Lily in Bloom

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Lily in Bloom Page 18

by Tammy Andresen

  “You cooked extra pie for Kurt? Where was my pie this afternoon?” Eric said looking, not put out, but pleased.

  She laughed in response and he gave her a small kiss on the cheek which made her blush.

  They soon left and returned to their room. As soon as they were back in the room, Eric began to kiss her neck.

  She playfully pushed him away. “Tell me what happened today.”

  “You mean like, a little cooking and sewing?” He gave her a one-sided smile.

  She looked sheepishly at her feet. “Sorry about that, I didn't know how you would react. My mother was always full of mischief. I seem to be growing more like her by the day.”

  “It's all right. Captain White is very good at strategy and we are trying to form plans for every scenario. We want to have a shell in place that will combat almost any set of circumstances.” Lily sat on the bed. Even after a day, she had begun to relax and feel safer. The reality of her situation, however, came crashing back to her.

  Eric sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I am going to keep you safe. I have a cousin who is a duke. If we have to, we'll head to England. There is nothing like a castle to keep you protected.”

  Lily laughed despite herself and she felt her spirits lift a little. “Toby would love a castle.”

  Eric kissed her forehead and pulled her into his lap. “I really mean it. I am not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She nestled close to him. “You told me that your work really suffered when you first married Caitlin. I'm afraid I am even worse!”

  He gave her a squeeze. “You’re worth it.”

  Lily woke the next morning feeling like she had never slept so well in her life. The sun was already high in the sky and Eric had left. She got up and dressed and headed to the galley for some breakfast and the start of her next project. She grabbed some shirts they had used on the trail and brought them with her out on to the deck.

  She greeted Cook and got to work. Lily boiled the shirts then took the large bag of feathers. She hung the shirts up to dry then found a shady spot on the deck and began the tedious process of going through the feathers. She had to find only the softest and most flexible feathers to use as stuffing and discard the larger ones. It took her most of the morning but by the time she was done, she had enough feathers for a decent-sized pillow.

  Just as Lily was about to leave for lunch, two of the sailors rushed up to her, one bleeding from his upper arm. “Ma’am, can ya stitch him? He's bleedin' real bad!”

  She stood up from her chair looking at Kurt, who had been keeping silent guard. “Can you find me some thread?”

  He nodded once and disappeared, returning with a bag of sewing supplies. She looked at him. “Captain got it when he heard there'd be a lady on the boat,” he said.

  Lily nodded, cut some thread and quickly threaded the needle. The sailor was bleeding heavily and time was of the essence. Her hand shook a little but she took a deep breath to calm herself then began to stitch him up as best she could. Lily tried to keep the stitches tight without hurting the man too much. When she had finally finished, she tore some strips from the shirts she had just cleaned and wrapped the man's arm.

  “Thank ya kindly, ma'am.” He was looking a little pale. She sat him down in her chair, then sent the other sailor to get some food for his friend.

  “You just sit and relax. He'll be back in a minute.” She patted his good arm. “Can I get you a drink of water?” She asked, unsure of what to do.

  “He'll be fine after a good night's sleep,” Kurt said, but his voice was gentle. She nodded, still patting the sailor's arm as she waited for the other man to return with some food.

  After she sent the injured man off to rest, Lily sat stuffing the feathers into the bag she had made from what was left of the shirts. She thought about starting the embroidery on the last seam but decided that her nerves were too shaken. She was horrible enough at embroidery without adding in extra distraction. She stood at the rail, Kurt beside her, watching the sun set.

  “It's so beautiful,” she sighed.

  “It's been a long time since I sat and watched the sun set.” He added as much to himself as to her.

  “Tomorrow, if you have something you want to do, I can just take my embroidery with me. It will take me a while.” She added, knowing how difficult it must be to stand behind her all day.

  “It's all right, this is practically a vacation. You talked a lot with the cook but you don't seem to need conversation. It's kind of nice to just stand and think my thoughts.” Kurt paused for a minute then added, “You're awfully kind to the men. Lots of women of your station wouldn't be so nice to common sailors.”

  She chuckled and he looked slightly offended so she added. “I am not laughing at you. My family has had very little money the last few years and I spend of a great deal of time doing chores that these sailors would turn their nose up at.”

  Kurt broke into a grin. “Ain't nothin' wrong with that, but I see your point.” They watched the sun set for a few more minutes in silence then Kurt added, “I didn't care for the last Missus much and I was expecting to not like you either, bein' so beautiful and all. I'm glad Mr. Sampson found a woman of quality who is not afraid of a little work.”

  Lily thanked him, knowing it was praise of the highest quality coming from a man who rarely shared his feelings.

  “What are you two chatting about?” Eric came up behind them, placing his arm around his wife.

  “I was just telling your new wife that I admire her work ethic and her character.” With that Kurt turned and left.

  “What on Earth did you do to him in two days? That is more words of praise then I have heard him utter in fifteen years.” Eric stood with his mouth slightly open, watching Kurt retreat.

  “I don't know,” Lily responded, slightly mystified. She tried to think of what she had done. “I stitched up a sailor today who cut his arm. Baked some pies. Sewed a sail. Oh, I am making a pillow.” She shrugged. It didn't seem to add up.

  “Well, I'll have to ask him tomorrow. For now, we are off to our room for dinner and bed.” He gave a crooked smile and the two headed for another night of bliss.


  THE DAYS ON THE SHIP passed quickly as the Anna Marie made deliveries down and then up the East Coast of America. Lily kept herself busy making her pillow. She wished several times that Elise was there to help her and frequently took breaks by helping Cook out in the kitchen, although she tried hard to just assist him rather than making any dishes as high profile as the pies. The men noticed the difference in the food anyway and there was talk among them that they should make a few additional stops before returning to Boston so as to delay the trip.

  Lily felt herself growing more apprehensive as they approached the Boston Harbor. She didn't want their time on the boat to end. Not only was she frightened about her kidnappers finding her again but she had a growing fear about rejoining society. Before they had left, Eric had been so distant. Since they had been away, they had grown closer and had established a relationship that Lily was coming to depend on. She wondered which couple they would be when they returned. She did not even know if he planned to announce their wedding or pretend like they were simply engaged. Would she live with her husband or go back with her brother? It was time to talk to Eric but it was not a conversation she relished.

  She sighed to herself. At least she would get to be with Toby and her family again.

  As evening approached, Lily felt herself growing more apprehensive and Kurt noticed her nervousness.

  “What's stuck in your craw?” He finally asked as they watched the sun go down.

  “I...” She paused unsure if she should confide in her husband's guard. She had grown to like Kurt but his loyalties were not to her.

  “Nervous about headin' into Boston?” Kurt asked and she nodded. “Can I ask you a question?” She nodded again. In the two weeks she had been on the boat, Kurt had not asked her to vol
unteer a single piece of information. “How did you convince Sampson to marry you? I woulda thought he would never marry another woman again after that she-devil. I mean, I can see why he picked you, you’re a cut above, but even with all your qualities, I didn't think it was a hurdle he'd ever clear.”

  Lily stood with her mouth agape. She knew it had been a rocky road for Eric but she hadn't put it together that he might have been scared off of marriage. A comment he had made about feeling too strongly about her to court her drifted back into the forefront of her mind. Could Eric have avoided her because he was frightened?

  “I don't know Kurt, to be honest. For a while he seemed to avoid me like the plague—at least most of the time.” Kurt chuckled, he knew what she meant. She remembered Eric stealing kisses when no one was looking. “But when Colonel Kingsley tried to make me his wife, I think it changed Eric's mind.”

  “Well, provided we all get out of this unscathed, you'll have to thank the Colonel.” Kurt chuckled and Lily suddenly burst out laughing. She hadn't thought of it that way but Kurt had a point.

  “What is so funny? In fifteen years, I don't think Kurt has ever made me laugh like that. Should I be worried about you two?” Eric came up behind them laughing as well.

  Lily gave her husband an angelic grin and excused herself for a moment to return to their room. She had finally finished the embroidery on the pillow. A painstaking process but she was proud of her work. She grabbed the pillow and headed back for the deck.

  As she came out with the pillow, Kurt smiled and looked at Eric. “She's been working on that thing for two weeks. If value were measured in hours spent, it'd be worth a fortune.” Eric raised his eyebrows. He knew who the pillow was actually for.

  Lily held the pillow out to Kurt. “I wanted to thank you for saving me and watching over me the past few weeks.”

  Kurt's face twisted into a tangled knot. Lily was suddenly afraid he was going to reject her gift. Maybe the other pillow was too special to be replaced. But he crushed the pillow to his chest.

  “How did you know about my pillow?” Kurt’s voice was rough.

  “Cook told me.” She answered softly then bit her lip.

  “My sister Annabelle made it for me before she passed on. When it was ruined…” He broke off. “Thank you.” Kurt practically stomped off the deck.

  “Did I do something to offend him?” Lily asked suddenly worried.

  “Not at all. You were perfect.” Eric hugged her close and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I wanted to talk to you before we docked,” she said, working up her courage. “When we arrive in Boston are we married or engaged?”

  Eric smiled slightly, kissing her temple. “If you think I am going to let you go back to your brother's house, while I sleep in bed alone, you are mistaken. Actually, I think I’ll move some or all of your family in temporarily to have as many men on hand as I can.”

  She smiled, suddenly feeling better about their relationship and what she could expect when they returned. It didn't seem as though things would return to the way they had been before her kidnapping. She had another question that had been nagging at the back of her mind.

  “What were you talking to Kathryn about when I was kidnapped?” She looked into his face as it darkened considerably.

  “You, of course. She said I was a fool to remarry and that you would bring me nothing but trouble. I wouldn't have listened to what she had to say except she told me she had information about Kingsley’s plan and that she could help me protect you. I should have known it was a trap. Both sisters have a gift when it comes to lying but I wanted to keep you safe and...” He stopped, squeezing her. “It was miscalculation that almost cost me you.”

  “Eric, you can't keep blaming yourself. It was out of your control.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I have one more question.” She took a deep breath and one of Eric's eyebrows arched at the build-up. “Why didn't you want to court me?” The hurt was evident in her voice, although she had tried to keep it out. She felt like she understood but for some reason it was important to hear an explanation from him.

  Eric stepped back from her and leaned against the rail and Lily wished she could take the question back. “I know I told you Caitlin had a great deal of public affairs. I didn't discuss the emotional manipulation, the lies, and the deceit that went with my marriage. I promised myself I would never play another woman's fool. I planned to remarry again, only to provide a mother for Toby. I wanted someone I could remain emotionally detached from. From the first moment I met you, it was obvious you were different from Caitlin. And every time I saw you, you proved how different you were, but I just couldn't bring myself to trust my feelings again. I knew I couldn't remain detached from you.”

  He stood up and hugged her again. She wrapped her arms around him, glad that she asked. “Why did you change your mind?”

  “Well, you are difficult to resist. Those eyes, those lips and, God, the honey hair. I already told you that I dream about the way you smell. And all those men were swarming around you and I kept thinking, she is going to be someone else's wife, he is going to hold her every night and she is going to have his children and there I will be with a woman I don't care about.”

  “You thought about me?” Her delight was apparent in her voice. “I thought for sure you didn't care about me at all.”

  “How could you think that? Of course, the Colonel's interference pushed things along. I am not sure how long it would have taken me otherwise. Although, after our night in the study, I was pretty close to caving. I knew what I was missing. Every time I could get you alone, I couldn't keep my hands off of you.” Eric squeezed her again. “Still can't.”

  Lily crinkled her nose. “But you never called. I assumed you weren't interested. And here I spent three years daydreaming about you.”

  “You did, huh?” He looked down at her, his eyes darkening with desire and she felt her own pulse quicken. “I think it is time for us to head to our room, Mrs. Sampson.” Lily smiled back at her husband, her heart full. It was satisfying to know he had always wanted her. One of these days, she would muster the courage to tell him how much she loved him. In the meantime, this was enough. As they turned to leave, the lookout sharply called.

  “Ship on the starboard bow!”

  Kurt reappeared in an instant and Eric kissed her hard on the lips then let go of her as Kurt took her arm. “Be safe. Listen to Kurt.” He turned to join the Captain. She wanted to call out that she loved him; that she would always love him. But words failed her and Kurt was steadily propelling her below deck. As they entered the cargo area, Kurt began to whisper instructions to her.

  “We're hiding you in a cargo crate. There are supplies in there, air holes and a chamber pot. If anyone comes down to the cargo area, do not put your eye up to the hole, they'll see ya. Stay at least a foot back. Do not move. Keep your mouth covered with your hand, it'll keep ya from accidentally screaming. Whatever happens, do not give yourself away. You'll defeat the whole purpose of hidin' ya. I'm gonna close you in. Whatever you do, don't let ‘em know where ya are.”

  “Do you think the ship is dangerous?” Lily was growing more worried.

  “Well could be just another vessel but they have clearly set an intercept course.” Steering her behind a crate, Kurt place her inside a good sized box, then began nailing it closed. “Remember what I said. No matter what happens, don't give yourself away.”

  Kurt finished nailing the box closed then whispered, “I'll be right over there.” With that, he walked away and Lily sat in the dark crate. She made a mental note to start asking her husband more questions and let him distract her less. She would like to be prepared for these situations when they arose rather than surprised.

  They sat for what seemed like hours but then she heard voices drifting down from the ship’s deck. She could only see a small portion of Kurt's knee out of one of the holes in the front of the box but she could hear everything.

��re not fooling me, Sampson. I know she is on this boat.” Lily distinctly heard Colonel Kingsley's voice. A chill ran down her spine.

  Eric paused, then said casually, “She isn't on the boat. She left with her brother. Could be anywhere by now.”

  “You are lying and we will turn this boat upside down to find her if we have to,” the Colonel yelled.

  “We don't let pirates raid our ship,” she heard Kurt's voice taunt the Colonel.

  Eric stopped directly in her line of sight and she covered her eyes as Kurt directed. She couldn’t help herself, and she peeked through her fingers. “Where is your warrant? Last time I checked you couldn't just take cargo or people off a ship without one.” Eric shrugged, looking unconcerned.

  Colonel Kingsley turned back to Eric. “Still have your muscle around, I see. I won't need a warrant when I tell the General you are hiding runaway slaves on this ship.”

  “But what will he say when he hears of all your outstanding warrants?” Eric smirked and the Colonel suddenly drew a gun and pointed it at Eric's chest. Lily gasped into her hand and was suddenly thankful of Kurt's direction to cover it. She briefly considered pounding on the crate to distract Kingsley but remembered Kurt's instructions. How could she just sit in this crate and watch her husband be shot? Eric, meanwhile, continued to look unconcerned, even bored, and hadn't even flinched. Kurt suddenly stepped into her view with a gun at Kingsley's back.

  “I wouldn't fire if I were you,” Kurt said in a low growl.

  She heard several other hammers on other guns click back and she knew that everyone she couldn't see had also drawn their guns. What she didn't know was how many men were there and which side they were on.

  “I told ya she's alive.” Lily clearly heard Slim's voice and her blood ran ice cold. “Tracker's responsible. He probably hid her.”

  Another familiar voice rang in her ears. “She wasn't with them when I met them on the trail. Maybe Tracker helped her meet up with them later,” Lieutenant Colonel Andrews added, sounding slightly nervous. Clearly, he was trying to cover his mistake.


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