Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 11

by Tallulah Bell


  “Let's get this over with shall we?” Elijah said loud enough so everyone could hear him clearly.

  “There is going to be a war coming to us very soon. How soon I'm not quite sure. All I do know is that it is this week and they are coming after Estelle.” He stopped and watched the looks on everyone's face turned into a frown. Knowing what they are all thinking.

  “She just got here and now there is going to a war over her.” I know that's what they are thinking, because if I was in their place I would probably think the same thing.

  “Enough” Elijah roared. Everyone bowing to their Alpha all but one female.

  “Elijah you can’t be serious going to war over some nobody she wolf?” she said making her way through the crowd, before standing in front of us.

  “Aisha, I suggest you submit to your Alpha. You do as I say or do you forget?” Elijah said growling. I looked around the room and could see the looks of anticipation on everybody's face.

  “Oh I remember perfectly how I submitted to you Elijah” She purred making a move to touch his arm. But not before I grabbed it.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” I seethed breaking the skin of her wrist with my claws. Harley, my wolf sitting on the surface ready to attack the she wolf.

  “And what are you going to do about it you pathetic she wolf, he deserves someone much better than you.” She said trying to yank her arm away from me. Only causing me to dig my nails deeper into the flesh of her wrist. She turned and looked at everyone before turning back to me and looking me dead in the eyes.

  “I challenge you for the title of Luna and Elijah's Mate” Shocked gasps filled the room.

  I looked at everybody laying my eyes on Mason who smirked then mouth “you got this baby girl.”

  Who am I to say no to a challenge like that. She doesn’t know me enough to know my fighting techniques.

  I turned to look at Elijah who gently shook his head. Disappointment written all over his face. I can't tell if it's from me or the she wolf.

  “I accept,” I said loudly for everybody in the mansion to hear.

  “The challenge will be taking place out back, tomorrow morning.” was all Elijah said before walking away leaving me standing there with the smirking bitch.

  Before I could say something else Lilian ran and jumped into my arms. “Hey baby girl,” I said, all anger wiped away.

  “E are you okay?” I couldn't help but laugh at her. She looked so upset and worried that I was angry.

  “I'm okay now baby girl, lets go get some cookies, how about that?” I said before walking away.

  I could hear the she bitch laughing and talking to some other she wolves. However at the moment I couldn't care less I have a princess in my arms.

  After spending some time with Lily and Marisol in the kitchen, I went and looked for Elijah. I couldn't find him in any of the bedrooms. Next I checked the office. No surprise there, that is where he is.

  I didn’t bother knocking, I just walked in. He had his head in his hands while sitting in his desk chair.

  “Elijah,” I said quietly walking around the desk and gently pushing his head back. I straddled his lap.

  “What's wrong?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and gently rubbing them to ease the tension.

  “E, I can’t stop this fight” He said, hiding his head in my neck.

  “I don't want you to stop it.” I said honestly this little she wolf needs to know who I am and what I am capable of when it comes to the people I love. I stopped for a minute there. Did I just say I love him?

  “E you don't understand she is one of the top fighters for our pack. She has no remorse. No feelings. She shuts that all off before a fight and she won’t stop until you are begging for your life.” He says pulling away from me and looking into my eyes.

  But I can't think of anything but his doubt in my fighting skills. What does he think I am? I am the first woman to ever fight with the Royal Guards. You don’t get that by being a mediocre fighter. I was trained since I was very little for that place. It wasn’t just handed down to me.

  “You know what Elijah, go to her. You don’t trust that I have this fight in the bag, then that is on you. But when I win and she doesn’t submit to me, I will kill her and show no mercy whatsoever.” I said through gritted teeth before getting up and storming out of the office.

  I went straight for my room. I was not going to deal with him doubting my abilities. I don’t know when I fell asleep but I awoke to a letter on the nightstand next to me. The smell reeked of my traitorous mate.

  Challenge is at 1 in the backyard.

  I'm sorry!

  That's all I got. That I'm sorry means nothing to me. I have a fight to win. I dressed in a sports bra and spandex shorts and if I was going to work out. I mean technically I am. Once I was ready I headed down stairs and as soon as lily saw me she ran right into my arms. Her father made eye contact with me. Worry etched all over his tanned and beautiful face.

  “I'll be back, you stay right here you understand you don’t need to see this” I said kissing her cheek and stepping away from her. Elijah tried to speak however I ignored it and walked out to the field. If Elijah wanted to choose her and believe that she could beat me then that's on him.

  Once on the field I heard her giggling with her friends “Okay girls watch me get the title of Luna and Elijah's mate.” She said cockily. Wow she really has no class whatsoever.

  I'm here to not only prove to her but every other wolf here that I am a force to be reckoned with and I won’t take disrespect to me or my relationship with Elijah. But I'm also here to prove to Elijah that his mate will never bow down. I don’t bow to anybody.

  Aisha walked and stood by Elijah. I turned and looked and I was happy to see he moved away from her and closer to me.

  “This will be a fight to the death unless one submits, do you two understand the rules?” Elijah asked.

  I nodded my head but then remembered Leroy from back home saying “Speak up child” anytime I would do that so I said “Yes” another yes rang from a smirking Aisha.

  Elijah stepped away from us then said “You may begin.” That's all it took before the little she wolf shifted mid air and launched herself at me.

  However I had the advantage, I am still in human form. I dodge her advance, over and over again. I could tell she was getting angrier and angrier. If this was any other thing I would laugh my ass off.

  She tackled me to the ground going for my throat. However she didn't succeed. I lifted my legs and kicked her heavy ass off of me. She began to charge at me once again. This time I shifted and met her head on. Both going for each other's throats, saliva dripping from our mouth.

  She took a big chunk out of my calf when I started backing up after pushing her off me once again. She did what I would assume as a wolfy grin. She thought she was going to win, and that I would submit to her of all people.

  I have a strategy to let her believe she is going to win. She took a chunk out of my thigh as I took a chunk out of her side. I got distracted by a scream. A scream coming from Lilian.

  I looked up and searched for her. That is all it took for Aisha to take another chunk out of me. This time my arm. By now, we are both dripping in blood.

  I howled in pain before I went after her again. I took my eyes off Lilian for a couple of seconds. However before I could go after her, I saw her take Lilian's arm into her mouth latching down.

  That was all it took for me to see red. I took off. I had taken a massive chunk out of her legs, almost shredding the tendons. She howled in pain, which means she let go of Lilian. I couldn’t focus on that. All I could focus on was the she wolf.

  I charged once more, this time I was able to tackle her to the ground again. She tried to submit to me. But I wasn't having it. If she didn’t hurt Lily maybe I would have but she hurt her.

  Meaning she hurt Elijah. I snarled in her face before latching onto her neck. She continued to claw at me till he
r life drained out of her eyes.

  Once I knew she was dead I went after lilian. I tracked her scent to the infirmary. I shifted once making it there. Right now I didn't care that I was butt ass naked in front of people.

  I grabbed the first thing I could get to after walking in the door. Which happened to be a hospital gown. “Ma’am we need to fix you up” A nurse came up to me trying to grab my wrist. I only growled before continuing following Lilians scent.

  I found it very quickly. I barged through the door and went straight for Lilian who was crying while the Doctor stitched her up.

  “Lily, I am so sorry” I said as tears streamed down my no doubt bloody face. I could feel the gown soaking with blood as we speak.

  “Luna we must get that checked” the doctor working on Lilian turned and looked at me.

  I shook my head before saying “No, after I know she is okay and will be okay I will.” I said going to sit by her side where Elijah stood. I turned to look at me. Hurt shone brightly through his eyes, as well as the look of regret.


  “Estelle,” He said, trying to grab my arm. However, the she wolf dislocated my shoulder. So I howled in pain. Lilian started crying once again.

  “Hey I'm okay” I said softly stroking her hair with my good hand.

  “She has been crying because she thought you were gone” Elijah whispered into my ear.

  “I'm fine baby girl, I told you to stay in the living room” I said looking upset with her.

  “I heard you howl, she was hurting you” She said wiping her tears and the doctor finished the last stitch and placed a bandage on it.

  “It will need to be changed every 12 hours for the first day or two. Slowly the stitches will disappear once it is healed.” He said looking at Elijah before turning to me.

  “Now let's get you looked at” patting the bed Lilian was sitting on. “You guys might want to leave the room.” He said, looking at Elijah then at lily.

  “No” Elijah and Lily said at the same time.

  I laughed at them both. Lily grabbed my good hand before Doctor what's his name said, “ I'm going to need you to slip out of your gown.” I nodded my head before turning to lily and saying “Now you are going to have to turn your head away baby girl”

  Once I made sure she wasn’t looking, I turned back to the doctor before stripping off my gown. Shock resinated on his face.

  All of my wounds are healed except the shoulder. “All that needs to be fixed is the shoulder,” I said confidently.

  “How do you heal so fast, not even Alpha Elijah can heal that fast” the doctor said confused.

  “The shoulder” I said once again. “Right,” the doctor who I finally looked at his name tag said Harden.

  He popped my shoulder back into place. Elijah and the doctor both still shocked however at the moment I couldn't care less. I slid my gown back on and had Elijah tie it.

  “You are no longer needed,” Elijah said. “She must wear a sling,” the doctor said, “No I don't see” I said moving my arm around. It healed as soon as it was put back into place.

  I stood up before hugging Lily. “I'm so sorry” Mumbling it into her hair. “She is gone, she won't ever hurt you again” I said looking at Elijah in the eyes when I said that.

  I saw him nod once more at the Doctor before he walked out of the room. “I have to go deal with Aisha’s family” Elijah said, making me raise my eyebrow. He is really going to do this now. His daughter just got hurt by that woman. I don't care if it was an accident or not. She hurt Lilian.

  “OK,” I said, bending down to pick up Lily.

  “You shouldn't put so much strain on yourself, let me help you both back to the house.” Elijah offered reaching for Lily.

  However, I was having none of that. “No you go do your Alpha business, I am a big girl and I will protect her no matter what.” I said walking out leaving him there stunned.

  When I finally made it back to the house, Marisol rushed down the steps and to me to try and pick Lily out of my arms, causing me to growl at her and snap at her. My wolf doesn't want Lily out of her sight.

  Marisol jumped back shocked at what my wolf did. “I'm sorry Luna,” she said quietly, backing away more.

  “No I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you, my wolf will not let Lily out of her sight until she is better.” I said reaching out to grab Marisol’s hand.

  “It's okay luna, I just didn't expect it.” She said laughing it off “Now let's get you two inside” she said leading me into the house.

  “I think I am going to lay her down. I’ll be back” I said. Gently making my way up the stairs and laid her on my bed. She passed out. I quietly shut the bedroom door before going down the stairs to see Marisol and Alex talking while she is baking what I assume are Lily’s favorite.

  “Did you see how she just killed her like that, she is fucking badass!” Alex said to Marisol who didn’t realize I was there yet.

  “She was protecting her pup,” Marisol said, placing the cookies in the oven, before turning around smiling when she finally noticed I was there. However, Alex didn’t.

  “But Lilian isn't her pup?” Alex said which caused me to growl my disapproval of what he said. Lilian is my pup. Maybe not by birth but she is definitely my baby. I couldn't be happier.

  “Luna” Alex jumped out of his seat shocked. “I'm sorry,” He said before changing the subject. “You were amazing out there. Who taught you how to fight like that?”he asked before sitting back down in the stool.

  “Leroy, Mason, Tyler and the goons.” I laughed before continuing “I was a member of the royal army. The only female to ever be in the Royal Army. So, they taught me some as well. Plus when I was little I used to watch my father train.” I said smiling at the memories or watching my dad whoop Leroy's ass.

  “That's awesome you are going to be an amazing Luna” He said getting up and hugging me.

  “Okay well I'm going to go check on Lily” I said before backing out the door before they could say something else. I came for water but water would have to wait till later.

  My wolf was restless, not being near her pup. I quietly made my way up the stairs before opening my bedroom door. But when I went in there Lily was no longer there. I tried to figure out where she went. I tried to catch a scent. The balcony was still locked, so no one could get in from there.

  I howled in pain, for my pup. Before I trashed my bedroom. When I find the person who took her I will destroy them and everyone they care about. All I could see was red. They messed with the wrong wolf.


  I heard her painful howl and I took off to where I could catch her scent. But what shocked me most when I walked into the bedroom she had a red aura around her lighting the room with how bright it was. It then faded to black.

  “Estelle” I yelled out but she never responded. She just fell to the ground. Knocked out cold.


  When I finally woke up, I didn't know how long I had been out. But I remember they took Lilian I shot up out of bed.

  “Hey slow down, sit back down before you hurt yourself” Elijah said pushing me back onto the bed.

  “They have her Elijah, I can’t just sit here” I yelled at him. I saw his face drop and watched tears fall onto his thighs.

  “No. No. Please No.” I cried out. They killed her. “ Please tell me she is alive” I begged, grabbing onto his face and bringing it up to look at me.

  “She is alive, but they sent a video. They said if I don’t give you them that tell will kill her and send her body to me in pieces, little by little.” He cried out. I know this was hard for him.

  “Let me go,” I said, getting out of his arms. “I’ll go in her place,” I said, going to the closet and picking out shorts and a shirt. One of his t-shirts to be exact.

  “They can’t have both of you. I'm not going to risk your life too.” He said, trying to grab my hand.

  “No Elijah, she is a child. Your child. I am not about to let them kil
l her because they want me. They can have me. Kill me, I don't care but they will not kill Lilian over this.” I said crying before grabbing his face and lifting it up once again “I love you, I don't know when I fell in love with you but I did. I love you so much but I have to do this. Tell Lilian I love her when you get her back. And tell the pack I am sorry I couldn’t be the Luna they needed.” I cried out before planting my lips on him.

  “I need to go,” I said pushing against his chest. “She will be home soon. I promise you.” I said kissing him once more.

  Before I took off. I raced down the stairs, once I made it to the woods I stripped off my clothes and picked them up in my mouth before I began to run.

  I ran and ran and ran until I finally made it to the border of the Royal Lands. I guess this is it. I thought to myself. I changed back into my clothes before slowly stepping over the land and when I did the guard just popped up like I expected them too.

  “Estelle we have been waiting for you” I saw the one man I wanted to kill more than anything standing in front of me. King Richard…...



  Sneak Peak of Book 2


  Chapter 1

  “Where is she?” I asked. Getting impatient. I kept looking around before I heard her yell my name “E” she tried to run to me. “Let her go and you can have me, a deal is a deal,” I said honestly.

  No funny games. They gave me Lilian and I gave them me. “She leaves when you come with us” Roan spoke up coming out of the shadows.

  I stood there shocked; wasn’t he supposed to be my best friend. How could he betray me like this? That makes me wonder who else betrayed me.

  Before I knew it they pushed Lilian my way and she ran into my arms. “E” she sobbed into my arms.

  “Lilian you have to run. Run as fast as you can okay? Do you hear me? Do not stop for anybody. I love you and your daddy okay” I said as a couple of tears dripped onto her shoulder before I kissed her forehead and pushed her towards the border.


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