Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 6

by Tallulah Bell

  “I need to rest, see you later," I said, making my way up the last flight of stairs. Once in my room, I walked straight to the shower. Taking off the bandages knowing the marks will be gone before I wake up tomorrow morning.

  Once climbing into the shower I washed the dried blood from the rogues off me, scrubbing my body before standing underneath the shower head. I don't know how long I stood under the steamy spray. All I know is I was all pruny. Finally stepping out when the water turned cold, I threw on Elijah's clean shirt.

  I walked out and grabbed my bag, grabbing a pair of panties not really looking before throwing my bag back onto the floor. Slipping into the panties, I heard a knock on my door before Elijah walked right on in. What was the point in knocking if he was just going to walk in anyways?

  He stopped in his tracks looking me up and down before shaking his head no doubt trying to figure out why I was still wearing his shirt. But in all honesty, I was too lazy to dig through my unpacked bags to find pjs. So his shirt will have to do. "Can I help you?" I asked, pulling his attention back up to my eyes.

  "How did you heal so quickly? I know you were hurt badly. I felt it through the mark" he said, just as confused as the Doctor. However, I wasn't ready to answer him. I climbed into bed before rolling over and away from him.

  He growled before stomping out of the room. Obviously not liking me ignoring him. What a child. Throwing a temper tantrum because I wouldn't answer him. Well, fuck he could've at least turned off the light. I said to myself getting up and turning it off. Time for some much-needed sleep.

  I was woken up by Lilian, running and jumping on the bed. "Breakfast!" she yelled, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh at the little giggles.

  "Alright. Alright, I'm up," I said holding my hands up in surrender. She stopped jumping and sat down.

  I climbed out of bed to pick up my suitcase. I scrambled around to find a pair of jeans or shorts. I chose a pair of denim shorts. Slipping them on, I breathed out "I'm ready", looking at Lilian who laid in the middle of the bed.

  "You smell like daddy," she said while we walked down the stairs. With her leading me to the kitchen. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted my way. "Yummy!" Lilian yelled, scrambling onto a stool at the counter or trying at least.

  "Here," I said, helping her onto the stool. Marisol stopped to look at me and Lilian smiling.

  "Well hello there peanut, I made your favorite", which only caused Lilian to giggle and nod her head dramatically. "I made eggs, bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes. They are her favorite breakfast other than that colorful fruit cereal" she said while making Lily a plate.

  She placed the plate in front of her, only for her to start scarfing it down. "Lilian Grey! Manners!" she scolded the little girl who sheepishly shrugged her shoulders, apologizing with her mouth full. It was hilarious. I doubled over in laughter.

  "Would you like me to make your plate lu...Estelle" Marisol corrected herself. I shook my head before getting up and making my own plate. Stacking four pancakes, some scrambled eggs and a decent pile of bacon. Don't judge. I didn't eat dinner last night. Who's fault is that my wolf argued back. Touche.

  I sat down and began eating with Lilian, taking my time. Until, I smelled the delicious scent of my mate. "Lily you didn't wait for daddy," Elijah said dramatically. I wanted to laugh but decided against it and watched the exchange between father and daughter. "Sorry daddy but Emmie was hungry," she said, patting her tummy while finishing the last of the bacon on her plate.

  "I'll let you off this time," he said before meeting my eyes. A dark look in his eyes before meeting a smiling Marisol. "Elijah you're up early," she said, handing him his plate.

  "I have business to take care of." She just nodded understanding Alpha business. He sat next to Lily and ate quietly. I took that as my queue to leave.

  Silently getting up to wash my plate or at least put it in the dishwasher. "I got it, sweetie," Marisol said, taking the plate out of my hands, bringing Elijah and Lily's attention to me.

  "Where are you going?" Lily asked. "Well I am going to town to buy a new phone since I broke mine yesterday," I said smiling at Lily.

  "Can I go daddy?" she turned and looked at him with no doubt those big puppy eyes. But that didn't faze him. "No," he said gruffly before walking away.

  A frown making its way on Marisol's face before she followed after him. I bent down to her level saying "I'm sorry sweetie maybe next time, yeah?" which caused a big smile to reach her little face.

  "Well I better go change so I can go quickly," I said to her before turning to walk away. She cleared her throat making me turn around to her arms wide open. I smiled before wrapping my arms around her when she whispered "Please come back." I nodded my head before turning to make my way up the stairs when she grabbed my wrist making me turn around to see her pinky out. Ah, so she pinky swears too. "I pinky swear, I'll be back" wrapping my pinky around her small one.

  After finding a new shirt I grabbed my purse and searched for my keys. I noticed them sitting on my dresser. I grabbed them before looking back at all my stuff in my bags. I really need to unpack. Later, I thought before walking downstairs. Marisol was standing by the door.

  "Your car was placed in the garage, my dear," she says. I nodded before making my way towards the huge garage. Well, I guess with this being the packed house you have to have a space to place all the vehicles, so they aren't all parked out front. I noticed Tyler's truck was parked next to my Camaro. These cars are beautiful. Our vehicles were parked by some really expensive cars. Huh, well okay then, I thought, unlocking my car and throwing my purse into the passenger seat.

  Let's go! I said to myself, turning onto the long road we came from to look for a phone shop. Everyone I passed stopped and stared once again. I will never get used to this, I thought to myself. I saw a little phone store and I parked my car and walked in. People bowed at me.

  "Luna, it's nice to meet you," a woman with two pups in a stroller said. I nodded my head before saying "I'm not a Luna. Please, it's just Estelle". She clearly looked shocked before nodding and walking away. I had to get in, get a new phone and get out.

  I went ahead and got an iPhone 6s Plus like the phone I had before. I raced back into my car before someone else could stop me. Still, people stared at me. I raced straight back to the pack house, parking my car and quickly running up the stairs to my room, only to stop when I saw Lilian sitting on my bed underneath the covers with a coloring book and crayons surrounding her.


  "E, you're home! You came back!" she yelled, excitement in her voice. She jumped off the bed, scattering the crayons everywhere.

  I chuckled when she came barreling at my legs, nearly knocking me on to the floor. "Slow down Speedy Gonzales," I said laughing, patting her head.

  "Who's Gonzales and who is speedy?" she asked with confusion shown on her face.

  "It's a saying sweetie" I replied before saying, "Now let's clean up this mess you made in my room." She smiled, rushing and grabbing as many crayons as she could hold in her tiny hands and placed them neatly on my bed by her coloring book. "Now what?" she asked, looking at me with wonder. I shrugged.

  "Let's go to the kitchen. You think Marisol would mind if I borrowed the kitchen for a while?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. She squealed. "Are you gonna bake?"

  "We'll have to see now won't we," I said smirking. "Let's go," I said, heading to my door, which she just ran out. Man, she's fast. Well, she is an Alpha's daughter, I thought to myself following her down the stairs. When I made it to the kitchen she was trying to climb onto the bar stool.

  "Would you like some help?" I asked looking around the empty kitchen.

  "Please" holding her arms out to me. I help her onto the stool before going around the counter.

  "So, what shall we make Princess Lilian," I said, making a big grin spark to life on her face. "Peanut butter cookies!" she yelled, making me laugh.

  She is just like James. Whom, I'm sure, ha
s blown up my phone. Too late. He should have told me and we wouldn't be in this predicament.

  "Okay, peanut butter cookies it is," I said, starting to make the dough. Once I placed them in the already preheated oven I turned and asked "Anything else?" She smiled up at me and said "Daddy likes anything chocolate. He has a big sweet tooth", laughing.

  "Chocolate. Got it. Chocolate cake, cupcakes, cookies, pie?" listing things and watched as her eyes lit up when I said cake and cookies. Hours later the house smelled of various baked goods. Lilian stayed and kept me company while I baked.

  Sneaking the warm peanut butter cookies when she thought I wasn't looking. Two weeks. I have been here for two weeks.

  Two weeks since I've spoken to the guys. However, I can't exactly ignore Tyler. He lives here. He has been trying to get me to call the guys ever since, but my stubborn ass refused of course.

  Lilian and I hang out every day. Most mornings I wake up to her beside me. She keeps having these nightmares. Elijah treats me as if I were just a normal she-wolf, but still doesn't let another man even hug or talk to me for too long. I don't get it.

  Since I have been here, I have gotten three more letters. One was telling me bad things are coming my way. The one I got this morning said three simple words that struck fear in me.


  I knew then that I could no longer keep this to myself, I had to take this to Elijah. This has gone on too far. I left little Lilian asleep on my bed curled into one of my pillows.

  I didn't bother putting on proper clothes. It was so hot today. My body wouldn't cool down. So, in my spaghetti strap top and my spandex I slept in, I went in search of the big bad Alpha Elijah.

  I was going to bang on his bedroom door but decided against it. Today my wolf told me to be bold and just walk in. So that's exactly what I did. I walked into his bedroom only to stop dead in my tracks.

  He walks out of the bathroom dripping water, a towel loosely around his waist. His toned, tan abs on full display to my greedy eyes. Droplets of water trailed down his chest. I couldn't help but let my eyes follow those water droplets as they connected with the towel. Fuck. I clenched my thighs, just looking at him made me want to throw myself at him.

  I heard a deep growl and I was pulled out of my thoughts. Fuck. "I can smell your arousal" he started looking down at my chest, his eyes zeroing in on my hardened nipples as another growl escaped him.

  "Elijah," I said looking up at him waiting for the primal look to leave his face. I couldn't stop staring at him.

  The notes, Estelle! I yelled at myself. I got distracted and dropped the notes to the ground. Elijah's eyes followed me as I bent down and growled. I know his eyes were looking at my chest as I purposely bent at an angle where he could see down my shirt.

  "Estelle" He growled once more. I knew his wolf was wanting to surface. But I couldn't let that happen.

  "Elijah," I said once more, dragging his eyes up to mine. I raised the notes up so he could see, he looked confused for a moment.

  "What are these?" he asked. I just handed them over one by one starting with the very first one I got back at the castle. The second one and the third which read "Truth behind who you are will come to light soon. Be prepared." The fourth was those haunting three words I received this morning. A menacing growl escaped his chest. He stalked over to me before trying to speak, which I interrupted. "I got that fourth letter this morning."

  "And the others?" he said, gripping the papers so hard I thought they'd turn to ash before my very eyes.

  "The second I got the fifth day of me being here. The third I got three days ago." I replied honestly.

  "You didn't think to come show me these letters?" he asked, seething.

  "You know what? I'm done dealing with this. I'm hot, my back hurts, my tits hurt, and you're fucking annoyingly hot. So, bye" I said before going to walk out the door. Only to stop at the growl, turning to see Elijah no longer there but his wolf Axel.

  "You're going into heat," He said, taking a big whiff of the air, eyes turning onyx black.

  Oh no, was all that I thought. My mom told me all about heat and what happens to my body. How it starts off easy before the real pain comes and you feel as if your insides are burning you.

  "Go Estelle!" Elijah yelled while fighting his wolf from taking over. He didn't have to tell me twice. I ran right back to my room that Lilian had previously occupied.

  I needed to cool down. I raced to take off my clothes as soon as possible. I turned my shower on as cold as possible. I stood underneath the shower as it rained down on me; hands placed on the wall and head down.

  Well, that explains it, I thought to myself. I have been feeling extra horny when I even smell Elijah's scent. I should've seen this coming.

  Tonight is a full moon also. Well, fuck me running. I don't know how long I stood in the shower letting the water cascade down my heated body.

  All I could think about was Elijah dripping wet, his wolf growling, the lust swirling in his eyes. I was brought out of my daydream when my bedroom door slammed open. Lilian ran in searching for me.

  "Fuck" I said, slipping on my robe before I scar the poor girl for life. She makes her way to the bathroom where the door was wide open.

  "E: Come downstairs! You gotta see this!" She yelled, before running out the door. I hurriedly followed after her. Over the past two and a half weeks of being here, I have grown an attachment to her. So has my wolf, Iris. When I followed her down the steps I saw all the guys standing there talking with Tyler.

  "Your friends are here to see you," she said excitedly jumping up and down. "Thank you, sweetie," I said, patting her hand that was holding onto my robe.

  "Estelle" James said through gritted teeth. Hmm well, I'm not exactly happy to see you either.

  Before he could open his mouth to say anything else I was tackled to the floor by Roan, Nick, and Liam.

  "Heat" Roan whispered before they all jumped off me right on time as Elijah came walking in with Alex. Lust evident in his eyes. The events from earlier this morning are replaying in my mind.

  Once again pulled from my thoughts when a deep growl came roaring out of Elijah's chest, sending tingles straight down to my already heated core.

  "Daddy growling is mean," Lilian said, making her presence known.

  "Lily, sweetie, go up to your room, us grown-ups need to have a talk," I said to her bending down causing Elijah to growl again. And fuck was it hot. Lilian hugged me before making her way up the stairs disappearing.

  "I suggest you all go somewhere," Elijah said through gritted teeth looking around at all the guys surrounding me.

  "How about you go somewhere? I was just catching up with my friends here," I said, placing my hand on my hip only to notice it pull the robe to the side showing off part of my cleavage. The look in his eyes became feral. He was the predator and prey. Everyone left the room rather quickly. Alex included. Where they went, I have no idea.

  "You're in heat," he stated once again.

  "Well no shit Sherlock Holmes, you told me that this morning," I whispered quietly to myself hoping he didn't hear but of course fate isn't on my side as he growled stalking over to me.

  Welp, this can't be good. He grabbed me by the neck roughly and slammed my body against the closest wall, which happened to be by the bookshelves.

  "You're in heat and you're out in a robe around five different men." He started running his nose up my throat inhaling my scent. "Do you like it when I get angry? Do you want to be punished?" he asked going on, sucking slowly on his mark making me moan.

  My core tightens. Still, I have yet to say anything. But I couldn't help but notice my nipples hardening when he said punish me.

  He seemed to notice too, as his eyes trailed down, dragging his hand too. I shivered when he trailed one hand down my breast stopping over one hardened nipple while the other is still tightly wrapped around my neck. A moan slipped out the second his thumb and pointer finger made contact with my nipple.

  "So you want to be punished?" he said, raising a brow at me before slowly bending down so his mouth is directly over my nipple. Through the thin fabric that is my robe, I felt his warm mouth latch on.

  "Oh fuck" I moaned when he grazed his teeth against it.

  "You like that?" he asked, pushing my robe apart so my breast is in full view. I heard his sharp intake of breath before he trailed the hand holding my neck down to my other breast, tweaking my nipple like he did the other.

  "Ah" another moan slipped out. And just like that, he stopped.

  Getting back up and walking away as if nothing happened. WTF! That was my punishment. I felt the uncomfortable wetness between my legs. With me not wearing panties even I can smell my arousal thick in the air.

  "Fuck!" I yelled, going and sitting on the couch. It's only maybe 12 o'clock and I'm already ready to kill Elijah.

  Before I even heard her come in Marisol sat a black box down next to me. "You may need these." Winking and walking away. As much as I wanted to open the box Lilian came bounding down the stairs.

  "Can we go out to the clearing today, please please please" she begged. "I'm about to go for a run," I said walking around her with the box in hand, only for her to follow.

  "Can I go?" as much as I wanted to say no. I couldn't. "Fine, but I need to dress and put this away, wait down here" I stated.


  I didn't have time to look in the box Marisol gave me. So I placed it under my bed. I changed into some running shorts after cleaning myself up. I put on a grey sports bra and grabbed a random shirt. I walked downstairs after writing a note and sticking it on my bedroom door.

  Be back soon. Off for a run. Taking Lilian with me to the clearing by the lake, she's safe with me.

  Because nobody wants WW3. "Ready?" I asked, jumping the last two steps. "Yes!" she yelled, grabbing my hand to drag me toward the back door and out.


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