Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 9

by Tallulah Bell

I sat and pondered what the consequences of lying to Elijah again were. However, what Blaze spoke of involves us all, so I can't exactly keep it a secret like planned. I climbed out of his chair and pushed him into it.

  "You might want to sit down for this," I said honestly. He goes to stand up once again. But I'm not having it so I climbed into his lap. Straddling his waist. If someone were to come in they would think we were intimate with one another.

  "His name is Blaze," I said, stopping when I felt his hands move up and down my thighs. I ignore it and continue.

  "I found out Blaze is my uncle. He is my father's brother. Elijah, I have an uncle I've never known; Then I found out my mother isn't my birth mother. But was my birth mother and father's friend they met when they ran away together. Elijah warned me that there is a war coming. Blaze told me he would be back." I said as another tear fell down my face.

  I felt Elijah wipe the lone tear and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes as he made contact sending sparks down my spine. "Who is your birth mother," he asked, gripping my hips. I tried to think of the best way to tell him. He was going to find out one way or another, so I might as well tell him now.

  "My birth mother is the Queen. Queen Sydney is my mother and my father's true mate". I said placing my head in his neck. He froze when I said that.

  "Estelle," he said, gripping my hips. "How is that possible?" he asked. I decided against my usual sarcasm. It wasn't an appropriate moment.

  "My father was the Queen's true mate. However, her father, the King at the time, didn't approve. So they ran away when they found out she was pregnant. They met Gizelle and became friends." I said breathing heavily.

  "But Elijah, I also found out that King Richard murdered my father." I pulled back and looking into his eyes. Shock before disbelief then anger crossed through his face. "Estelle, you think King Richard killed your father. Why? You can't go around saying the King of all creatures murdered your father." he said honestly

  "It makes sense Elijah, he found out about me. Blaze told me about how my father stayed close to Sydney, maybe too close. I believe Blaze. He is my father's brother. My uncle, my family" I stated. I started getting angry that he's not believing me. "It still doesn't make since Estelle."

  "So you are just not going to believe a word I say because it doesn't make sense to you. Well guess what it makes sense to me. This is my family we are talking about here."

  "It doesn't make sense, but that doesn't mean I don't believe you. I choose to believe you whether it makes sense or not." He said then continued "I need to meet this blaze man".

  "Well I have no control over when he shows up but Elijah war is coming and you need to be prepared. They want me. They will do whatever it takes to kill me." I warned him once again, grabbing onto his shoulders. "I'm always prepared Estelle, I will keep you safe."

  "Elijah I don't need you to protect me I need you to protect lily and his pack." I said placing my head in the crook of his neck. Placing soft kisses on his neck. I could feel him breathing harder. His grip on my hips tightened.

  "E you should stop before this goes any further" he practically groaned out as I sucked on his neck and started moving my hips, slowly grinding on him.

  "Estelle," he says picking me up and placing me on the desk. "Elijah" I protested not liking that he pushed me away.

  "Lily is outside the door with Alex," he said, adjusting his pants. That's all he had to say for me to jump up and smooth out my clothes before walking to the door and opening it. Only to see a very impatient lily standing there arguing with Alex. Which is no surprise there.

  "E can you tell him to leave me alone all I wanted to do was come see if you were okay" she said pointing to Alex who just shook his head. Before he turned and walked away. Elijah m have mind linked him.

  "Daddy did you hurt e?" She asked so innocently, stomping up to him with her tiny hands on her hips and looking between me and him.

  "No baby, I would never hurt her" he said, bending down and picking her up. Causing me to scoff. Ha ha so funny. Except he has hurt me repeatedly since I got here. I looked up and saw the guilty look that grace his beautiful manly face before walking away.

  I proceeded to walk to my bedroom. I can't believe I would've let him do whatever would've happened in that office if Lily and Alex weren't at the door. As if he still doesn't have that she wolf walking around somewhere here. If this is how he treats his mate I can't imagine how he treated his true mate.

  I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. When a knock came from my bedroom door. I however knew it was Elijah and I was in no mood to deal with him right now. So I didn't answer. But that doesn't stop him from opening the door and coming to sit next to me.

  "Estelle I'm sorry" he said grabbing onto my hand that I just pulled back from him.

  "What exactly are you sorry for Elijah? Huh? The fact that you marked me without my permission? Or maybe it was you slamming me against the wall and choking me? Or this entire past couple of days where you led me on and gave me the idea that maybe you don't hate me and you actually wanted me. Oh wait! Maybe it was when you had another she wolf wrapped around you the morning after you introduced me to the pack as your mate and their Luna? The sad thing is I could still go on. So please do tell me what you are sorry for!" I said freely letting the tears stream down my cheeks.

  "I'm sorry for everything. There is nothing I can say to make what I did to you any better. I couldn't cope with getting another mate but I couldn't let you go either when I found you. Second chance mates are rare and I was given you. I never would've thought I would get another mate. Then your destined mate shows up and you have been receiving letters. There is nothing I can do other than say I'm sorry. And that I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you." He said as a tear slid down his cheek. Before I could even say anything he continued talking.

  "Now for Bellatrix, the little she wolf as you call her is my best friend. She is also Alex's twin sister. There is nothing going on between us and there never will be." He said smiling while bringing my hand into his lap.

  "How can I be so sure?” I replied by wiping my face on my shirt. "Because Estelle, Bellatrix is a lesbian. And her mate is Talia of the Woodhaven pack on the east side of our pack. She is here visiting me and her brother and a couple of warriors." He said laughing quietly.

  "I knew she would make you jealous and I asked her to help me do just that and I'm sorry." I said bringing my hand up and kissing the back of my hand. "Okay, you are on the road to forgiveness but do something like what you have been putting me through and I promise you I will leave you." I said leaning over and kissing his cheek.


  A week has passed since I told Elijah about the war coming. The pack has been training twice a day, in the morning and in the evening with the extra patrol. Everything has been going well between me and Elijah. Well, we haven't seen each other in passing.

  I walked down to the kitchen stopping when I saw the she-wolf. I thought she would have left already.

  "Good morning Luna, I'm Bellatrix but you can call me Trixie." She said with a slight bow to show respect.

  "Please just call me Estelle," I said going to the fridge and pulling all the ingredients to make breakfast out before stopping and asking Trixie. "Would you like some breakfast?"

  "Please," She replied, taking a sip of her coffee. "Would you like any help" wiping the coffee that trickled down her chin.

  "You can chop the peppers," I said, handing her the knife and pushing the peppers toward her.

  "Elijah told me what you thought of me," Trixie said, breaking the silence. At first, I didn't know what to say.

  "Well you are a very beautiful woman and Elijah hasn't been the best mate, so to see him treat you like that and you make him laugh. I couldn't help it. I'm sorry for judging you." As I finish up cooking the eggs, bacon, and sausage.

  "I would feel the exact same way, Estelle. If I saw some random woman doing that to my mate, I wouldn't have just walked away as you
did. I promise you I wouldn't have made her turn her neck and submit to me. And if she wouldn't have submitted to me, I would watch life leave her eyes." I stood there shocked for a minute. But she is right. I just turned away. I didn't fight for him.

  "How's the Woodhaven pack? I've always heard good things about them. Especially from your Alpha. Mason is one of my favorite Alphas. I love him." I said laughing at all the memories I and mason have of him chasing me through the woods or the lunches we always had.

  "You know the Alpha and he lets you call him Mason?" she said with shock written all over her face.

  "Yes, my mother Gizelle was originally from that pack. She was great friends with Mason's mother Gwen and father Harrison. So I hung out with him a lot when they'd come to visit or when we would come to visit." I said smiling.

  "You do realize Elijah is a very jealous man don't you?" she says raising an eyebrow and setting the knife down after she finished cutting the peppers.

  "Yes, I do. But I couldn't care less Mason is a really good friend of mine. I don't care if he gets jealous. Mason is like me and Tyler and all my other friends. We are really close and nothing he says will change that." I said laughing it out.

  "Change what exactly" his deep voice rang in my ears as he wraps his strong arms around my torso.

  "Oh nothing," I said, moving out of his arms and started cracking eggs. Smiling to myself.

  "Estelle," he says, slowly moving closer to me. "Elijah" I mocked back at him.

  "What were you and the dingus over there talking about," he said pointing to Trixie who huffed and had her arms across her chest.

  "Well if you must know, it's a girl thing that you don't need to know about," I said finishing cracking all the eggs. Before sprinkling salt and pepper in them. "Now would you like some breakfast?" I asked, stirring the eggs and flipping the bacon.

  "Since you're cooking I would love some." He replied leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

  I looked up, too see if Trixie saw and she was smiling with all her teeth showing. I looked down embarrassed. Elijah hasn't done this in front of anyone before. It was always just us in the room.

  Whether he was doing it out of anger or not. No one ever saw. So I want to assume that this is a good thing that he is doing this in front of people, even if it is just one person.

  "Get used to it baby," he said before walking around the counter and sitting on a stool. I shook my head but the smile never left my face. Maybe he really is changing and he really does want me. I only hope that he won't give up.

  Once I finished with breakfast and served him his plate and Trixie's I asked him to call everyone else down when there was a knock at the front door. I could hear all the footsteps running down the stairs.

  "Someone get the door Please" I yelled, pulling out more plates and setting them on the counter while stirring more eggs. Flipping the bacon and turning the sausages with my back faced away.

  "Do you know a Blaze Luna, he says he is your uncle?" a pack member asks. "Yes I do, Please show him to Elijah's office," I said while finishing up on the stove and setting it to warm.

  "Fix your plates I shall be back in a moment," I said walking out as a pack member is showing him up the stairs.

  "I got it from here, thank you, go enjoy breakfast," I said while catching up with them. "Follow me," I said, leading Blaze to Elijah's office. Once in the office, I try to wait for Elijah to walk through the door but my patience doesn't let me. Before I even realize it the question slips out of my mouth.

  "I didn't expect to see you so soon. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" I asked question after question. Before he could respond to any of the questions Elijah finally graced us with his presence.

  "I'm Elijah, I'm her mate it is great to finally put a face to the letters." He said, shaking Blaze's hand before walking behind the desk and sitting down. "What brought you here today?" Elijah asked calmly. However, I can tell that he is very anxious. I mean so am I. I didn't expect to see him so soon. Is this bad? It is all that's running through my head.

  "I got the news that they are going to strike within the next week. I have an inside guy. He is working with the King. The King is planning his attack against you. First, he is going to find a way to get Estelle alone. He will try everything under the sun." He said before looking at me and saying "He just wants you dead Estelle, he knows that since he doesn't have an heir to the throne. It goes to you. He really doesn't want that." I stood there shocked. No one else knows that I am Queen Sydney's daughter so why is he so worried now.

  "Why now, he could've done this a while ago when I was younger. Why now all of a sudden." I asked patiently. "Estelle I just got the news that Queen Sydney went missing yesterday after our talk. He said he felt her in pain and then no longer felt her presence in his head. He told everybody at the castle that the Queen is no longer with us. Estelle, that is the reason I am here. Because he is now going to come after you within the week.

  "We will be prepared." was all that Elijah said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me.

  "Estelle, don't trust anybody. Remember that when you talk about the plans."I just nodded my head still not understanding why he is telling me this. "Why do you keep saying that?" I asked

  "You will find out soon enough," was all he said before heading towards the door.

  "You can't just leave," I said trying to get out of Eli's lap. "I'll be back, do not tell anybody I was here" was all he said before walking out the door.

  I'm still sitting in his lap trying to process this. The king wants to kill me. I don't want the kingdom. I just want to live my life with Elijah and Lilian.


  “Estelle I am calling an emergency meeting right now. I need you to go and stay with Lilian” He said kissing my forehead and pushed me off his lap slowly.

  “No,” I said, planting my ass firmly back down on his lap. “This involves me. I deserve to be here as everyone else does.”

  “No, I will tell you what happens but right now you need to do as I say and go find Lilian and get out of my office,” He said.

  “Fine” I got up out of his lap and walked out the door pushing the guys aside. When I really just wanted to go back there.

  However, I went to my room instead of going to Lilians. When I got there, my heart stopped. There on my bed sat a letter. I cautiously walked to the bed and bent down to pick it up. I lifted it to my nose to try and catch a scent however there was none whatsoever. Meaning someone really didn’t want me to know who sent it. I opened it to see what was said this time.


  Be prepared. I’m coming for you dear. And I will get you. I should’ve killed you when I had the chance. But don’t you worry I will soon. Your mommy is dead. Well shall I say both of your mommy's are dead. Now you have no one. I suggest you give yourself up or I will go after that sweet little girl of your mates.

  See you soon Estelle!

  Attached to the letter were a couple photos of me and Lilian playing in the backyard and me a Lilian in the kitchen baking. Then a photo of Elijah reading Lilian a bedtime story. I can’t risk Lilian. I race out of my room and into the office where there are many wolves listening to what Elijah has to say. However, everybody stops as soon as I walk through the door.

  “Estelle did I just tell you…” He starts saying but stops as soon as I hold the letter up.

  “Elijah it said that if I don’t give myself up, they are going to get Lilian. I can’t risk that. I love that little girl like my own. I haven't known her long but she means the world to me. If it comes down to me or her. I will give up my life for that little girl.” I say as tears pour out of my eyes.

  “E, it's going to be alright okay? I have guards surrounding her. Blaze told me they would go after Lilian” I raised my eyebrow.

  When did he talk to Blaze other than when I was in the room. I looked around the room and sure enough Blaze stood in the corner. I nodded before saying “Elijah I c
an’t put this pack at risk.” I shook my head, wiping the tears onto my shoulder.

  “You’ll be fine, I got you. The pack got your back. I won’t let him get to you. I called in some reinforcements. They will be here tomorrow morning for another meeting. I got you baby, don't you worry.” He says, pulling me into his arms and rubbing my back as more tears stream down my red face.

  “You don’t get it. He has already killed my mother. Both of them. My mother. The woman who raised me. Who rubbed my back and held me when I was sick. The woman who let me sleep with her when I had scary dreams as a child.” I sobbed into his chest.

  “Please excuse us” was all Elijah said before I heard shuffling then the door shut.

  “He will get what he deserves E. That I promise you.” he said, pushing me away a little to see my face. “Estelle you are my luna, I would do anything for you and this pack.” Kissing my cheeks before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

  However, I had another idea. I could possibly die in this war. I want to die having had sex. More specifically having had sex with my mate.

  “I need you” I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down and smashing my lips on his.

  “Estelle, not like this” He said through each kiss. “Please” I begged. I need this. I really do. I will beg him as much as I have to.

  “Please Elijah I need this. Take my mind off of everything happening. That's all it took for him to pick me up and smash his lips back onto mine.

  “Room” He said while walking to the door and opening it. Before proceeding to his bedroom. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes” I practically moaned out when he pulled away from me.

  “I need you now,” I said, pulling at his shirt. I watched him pull his shirt over his head. “Patience my dear” was all he said before moving to my shirt. Shock on his face when he realized I wasn't wearing a bra underneath.

  “God you are beautiful” he said leaning down and bringing a nipple into his mouth with the other nipple was rolled through his thumb and forefinger.


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