Lily in Bloom

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Lily in Bloom Page 21

by Tammy Andresen

  Lily did not know what to say. It was very gratifying to hear, but she wasn't sure Mrs. Sampson was right. “Thank you. I appreciate your kind words and support. I...I love them more than anything.” She answered honestly and Mrs. Sampson squeezed her hand before she departed.

  The sun began to set in sky but Lily sat pondering Mrs. Sampson's words. She wanted so badly to believe that Eric loved her, that she was as important to him as he was to her. She had lost track of time when another figure approached. In the sun, she would have sworn it was Eric. The broad set of his shoulders, the particular way that he moved. She smiled with her whole heart and stood to greet her husband.

  “No wonder my brother is so crazy about you. That is quite a smile.” Lily instantly realized her mistake. It was Chris, not Eric, who approached. She sat down again, blushing with embarrassment.

  “I'm sorry, I thought you were Eric.” She floundered, unsure of what to say.

  “No harm in smiling, although I knew you must have thought I was him. I have to warn you, Nate looks even more like him than I do.” Chris smiled an amazing smile of his own.

  “I don't believe it,” Lily shook her head. “I must be careful who I smile at.” Chris chuckled in return.

  “I'm glad you and my brother are so happy. After Caitlin, I thought he might give up. It's nice to see him in love again.” Chris stretched out relaxed but Lily felt her whole body tense. This was the second family member who had mentioned love.

  “I thought your mother told me you were opposed to love or is it just marriage?” Lily was not usually so forthright and she bit her lip at her words but Chris only smirked.

  “My mother would think so but I am not opposed to either. I'm just waiting for the right girl. When I do meet her, I'm sure I'll act as crazy as my brother.” Chris glanced at her but stopped to stare and she realized she must look pained. “What's wrong?”

  “I just... I didn't think our marriage... why do you think he's in love?” Lily finally just asked the question directly.

  “Why, do you not feel that way?” Chris sat up looking stunned.

  “Of course I do. I just didn't think...” Her voice trailed off.

  Chris suddenly rolled his eyes. “The man can't keep his hands or his eyes off you. He's been up and down the Eastern seaboard to protect you. He spends every waking hour attempting to keep you safe. If he were any more in love, I think he might keel over and die. Why wouldn't you think he was in love?”

  “He seemed to court everyone but me and he only married me to save my reputation.” She wasn't sure if it was pregnancy that had her answering so honestly, but she couldn't seem to stop herself from saying exactly what was on her mind.

  Chris laughed long and hard until tears ran down his face and Lily began to get annoyed. She stood to leave but Chris pulled her down. “Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sure Eric is having a difficult time sharing his feelings because of his first wife but sometimes I am amazed at how absurd he can be. I am sure, once all of this is behind you, he will be very open about his feelings. But you have to know that they are there.”

  Lily said goodbye to Chris, her head full of what he had said. Kurt escorted her inside, it was time to get ready for the ball. Eric was waiting for her.

  “There you are. I expected to find you sleeping.” He smiled at her she did not return it. She had something she wanted to say.

  “Eric, I just want you to know, I love you and I am so glad we've...” He interrupted her before she could finish.

  “Nothing is happening to you. I won't let it.” He gave her a squeeze then let her go as a soft knock came at the door. Her maid had arrived to help her get ready for the ball.

  The entourage of carriages pulled out of the Sampson home and made their way the short distance to the home of Senator Graham. Lily was to claim she had hurt her ankle so as not to dance with any one and never be parted with her family. She understood the need but Lily rather liked dancing and was sure this was going to be a tedious night. They entered the ballroom and worked their way through the crowd.

  It was mid-August and the heat of the night, coupled with the mass of people, made it incredibly hot. Lily felt herself getting dizzy and nauseous and prayed she would not be sick in the middle of a crowded room. She turned to tell Eric she needed to leave when a figure squeezed his way through the crowd and grabbed her arm.

  “So nice to see you again, Mrs. Sampson. It has been too long.” Lieutenant Colonel Andrews smiled, his eyes running up and down her in a way that made her extremely uncomfortable. “You are even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  Eric's hand clamped over the Lieutenant Colonel's. “What do you want?” His voice came out in a low growl.

  “Just to ask your wife to dance.” Andrews sneered at the word wife.

  “Lily is not dancing tonight. She has hurt her ankle.” Eric leaned closer to the other man. “Besides, I don't let her dance with kidnappers.”

  “You have me all wrong. I thought I was saving the Colonel's niece. If I had known what a criminal he was...” Andrews shrugged his shoulders as if to emphasize his innocence.

  James had come up on her other side and she heard him snort. “Please, no one is buying it.”

  The crowd was extremely thick pressing all of them together. While they were surrounded by people, no one was listening or had any idea what was going on.

  “Precisely. Now, if you will excuse us.” Eric lifted Andrews’s hand off Lily’s arm and spun her to his other side. The Lieutenant Colonel nodded with a smirk then melted into the crowd, but Lily knew that was not the last they would be seeing of him.

  Lily and Eric made a quick circle of the party, speaking with a few people and nodding to several other acquaintances. Amazingly, it took almost two hours to complete and Lily was exhausted by the end. Everyone was tense and Lily breathed a sigh of relief when they left the ball.

  “Thank God that is over!” Lily climbed into the carriage and plopped herself onto a seat.

  Eric chuckled at her statement then slid next to her. “I hope it is. I am trying to figure out what the Lieutenant Colonel's end game was in approaching us but I don't know what it is yet. I'm afraid what might happen next.”

  Lily sat up straighter, a knot of fear twisting in her stomach. It was a short ride home and she felt the tension building until they finally reached the drive to their home. Eric seemed to relax somewhat until they approached the front door to see it wide open. Lily swallowed a gasp as Eric hissed to her.

  “Stay in the carriage!” He jumped out and bolted up the front steps into foyer. James followed close behind, Chris and Tom directly after James.

  Kurt climbed into the open door and drew a pistol, shutting the door behind him. “Don't worry. I'm just gonna stay with ya until Mr. Sampson gives the okay.”

  She nodded as they sat and wait for what was only a few minutes but felt like hours. Finally Eric returned looking pale and visibly shaken. “Toby is gone.”

  “What?” She gasped, feeling the color drain from her face.

  “He's been kidnapped. Two of the servants are dead and three more were bound and gagged. They headed north. James says the trail is extremely clear. They didn't try to hide it like with you. They want us to follow.” Eric shuddered and Lily wrapped her arms around him tears falling from her eyes.

  “Go.” She nodded as she said the words. Her heart felt like it was breaking into a thousand pieces.

  “But, I can't leave you unprotected. James is going to...” He stopped his face contorted with pain.

  “Kurt will stay with me. I'll be fine. You go.” Kurt nodded but Eric shook his head.

  “What if this was the plan. We all chase after Toby and they take you. I have to think clearly here.” Eric raked his fingers through his hair.

  “Eric, Toby is more important. Kurt can take care of me. You have to go. Remember... I love you.” She kissed him and he held her for a moment.

  “I love you too.” He kissed her again then ran for the stables.<
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  Kurt gently nudged her, “We should get inside.”

  She followed behind him but her thoughts were filled with her husband. She had waited so long to hear those words but now she realized she would trade them for a second to have Toby and Eric back safely. Her stomach knotted in fear.

  Lily entered the house, followed by Elise and Eric's mother, and she saw firsthand the destruction that had been caused. The butler, normally so composed, was still being untied on the floor while furniture had been destroyed and paintings torn down from the walls in the foyer. Lily wondered if any other rooms had been vandalized.

  Lily turned to Elise. “Kindly make some tea for everyone. We need to put this place back together before Eric and Toby return.” She could say one thing. For the first time since entering Eric's home, she felt like she had a purpose here.

  They spent an hour removing broken furniture and paintings and sweeping up the mess. It looked better, although replacement furnishings would have to be found. Lily turned to the housekeeper. “Are there any other rooms?”

  The housekeeper nodded. “The library is the worst, and Mr. Sampson's study.”

  Lily felt her shoulders droop but straightened her spine.

  Mrs. Sampson cleared her throat. “Perhaps we should change into something more suitable.”

  Lily looked down and realized they were still wearing their ball gowns. She chuckled. “Good idea. We will meet back down here in half an hour.” She started up the stairs and toward her room, Kurt behind her.

  Kurt entered the room first and searched it before allowing her to enter. “I'll be just outside, and I plan on leaving the door open a crack. Hope that's all right?”

  She nodded and Kurt stepped out as a servant stepped in to help her undress. She put on a simple day dress that was much more practical for cleaning and moving furniture. She reached into her top drawer and pulled out a small knife, tucking it into the sleeve of her gown. Lily sat down to have her hair undone and braided when a movement caught her eye in the corner of the mirror. She motioned for the woman to stop. Lily turned to see what had moved when a hand shot out and covered her mouth while the maid disappeared from view. She reached to pull the hand away when another arm closed around her like a vice, knocking the chair over. Her capturer swung her around and she could see the open window where he must have entered and relief washed through her. Kurt would hear the noise and come to her aid. But as he spun her the rest of the way around, she saw Kurt being wrestled to the floor and tied up by three men. A sick dread filled her stomach and all she could think was—not again.


  LILY STOPPED FIGHTING. It was futile and it used up her energy. This time she was going to be smart. She knew that Tracker was not behind her and she was not safe. The question was, who was her captor? Kurt looked at her and she tried to say with her eyes that she was calm. He seemed to read her message.

  “Twice in one night, what a treat, Miss Carter.” Lily clearly recognized the voice of the Lieutenant Colonel and she felt herself grow more relaxed. She was relieved that it was not Colonel Kingsley. His reference to her maiden name was not lost on her but she hoped that with Andrews she might be able to get some information. She smiled under the hand that was covering her mouth and forced her body to relax.

  “I'm going to uncover your mouth. You can scream but no one is coming to your aid.” She nodded as the arm holding her torso shifted so he had both of arms trapped under his one. He nodded to two of the men and said, “You and you may go.” They exited out the door. Lily assumed they had been there to subdue any servants who might have come to investigate. There remained only the Lieutenant Colonel and one other soldier.

  The hand holding her mouth slowly lifted and he stroked her cheek then began to touch her hair. She took a deep breath to try and stay relaxed. She wanted to shiver with revulsion but she forced it down. It was time to play her part.

  “How nice to see you again, Lieutenant Colonel Andrews. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Lily turned her head slightly and gave him the most winning smile she had. She thought of her mother and Amelia and the flirtation lessons that Elise had given her.

  She batted her eyelashes and Andrews gave her a lopsided grin.

  “Well, ma'am, I'm here to take you to your husband. Your new husband that is.” He shrugged, drinking her in with his eyes. He was obviously attracted to either her inheritance or her beauty. Most likely it was both, but Lily was going to play it to her advantage.

  “You don't strike me as a cruel man. Why would you do this to me?” She looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to be her savior, and he smiled in return.

  “Unfortunately, we need your property to operate our business and bring it to the next level.” Andrews frowned slightly.

  “But does it have to be him? He frightens me.” She squeezed his arm for effect. She glanced at Kurt and he nodded his assent, ever so slightly. He agreed with her plan.

  “I tried to convince him that I was the better choice but he wanted to marry you and I...” He stopped talking, frowning.

  “But you are so much younger, more handsome, and more suitable as a husband. Why let the Colonel decide? Shouldn't we make the decision?” She smiled again and he touched her cheek. She could see his head leaning toward hers. She closed her eyes and pictured Eric. She was doing this for him and for Toby.

  His lips felt revolting but she forced herself to kiss back with enthusiasm and she felt his breath quickening. He turned her around, crushing her to his body and Lily felt fear rising in her chest but she forced it back down. She had to do this.

  He lifted up his head. She could see the uncertainty in his eyes and she smiled, again wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don't want to marry him. I want you.”

  All the uncertainty vanished in his eyes. Lily could have rolled her own. Andrews might be the vainest man she had ever met and he was willing to believe her because she was feeding into his vanity. He kissed her again and then lifted his head. “We'll have to kill him.”

  Lily felt panic rise in her chest. Was he talking about Eric or Toby? “Who?” Her confusion and fear showed momentarily and he frowned.

  “The Colonel, of course!” He looked uncertain again, and he was staring at her suspiciously. Lily tried to cover her tracks.

  “Slim, too.” She smiled hoping it would reassure him. “He'll try to kill both of us as soon as our backs our turned.”

  Andrews returned her smile and nodded. Lily breathed a sigh of relief. “We'll pretend that I am dropping you off to him but we'll ambush him instead. I don't need him anymore. I can run the business myself.”

  This next part she had to do very delicately. She didn't want to arouse any suspicion. “How many men does the Colonel have with him?”

  Andrews thought for a moment. “A fair number but I am hoping that your current husband takes care of several of them before we arrive. He is trying to recover his son?”

  Lily was unsure if she should divulge Eric's plans but she glanced quickly at Kurt who gave a small nod yes.

  “Yes. He is.” Lily kept her voice calm but it was inside she was shaking with fear.

  “Excellent. Two birds, one stone.” Lily felt herself go pale but she kept her head down and said nothing. She didn't have to ask what he meant. He was planning on killing Eric. He didn't notice her reaction because he was gathering a few of her things from around the room.

  “I have a bag in the closet. Should I get it?” She asked smiling sweetly. He gave her a long look—clearly he did not completely trust her—then shook his head.

  “Allow me.” He bowed then walked over to the closet. She took two steps toward him, which also put Kurt by her feet. The other soldier was watching his commanding officer and Lily slipped the knife from her sleeve and bent ever so slightly to put it in Kurt's reach. They had tied his hands in front of him and in a flash the small knife disappeared into his large hands. Lily could already see him working at the knots.

came out of the closet and Lily herself began gathering a few articles that she tossed hastily in the bag. It didn't matter what she brought. Lily only wanted to give Kurt the opportunity to cut himself loose and follow. She knew it was safer if she stayed at home, but she was in it now and she had to help her husband and the boy she now considered her son.

  “Ready?” Andrews asked. Lily nodded hesitantly. Her plan was working but she felt a sudden knot of fear at what she was about to do. She pushed down the fear, took Andrews’s hand and he led her to the window.

  It was amazing, maybe five soldiers materialized and began filing down the ladder from her window. It was more difficult for her, with her petticoat on but Andrews seemed to wait patiently. She hoped Kurt had cut his knots.

  They quickly left Eric's property and crept down some side streets until they reached the horses. She looked back once and could have sworn she saw someone following, but then the shadow was gone again. Lily bit her lip. She hoped she wasn't alone.

  Andrews helped her onto a horse then climbed behind her, snuggling her into him. She felt nothing but revulsion but allowed herself to be moved into him. “We are going to be king and queen of a great empire. Kingsley has been holding me back. With your dowry and my knowledge, we will make a fortune!” It was clear why she was so easily able to persuade him to turn on his partner. He had already wanted to do it. Andrews hoped that Eric killed Kingsley but Lily's hope was that Andrews and Kingsley destroyed each other before her husband got involved. She said a prayer for herself and Toby as they left the city limits. She hoped she could find Toby and protect him.

  After half an hour Andrews pulled up in a clearing. She let out a sigh of relief. She was not sure she could stand anymore of his self-grandeur. He had talked of nothing besides how successful he was going to be and how good he was going to look with her on his arm. It was astounding one man could be so in love with himself.


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