasha informing her lackey that the female vampire was my mate. My memories of her remained clouded for quite some time but the more I allowed myself to entertain my thoughts with her presence an affinity towards her continued to grow. My mind shares no recognition of her striking appearance, but it was clear that my body was quite in tune with hers. I knew I was brash and fell prey to those carnal aspirations, but there was something in the way her bright green eyes held my own that made it impossible to ignore her. For some reason, my feelings towards Samantha were divided between despising her and yearning for her at the same time. I kept this secret to myself as this information would only alert Dasha that whatever hold she has over me may indeed be dwindling. And I for one had no qualms in ridding myself of her company if given the opportunity.

  I departed Dasha’s room slamming the door behind me scorning myself for my own lapse in judgment. I had exemplified a moment of weakness. I would not make this same mistake again.



  3 Months Ago - Jareth POV

  "No Jareth, believe me when I say, the party’s far from over; there are plenty more of those vermin waiting in the wings at my command”

  “Then why aren’t you sending them out already? I’ve barely broken a sweat and you are only delaying the inevitable so let’s not dawdle any longer shall we?”

  “Jareth, you’re correct in your assumption that I underestimated you. You have a great power that I find immensely advantageous. How about the two of us make a deal.”

  I scoffed at the impertinence of this vile creature. As if I would ever contemplate an alliance with her. “Pity Dasha, it looks like you sought out the wrong person. Now let’s get this ridiculous banter over with. I have a mate to rescue.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so Jareth. I’m pretty sure you’re going to do exactly what I want.”

  “And in what delusional world would you make such a deduction?”

  “The one where I’m standing over your precious little bitch right now. Don’t worry though, she’s quite comfortable really. Hmm …well maybe not so much actually. I suppose slowly bleeding out while being given an IV cocktail containing Vervain and a few extra poisonous plants of my own, might be a bit painful after all. That and, of course, the silver chains. SO, scratch my first comment, my bad. I guess you could say that Sammie is suffering delightfully.” The little girl that Dasha was using as her conduit glared at me menacingly. “Well?” she inquired while arching her brow.

  “What is your request?” I conceded as I shrugged my shoulders in defeat.

  “Easy Peasy Jareth. Since you took away all those beautiful years that I was supposed to gain from Sammie’s death, I need something to supplement my care regimen. Your blood should suffice in maintaining my youth. Now I know it sounds like a lot, but I assure you, I only require a small vile once a week to keep up my youth and vitality. That shouldn’t be too much to ask should it?”

  “Somehow it seems too simple coming from you, Dasha. What else are you expecting? My blood will not make you immortal and I will not sire you.”

  The little girl giggled. “Fine, fine you got me, I don’t want to become some icky vampire. No, that’s just inconceivable. Although, there is one other thing that I will be requiring. But I promise you won’t even feel a thing.”

  “Regale me Dasha … what is it you want from me?”

  “You’re really no fun at all Jareth. Fine. If you must know, I am a firm believer in ensuring that my alliances remain intact, precautionary measures if you will. If you agree then you relinquish your control to me. I will be the one in charge.”

  “I will not kill Samantha.”

  “Of course not. That goes without saying. Other than that caveat, your will shall belong to me. I want you as my right hand and with it your strength in abolishing the vermin that stand in my way.”

  “No harm will come to Samantha.”

  “I promise. I will never use you to harm her and I will never lay a hand on her. You have my word. Now do we have a deal; your little mate doesn’t seem to have much blood left to drain.”

  My hands clenched in tight fists as I hissed. I refused to oblige her, but I was at an impasse.

  I was knowledgeable enough to ascertain that Dasha was not bluffing. This entire scenario had been one giant ruse to bide her time into seizing Samantha. And from the sound of it, she had succeeded. I shut my eyes picturing my beautiful mate recalling every single part of her and securing it within the confines of my memory.

  “Fine. We have a deal. Now release her.”

  “Tsk Tsk Jareth not so fast. I need to make sure you keep up your end of the bargain.”

  “And how do you expect me to do so?” I was growing tired of her relentless ranting.

  “Simple. Come to the hotel rooftop. I have a special weapon that I have charmed to ensure whomever it penetrates shall succumb under my will. The choice will be yours. Either attack me or Samantha will become my little tortured soul until I decide to dispose of her or you.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Of course, Jareth. Now tick tock better hurry, your little Sammie is waiting.”

  The little girl immediately turned around and skipped off into the night. I had no intention of following. I had a pressing engagement that I needed to attend.

  “Forgive me, Samantha. This is the only way.” I muttered as I quickly dashed back over to where she was being held captive.

  My only hope was that I wasn’t too late.

  Chapter 10

  Devon’s POV

  When I walked into Sammie’s bedroom, I could tell something was off. She was changing the sheets on her bed but was so distracted with her task that she didn’t even notice me there.

  “Hey babes.” I greeted as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist inhaling her delicious scent.

  “HOLY SHIT!!” Sammie jumped.

  I could help but laugh at her being so startled.
I mean really, who sneaks up on a vampire? Like no one.

  A quick glare sent my way told me Sammie didn’t think it was that funny, but I just leaned forward and placed tiny kisses along her neck down to her collar bone. I continued my kiss-attack until I felt her dimples grow into that cute little grin I adore. Yeah, that’s right, I know her weak spots, so she doesn’t keep me in the doghouse for long. What can I say? I’m a man and that’s important info to keep in my arsenal.

  She turned around lingering in my embrace and smiled.

  “Miss me, baby?” I nuzzled her neck.

  “More than you know.” For a brief moment, I saw a sadness in her eyes before she turned away averting my gaze.

  I took her chin in my hand and directed her eyes back towards me.

  “Hey, is something wrong Sammie?”

  “No. I just missed you. I think that with everything going on, being separated from you for days on end as well … I think it’s just fucking with my head is all.”

  “Awe baby. Well, I’m here now and I promise, I’ll try and make more time for you. I know this can’t be easy. Now, what can I do to make it up to you? Hmm?”

  Without warning, Sammie’s soft lips crashed down onto mine and she began kissing me insatiably. Her small hands grabbing at my hair gripping me if she needed me for sustenance. Before I could even respond, I felt her rip the tee shirt I had been wearing and was already working on removing my jeans.


  This was hot - not gonna lie. Sammie in control was fucking sexy as shit. I was already rock hard. She led me to the bed and pushed me down on my back as she stood above eyeing my body’s excitement over her dominance.

  She licked her lips and removed the red silk robe she had been wearing; with just a tug of the sash that held it shut the silk material fell to the floor. Fuck me she was already naked under there.

  Sammie’s green eyes became black as she slowly crawled on the floor making her way up to me. She looked like the predator and I was her prey. Her long slender fingers clasped my thighs as her tongue instantly traced its way along my inner thigh. She swirled it around the tip of my cock, then proceeded to lick my chest until she reached near my face. Then with a fierceness, she claimed my mouth with her own. I moaned as she lifted herself high enough so that she could slide me into the warm, slick chasm between her folds.

  “Fuck baby…. you almost made me cum doing that.” I growled watching her slide up and down as she rode my thick shaft like as if she was riding a bucking bronco; fast and rough..

  She leaned forward and breathily whispered into my ear “Don’t Dev. Not. Yet.”

  i tried my damndest not to let go but between her bouncing breasts and the way she kept screaming my name in ecstacy it was almost damn near impossible.

  I lifted my torso and began suckling and fondling her breasts as she continued to ride me faster and harder slamming into me without any sign of reprieve.

  “Cum for baby.” She commanded.

  “F-fuck Sammie! Your tight pussy feels so fucking amazing. I love to watch those perfect tits bounce when you’re riding me.”

  Goddess, I was so fucking close.

  Suddenly Sammie’s eyes turned pitch black and she leaned into my neck. Without warning, I felt her pierce my neck with her sharp fangs. I don’t know why but that just sent me over the fucking edge. I felt the biggest fucking wave of pleasure hit me and I violently shot my warm sap inside her. I knew she felt it because as soon as the dam broke, she lifted her head up and smiled. Her eyes returned to their brilliant green coloring as she slowed her pace and continued to gyrate onto me milking me until I was empty.

  She collapsed on me snuggling into my arms contentedly.

  I was completely spent after only one round.

  My fucking mate literally just blew my fucking mind!


  Sammie’s POV

  I can’t believe I did that! I let my nature take control of me and I allowed myself to bite Devon.


  I was lucky enough that I was able to subdue my thirst and stopped myself from feeding on him. But it didn’t dismiss my actions, even if he seemed to actually like it. I carefully sat up and ran my fingers through my ruffled hair.

  I needed a stiff drink.

  I tiptoed my way down to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of Merlot and leaned against the cold granite counter lost in thought. The sun would be up soon, and I knew Devon would be leaving shortly. As a surprise, I decided to make him breakfast in bed. I quickly whipped up some scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits gravy, and hashed browns. I placed two plates of food along with a large tumbler of OJ as well as a hot cup of coffee on a wooden serving tray. My man was a big eater.

  I smiled at the delectable tray of food and silently made my way back upstairs to my room.

  He was so damn cute laying in his stomach as he softly snored.

  I placed the tray on the nightstand next to my side of the bed and gently began peppering small kisses along Devon’s muscular back. He groaned and the sweetest smile spread across his lips as he opened his beautiful blue eyes.

  “Good morning beautiful.” A very dreamy-eyed Devon cooed, as he rolled over onto his back tugging me along with him.

  “Good morning baby.” I greeted as I placed a quick kiss on the tip of his nose.

  Devon held my small frame tightly. I was wrapped up in his embrace as he placed his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent. I know it seems weird the whole vampire/wolf thing but apparently mates only smell the scents that attract each other, regardless of the species.

  “Is that bacon that I smell?” Devon quickly perked up.

  “Yep.” I said making sure to pop my P “And biscuits with gravy. I wanted to bring my sexy Alpha breakfast in bed before he has to go back to work. I need to recharge all the energy last night’s sexcapades took out of him ya know.”

  The silliest grin crept across Devon’s lips as he scooted back against the headboard like a kid waiting for his prize.

  I giggled. He was too cute. Not that I’d ever call him cute out loud, That’s like the badass ego crusher. Sexy yes … Cute no. heh heh

  I carefully placed the tray of food in front of Devon and watched as he enjoyed his meal, while I had my morning cup of coffee contentedly.

  After Dev happily finished his breakfast and we enjoyed a little shower time, I kissed him goodbye and he headed back to his pack. An Alpha’s work is never done.

  I looked at the clock and realized it was almost 9 am so I decided to make myself my blood smoothie and get dressed before my skype time with Shay and Astrid. Afterward, I planned on hitting the mall for a little quality shopping time.

  Chapter 11

  Sammie’s POV

  I awoke in my bed and noticed the sun was already setting. I was still wearing only my black satin robe and nothing else. Confused, I glanced over at the clock on my nightstand and noticed that it was now almost 7 pm.

  What the hell?!

  My mind was hazy. I remembered having my smoothie and heading upstairs to my bed to get comfy while I waited for my girls to skype. Then … nothing.

  I scratched my head in confusion. My laptop was just as I left it sitting beside me on the bed.

  I clenched my jaw and scrunched my eyes; racking my brain as to how I literally managed to fall asleep for over eight hours. My head was pounding. I decided to head over to my bathroom and grab a few Advil from the medicine cabinet.

  Big mistake.

  As soon as I stood up my legs gave way making me flop onto the floor. I felt as if all my vampire strength was zapped. I feebly tried to crawl up when I happened to notice four bruises on each of my inner thighs. I didn’t have those earlier. Where the fuck did they come from. I tried to stand up again and a sharp pain pierced my skull causing me to cringe. I quickly ran to the toilet. Well as quickly as I could achieve at the time without passing out and began throwing up remnants
of my smoothie and bile. Once my body decided there was nothing left to heave up, I laid my head on the cool tile floor panting. I shut my eyes trying to calm myself and immediately began to have brief images flashing in my head. What I saw chilled me to the bone. I curled myself into a ball and began to scream at the revolting recollections of what had happened to me.

  Goddess NO…it csn't be possible.

  But it was.

  I was fucking raped.


  Devon’s POV

  Sammie sat in my arms as I tried to keep her trembling body calm. She called me hysterical and I immediately came over to be with her. She looks so fragile right now; I can’t even think about leaving her side. I mind linked Michael and asked him to do some research on her assailant. The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it. I was pissed, my wolf, Slade, was fighting to break through and rip that son of a bitch’s balls off, but I told him we couldn’t leave our mate. She was our priority, but I assured Slade that revenge was going to be served.

  I still can’t figure out how Sammie was overpowered. I mean she’s one fierce vampire for Goddess sakes!. Jareth taught her how to fight really well. My only assumption is that somehow, she had been drugged. Considering her patchy memory and the fact that her advanced healing capabilities didn’t kick in, it’s the only possible deduction. She looked so frail in my arms. I felt powerless. I saw the bruises on her thighs and the ones on her back that she hadn’t even realized were there.

  After a couple of hours, Michael's mind linked me to speak in private. I looked down at Sammie and she was sleeping peacefully. I carefully laid her down on her bed and placed a blanket over her. I tenderly brushed aside a few of her long lavender tresses that were splayed along her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

  Silently I crept outside of her bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar so as to keep an ear out in case she woke up while I was downstairs. I immediately called Michael.


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