The Space Marshal's Captive

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The Space Marshal's Captive Page 16

by Jaye Peaches

  He rocked his hips back and forth, sliding his rod along the groove of her rough tongue. His cock swelled, growing bigger until she spluttered. He didn’t much care for gagging, not when it made her eyes water. He eased back and dipped his swollen glans in and out of her mouth, letting the pre-cum coat her tongue.

  “Stick it out further,” he ordered, ramping up the quality of his voice.

  Jade did as she was told and he raked his cock along her tongue until his slit rested on the pink tip. She coiled it around, tickling him. The delicacy of her touch was glorious, light and sensitive. The more she tickled, the greater the torment.

  “Fuck, girl,” he growled. “Keep that up and I’ll spank you again.”

  She giggled before opening her mouth wider and swallowed his cock, sucking her cheeks in tight. It was a long fuck, longer than usual and he kept her there, neither coming in her mouth nor easing up with the thrusts. Bending his knees, he spread his legs wider and lowered himself deeper into her throat. Now, she took it without gagging. The sensation was incredible and worth the wait. She’d progressed to a new level of cock worshipping.

  Withdrawing, he stopped. He’d rather come in her pussy. He offered her a cup of water, which she greedily downed in a few gulps.

  What now? Everything. Slow, fast; hard, gentle. He’d a repertoire to explore and even the heat of the jungle couldn’t hold him back. He started with a degree of roughness, not too much, but sufficiently energetic. He had an appetite, a wonderful empowering hunger and her malleable body was ready for him. Pushing her onto her back, he spread her legs and speared her, opening her up with one encompassing thrust of his cock.

  The rhythm was set with the swing of his hips and he varied the timing and the vigor so he could savor the friction as she tensed in discomfort, then offer relief with a gentler nudge when necessary. Pain was part of pleasure; he’d witnessed that conundrum with his own eyes many times and he’d learned to recognize when to push harder and when to stop. She, his gorgeous Jade, was the best he’d ever seen for enduring his playful side. He added extra sensations by teasing her nipples, tweaking them with his fingers or cupping her breasts and squeezing gently until she moaned. He planted elbows on either side of her head and buried his face in her ebony hair, slamming into her hard while delighting in the fragrant scent of her warm skin.

  Her pussy obeyed him, and he commanded her to come, which she did with a jerk of her limbs. She thrashed her head from side to side as he continued to fuck her, feeling the strength of her orgasm and then she went floppy, drifting away with half-opened eyes. He woke her by trailing his fingers along her neck and breasts, which were stained with the rouge of a flush.

  Mason remained locked inside her, his cock as hard as an Ixzar blue diamond. He’d slowed his pace, and now, ready to finish, he arched his back and angled his erection so that it filled her completely. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably and he propped them on his shoulders, anchoring her there as he swayed back and forth, lifting her bottom off the matting.

  Red ass. Wet pussy. Swollen pink lips. He loved seeing that triad in combination.

  “Please, sir,” she murmured. “Please let me come again.”

  “Wait,” he ordered, sensing his balls tightening further. “I’m close,” he panted.

  The precise moment he gave the command, she erupted with another display of writhing spasms, a long-held breath, and a deep sigh of satisfaction. He joined her, feeling the load shoot out explosively.

  Nothing was more important than those minutes after coming, when he held her and caressed her shivering skin.

  “Good girl,” he whispered.

  She used his chest as a pillow and dozed. When she stirred, bleary-eyed, she draped a blanket over both of them. The night air had suddenly dropped in temperature and a refreshing breeze was blowing across the clearing.

  “That,” she said softly, “was fantastic. Kind of life-affirming.”

  He chuckled. “I get that. Like a roar in my heart. You don’t know how good it feels to fuck you like that. I didn’t hurt you?”

  “No,” she giggled. “Well, not really.”

  He swept her hair out of her eyes. No longer sleepy, she stared back at him, observing him carefully. What was she thinking?

  “Tomorrow I’m going to get Krul, you’re staying here.”

  A moment’s hesitation before she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “If you follow me—”

  “I won’t.”

  “Good, because it’s got to be this way, Jade.”

  She rolled on top of him, belly to belly, beating hearts pressed side by side and he felt the rhythm of hers through his chest. In seconds, she was sleeping.

  Mason draped his arms over his lover and wished he could keep her there forever, bound to him and safe in his embrace. He was prepared to give up so much for her: his ties to Ixzar, his loyalty to his Stratum, and his duties as a marshal, all of these things were subservient to his wish to be with Jade. How had it come to this? His solitary life sacrificed for an alien woman whose submission was willingly given to him, and only him. She would never surrender to another man; Mason had tamed her spirited nature and only he could lay claim to her. That was a certainty among all the unknowns of the future.

  There were no guarantees he would catch Krul or survive their meeting. If Jade stayed with the villagers, they would look after her, comfort her if things went badly. It was a pity they were primitive and the planet so damn hot, because otherwise, it was tempting to stay. With that bizarre thought in mind, he fell asleep.

  * * *

  A shout went up around the village—the hunting party had been spotted returning.

  Jade ran out of the hut, where she’d been helping the women prepare food and shaded her eyes from the sun. Her pulse raced as she waited for them to emerge from the trees. The boys who had been on lookout were jumping up and down on the spot, excited by their news.

  She wished she could understand their language; the youths were speaking rapidly to the older men, who’d remained behind in the village. The women had kept Jade busy with humble tasks, but it had been hard to concentrate. She’d smiled a great deal and drawn many sand pictures to try to explain where she came from. It had been futile as the natives had little understanding of anything beyond their own experiences of life in the jungle.

  Mason had left early in the morning with his band of warriors, all armed with spears and bows. It was an odd sight—a space marshal and nearly naked team of forest dwellers. It would be funny if it wasn’t for the fact Mason faced great danger.

  She spied movement along the path and walking toward her was the chief and some of his men. There was no sign of Mason. The men looked so serious she couldn’t gauge whether the mission was a success or not.

  Another figure emerged from the shadows of the trees. He hung his head and dragged his feet, swaying from side to side. He was bound with makeshift rope and a length of twine trailed behind him like a leash. She didn’t recognize him, but it was obvious who he was—his skin was green, hairless, and partially covered in an overall matching the color of his scales. The lizard man had been captured and given his wobbly gait, Krul was stupefied and in a trance.

  It took forever for Mason to appear, but when she saw him, her heart skipped a beat. He held the end of the rope in his hand and a gun in the other. Along the length of his arm was a gash and he’d a fresh bruise on his cheekbone. Jade wanted to run into his arms, make sure he was really okay. However, Krul was between them, acting like a barrier.

  The women whooped for joy as they circled the lizard man. They chanted, swayed, and clapped their hands. Jade wanted to join in but her attention was fixed on Mason. When he smiled at her, her heart soared and all the anxieties of the last few hours died in an instant.

  The men tied Krul to the post of a hut and ringed him with guards. Mason checked the bindings and only then put down his gun to embrace Jade.

  “You’ve been gone ages,” she complained. There had be
en no way to communicate with him; he carried the only device. Every hour had felt like a lifetime.

  “Not really,” he grinned, running his hands up and down her back.

  “Tell me everything.”

  He sat in the shade and she brought him food and drink. When he was ready, he wiped his mouth and told her how he’d captured his last fugitive. She listened enthralled as he spoke of their trek to the vast river.

  “Huge, Jade. No man could swim across it.”

  “Was he there by the river?” she asked.

  “We couldn’t see him, but we did spot the two bounty hunters and as we suspected, they’d traveled a different route.”

  “They saw you?” The bounty hunters hadn’t arrived in the village. Their fate was unknown to her.

  “They were too busy arguing to notice anyone, which was their downfall.”

  “You guessed they would fall out over Krul.”

  Mason grinned. “Not Krul. Fish. Can you believe it, they were arguing over how to cook fish. They squabbled so much they didn’t see him creep up behind and knock their heads together. If I wasn’t after Krul, I would have given him a round of applause.” Mason swallowed a mouthful of water from a beaker.

  Jade pictured the scene. Two bounty hunters accustomed to life in space trying to cook fish. The lizard man creeping up behind them, threatened by their arrival and dispatching them with stealth. Speed wasn’t necessary when your skin blended into the foliage. The man was a chameleon. “So how did you get him?”

  “While Krul was busy attacking them, we stormed the shoreline where they’d lit a small fire. The men bravely fired their arrows, which bounced off his scales, but that didn’t put them off. The surprise was enough for me to get close enough to stun him. It needed a few shots to penetrate that tough exterior.” Mason examined the long gash on his arm. “He didn’t go down easily. Punched me in the face, too.”

  “I can see. Does it hurt? I should clean the wound.” She edged closer to him and tenderly touched his arm.

  Mason shook his head. “Nope. It’s fine. One of the men, a healer of some kind, patched me up. The jungle is full of natural medicines. It’s clean and will heal.”

  “Good,” she said simply. “So he’s stupefied, too?”

  “Yes. Krul is totally under it and very compliant. His scales might protect him, but his brain is susceptible to drugs like any other man.” Mason lay back and rested.

  “The bounty hunters?” He’d not mentioned their fate.

  “Left them there. They’ll have sore heads, but they’ll live.”

  Jade snuggled up to him. “What now?”

  “Will Callo’s ship take off?” he asked.

  “Yes. I don’t see why not.”

  “You’ll have us it to return to Titan while I take Krul in the Steadfast. There’s not enough room for three of us.”

  “It will be a pity to leave this place. I quite like it.” If it wasn’t for the stress of waiting for Mason, she would have enjoyed the time better.

  “True. But, now that I have all my fugitives, I’m keen to get back to Novador and get rid of them.”

  Jade chewed her lip. “And me?” she asked quietly.

  “I’m not keen to lose you, but it’s necessary.” He sighed, puffing out his lips. “I can’t take you with me. Or Stealth. It would raise too many questions. You’ll have to go home to Malimor.”

  “But, they’ll arrest me for unauthorized travel.” Then there were her parents—would they welcome her back?

  “It’s a minor infringement of their migratory laws. One absconding, hardly a hardened criminal. And, if you hand yourself in, that will work in your favor. You’ll probably get bailed until the trial; by then I’ll be back to help you.”

  Her stomach churned with anxiety. “What about the other offenses? The arrest warrant for smuggling?”

  Mason scratched the stubble on his chin. It had grown quickly and formed a dusting along his jaw and upper lip. She quite liked the new version of Mason: bare chested, slightly untidy, and glowing with perspiration. Parting from him would be unbearable.

  “It’s a federal warrant. You never actually delivered the cargo to Kalamar, so it could be argued that it wasn’t smuggling. There are grounds for appealing the warrant. Malimor can halt an extradition if you file a protest.”

  It would all take time and there were no guarantees that they would be reunited.

  “Don’t cry,” he said softly as the tears limped down her cheeks. “I will come and find you. I promise.”

  “I know,” she blubbered. “I’m just worried that things will go wrong and you won’t be able to.”

  Mason fell silent. She’d hit upon something beyond both of their control—the mighty Federation and its intransigent rules.

  Chapter Thirteen

  One more day before they parted. It would be their third separation and the hardest and longest to endure. Nothing would prepare her for the emptiness that would fill her when they parted company, although Mason had worked hard to reassure her and keep her occupied.

  She tidied the workbench and admired the pristine space she’d created in the engineering bay. She’d done everything she could to ensure that Titan was in the best condition for the final stage of its journey to Novador, one she wouldn’t witness. Tomorrow, the ship would dock on Malimor’s orbiting spaceport and she would disembark, hand herself over to the authorities, and say goodbye to Mason.

  Since they’d left Kathamu the days had sped by in a blur. She’d often found herself gazing out of the flight deck windows watching the way space folded before the ship, propelling it forward at amazing speeds, but she hated the technology because it took them closer to Malimor and to the endpoint of her adventure with Mason. If she wasn’t so determined to keep Mason happy, she would have sabotaged the ship and had it limp its way to Malimor at the slowest possible speed. But, as Mason often liked to remark, she was a good girl. He’d not punished her since Kathamu.

  The lights dimmed as she left the room, signaling the end of her duties. It was rest time and she automatically headed to the sleeping quarters. She stripped off and showered, taking the time to polish her skin into a radiant glow and ensure she was smooth in the right places. Her figure had improved, which was remarkable considering the limited space on Titan. She put it down to regular exercise, Mason’s insistence on eating sensibly, and her busy maintenance schedule. She admired her firm breasts and neat hips in the mirror as the drier blasted her with warm air. Satisfied her hair was tidy and her breath freshened, she prepared herself for his imminent arrival. There was no need to dress again.

  She positioned herself opposite the door and knelt. A few deep breaths calmed her excitement, especially the familiar fluttering in her belly. It never ceased to amaze her how much she yearned for all flavors of his dominance.

  Mason was rarely late and within a few minutes of her settling into the appropriate pose, he arrived.

  “All done?” he asked, nonchalantly leaning back on the wall, inspecting her with a satisfied smile. With all three of his fugitives contained in stasis, Mason had no more restless nights wondering how to capture them. He’d accomplished what he set out to do.

  “Everything finished, sir,” she replied promptly. “Guess you’ll be wanting to make absolutely sure everything is in order,” she added, a smattering of sarcasm in her tone, just enough to make him smile.

  She tracked her gaze across his body, from his boots to his sturdy thighs, then up to his narrow hips and square shoulders. The stubble on his chin came and went, according to his mood; either way he was scrumptious to behold with his expressive eyes and their polar brightness. He hitched his shirt over his head and afforded her the perfect view of his tattoos. His cock bulged in his pants—the outline of his phallus pressed against the fabric. With his head cocked to one side, he appeared to enjoying her, too; his eyes sparkled in the lights, intensifying as he watched her slide her legs farther apart.

  “Lie on the bed,” he said. �
��Bottom up.”

  “Oh,” she pouted. She’d not done a thing wrong in days. However, it wasn’t as if she hated being spanked; quite the contrary, it was fun when the mood was right.

  “Everything’s fine, sweetheart,” he reassured.

  Relieved, she clambered onto the bed. He ringed her ankles with his hands, spreading her legs wider. A rush of adrenaline stoked her, gifting her a lush pussy and a thrumming pulse in her clitoris.

  “I want you to pretend you’re a virgin once again. All those new sensations rippling through your body. Wanting it so badly,” he said huskily.

  Recapturing a lost moment, one that wasn’t that special, might seem a strange request at first, but the more she thought upon it, the more her excitement grew. Mason wanted her to forget her past and embrace her innocence once again.

  “Yes,” she gasped as he stroked his hands along her calves, gradually working up her legs. He was mapping out her body, touching every morsel of her, as if he was making notes. Mason was memorizing her in every detail.

  He massaged her thighs with strong fingers, working his thumbs into the crease at the top, where her flesh softened into her buttocks. The progress was tantalizingly slow and seductive. He followed his hands with kisses, trailing them along her hips and spine, along the blades of her shoulders and the nape of her neck.

  Instinctively, she spread her arms out, as if pinioned to the four corners of the bed. She was reenacting her first fantasy, imagining those bonds holding her still and her virgin pussy waiting to be plundered.

  Mason eased his body over hers, cloaking her with his warm flesh. His steely cock tucked itself in the groove of her ass and he rocked it there, teasing her with the bulb. When he reached out and gripped her wrists, an explosion of tingles erupted all over her body and she tensed.

  He entered her pussy so slowly she wondered where he found the willpower to hold himself in check. She remembered her role, the diminutive little virgin being fucked and whimpered appropriately.


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