Heart of the Gods

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Heart of the Gods Page 34

by Valerie Douglas

  “Two can play at that,” he said.

  Gathering her hair in his hand he set her down, he held her mouth just away from his throat and stripped the remains of her dress away up over her head. It had taken a beating in the last few hours. He went hot and hard in an instant at the sight of her.

  “Raissa,” he breathed…

  He’d never get used to that.

  She was beautiful, from her high full breasts to her slender waist and her lovely legs. The tight bottom he remembered so fondly. His mouth practically watered to taste those breasts. Then he paused, his fingers brushing lightly just above her breast where her heart would have been. There was something new there, a small stylized golden tattoo of a lion.

  Raissa laid her hand over his.

  “Alu,” she said, softly. “So he’s always with me.”

  It probably wasn’t time to point out that he had a matching tattoo.

  Ky brushed his mouth the figure, in thanks. He felt her jolt and looked up into her face to see her eyelids flutter with pleasure. Those blue eyes heated, turned hungry as her breath caught. She licked her lips slowly, the tip of her tongue skimming her lengthening fangs.

  He smiled.

  It was so sexy to look at her like this, when she was so hungry for him in so many ways, when her teeth were long enough to brush her bottom lip. With all they’d been through, she had to be hungry. Very hungry. His body grew hard and tight.

  It seemed that she was. She bit that full lower lip lightly.

  He kissed her, ran his tongue over those sharp, sharp teeth and she sighed, purred in the back of her throat and kissed him back. Heat burned through him. Need.

  And a hunger of his own.

  With a smile, he brushed his lips lightly over the steady beat in her throat, felt her quiver. His smile broadened.

  Not yet. He sighed. Soon though. His mouth watered and heat rushed through him like a tide as he traced a path over her breast with his tongue, tasted her.

  Raissa was already at work on the buttons to his tattered shirt, pushed it back to reveal the tight muscles of his chest. She ran her hands over them, down, her thumbs brushing over his tight abs.

  His free hand skimmed over her body. His other hand he kept in her hair, teasing her, teasing them both, just letting her mouth come close enough to his own throat to torment them both, her teeth scraping over his skin. It was driving her just about mad.

  As it did him.

  Watching her body writhe liquidly while he tormented her, Ky slid his hand over her bottom, cupped her, his fingers just brushing her moist heat as she jolted at the touch.

  Her fingers dropped to his jeans, worked the button free, clearly distracted.

  Ky felt the brush of her teeth on his throat, pulled her head back to give her a gentle warning look, saw the fire dance in her blue eyes and realized it had been a feint as her hand closed around him. He groaned. Fair was fair. He slid a finger deep into her hot depths. She clenched around him, so tight, with a soft moan of her own. His vision hazed as her mouth moved lightly just above his throat and she flicked her tongue across him to taste him, lapped at him as she stroked him with little grunts and growls of need and pleasure.

  It was more than he could take.

  In the next instant he had her down on the nearest patch of grass and thrust up inside her, burying himself in her tight heat. He thrust hard and deep to feel himself all the way inside her. She mewed, a little sound of need, of pleasure, a small whine of desperation. Her hips bucked against him to pleasure them both.

  More, again and deeper, those hips demanded.

  He held her mouth just away from his throat as her hips pumped, let the glory and pleasure build inside her, the hunger and the need.

  Hot, her mouth was so hot, her teeth just scraped his skin, her tongue licked and lapped at him, tasting him.

  Thrusting deep, the pleasure building, he wallowed in her, relished the feel of her firm breasts against him, her tightness around him.

  Ky released her hair and her mouth brushed over his skin, closed on him warmly, her teeth pricked.

  Raissa breathed the taste of him in through her mouth as he thrust inside her, pulsed within her, throbbing. She tasted his growing pleasure on his skin and then her teeth penetrated, sank in and the first hot gush of his blood hit her mouth. She groaned with pleasure as she came.

  The feel of her teeth piercing him as that soft groan vibrated against his skin and her body clenched around him shattered Ky’s control. His body went tight, his pleasure seemed to go on forever as she drank from him, as he spilled into her while her mouth drew on him. He exploded inside her, filled her, gushed into her. He shuddered, the glory of it racing through him seemingly endlessly as she fed, her body quivering against his.

  Raissa drowned in him. He tasted incredible, especially when he came, his pleasure effervescent, glorious, so wonderful.

  With a sigh, she lapped lightly at his throat, before she settled her head on his shoulder, her body sprawled across him as he rolled over.

  “Does that answer your question?” she asked.

  He sighed, tightened his arms around her, and smiled. “I think so, pretty thoroughly, yes.”

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Looking out over the garden Raissa could only shake her head at the bustle and busyness. There was a whole archaeological team here from the Egyptian museum, photographing, measuring and examining as they were at Banafrit’s tomb. Her hand rested on Nebi’s pillar. The tattoo stirred. Alu. He was still with her. As were the others in their own way. They were hers and she was theirs and they wouldn’t pass until she did.

  There was also the chance she might need them someday.

  The archeologists poured over every inch of the tombs. Every inch but one.

  The Tomb of the Djinn itself. On that Tareq had been adamant, the Tomb was not to be opened. Ever. Whatever might be found in there was nothing as to the damage that would occur to the doors and the precious gem that sealed them if they attempted to open them.

  No one noticed that the Horn had disappeared.

  What Tareq noticed was the strange mark in the palm of his hand, shaped oddly like the Horn. He didn’t speak of it or what it might mean. In time he would come to know, or he wouldn’t. Although in his heart of hearts he doubted it, there was still the chance the Horn was sealed within the Tomb. He wouldn’t chance it falling into the wrong hands.

  And so the Tomb would remain closed.

  Raissa sighed as Ky stepped up behind her, slid his hands around her waist, brushing her hair aside with his cheek to press a kiss to her throat and the pulse beating steadily there.

  Just checking.

  He did it often.

  It made her smile as he intended.

  “There’s too many people here,” he said, against her skin.

  A shiver went over her.

  “I agree,” she said.

  Ky looked with satisfaction over what was now a dig site, under the jurisdiction of the Egyptian Museum. It now looked appropriately aged rather than suspended in time but it was still lush and green and it would be kept that way if Tareq had any say in it―and he had considerable say.

  For the time being no tourists would be allowed into the site, just archeologists and scientists as they catalogued and researched.

  In time they would be, within limits.

  The Egyptian government, in gratitude for finding the tombs, had given him a substantial award for the find and a certain degree of latitude where the antiquities were concerned. Oddly, though, some items had disappeared but he suspected they wouldn’t show up on the black market anywhere.

  It was hard to view any of it as stealing, as after all, they were hers.

  No one noticed the ring on his finger. That, too, was new. Khai’s ring, now his, set now with a new jewel, a thin sliver of ruby that pulsed with an odd inner light.

  “Will you miss it?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. Every morning I wake up somewh
ere other than the stele, I will be happy.”

  Turning in his arms, she looked up at him.

  “And every morning I wake up with you.”

  Tightening his arms around her, Ky smiled and said, “I will, too.”

  She grinned.

  “Christ, would you two get a room?” a voice interjected. “Is this what I have to look forward to?”

  Both of them turned to look at him.

  “Everything’s packed up, boss,” Ryan said, amiably, with a grin. “Everyone’s waiting.”

  The police had found John wandering the dig site, completely baffled about what had happened. Apparently Kamenwati, having no further use for him once his job had been done, had simply abandoned him as he had with Zimmer. With Kamenwati dead, the spell no longer held him. By common but unspoken consent, no one seemed inclined to enlighten him to his part in what had happened. It seemed easiest to let him believe he’d been knocked unconscious while he worked on the trucks.

  In the distance they heard the throbbing sound of helicopters.

  Raissa took a breath. “Ah, and this will be my first helicopter ride.”

  She looked a little apprehensive as she watched the machine land, though.

  “I promise I’ll hold your hand,” Ky said, seeing the look, amused.

  It was oddly funny that after all they’d been through, it was the helicopter ride that disturbed her.

  But he held her hand all the way back to Cairo.

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Every eye in the lobby was on the lovely woman who entered through the revolving doors. Sunlight poured through the skylights to light her hair and it was hard to tell which was brighter, her hair or the sunbeams. Her eyes were brilliantly blue against her lightly tanned skin. A soft yellow silk dress draped her curves and fluttered around her shapely legs. Despite her height, she had the long loose, hip-swaying stride any model would envy.

  Ky rose to his feet.

  “You know her?” the man with him asked as he stood also.

  Ky nodded. “Hmmm. You might say that.”

  She was so beautiful. It still caught at him.

  “If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Carter,” he said, shaking the man’s hand hurriedly. “We’ll talk again soon.”

  Ky followed her into the elevator, slipped through just as she pushed the button and pressed her against the side of the elevator. His hands skimmed from the curve of her hips up over the arch of her ribs, before catching her hands to draw them up over her head as he devoured her throat.

  “Security is going to love this,” Raissa whispered as he captured her wrists in one hand, reached around her to draw the zipper on her dress down to expose her back. Cool air washed over it. “Now I know why they always smile when they see me.”

  A shiver went over her as his hand slipped inside to caress her as his mouth moved up her throat to nibble at her ear.

  “Let them watch,” he said, as she turned her head to meet his kiss, her mouth hot, hungry and avid beneath his.

  Their tongues tangled as Ky unhooked her bra in one quick flick of his fingers. He felt her lips curve beneath his as he did it. He let his other hand slide down over hip, slipping beneath the hem of silk dress to glide over her stocking-clad thigh, and then slide up.

  He groaned as he felt the clip of a garter belt beneath his hand.

  “You were shopping,” he said, his breathing tight.

  “I found a few new things,” she whispered.

  “God, you make me crazy.”

  The elevator came to a halt at the floor of their suite and Ky let her hands free, the dress whispering to the floor.

  He went hard and hot in a hurry at the sight of his beautiful wife, her long sunny hair barely concealing a scrap of champagne-colored lace bra. There were matching lace panties and a garter belt to keep the lace trimmed silk stockings in place on her legs.

  “You make me crazy.”

  Snagging the dress as he bent, he swept her up in his arms as the doors slid open.

  Raissa nuzzled his throat as he carried her, knowing the effect it would have.

  He dropped the dress on the floor on the way to the bedroom.

  No sooner than he’d laid her down on the bed than he captured her wrists in one hand again, pinned them against the pillows so he could simply look…and then caress, touch, sweep his hand over her.

  “So, you like it,” she asked, quivering a little as his hand drifted over her skin, over lace.

  Her lovely eyes were soft, her mouth loose and swollen but her body…

  Lush, lovely, incredible…

  Ky touched a taut nipple beneath lace, drifted light fingers over her arched ribs, down her hip, to the small patch of exposed skin between the silk of the stockings, the garter belt and the delicate lace of her panties.

  She shivered.

  Ky smiled. “I like it very much.”

  Carefully, he kept her pinned while he removed his own clothes.

  Raissa smiled, watching him, struggling enough to watch the muscles in his chest and arms flex beneath his gorgeous tawny skin as his shirt dropped to the floor. His dark eyes looked darker now, fixed on her breasts, her hips as she shifted and arched.

  A moment later, his slacks fell away.

  Smiling, she noted he did, indeed, seem very pleased at her surprise.

  Their eyes met as he rose over her, poised at the entrance to her core.

  The sight of him braced above her, his dark eyes brilliant, all of his lovely muscles taut, feeling him pressed against her and about to fill her, the muscles in his chest and arms tight, was amazing, incredible.

  A quick snap and she gasped as she saw the glint of his pocketknife in the hand beside her head.

  She smiled.

  In the same motion as he thrust up inside her, she felt the sharp sting of the blade and then his mouth closed on her throat.

  Ecstasy shot through her, her whole body arched as he filled her and his mouth drew on her.

  She moaned, brilliant delirium taking her.

  Glory filled him as she exploded into his mouth, the taste of her headier, more intoxicating than the most expensive scotch, more delirious than the first time, astonishing in its intensity. More so as she tightened around him, her whole body vibrating, shivering and shuddering as ecstasy shot through her.

  His arms locked around her tightly, held her in place, one arm around her hips so he could drive into her, pound into her, the other hand locked on her throat as he drew hard, savoring her completely with each hard pull. Her body bucked beneath his with each deep swallow. Pleasure burst through him as he drank her, devoured her in great thirsty gulps, he loved feasting on her.

  Raissa was lost to anything except the feel of Ky as he hammered into her, stretched and filled her as he fed on her. Her body quivered uncontrollably as his pleasure raced through him to swell within her. The sweet delicious feel of Ky.

  Suddenly ecstasy erupted through her, her body locked, rigid, as pleasure drowned her.

  As she came she gushed into Ky’s mouth, the glorious taste of her increasing exponentially with her pleasure, incredibly potent, scintillating, he was rapt in the taste and the feel of it.

  Power, strength and exhilaration rushed through him in a torrent. It felt as if his body had been vaporized, transformed into pure energy.

  His own pleasure erupted as she locked around him, quivering, and he poured into her as her hands clutched at him, clung to him as he fed, as her pleasure turned her limp, until her hands fluttered and fell away.

  Raising his head, Ky looked down at her cautiously.

  That had been incredible.

  Her eyelids fluttered over her dazzled blue eyes.

  Raissa was utterly, gloriously and completely limp, unable to move even a finger.

  With an effort, she cleared her throat.

  “Oh, my,” she whispered. “I guess you’re glad to see me.”

  Ky smiled, kissed her lightly.

  “Yes. I guess you liked that,” h
e said, running the palm of his hand over one taut pink, lace-clad nipple.

  “Ummmm,” she said, licking her lips lightly and sighing. “Yes.”

  It was little more than a whisper. Her eyelids were still fluttering.

  Still smiling, he brushed his mouth over that same tight nipple, his hands exploring her body now while she couldn’t prevent him.

  Another shiver of pleasure went through her, a soft moan escaping her as he played with her.

  It felt as if his blood still bubbled, his skin heated and warm. Energy rushed through him. He felt wonderful. If he understood Raissa correctly, as long as they did this every now and then he would stay virtually the same age as he was, as well as be stronger and faster. He’d never get sick again. But he would have done it just for this, for the pleasure it gave them both.

  There was a downside of course, primarily that if he died, he’d become like she was and then she wouldn’t be able to feed from him and he wouldn’t be able to drink from her. Something neither of them wanted. And, if he stopped drinking from her for any length of time, the effects would reverse themselves slowly, until he could reach her again.

  It didn’t matter. All that mattered was Raissa.

  He loved looking at her like this, these few moments when she surrendered completely to him, let him render her helpless. It wouldn’t take long for her to recover but for this brief moment in time she was utterly strengthless and absolutely at his mercy. He didn’t intend to give her much time to recover…he wanted to have her trembling again…quivering with pleasure.

  Now though she was draped limply across the bed, her gorgeous hair sprayed around her in a rippling golden halo, too weak to move. Color blossomed beneath her skin, flushed through her body as he played with her. Her eyelids fluttered over the blue eyes he loved so much, her pretty mouth curved in a smile as he brushed his mouth over her skin.

  Limp, sweetly drained, Raissa’s body still hummed, tightened and heated again as Ky’s mouth tormented her deliciously. He sipped lightly at her nipple. Slid down her body. Dipped his tongue into her navel, brushed kisses down the length of her. His hands gently parted her thighs. He brushed his mouth over the most sensitive parts of her, his lips teased her, the prickle of his beard scraped over sensitive skin.


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