Bingley, Rev.
birth control
Bissell, Wilson Shannon “Shan”
Blackburn, Ella
Blackburn, Joseph Clay Stiles
Blackburn, Julia Churchill; deposition of; letter to Duke; Pollard and; testimony of
Blackburn, Luke
Blackburn family
Blackwell, Alice Stone
Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum
Blaine, James
Blake, Lillie Devereux
Block, Mary
Blount, Henry
Blount, Lucia
Blue Grass Hemp Trust
Bly, Nellie
Bok, Edward
Boland Company
Boston Journal
Bourbon Democrats
Bourbon Female College
Bradley, Andrew
Bradwell, Myra
Bramlette, Thomas
Brand, John
breach of promise suits; of Oliver against Cameron; of Pollard against Breckinridge, see Pollard-Breckinridge breach of promise suit; and woman’s previous sexual history
Breckinridge, Ann Sophonisba “Sophy” Preston
Breckinridge, Charles
Breckinridge, Clifton Rhodes
Breckinridge, Curry
Breckinridge, Desha; Lexington Herald and; McDowell and; Pollard suit and; Willie’s reelection campaign and
Breckinridge, Ella, see Chalkley, Ella Breckinridge
Breckinridge, Issa Desha; children of; Clacy and; death of; father-in-law and; frail health of; and gossip about Willie and Pollard; marriage of; race and slavery and; sewing basket of; as wife of congressman
Breckinridge, John (grandfather of Willie)
Breckinridge, John (uncle of Willie)
Breckinridge, John Cabell (cousin of Willie)
Breckinridge, Joseph
Breckinridge, Louise Rucks Scott Wing; death of; mental illness of; Pollard suit and; Tucker and; Willie’s engagement to; Willie’s marriage to; Willie’s romance with
Breckinridge, Lucretia Clay
Breckinridge, Madeline “Madge” McDowell
Breckinridge, Mary Hopkins Cabell
Breckinridge, Robert (son of Willie)
Breckinridge, Robert, Jr. (brother of Willie)
Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson (father of Willie); Issa and
Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston “Nisba”; bicycle of; birth of; books written by; childhood of; college education of; death of; on European tour; and gossip about Willie and Pollard; ill health of; intellect of; Issa’s death and; juvenile delinquency work of; law career of; Louise’s illness and; Pollard suit and; as social scientist; as teacher; Tucker and; at University of Chicago; Willie and
Breckinridge, William (brother of John)
Breckinridge, William Campbell Preston “Willie”; Anthony and; in Civil War; Cleveland and; congressional renomination defeat; congressional salary of; as congressman; death of; Democratic Party and; Ella and; end of political career; as father of Pollard’s children; finances of; Issa’s death and; Issa’s marriage to; Issa’s sewing basket and; law practice of; letters about Pollard’s past received by; Lexington Herald and; Louise’s engagement to; Louise’s marriage to; love letters to Pollard from; Lucretia’s marriage to; morality as speaking topic of; Nisba and; Pollard’s carriage ride with; Pollard’s engagement to; Pollard’s letter to, with invitation to Wesleyan; Pollard’s meeting of; Pollard’s rejection of settlement offered by; Pollard’s relationship with; Pollard’s request for advice about Rhodes; Pollard’s social ascent and; Pollard’s suit against, see Pollard-Breckinridge breach of promise suit; Pollard supported by; racial views of; rallies against; religion and; Robert’s troubles and; speaking tour of; speeches of; stories about past exploits with women; tariff issue and; testimony of; Woman’s Protective League and
Breckinridge family; servants of; slavery and race and
Bridgman, Helen
Brooklyn Standard Union
Brown, John Young
Brown, Martha McClellan
Brown, Orvid
Brown, Wessie
Brown, William
Brunetti, Count
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryce, James
Buchanan, Belle
Buffalo Courier
Bullitt, Cuthbert
“Bundling Song”
Burchard, Samuel
Burnet House
Burrows, Roswell
Burt, Armistead
Burt, Kate
Bushnell, Kate
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butterworth, Benjamin
Byrne, John
Cabell family
Cabell’s Dale
Cameron, Simon; Oliver’s suit against
Carlisle, Calderon
Carlisle, James Mandeville
Carlisle, John
Carlisle, Mrs. Calderon
Carnegie, Andrew
Carpenter, Frank
Carson, J. F.
Castle Tucker
Catholics; Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Central Presbyterian Church
Centre College
Century Magazine, The
Chalkley, Ella Breckinridge; marriage of
Chalkley, Lynman
Chalkley, Preston Breckinridge
Chapin, Alfred
Chesnut, Mary
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Orphan Asylum
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy
Chicago Urban League
Chicago World’s Fair (World’s Columbian Exposition)
child care
Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition
Cincinnati Tribune
civil rights
Civil War; Willie Breckinridge in
Clarissa: or, The History of a Young Lady (Richardson)
Clarke, Edward
Clay, Cassius, Jr.
Clay, Henry
Clay, Laura
Clay, Mary
Clay family
Cleveland, Frances Folsom “Frankie”; marriage of
Cleveland, Grover; Breckinridge and; elected president; Halpin and; Halpin raped by; and Halpin’s request for marriage; marriage of; political rise of; second term of
Cleveland, Oscar Folsom
Cleveland Gazette
Cleveland Leader
Coates, Joshua
Coffey, Miss
Colby, Clara
colleges; for women
College Settlements Association
Colored Women’s League of Washington
Columbian Law School
Columbia Working Girls’ Club
Committee on Military Affairs
Comstock, Anthony
Confederate Veterans’ Association (CVA)
Congress, U.S.; Breckinridge in; Breckinridge’s renomination defeat; and homes for women and infants; Woman’s Protective League and
Cook, May
Conyngton, Mary
Cook, George
Cook, May Estelle
courtship; bundling in
Cowan, Valeria
Cowan, William
Coxey, Jacob
Creswell, John
Crisp, Charles
Crittenton, Charles Nelson
Cushman, Thomas
Dahlgren, John
Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton
Dahlgren, Ulrica
Dall, Caroline
Danville Theological Seminary
Daughters of Charity
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Davenport, Charles
Davis, Jefferson
Delaney, Henry
D’Emilio, John
Democracy (Adams)
Democrats, Democratic Party; Bourbon; Breckinridge and; Cleveland-Halpin scandal and; Jeffersonian
Demos, John
Denslow v. Van Horn
Depression, Great
Desha, John Randolph
Desha, Joseph
Desha, Mary Curry
Desha, Mary “Mollie”; in Alaska; Daughters of the American Revolution and; death of; open letter of; testimony of; and Willie’s relationship with Pollard
Dewey, George
Dillon, John
Discourses Concerning Government (Sidney)
District Woman Suffrage Association
Dodge, Grace Hoadley
Dorothea, Sister
Dorsey, Ella Loraine
Drayton, Daniel
Duke, Basil; Blackburn’s letter to
Durant, Henry Fowle
Edison, Thomas
Edwards, Jonathan
Elements of Medical Jurisprudence (Farr)
Eliot, George
Ellis, Miss
Elsmere Hotel
Ely, Richard
Emancipation Proclamation
Employments of Women, The: A Cyclopaedia of Woman’s Work (Penny)
Etiquette of Social Life in Washington (Dahlgren)
Evening Telegraph, The
factory work
fallen (ruined) women
Farish, Julia Ann
Farish, Thomas
Farm, The
Farr, Samuel
Farrell, Ed
Field, Kate
Fillette, Mrs.
Fischer, David Hackett
Fitzpatrick, Ellen
Flint & Kent
Florence Crittenton Homes
Folsom, Oscar
Folsom, Mrs. Oscar
Foraker, Julia
Forest and Stream
“Forsaken Fair One, The”
Francis, Claude de La Roche
Frankfort Call
Freedman, Estelle
Freund, Ernst
Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs, The (Acton)
Garfield, James
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gath (George Alfred Townsend)
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
Germon, Jennie
Gibbons, James Cardinal
Gilded Age
Gilded Age, The: A Tale of Today (Twain and Warner)
Godbeer, Richard
Godey’s Lady’s Book
Gould, Jay
government clerks
Gratz, Howard
Great Britain
Great Depression
Great Tariff Debate of 1888
Greene, R. D.
Grief (Saint-Gaudens)
Griscom, Clement
Grossberg, Michael
Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage (Nevins)
Guess, Sarah
Guiteau, Charles
Hall (salesman)
Halpin, Ada
Halpin, Frederick (husband of Maria)
Halpin, Frederick (son of Maria)
Halpin, Maria; Cleveland and; Cleveland’s rape of; insane asylum and; marriage to Cleveland requested by; pregnancy of; sales positions of; son fathered by Cleveland
Harper’s Magazine
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Caroline
Harrison, Carrie
Harrison, Mrs. A. L.
Hassard, Violet
Haven, Jason
Hawkins, Catesby
Hay, E. B.
Hay, John
Hayes, Lucy Ware Webb
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hemp Trust
Henry, Patrick
Hephzibah House
Hershman, Thomas
Hess, Stephen
Hickox’s School of Shorthand and Typewriting
Hindus, Michael
Hines, Nancy
Hines, Thomas Henry
History of the Highlands, and the Highland Clans, A (Browne)
Hobbs, Mrs. James R.
Hoffman House
Homeopathic Free Dispensary
Home for Fallen Women
homes for fallen women
Honorable Peter Stirling, The (Ford)
House of Mercy; founding of; Pollard at; Sister Dorothea at; Tucker at
House of Representatives, U.S.; Breckinridge in; Judiciary Committee; Ways and Means Committee
housing discrimination
Houston, Sam
Howells, William Dean
Hoyt, Mrs.
Hudson, William C.
Hulett, Ada
Hull House
Humble, H. W.
Hunt, Julia
Hunt, Maria
Ihmsen, Max
Immigrants Protective League
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF)
Industrial Black Friday
infant asylums; Norwood Foundling Asylum; St. Ann’s Infant Asylum
Infants’ Hospital
Interior Department
International Federation of Women’s Clubs
Ireland, Robert
Irving, Washington
Jackson, Andrew
Jacob, Kathryn Allamong
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffersonian Democrats
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Tabor
Johnson, William
Johnstown flood
Jolly Reefers
Journal of Psychological Medicine
Julian, Alex
juvenile delinquency
Kaufman, Hiram
Keene, George
Keene, Lou
Kehew, Mary Morton
Kellogg, John Harvey
Kendall, Minnie
Kendall, William
Kentucky; Ashland district; Lexington; slavery in; suffrage in
Kentucky A&M
Kentucky American Party
Kentucky Bar Association
Kentucky Colonization Society
Kentucky Equal Rights Association
Kentucky Leader
Kentucky Reporter
Kentucky Resolutions
Kepley, Ada
Ketchum, Mrs.
Key, Francis Scott
Key, Philip Barton
King, Horatio
King, James
King, John
Klotter, James
Knickerbocker Panic
Knickerbocker’s History of New York, A (Irving)
Know-Nothing Party
Knoxville Journal
labor reform
labor strikes
Ladies’ Home Journal, The
La Fetra, Sarah
Lahontan, Louis-Armand, Baron de
Laslett, Peter
law; women’s practice of
LeBus, Mary
Lee, Robert E.
Leidy, Susan
L’Enfant, Peter Charles
Level, John
Lewis, T. M.
Lexington, Ky.
Lexington Gazette
Lexington Herald
Lexington Morning Transcript
Lexington Observer and Reporter
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Jennie Gould
Lincoln, M. D.
Lincoln, Nathan S.
Lindemann, Barbara
Literary Society of Washington
Little Women (Alcott)
Livermore, Mary
Lockwood, Belva
Lockwood, Mary Smith
Louisiana Purchase
Louisville Courier-Journal
Louisville Masonic Widows and Orphans Home
Louisville Times
Lowell, Louise
Lowery, Archibald
Lowery, Virginia
/> Lowery, Woodbury
Lynch, Denis
“Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, The” (Stead)
Mallon, Guy
marriage; breach of promise suits and, see breach of promise suits; bundling during courtship; children conceived outside of; courtship and; domesticity and; patterns of; religion and; virginity and; see also sex
Massachusetts Magazine
Mattingly, William
McChesney, William “Sam”
McClelland, Robert
McCune, Charles
McDowell, Henry
McDowell, Madeline “Madge”
McGarvey, J. W.
McKenzie, Mary
McKinley Tariff Act
McLean Asylum for the Insane
Merrill, Horace Samuel
Middlesex Washingtonian
Minear, Lucretia
Ministerial Union of Lexington
Minneapolis, USS
Montgomery, Katherine
Moore, William
moral courts
Moral Education Society
morality: Breckinridge’s preaching of; double standard in; Pollard case and; social purity; tariff and currency issues and; see also sex
Moral Reform Society
Morgan, Caroline Fellows
Morgan, David P.
Morgan, John Hunt
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Nellie
Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Morrow, Edwin
Morton, Jere
Morton, Mary
mother’s pensions
Mother’s Sphere, A (Breckinridge)
Mussey, Ellen
Mussey, Fred
Nation, The
National American Woman Suffrage Association
National Christian League for the Promotion of Social Purity
National Council of Women
National Currency Bureau
National Hotel
National Stenographer
National Woman Suffrage Association
Native Americans
Nevins, Allan
“New Bundling Song; or, A Reproof to Those Young Country Women, A”
New England
New South movement
New York Evening Post
New York Herald, The
New York Mercury
New York Sun
New York Times, The
New York World; Pollard’s autobiographical piece in; Pollard’s letter to supporters in
Nineteenth Amendment
North American Review
Norwood Foundling Asylum
Notre Dame Convent
office work
Oliver, Abbie
Oliver, Henry
Oliver, Mary S.
Oliver, Nellie
O’Neill, William
Opera House (Lexington)
Orphan Brigade
Owens, William
Pamela: or, Virtue Rewarded (Richardson)
Pan-American Conference
Panic of 1857
Panic of 1873
Panic of 1893
Parker, Isaac
Parrent, Taylor
Parsons, Mary
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