Heart of the Gods

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Heart of the Gods Page 9

by Valerie Douglas

  It was a short transcript of the burial of a priest of Osiris, just a piece of text that might have been a story but the slight difference in accounts moved the possible location of the beginning of the journey to the tomb, one that hinted they’d used a corner of the fort as one reference, the other the entry.

  “If the fort was the starting point, it could make a great deal of difference,” Ky said, excitement rising.

  “The landmarks will have changed a great deal in the time since this was written,” Raissa cautioned. “Three thousand years is a long time.”

  “Yes,” he said, “but with different accounts, we can triangulate, narrow it down.”

  With a new direction in which to look―an error of cubits translating into miles of distance―he could do some plotting, some triangulation. Perhaps define an entirely new search area, away from Karl Brunner―and his male/female bias.

  He could have kissed her and almost did but once again caught himself, too aware of eyes on them.

  There was a knock at the door, which, after their incident in the souk, was closed and locked for once.

  Looking at them all, worriedly, Komi said, “I will get it, Professor…”

  His expression nervous, unsettled, his speech even more halting, Komi returned quickly. His tone was hesitant, careful.

  “There is a policeman here,” he whispered, “An Inspector Hassan.”

  “It’s all right, Komi,” Ky said, laying a hand on his shoulder as he went by. “Don’t worry.”

  An act that was difficult for Komi. He came from Togo, a country ruled by a dictator not known for his patience. A policeman at the door was not a good sign.

  Ky glanced at Raissa.

  She nodded, snatching up the abaya to disappear into the bathroom.

  The man waiting inside the door was Egyptian, of medium height but solidly built, his face square, stolid, his eyes dark, still and watchful.

  “Inspector Hassan?” Ky said, quietly. “My apologies, come in, please.”

  The Inspector nodded. “Thank you.”

  He looked at Ky as he followed him into the central part of the room, his face impassive.

  “Can I get you anything, Inspector?” Ky said, “There is coffee, not American style but Turkish…?”

  Slowly, the Inspector shook his head.

  “You should know that there has been a complaint,” he said, “over an incident in the souk a few hours ago.”

  “Were there damages?” Ky asked. “If so, although we didn’t start the fight I’ll be glad to pay for anything that was damaged.”

  With a shrug, the Inspector said, “There were no damages,” as he wandered the room, looking at everything. Looking for something. “At least none that we have heard, there is only the…disturbance…and that was enough.”

  Ky waited, his eyes on the Inspector. His chest tightened at the finality in the Inspector’s words, his phrasing.

  There was more to it than that and he knew it, he could see it in the Inspector’s eyes.

  Not that it mattered.

  “You are being asked to leave…”

  The words struck Ky like a blow…leave? Just when they were getting close… His heart sank.

  “Leave? Why,” Ky demanded, forcing his voice to remain even. “We were the ones who were attacked. Not them.”

  The Inspector’s face was impassive. “You are a provocation. No charges will be filed if you go. Quietly.”

  “Charges,” Ky asked. “What charges?”

  The man looked at him. “Does it matter? You would be jailed until it is settled. It will take some time to fight them.”


  It was clear the Inspector wouldn’t be moved.

  “Who can I talk to about this?”

  The black eyes met his. “There is no one. I was sent to tell you what the decision was. But you may try if you like.”

  “How soon?”

  The Inspector looked at him. “Immediately. By noon tomorrow at the latest.”

  “Noon!” Ky protested.

  It was impossible. They’d have to pack up everything overnight.

  Someone wanted him off the site and out of town.

  Well, he knew someone he could talk to about that but he’d have to fly to Cairo to do it.

  In the meantime, the site was open.

  The site he’d found.

  Everyone was staring, astonished and appalled.

  “Tomorrow?” Komi protested. “We can’t be ready by tomorrow...”

  The inspector looked at him. “Anything you don’t take with you will be confiscated.”

  Raissa’s could only stand in the other room listening in shock, her throat tight. In the morning they would all be gone. It was over… She was surprised by how much the idea pained her. She wouldn’t see them again―Ryan with his wry sense of humor, tough John, sweet and gentle Komi.


  “Thank you, Inspector,” Ky said, his tone heavily laced with irony.

  He had no choice.

  Inclining his head politely, the Inspector left.

  Letting out a breath, Ky looked around and saw Raissa’s pale face as she stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes watching him with resignation.

  “You’re coming with us,” he said.

  She started to speak and he waved it away.

  “Pack what you need tonight,” he said, “Meet us here in the morning.”

  Relief flooded her as the ache in her chest eased.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  Dropping a hand on her shoulder, he looked at her steadily.

  The thought of losing her, of not having her around every day…

  Whether he could touch her any more than this or not, he couldn’t let her go, not yet.

  “I’m sure,” he said.

  Her blue eyes searched his and whatever she saw in them reassured her. He felt the muscles beneath his hands relax. She nodded.

  “All right, boys and girl,” he said, with a grim smile, clapping his hands, “let’s get packing.”

  It wasn’t just a turn of phrase.

  Outside, the sun was low on the horizon by the time they were done. The room around them was filled with every box and storage container that John and Komi, especially Komi now, could get their hands on, every precious artifact carefully packed. There was still individual packing to do but there was little time left in the day to do that.

  Raissa looked at the sun.

  “It’s getting late,” she said, reluctantly, “I have to go.”

  The rich amber light of late afternoon filled the suite.

  Frowning a little, Ky said, “Stay here tonight. I can sleep on the couch. Whatever you need we’ll buy in Cairo.”

  He’d been thinking about it while they packed.

  He didn’t like the idea of her returning at this hour under these circumstances and in this atmosphere. She was vulnerable, a convenient target for the bullies. That was another reason he wanted her to go to Cairo with them, he was worried about the repercussions. She would be alone here, defenseless despite all he’d seen of her capabilities, in a place where women had no place and even less recourse.

  What would happen after the whole thing was over and the Tomb was found he didn’t know, that was months if not years away, but what he did know was that for the time being he would keep her safe.

  For a moment she hesitated then finally she sighed and looked at him.

  Raissa shook her head. “I won’t kick you out of your bed, Professor. I can sleep on the couch.”

  “You aren’t,” he said.

  Folding her arms, she settled herself and looked at him, lifting an eyebrow and eyeing him.

  “I’m shorter, I’ll fit the couch much better than you with those long legs.”

  Ryan was watching the byplay with some amusement.

  She was debating with him. Ky almost laughed. Contrary woman. The thought of her stretched out asleep on the couch when John or even Ryan returned to the rooms in the mor
ning, though, was enough to banish the thoughts whispering through his mind.

  “You’ll sleep in the bedroom,” he said, firmly. “I’ll manage.”

  His stubbornness surprised her.

  Then he glanced from Ryan to John, apparently casually and she understood.

  She gave him a look in return, amused, a smile twitching her lips. “Well, if you insist.”

  Giving her a look back, he said, smiling, “I do.”

  “All right.”

  She bit her lip as she gave him a considering look, before she asked almost plaintively, eyebrows lifted in entreaty, “Can I use the shower, too?”

  Warm water, soap, the thought was nearly orgasmic…

  Raissa sighed, her eyes fluttering at just the thought of being really and truly clean. When the function of the little room had been explained to her a part of her had thought it a profligate waste of water, while another part had longed for it with an intensity that astonished her.

  She looked at Ky, Professor Farrar, half afraid that he would say no.

  The thought of her in his shower, wet and naked, made Ky’s throat lock for a moment. He quickly he recovered himself and changed his expression.

  Even so…

  “Yes, you can use the shower,” he said, amused at her expression.

  Relief and anticipation shot through her. Raissa was across the floor in a heartbeat.

  She gave a quick look to Ryan even as she stopped suddenly, turned back to Ky, threw her arms around him his neck to pull his head down to hers to kiss him, quick, full and hard on the lips, every inch of her lithe and limber body plastered against him.

  In the next second, she was gone, disappearing around the door to the bathroom.

  Startled, he just had time to slide his hands from her shoulders to her hips before she spun away, gave him a quick brilliant glance over her shoulder and disappeared into his bedroom through the door from the suite.

  Every cell of his body seemed to have gone hot and hard.

  He smiled, tasting her still on his mouth, the impression of her body against his still vibrating through him.

  If he’d known it was that easy to get a kiss…

  He looked at Ryan. Who grinned.

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about,” he said. “Forget your lame honky shit, boss, I’d be all over that.”

  Taking a deep breath, Ky couldn’t argue the point.

  Except he wasn’t Ryan…and Raissa was his employee, he reminded himself. As young as some of his grad students, beautiful, sexy…and maddening.

  “I’ll be right out,” he said.

  Ryan looked at him. “Sure you will.”

  To his regret, Ky knew he would be.

  Stepping into the room, he gathered up the clothes from the chairs where he’d flung them carelessly to air and grabbed his toiletry kit before his eyes wandered to the shower stall through the open bathroom door.

  Raissa was in there, the water pouring over her hair, the brief frosted glass door both concealing and revealing her incredible body. He could see just a shadow of high firm breasts, tight abdomen and firm bottom. Her hands slid over her skin, lathered it…

  His whole body went hot and hard.

  She was his employee, he reminded himself, again.

  And again.

  Then there was the memory of the bruise on her face from where the turk in the square had struck her.

  For a second his vision went dark and he took a breath, sparing one last look as she tipped her head back to let the water stream over her hair once more and then he stepped out of the room.

  Raissa turned. She felt a presence in the room beyond. Had she heard the door close?

  She looked but there was no one there.

  A little disappointed, she stepped out of the shower and then glanced in the mirror at the darkening bruise on her cheek. There was another over her ribs. She sighed. They ached.

  But it felt so good to be clean she sighed with pleasure.

  And there was a bed.

  With a grin, she threw herself on it. It had been so long since she slept on anything like it. The memory pierced her, tightened her throat but she fought it away, wallowing in the luxury of the bed…and fell asleep sprawled on the coverlet, curled around one of the pillows. It smelled like Ky, the musky scent of healthy male and she smiled.

  That was how Ky found her when he went in to check on her, the dim light from the other room falling across her sprawled and lovely body…asleep. Completely naked, her hair in a brilliant spray across the pillows and bed, her arms curled around his pillow. Her breasts were partly hidden by her arms, leaving only the curve of one visible but the rest of her, the smooth curves and lines of her back…

  She was beautiful, her bottom as tight as he’d imagined, her shapely legs sprawled and that hint of a breast, rounded, full…his body tightened…

  The urge to touch her, to run a hand over that silken skin, golden in the pale light of the lamp, was nearly irresistible, to push her back on the pillows, to devour her…

  Ky took a breath and drew a corner of the coverlet over her to keep her warm. Nights in the desert could be cool.

  His mouth was dry as he caught one last glimpse of her lovely body before letting the coverlet drift over her, snagging the spare pillow for himself and stepped quietly out.

  It was a long time before he slept.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ky was asleep when he heard a faint sound. He reacted instantly out of habit and training. He realized only a second too late who it was that slipped quietly through pre-dawn light of the living room of the suite wearing one of his t-shirts before he caught her wrist and yanked her toward him.

  She yelped softly as he caught her in his arms.

  He was wearing only his shorts, not anticipating a nearly pre-dawn snack raid.

  Smiling, he knew that was exactly what it had been. She’d fallen asleep before dinner had been delivered and he hadn’t wanted to wake her just to eat. Like the others, she’d worked hard. Unlike the others, she’d gone toe to toe with their assailants. He thought she deserved the rest. If she awakened, he would have ordered more food if it had been necessary but there was plenty left over.

  Just the thought brought back the memory of her fluid grace as she fought, the abaya flowing with each movement.

  For some reason he found the memory incredibly arousing, as he did her slender body against his.

  He looked down into wide, startled blue eyes, at her soft mouth as she gasped, caught off-guard for once.

  There was little more than thin cotton between them.

  Raissa suddenly found herself pressed against a naked, beautifully muscled and very attractive male. Involuntarily she skimmed her hands across the smooth hard muscles of his chest, over his tawny skin as a strong arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She swallowed hard, her vision darkening with desire. She’d been hungry for one thing when she awakened, prowling for the remains of the food she could smell on the tray but now she was hungry for something else entirely.

  Her breath shuddered in her chest.

  Raissa’s breath caught at the look in his eyes and a yearning pierced her, the intensity of her desire drawing her eyes to his mouth involuntarily, to that full bottom lip. The desire to nibble on it…to suck on it…made her dizzy.

  Her mouth went dry.

  Ky’s eyes were drawn to the thin strap of one of his t-shirts, too large for her by far, falling down her shoulder and revealing the ripe full curve of her breasts. The thin cotton barely clung to them, only that thin scrap of cloth hiding what he hadn’t yet seen. And wanted to, desperately.

  He bit back a groan, fighting the nearly overwhelming desire to see that last bit of fabric drop away, he was far too aware of her hips now pressed against his and the hardness of him against her firm belly.

  Then he looked into her face, at the mass of her sleep-tousled hair tumbled around her fine features, those fascinating blue eyes looking at him with growing awareness as sh
e came more awake and recovered from her own surprise.

  Her lips parted, the bruise on her cheek barely visible in the soft, pearlescent pre-dawn light.

  He wanted her, now, and badly, his body going hot and tight and hard.

  A breath escaped her, her eyelids fluttered as her gaze locked on his mouth.

  Slowly, Ky lowered his to hers, just a brush, a taste as he tightened his arms around her, as her mouth responded to his, moved beneath it, opened for him. Avidly, hungrily, he took it and she met him as desperately, her own mouth hungry beneath his. He felt her hands slide into his hair to draw his head down to seal his mouth more tightly against hers. A small sound escaped her as he tightened his arms around her.

  At last…was all Raissa could think, all she wanted to know.

  His mouth felt wonderful on hers, the taste of him, clean and clear, she drowned in it as she combed her fingers, finally, deep into his thick dark hair.

  That firm hard body felt even better against her. It had been so long since she’d been touched, since she’d been held.

  His arms closed around her.

  Ky slid down his hands down her back to press her against him, to feel her full breasts against his chest, as her body seemed to melt into his, turn fluid against him as their tongues met, dueled, tasted. It fueled the fire within, stoked it until it was burning hot and wild. She sucked lightly on his tongue and he groaned as her hips shifted against him. He slid his hands down to her bottom, cupped the tight, firm globes in his hands, pressed her against his aching hardness.

  He wanted her…had wanted her from the beginning, from the first moment he saw her.

  Taking a handful of her hair he held her immobile as he brushed his mouth over the satiny skin of her cheek, to nibble on her earlobe as pleasure made her quiver. Heat roared through him as he brushed his fingers over the fullness of one breast, felt the nipple harden beneath the thin cotton.

  Raissa trembled as she felt the touch.

  Someone knocked at the door.

  “Professor Farrar?”

  The waiter, with breakfast. They were leaving this morning.

  Both of them looked at the door.

  Ky swore softly, steadily and inventively…and then looked down at Raissa, still trapped in his arms.


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