The Dancer (Men of the North Book 7)

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The Dancer (Men of the North Book 7) Page 29

by Elin Peer

  “No.” Willow paled. “Solo, I’m sorry. It was just a prank. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I’m so sorry.” This time her eyes teared up for real.

  Zasquash moved in. All we Huntsmen had undergone medical training. My head was low, my chest heaving up and down, but my arm lifted and with it outstretched, I kept him at a distance before looking up. My smile grew as I locked eyes with my best friend. “Just teaching my mate a lesson.”

  Zasquash, who was on his knees in front of me, leaned back on his haunches and crossed his arms. “You two are fucking nutheads.”

  I chuckled and turned to Willow, who was wide-eyed with worry. “You’re not the only one who can act, baby.”

  “So you’re okay?” Willow breathed.

  When I nodded she threw herself around my neck and squeezed me tight to her.

  “What a performance.” Ben stepped forward, clapping his hands together. “That was magnificent. You had my pulse racing. What a spectacular performance.” He kept clapping and soon the Motlanders joined in on the applause. “We must discuss representation. I could see you two in movie roles. You’ll be stars! I’m telling you I can make you into movie stars.”

  Rising up to our full heights, Willow and I hugged and kissed. “Don’t ever pull shit like that on me again, do you hear me?” I whispered into her ear. “It wasn’t funny.”

  “I’m sorry.” She pulled back and met my eyes. “Maybe in a year you’ll think it was funny.”

  I gave a small smile. “Maybe.”

  Ben was still talking about contracts and movie roles when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

  Turning my head, I saw Leo with a stern expression on his face. “Khan and Magni wish to see you both, right now.”

  We held hands as we walked behind two soldiers from the Ruler’s guard.

  The time had come to face the two most powerful men in the country.

  I was expecting to be met by questions and to be pressured, but we were led into a large dining room where Magni and Khan were surrounded by their families.

  “We heard the good news.” Laura was the first one to come and hug us.

  “Wait a minute, Laura.” Khan held up a hand and waved us over to the table. “The kids wanted a late-night dessert. Do you want some too?” He gestured to the selection of cake and ice cream.

  “No, thank you.”

  “We were just informed that you two have made it official that you’re a couple.” Khan didn’t smile. “Not that it surprised us. Mila already let the good news slip.”

  I looked at Mila, who gave a small apologetic smile. “Sorry, it was too good to keep to myself.”

  “You’re not angry?” I asked Khan.

  “Angry? Why would I be angry?”

  I blinked my eyes, a bit confused by his reaction, and turned my attention on Magni, who was spinning a spoon between his fingers. “And how about you?”

  “Are you asking what I think?” Magni scoffed. “Since when do you give a fuck about what anyone thinks?” Magni smiled a little. “I think it’s a fucking miracle that Willow wants you. She must be oblivious to how stubborn and annoying you are.”

  “I love Solo.” My fierce mate stood up for me, and my chest burst with pride.

  “Well, that’s your prerogative, and I can’t dispute that Solo is a fine warrior.”

  I inclined my head to him. “Thank you, sir.”

  Magni leaned over the table. “Let’s put it this way: if you’d fought for my daughter and won her in a tournament, I’d have been a happy man. You’re a fine Nman and I approve of Willow’s choice to marry you.”

  “You do?” After Magni had made my life hell for years by keeping me away from Willow, I was surprised to hear his words of praise.

  Khan slammed his palm on the table and grinned. “I approve of your marriage too. So how about we set up the ritual and make it official?”

  Willow and I squeezed each other’s hands, and then she spoke, “We would like that, but we have one wish. Could we have the wedding at the cabin that Solo built? There’s a place by the river that has a special meaning to us.”


  Last Chapter

  Four weeks later


  Laying on the grass, I let the warm sunbeams play across my naked body. My hands combed through my hair, which was still cold and wet from my swim in the river.

  Reaching for my pants, I took out the pocket-sized screen and unfolded it, my fingers navigating the device and pulling up news stories.

  “Is your wristband still not working?”

  I rolled onto my belly and looked up at Solo, who’d come from the cabin, carrying two bowls in his hands.

  “I brought snacks.” He plunked himself down and placed the bowls in front of me.

  “You’re going to get me fat with all the chocolate you have me eating.”

  “Then there’s more of you to love.”

  I shook my head but still reached for the chocolate. “Is it the kind that is slimming?”

  Solo, wearing only shorts, rolled onto his stomach too. “I didn’t know that was a thing.”

  “It’s not. Can you believe it?” I sighed. “We’re in 2447 and still no one has found a way to make fine chocolate as healthy as vegetables. Talk about an error in priorities.”

  “You should complain to Shelly. I’ll bet she could come up with some way to make chocolate slimming.”

  “I heard she’s busy revolutionizing the way we grow our crops, and according to Mila, Shelly is on a beach somewhere down south with Marco.”

  “Good for them.” Solo folded his arms under his head and used them as a pillow. “You’ll just have to close your eyes and pretend the river is a warm ocean.”

  I leaned over and kissed his shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here with you. Where else can I be naked and not have to worry about a thing?”

  Solo smiled at me. “So, you don’t worry about tempting me?” He gave me a lazy grin and lifted up to swat my behind. “I’m trying to restrain myself. You said you were too sore.”

  “I am, and that hurt.”

  “Here, let me kiss it and make it better.”

  Craning my neck to see Solo kissing my backside, I defended myself. “It’s no wonder I’m sore when you’re on me night and day.”

  He tilted his head at me. “You try being married to the most gorgeous woman on the planet and see how horny you’d be all the time.”

  I laughed. “You didn’t think that one through, did you? I’m not into women so I wouldn’t be horny at all.”

  With both hands he squeezed my firm cheeks and stroked down over the back of my thighs. “You know what I mean, and you can’t blame me for being insatiable when it comes to you.”

  “I’m not blaming you, but my body isn’t a machine like yours. It needs time to recover, and more than four hours of uninterrupted sleep would help. How many times did you wake me up last night?”

  “Only two.” Solo stopped kissing me and propped himself up on an elbow next to me with a sheepish smile. “I’m gonna stop. I promise. It’s just that the first time, I woke from a nightmare thinking you’d been taken from me again. Then I found you next to me and I got emotional and relieved. I had to touch you to shake off the nightmare and one thing led to another.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “And the second time?”

  “You can’t blame me for that one. You were the one who spooned up against me and pulled my hand around you. That was a clear invitation.”

  “I was sleeping.”

  He chuckled. “Then you were talking in your sleep, Darlington, because you whispered that you wanted me.”

  “Probably because I was having an erotic dream about you.”

  “Yeah?” Solo leaned in, his lips almost touching mine. “Wanna tell me about that dream?”

  “No, because it’ll only turn you on again and there’s something serious I need to discuss with you.”

  He pulled back and waited f
or me to continue.

  “Do you think we should cancel the wedding?” My tone turned serious.

  Solo sighed. “Hunter still hasn’t answered?”

  “No.” I turned on my side to face him. “He’s not responding to any of my calls or messages.” My chest was tightening just from speaking about Hunter.

  Solo brushed his fingers down my arm. “He’ll come around.”

  “You always say that.” My nose was twitching and I was trying to hold back tears. “But what if he doesn’t? What if I’ve lost my brother forever?”

  “You can’t ever give up hope. Hunter is a proud man. He worries about you and he’ll need time to see that we’re happy together. Just keep reaching out to him. Sooner or later, he’ll respond.”

  “I worry about him, Solo. And I feel so bad for telling him we could spend more time together if he came to the Motherlands and now that he’s there, I’m here. He must feel so betrayed by me. I think he hates me now.”

  Solo reached for my hand. “Hunter doesn’t hate you.”

  “You don’t know that. He looks troubled in every picture I see of him.”

  Solo wrinkled his forehead. “I’ve seen him on the news several times. He looked serious, but I wouldn’t say he looked troubled. Maybe you’re overinterpreting.”

  “I’m not. You haven’t seen the interview from this morning, but let me show you and you’ll see for yourself.” Sliding my fingers around, I found the latest interview with Hunter, which I’d already seen twice today.

  “Who’s she?” Solo asked and pointed to a woman standing next to Hunter.

  “That’s Emanuela. She’s one of the biggest soccer stars in the Motherlands. Ben has her as a client, remember?”

  Solo widened his eyes. “Is she the one who had to buy a puppy?”

  “Yes.” The woman was wearing sporty clothes with her hair up in a ponytail. I could tell that she was shorter than me because she only came to Hunter’s shoulder, but confidence oozed from her. “She’s a celebrity in the Motherlands and she’s the captain on Hunter’s new team.”

  “Fuck me. Did Hunter know that when he agreed to go?”

  “What do you mean? Why would that matter.”

  Solo chuckled. “Oh, trust me. It matters.”

  I started the video clip and shushed Solo when he wouldn’t stop chuckling.

  “Emanuela, it’s been two weeks since Hunter joined your team and you’re only a few weeks away from the new season starting. Are you happy with what he’s bringing to the team so far?”

  The woman hesitated a little before she spoke. “Hunter’s way of approaching the sport is different from what we’ve seen before and we’re still adjusting.”

  “Is it true that several of your players have complained that his style is too physical and aggressive?”

  She lowered her brow. “As I said, we’re still adjusting, and it might take a while to teach Hunter how to play a more sophisticated style of soccer.”

  Hunter shifted his weight from one foot to the other and looked down at her with a displeased frown.

  “See how troubled he looks?” I pointed to the screen.

  “Babe, that has nothing to do with our wedding. Didn’t you hear how she just insulted him? He’s pissed at his captain,” Solo argued.

  “No, but just listen.”

  We both focused on the screen, where the interviewer was now looking at Hunter.

  “How do you like living and working in the Motherlands? Have your teammates been welcoming to you?”

  “Uh-huh. The players have been great.” Hunter looked away. “Most of them anyway.”

  “And how is it for you to have a female coach and play for a mixed team? I assume that’s a new experience for you.”

  “Yup. Very new.”

  “But a positive one?”

  “As Esmeralda said, we’re all adjusting.” Hunter raised his chin in a greeting to someone passing them outside of camera range.

  I sighed and looked at Solo. “See, he looks like he can’t be bothered with the interview. That’s not like him at all. Where is the charming athlete that we know? It’s a façade, and I know he’s hurting underneath.”

  “Shit, you missed that. Go back.”

  “What’s is it?”

  “The thing she just said about names.” Solo pointed to the screen. “Damn, she might look small, but that woman is not to be messed with. She’s one fierce Motlander.”

  I went back in the clip to hear her response to Hunter’s last comment again.

  “As Esmeralda said, we’re all adjusting.”

  The small woman raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms before looking straight at the camera. “True; for example, Hunter isn’t used to being surrounded by women and it’s hard for him to learn our names. For some reason Emanuela sounds like Esmeralda to him.”

  Hunter shrugged. “They both start with an E and end with an A.”

  Emanuela rocked forward on her toes, making her look a little taller. “The good thing is that he can spell. Now we just have to teach him to play proper soccer.”

  Hunter put his hands down his pockets. “There’s nothing wrong with how I play soccer. If anything, I can teach you a lot.”

  “Did she just roll her eyes at him?” Solo gaped at the screen. “There, shit, she did it again.”

  I played the part again. “Oh wow, I’ve seen this interview already, but I never noticed that she rolled her eyes. Wow, she should be careful or someone might report her for improper communication again. Rolling your eyes at someone is rude.”

  Solo snorted. “Oh, come on, if anyone reports her they should go fuck themselves. Who is that lady anyway?” A grin grew on Solo’s face. “Motlanders are supposed to be sweet by nature, but she’s not taking any crap from him, is she?”

  “No.” I furrowed my brows. “I can see why she got in trouble before.”

  “I like her style.” Solo smiled.

  “I don’t. She doesn’t seem very nice to Hunter. I mean if she’s this rude to him in front of the camera, then how is she when they’re alone? He looks sad, Solo, and I worry about him.” I sighed. “We might have to postpone the ceremony. It means the world to me to have Hunter be part of it, and if he doesn’t answer soon I’m going down there to see him.”

  “He’ll answer.” Solo’s voice was serious. “Hunter loves you, Willow. We both do. And now that he’s stuck with that badass Motlander woman who’s giving him shit about his soccer style, he’ll need moral support. Just keep calling him and one day soon, he’ll pick up, I promise you.”

  “I hope you’re right, but I don’t want him to be with people who don’t treat him with kindness.”

  Solo picked a blade of grass and tickled my nose with it. “You don’t really think any Motlander can truly offend Hunter, do you? He’s a Northlander and an athlete. He’s used to taking huge piles of shit from coaches, other players, and fans. Trust me, her worst will be pure entertainment to him.”

  I squinted my eyes. “You think so?”

  “Guaranteed. I worry about her more.”


  Solo brushed his own nose with the straw as if he wanted to feel how it tickled. “Because Hunter is an angry mess and she clearly has no clue whom she’s dealing with. If she keeps poking him like that, she’s going to regret it. He’s not a sweet Motlander man.”

  “Don’t say that. Hunter is a good person. He would never hurt a woman.”

  “Of course not. But think about it, Willow. There’s nothing Hunter wants more than to be sent back to the Northlands. No one can blame him if playing in the Motherlands doesn’t work out. We all know that Motlanders are weird.”

  “We’re not weird.”

  “No, not all of you.” Solo pointed to the screen. “That lady is different. I think she might be my favorite Motlander.”

  “Heeey.” I pushed at his shoulder. “What about me?”

  “You don’t count.” Solo moved closer and when we were shoulder to shoulder, he l
eaned in and kissed me. “You’re a Northlander like me.”

  “Nice try, soldier, but just because I lived here for three years and my father was a Northlander doesn’t mean I’m not a Motlander. But apparently I’m not your favorite one.” I sulked.

  Solo opened his mouth to protest but then a smile grew on his face. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous of her?”

  “No. I just don’t appreciate you calling her your favorite when I’m right here. How would you like it I called Zasquash my favorite Northlander?”

  Solo wouldn’t stop smiling. “That is so cute. I love that you’re jealous.”

  “Answer my question. How would you like it if I called another man my favorite Northlander? I could pick Leo or Zasquash, you know.”

  “But you wouldn’t.” Solo was enjoying himself and bit my neck in a playful manner. “Zasquash is already way too cocky after Darlene said yes to marrying him. The last thing I need is for you to pump his ego further.” He picked at some grass and gave me another smile that melted me a bit. “Besides, there’s no comparison, if you ask me. You’re in your own category.”

  I gave him a skeptical pout.

  “You are!” Solo made his voice boom out loud. “Willow Darlington, you’re my all-time favorite person on the whole planet and I love you.”

  “Aww. Do you love me enough to consider the offer from Ben?”

  Solo groaned. “I’m not an actor.”

  “Neither am I, but doesn’t it sound exciting with a show about how it all started? Pearl says it could help the integration process. I really want to do it, Solo. We would get to work together and help create something that would make an impact on other people.”

  Solo rubbed his beard. “I don’t know, Willow. I think it’s weird, and I have no desire to become a celebrity.”

  “As long as we have our hideaway here in the forest we would be fine.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I mean the idea of traveling and the money they are offering appeals to me.”

  “Think about it this way. If I take the job and I play Christina or Laura on the show, they’ll have to find another actor to play the man I fall in love with. There might even be a scene where I have to kiss him. Would you want it to be you or someone else?”


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