Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 4

by Tallulah Bell

  "Yes baby" He yelled right back, opening the door in just his gym shorts. If someone were to see us they would definitely think we were dating.

  "Do you have an extra bag? I need to place all my lady stuff in" I asked sweetly with that innocent look on my face, or more so what I hope was an innocent look. I knew once I said lady stuff he'd cringe and he didn't disappoint. He just looked away before grabbing the bag and throwing it at me, slamming the door in my face.

  "Rude!" I yelled before happily walking back to my room. In this bag, I placed all my hair stuff in, my straightener and my blow dryer. I also packed my feminine products such as tampons and pads. The rest can wait until morning. When I was satisfied I had everything, I threw myself on the bed, sweating from all the packing.

  I grabbed my car keys and one suitcase, plus my duffle bags with all my books. I made my way downstairs to place them in my car. No way was I going to leave the car my dad gave me here. It was a classic 72' Chevy Camaro Z28. It was my baby.

  When I reached the garage where my car is parked, I popped the trunk open to place all of my bags in. If I stood the three suitcases on their sides, they would all fit perfectly. So I placed the first suitcase towards the back and left the bag with my books on the floor. I raced back upstairs to grab the other two suitcases. I then placed them in the trunk with the first suitcase.

  I was able to shove my duffle bag towards the front before shutting the trunk. I could place the rest of my bags on the back seat. I decided to go for a dip in the pool. The indoor pool. It's still fairly cold out to be swimming outdoors. Since this was going to be the last time swimming here at the castle I was going to make it count and enjoy myself.

  Since I had already packed my swimsuit, it wouldn't hurt to just swim in my bra and panties. I mean they are pretty much the same as a bikini right? I went straight to the indoor pool that was in the hallway where the gym is. Once making sure I was alone, I began stripping out of my clothing.

  Folding and placing them in a neat pile on the chair, I then take my hair out of its bun and place the hair tie on top of my clothes. Since the pool was heated I didn't take my time getting in, I just jumped right in. I wasn't shivering like I would be if I swam in the pool out back.

  Lap after lap, I went back and forth. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I texted my mother earlier telling her the new plan. What shocked me was that she was okay with it. Mainly because that was indeed my mate and who was she to tell me no. Right? She will be joining us for dinner tonight at the castle.

  Right as I was stepping out of the pool, I noticed Elijah standing in the doorway. His eyes swirling deep with lust. I noticed the change in his eye color the longer I stood there. His wolf was trying to surface.

  "Bye!" I yelled grabbing my clothes, before proceeding to push him out of my way. He was momentarily stunned.

  His wolf was wanting to surface again. That couldn't have ended well if I stayed in that room any longer. After all, the last time his wolf surfaced like that he marked me without my consent because he was jealous. I finally reached my room. I luckily didn't bump into anyone on the way here.

  That would have been horrifying. I didn't have a towel on. I was running down the halls of the castle in just my bra and panties. I went right to my bathroom. Stripping out my bra and panties, I grabbed my towel hanging on the hook before quickly drying my body and hair.

  I grabbed the yellow sundress I left out for tonight and placed it on. Not worrying about a bra. I, however, did pull on some lace panties. I wasn't going to play a totally free ball tonight. I grabbed the sandals I left out to wear tomorrow and slid them on.

  Once my hair was somewhat dry, I left it down to its natural curls. I didn't bother with my makeup as I had packed it away earlier with all my womanly things.

  I did a once over in the mirror to make sure I looked at least somewhat presentable. I am still a Royal Warrior. I then made my way out of my room, only to stop when I noticed my deliciously handsome mate waiting patiently outside my door.

  However, I ignored his presence after the initial shock before walking off. He was following quietly behind me. Which was very surprising, I didn't hear a growl or anything that comes from him. Am I weird that I kinda miss his growl? I mean it's not like I would actually tell him that. His ego is big enough as it is.

  I felt his eyes travel up and down my body, causing shivers to run down my spine. He must have noticed the effect he has on my body because he chuckled.

  When we reached that dining room, I made my way to my normal seat. Only to see James wasn't sitting beside me like usual. No, instead an empty seat was in its place. Meaning one thing, I am to be seated next to Elijah all night.

  James however, was seated next to Tyler who was seated next to my vibrant mother. "Mom!" I screamed, running into her awaiting arms. I greeted her as if I haven't seen her in years.

  "It's okay sweetie," She said rubbing my back soothingly. "You'll be fine, I have no doubt. I see Tyler is going with you, he hasn't stopped bragging since I arrived. Saying how he hopes he finds his mate" She whispered into my ear causing me to laugh.

  Tyler wants his mate? I thought he gave up a long time ago on ever finding her. "Please be seated" The King raised his voice. Since I was the only one standing it was directed towards me. At least he said please, I thought to myself nearly laughing. He didn't stop that evil stare of his. But he is my King, so I made my way over to my seat not saying a peep.

  A while into dinner, The King and Queen stood up to announce me and Elijah's mating. Everyone let out gasps, obviously shocked. Most likely about me being his second chance mate. Some looks of pity spread on some faces. Why? Is beyond me. Elijah got all the congrats from the other Alphas. However, most of the Lunas kept quiet and stared at me.

  Soon after the announcement, the dinner just carried on. I couldn't care less as to what was going on around me, to be honest. All I could think about was the fact that I was leaving the only life I ever knew behind, for a man who didn't even want me. My father would be so disappointed in me. I didn't mutter a word at dinner, only speaking when I was spoken to. After dinner, I excused myself from the drinks they had in the living room afterward.

  I went into my room that is now a blank canvas. I stood in the middle of my room just turning around, memorizing everything. This has been my home for the last couple of years since my father died.

  Even though I can't stand some of these people, they are still my family. I opened my balcony door to let the nights' cool air in. I threw myself on top of my bed, not bothering to get underneath the covers. I laid there on my side just staring out the balcony doors. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I did.

  I awoke the next morning to Tyler banging on my bedroom door, "Wakey Wakey monkey!" he yelled over and over till I replied.

  "I'M UP! FUCK!" I yelled back just to get him to stop. I sat up and reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone, only to find a little note leaning against it.


  Hmm, I thought. What does that even mean? Who would write a riddle just to leave it in my room? Why me? Who placed it on my nightstand? How did someone get into my room, let alone the castle unannounced? I looked over to notice my balcony doors still open. Well, that explains how they got in. But how, is the question?

  I'm on the third floor. I raised the note to my nose to see if I could catch a scent. I can't quite recognize the scent. It smells familiar but I just can't place my finger on where I have smelt it before.


  I sat on my bed trying to place my finger on where I smelt that scent before. Tyler bursts through the door. Stopping when he notices me still sitting on the bed.

  "E what are you doing? Get dressed. Alpha Elijah said we will be leaving in 20 minutes!" he yelled, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me off the bed and pushing me into my bathroom.

  I took my shower and did all my business before grabbing the things I still needed t
o pack while making sure the towel was secured to my body. I walked out with everything in my arms, only to stop when I noticed all the guys reading the note I got this morning.

  " E what is this?" James asked through gritted teeth waving the note around.

  "A note," I said sarcastically trying to lighten the mood. But from the looks on their faces, it wasn't working.

  "When did you get this?" Tyler asked more on the calmer side.

  "This morning, it was placed on my nightstand by my phone," I said, showing them where I found it.

  "The scent isn't familiar," Roan said finally speaking before Nick decided to put his two cents in.

  " E, what did we tell you about your damn balcony doors? You are supposed to shut and lock them before bed," scolding me like a mother.

  "Yes mom," I said laughing. James, however, didn't look too surprised to see the note. Only surprised because I didn't tell them right away.

  "Have you ever gotten notes like these before?" Tyler asked.

  "No" I replied back honestly. I wasn't going to tell them that the scent on the note smelled awfully familiar. At least until I can place whose scent it is.

  "We should bring this note up to your mate" Liam spoke finally, which caused an uproar among everyone else.

  "My mate doesn't need to know. You guys are freaking out over a little note." I practically yelled at Liam. Causing him and everyone else to shrink back. Wow. The shocked looks on their faces said everything. We stood there staring at one another till my door busted open.

  "What happened" My mate roared searching for an intruder. His beta right behind him along with Leroy. When he was satisfied there was no intruder he stopped and looked at me and the guys. Growling once he noticed what little I had on.

  I placed my things on my bed before grabbing my clothes and walking back into the bathroom without saying a word.

  There was no point in us arguing. I get why he was upset, his unwanted "mate" was in a room with 5 males. I could hear the guys whispering faintly. They must be asking what happened or speaking about the little note that arrived to me this morning.

  After making sure I was dressed in my orange sundress that complimented my hair beautifully, I let my hair down deciding against putting it in a bun. That way I can hide my mark, though I'm sure everyone already knows that he marked me.

  I can tell you right now, had he not marked me my ass would still be here and not leaving with him to his pack. I walked out of the bathroom and the room became quiet real quick. The guys excused themselves and left me to deal with my alpha mate alone.

  "Why didn't you tell anybody about this?" He practically growled out holding up the note.

  “I had just woken up, it's not like I was hiding it!" I said chuckling while placing the rest of my belongings in the correct backpack, ignoring his presence.

  Once everything was packed away in the bags I made sure to place my phone charger in my bag before grabbing my keys and the rest of my things before walking out of the room and proceeding to the garage where my car is parked along with Tyler's truck.

  I dropped my bags in the back seat before leaning over and setting my purse in the passenger seat. I made my way back to the castle, before going straight to the kitchen and grabbing a couple granola bars. I opened one while walking into the living room where everybody was gathered.

  When my mother saw me, she ran up to me and smothered me in her arms. "Mom I do have to breathe" causing most everyone to laugh. The King didn't however, which wasn't surprising. No shocker there. "Sorry sweetie," She said kissing my head.

  I was pulled into hug after hug, while everyone said their goodbyes. Then, it was the guy's turn. Nick went first, "E, I'm really going to miss annoying you and you knocking me on my ass." I couldn't stop the laugh that flowed freely out of my mouth.

  "You need to promise me that you will take care of my mother. Please," I whispered softly so no one would hear, especially my mother. "I promise E" he whispered back, kissing my cheek before pulling away, only to cause a growl to resonate out of Elijah's chest.

  "Mine" he growled out making it known as if no one knew that I was his mate already. Jealousy looks hot on him. I would never tell him that though.

  One after the other came up to say their goodbyes and replied with the same thing, kissing my cheek in the process. Which I believe was to make Elijah jealous. However, my longest goodbye was to James.

  The Queen said her goodbyes, whispering in my ear "Take care angel, I'll miss you." It was a shock at first. She whispered it so low that I had to listen closely. The King's eye never left us, the entire time we were saying goodbye.

  "We need to leave," Elijah said trying to grab my hand to drag me away. "One minute," I said, pulling away and going back over to my mother. "I'm going to miss you, mom," I said kissing her cheek. "You gotta go baby girl, I love you too. I'll miss you more.

  After pulling away from my mom. I reached into the pocket of my dress to pull out my car keys. My mom smiled knowing there was no way in hell I'd leave my baby here. I walked away from Elijah and followed Tyler into the garage.

  Elijah pulled me back before saying "You're riding with me." Me being the stubborn bitch that I am, I pulled away making a beeline for my car.

  He looked at my car impressed, a smirk spread wide on the guy's face. "I drive" he goes to sit in the driver's seat.

  "No" I practically yelled, echoing through the garage. "Shouldn't have done that?" Roan said, laughing. Knowing how I am when it comes to my baby.

  "My baby, I drive" I replied calmly this time climbing into my car. He rolled his eyes before making the short way over to the passenger side. Once settled in the passenger seat, his eyes roamed the interior of my Camaro, nodding his head impressed.

  "Nice car," he said running his hand over the dashboard.

  "Thank you, it was my dad's," I replied, not knowing why I was telling him that. He looked shocked that I willingly opened up to him.

  "Was?" he genuinely asked. I followed Tyler out of the garage pulling out behind him. I noticed Elijah's men put one car in front of Tyler, then one behind me and Elijah. As the first car rolled down the long winding road, I waved goodbye to everyone. Time to get this show on the road. We sat quietly, me driving and Eli just looking out the window.

  He turned towards me asking the question I was dreading him asking. "What happened to your dad?"

  "He was murdered by rogues" I replied back, breathing very heavily. It is still a sore subject. It's only been two and a half years since his untimely death.

  "I'm sorry," he said looking at me, noticing the lone tear that made its way down my face.

  "It's okay, not your fault. The King said it was the rogues that have been trespassing, that my dad couldn't fend them off." I said speeding up to catch up to Tyler.

  I was hoping he'd bring up the topic of his mate. He has still yet to tell me himself. But no, he kept quiet the rest of the way. The only thing heard was the radio playing softly in the background. It took another two hours until we finally made it to his territory.

  We followed up the path, driving through the packs center of his tiny city. Many people stopped and looked at us driving by. Minutes later we made it to the road leading into the woods towards the pack house.

  We came to a stop in front of a beautiful 5 story house. I was in awe of the beauty of it. It looks like it could be a part of the castle. It has dark bricks and white columns and the porch wraps around the sides of the house. It's so beautiful, with it sitting right in the middle of a copse of trees.

  "You coming?" Elijah asked, tapping on the driver's side window. I nodded before climbing out of the car. I noticed the people waiting on the porch. I step to the back of the car to open the trunk when

  I see a little girl running towards Elijah full speed. To say I was shocked when he bent down to pick her up swinging her around would be an understatement.


  "DADDY!!!" she yelled, kissing his cheek. I swear I dropped my keys befo
re searching for Tyler in the crowd. I pulled the attention from Elijah to me.

  The little girl jumped down and ran to me, pulling on my dress. I bent down to her level before she whispered as if it was a big secret, "Who are you?" causing me to laugh.

  "I'm Estelle but you can call me E or Stella," I said and she just looked at me before tilting her head to the side for a moment, nodding and mumbling "E."

  I felt eyes on me the entire time that I was talking to this little girl. I'm still shocked this beautiful little girl is Elijah's. I mean why else would she call him daddy. It's crazy to think about the most ruthless Alpha being a father to this sweet little girl.

  "Lilian," Elijah said, dragging her attention back to him. So that's what her name is.

  "Lilian Grey Cain" an older woman called out as she walked out the front doors. The little girl hid behind my legs. The older woman stopped for a moment and looked between me, Tyler, and Elijah.

  "Marisol," Elijah said, going up and kissing her cheek before walking away, leaving his bags in the cars and his daughter clutching my dress.

  "Lilian, let the poor woman go and come back inside, I made cookies," She said and once she said that, Lilian let go of my dress before running around me and into the house.

  The woman, however, walked up to me, "I'm Marisol sweetie. It's nice to meet you" she said, leaving the sentence hanging waiting for my name.

  "I'm Estelle, and that over there is my best friend Tyler," I said pointing to where Tyler was getting his bags out of the truck bed.

  "Oh honey, you don't have to get that Elijah has someone getting it. All your bags will be placed in your new rooms. Are you two sharing?” She asked genuinely, not knowing.

  Tyler screamed, "Yes!" right as Elijah walked out growling a simple but menacing "No" before helping me with my bags.

  "Elijah, Tate was going to get that," Marisol said motioning to my bags he had in his hands. He has my duffle bag hanging over his shoulders and two of my suitcases carrying them as if they were a sack of potatoes.


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