Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI Page 37

by Alexander Gordon


  “How could you think like that?” Triska demanded loudly. “Dammit, Kitten! Your life has meaning and value on its own! You can’t think so little of yourself like that!”

  ‘My life has meaning and value thanks to you,’ Kitten corrected looking at her with saddened eyes. Triska froze with a stunned expression as the demon had a few tears dropping from her cheek. ‘Thanks to you giving me a chance I have a wonderful master. I have someone precious in my life now. I have a home. And… I have you.’


  ‘I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you,’ Kitten whimpered closing her eyes again. ‘You showed me mercy after I behaved just like those two demons and you even allowed me to live inside you knowing what I was. My master may have forgiven me afterwards, but it was you who let me live and be with him, who let me have this life. I can’t thank you enough for that.’


  ‘And for the record all of this shit I’m saying now is also something you can’t tell my master about!’ Kitten shouted in her mind while turning her head away, as if that would keep Triska from knowing she was breaking down into tears. ‘I mean it, Triska! You say a fucking word about any of this to him or anyone else and I’ll make you pay!’

  “Kitten,” Triska thought softly. “Thank you for saying all that. I didn’t know you felt that way about me.”

  ‘Just… keep it to yourself, okay?’

  “I will. I promise.”

  ‘Good,’ Kitten grunted as she slowly sat up, a strained groan escaping her throat as she wavered slightly while feeling lightheaded. ‘I need to hold onto what pride I have left. Dammit, that bitch really did a number on me.’

  “Oh god,” Triska mourned. “Your… our ribs are broken. And that looks like a lot of blood you coughed up. This is really bad.”

  ‘It’s not the end of the world,’ Kitten sighed as she held a hand over her chest. A cerulean glow slowly lit up from her palm and bathed her skin, electing small rolling wisps of blue cinders that washed over her bruises and broken bones. ‘We’re not in a human body anymore, remember? This is the body of a monster, a succubus even. We can recover from this.’

  “You can fix all this tonight with your magic?”

  ‘No, not all of it. After that beating I hardly have anything left in me to use. But I don’t intend to stay out here any longer than I have to. As soon as I can fly again we’re heading straight back to my master. Hopefully those two winged rats didn’t come across him or the others before we met them.’

  “They said they didn’t know what happened to Ruhelia,” Triska recalled. “If that’s true then they didn’t go anywhere near that place.”

  ‘Yeah, if they were telling the truth,’ Kitten retorted before cringing as one of her ribs snapped back into place. ‘Still, I think you’re right. At least I hope you are. My master would have been in grave danger if they found him.’

  “That reminds me,” Triska said as she appeared before the demon and sat down with her. “You mentioned they weren’t like you before. What did you mean? Is that just because they’re full-fledged succubi and you’re… um… not?”

  ‘No, that’s not what I meant. And thank you for attempting, and failing, to tiptoe around that sensitive subject with me,” Kitten sighed. She watched the blue light and rolling wisps of fire move along her chest and up towards her face where she felt a slightly numbing sensation covering her head.

  “Then what was different about them?” Triska asked.

  ‘Those markings they had,’ Kitten recalled with a serious expression coming over her. ‘Those emblems that were on them, those were demonic blessings. Charms bestowed upon them by a demon lord from hell.’

  “What are you talking about?” Triska nervously said. “A demon lord from hell? How would you know anything about that?”

  ‘I didn’t come into this world with only knowing how to fuck a man, Triska. My soul came from hell, and with it knowledge of many things from that place. Magical rituals and spells, familiarity with how to walk and fly in this body, and fluency with demonic language and meaning. The tattoos Arixis had on her belly, the embroidery on Kryelle’s dress, those were put there not by an iron or needle but instead a demon lord. I could see it in them, those words they donned were unholy in mere presence.’

  “The words they donned?”

  ‘The emblems on Arixis stood for pain. The ones on Kryelle, they stood for lust. Pain and lust, Triska. Those are their demonic blessings.’

  “What does that mean? What do demonic blessings do?”

  ‘They act as amplifiers,’ Kitten explained as she wiped blood off her chest. ‘Kryelle’s control and influence with lust is vastly increased. Her charming spells would be even stronger than normal and from those she influences with her magic she’ll bolster her own power at the same time. And Arixis, Kryelle said it herself. She loves causing pain. I bet she’s got a hell of a tolerance for it now, not to mention with every wound she inflicts on others she’ll get stronger herself. After what she did to me she was probably boosted to the strength of a minotaur at the very least.’

  “Demonic blessings,” Triska repeated as she remembered the markings on the two succubi. “And these are given by…”

  ‘A demon lord,’ Kitten cursed in anger. ‘Perhaps you and my master have read about them. To humans they’re known as a beelzebub. Sound familiar?’

  “Beelzebub. No, I don’t remember Daniel writing anything down in his book about that one.”

  ‘Darker Ones by far. They come from hell itself into the world, not often but more than we want, and not to breed but instead feed. They love anguish, sorrow, death, suffering, anger. All the negative emotions you can think of, they feed upon them like parasites. And if one of them is around here then we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.’

  “Do you think this Darker One is responsible for Ruhelia’s destruction?”

  ‘That I can’t say, but I can say if one is lurking about in this land then we’re going to have more trouble coming our way,’ Kitten assured before she started to stand up. She cringed and held an arm around her chest, a strained gasp being made while her wings twitched behind her.

  “You’re still hurt,” Triska warned. “Even with your magic helping you’re still not in any shape to fly, let alone stand just yet.”

  ‘I’m well enough to fly,’ Kitten argued shaking her head. ‘And I can’t tire myself out further by spending more energy to heal myself. I don’t care if I’m in pain, I need to go make sure my master is safe. More could be coming soon.’

  “More what? Succubi? Beelzebubs?”

  ‘No, just monsters,’ Kitten explained before flapping her wings, slowly taking off into the air while struggling to hold in her scream as her demonic extensions still ached severely along with her back. ‘Beelzebubs… they want to cause as much widespread chaos as they can, they live off of sheer anarchy surrounding them. If one of them is here in the region it’ll draw in more monsters from around it, that’s how they work. They use monsters as their pawns and sit back while engorging themselves on the destruction they cause for them.’

  “Whoa whoa whoa!” Triska called out. “Wait a second here. Are you saying that they’re like monster bait?”

  ‘Essentially, yes. They use their charms to lure monsters towards them, and relish in the chaos they cause from running into others along the way. So if there is one here in Koskaysil that means we’re going to be seeing a LOT more monsters coming our way very soon.’

  “We need to tell Daniel. We have to warn him!”

  ‘I know that! I’m trying to get us home right now! In case you’ve already forgotten I’m wounded here!’

  “Can you make it back? We’re pretty far off from the campsite.”

  ‘I’ll get us there,’ Kitten wearily replied while flying off-balance for a moment. ‘As fast as I can. Just… remember what I said, Triska.’

  “A demon lord with two super-strong succubi followers co
uld be bringing an army of monsters down upon us at any moment. Kind of hard to forget, Kitten.”

  ‘No! I meant with not telling my master about how that fucking cunt made me meow like a goddamned pussycat!’

  “I won’t tell him, I promise!” Triska exclaimed. She paused for a moment then spoke up again. “Though just to clarify, you are always meowing like a cat at Daniel yourself because you like it.”

  ‘I’m his kitten, not that bitch’s!’ Kitten screamed in her mind. ‘His, nobody else’s! Nobody else gets to make me meow like that but him! Do you understand me?’

  “Okay, fine. I won’t say a word about what she made you do. Just please try to get us home quickly. All this talk about demons has me freaked out for everyone’s safety. And… oh god, Kroanette. She’s still lost out here somewhere. What if those succubi find her? Or the beelzebub? Or what if other monsters-”

  ‘Triska, shut up! The fat cow is likely just fine! Knowing her she’s probably running in circles in some random, uninhabited forest! Have some faith that she’ll be okay and focus on telling my master what the hell happened out here because I’m betting I’m going to pass out the moment I reach the campsite!’

  “Alright… I’ll try to have faith she’ll be okay. I suppose that’s all I can do for her now. And stop calling her a fat cow.”

  Kitten flew off high above The Outerlands while holding an arm around her chest, staggering now and again in her flight as she struggled to push her remaining strength to its limit and get them back to Daniel and the others as fast as she could. While on the verge of dropping out of the sky from fatigue or possibly collapsing from internal injuries Kitten thought about the two succubi who not only hinted at the danger of a beelzebub possibly hiding nearby but also were the cause of her pain, both physical and emotional, that night. Something that brought a frustrated glare to her face that helped mask the suffering she was going through.

  ‘Next time we meet, Kryelle, you and your friend are going to die. Nobody touches my master’s pet kitten but him.’


  Flying through the night sky Kryelle and Arixis continued on side by side, with the more lustful succubus seeming to be thinking of something with a sly grin on her face while her companion was growling with an obvious temper that she was barely containing.

  “I can still smell her on me,” Arixis snarled before shaking her hands about as if to throw the scent off her. “That lowlife bitch. Why couldn’t I just kill her and be done with it? I wanted to break more of her bones and rip her flesh apart. And what were you talking about with her anyway? It pisses me off that you did that. Hey, are you listening?”

  “You know, my dear,” Kryelle commented with a playful glance to her. “Ever since you received our queen’s blessing your speech and etiquette have… degenerated rather abruptly. Please don’t become a simpleminded woman with only a penchant for inflicting discomfort onto others as you’re only reputable trait.”

  “My… what now?” Arixis confusedly asked her. “My pendant for doing what? I have a pendant?”

  “My dear Arixis,” Kryelle sighed. “You’re lucky you’re cute still.”

  “Stop trying to change the subject with all your words!” Arixis shouted shaking her arms in a fit. “What were you talking to her about? Why couldn’t we just kill her? She needs to die. She’s stinks and she’s that traitor’s stupid offspring.”

  “For one thing it’s not her fault she is how she is,” Kryelle answered with a shrug. “Katie was the one who sacrificed her senses for her foolish crusade against us. She was the one who refused to join us and become something better. And she was the one who failed to raise her offspring in a proper manner. Poor Kitten, she never had a chance to become like us. She was wronged by her own mother from the start and lost so much because of it. You can’t condemn her for that.”

  “Well… maybe,” Arixis grumbled looking down.

  “And then there’s the fact that a human enslaved Kitten afterwards,” Kryelle empathized. “I’m not sure how it could have happened, but it seems she failed in killing her first victim and lost even more of herself in the process. Honestly, Arixis, you should feel sorry for her. She’s a human’s plaything now. That despicable man can use her for whatever idiotic purpose he can manage to come up with. That girl deserves better in life. Much better than what’s been given to her.”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Arixis sighed. “If I was a human’s bitch I’d kill myself to be free.”

  “You wouldn’t be able to; you’d be charmed into thinking you wanted to be his, just as she has. The poor girl, she has no idea that she wants to be free on the inside, she actually thinks she’s happier being his pet. I do wish we could help her.”

  “We could find the man that’s keeping her prisoner,” Arixis suggested. “I could kill him. I really could.”

  “I’m sure you could, however the question remains as to where he might be. Unfortunately we don’t have time to go searching for this lowly meatsack, despite how much I would enjoy raping him to death with my own hips. We must return to our queen at once with the good news we found. I’m afraid we’ll have to hold onto hope that Kitten will manage somehow until fate is kinder towards us and presents an opportunity to free her from her enslavement.”

  “Poor bitch,” Arixis said shaking her head. “She’s going to stink so bad until we do.”

  “Indeed. Perhaps our queen would be so kind as to help us find her pathetic master. Should we free her from his clutches and help her become stronger in this world then maybe she’ll see common sense unlike her mother and join us under our queen’s rightful rule.”

  “What if she refuses like her mom did?”

  “That’s alright,” Kryelle chuckled with a cold smile. “Either she joins us as a fellow sister, or she can become my personal pet. I’m honestly fine with either outcome.”

  “You like her, don’t you?” Arixis growled.

  “Oh, are you jealous?” Kryelle cooed with a sultry smile at her. She flew underneath her companion to soar below while reaching up and pulling the succubus into her arms. “You’re so cute when you get flustered. But you should know that nobody can replace you in my eyes.”

  “You mean it?” Arixis worried while flapping her wings still. “You still like me?”

  “I would never lie to you,” Kryelle softly promised as she held Arixis by the waist and her neck. Slowly she ran her fingers across her skin, trailing violet wisps of light behind them while suddenly Arixis locked up with a stunned gasp. A mere moment later she moaned heavily with a flushed face as overwhelming pleasure streaked through her body like lightning. Flipping them around Kryelle then held Arixis close with her tail wrapping around her legs, it and her arms then cradling below her the screaming demon as she climaxed again and again with overflowing excitement dripping from her thighs. Her wings twitched and fell limp just as her tail did while her hips bucked again and again as she felt her inner nature spiking dramatically. Kryelle chuckled as she easily carried her friend who was unable to speak at all between her constant orgasms, the crimson-eyed demon then looking forward as she held Arixis close with a hungry purr.

  “That’s it, my dear. Let your lust consume you. Feel the pleasure I can give you. As great as you may think it is, it’s nothing to the power you give me in return.”

  A dark violet wave of energy rippled from her wings behind her as she flew even faster through the sky, her strength and stamina receiving a powerful boost from Arixis who lost herself in her companion’s magical influence once again.

  “Though I must say,” Kryelle continued, holding Arixis against her bosom and muffling her screams. “As cute as you are at my mercy, I still can’t wait to have Kitten meowing like an obedient pet for me again. Ohhh… I do hope she defies my queen. Then I can make her mine and mine alone, for all time.”

  Chapter 11

  The Unexpected Friend

  In the world of Eden there were monsters known as arachne, a terrifying mixture of beautiful
women and dangerous spiders. They were known to be very sadistic creatures of lust, enjoying the acts of torturing and raping the men they caught in their webs while having a penchant for eating them afterwards when they’ve had their fun. The mere sight of these giant spiders was enough to raise alarm with nearly anyone, especially with the cruel smiles they most commonly donned. From humans to even other monsters, these eight legged vixens would play with and devour any they wanted without remorse.

  To meet one that behaved otherwise was as rare as finding hidden treasure.


  Slowly Kroanette opened her eyes, a muffled groan barely escaping her gag of sticky spider webbing that remained firm over her mouth. The morning sunlight cast a powerful glare in her vision, something that also brought an uncomfortable grunt from the centaur before she snapped to her senses. Her legs were bound to her body just as her arms were below her chest, the realization that she was lying on the ground with webbing tying her down being made as well as seeing that she was far from being alone that morning.

  Nobody noticed she was awake yet. The massive ogre leaning against a broken tree further away was sleeping with drool dropping down her breasts and belly onto the grass. Two trolls were sitting on a log next to Kroanette, the monsters not yet seeing that she was awake out of the corner of their eyes as they were more focused on what was before them. A pair of arachne were sitting atop a web of their silk above between a few trees nearby, the monsters looking down at something with amused chuckles while skittering about to get different viewing angles. Kroanette then turned her eyes to the center of the camp before seeing something that didn’t really shock as much as it did disgust her.

  “It’s just like they said,” a gremlin laughed as she bounced atop the lap of a naked man, the human’s legs and hands tied to stakes to keep him pinned to the ground below her. “Human men get hard almost every morning in their sleep. I didn’t think such a ridiculous thing would be true.”


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