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She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6)

Page 8

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Well just in case I don’t, and they still get in, I’ll be sure to remind them why they never should’ve tried it.”

  “Oh boy,” Samiyah groaned.

  Jonas smirked. “Okay,” he said, stepping to Martha Jean for a hug. “Have a good night.” He placed a kiss on her cheek and reached back for Samiyah.

  Samiyah accepted his hand as she glided up to Martha Jean. “Good night, Mama. Don’t hurt nobody okay?”

  Martha Jean smirked, and they air kissed. “Love you both,” she said. “Goodnight.”

  Jonas reopened the door, and they stepped out into the chilly night. Jonas moved to drape his arm around Samiyah’s waist and pull her in. In sync, they left the porch for the Bentley truck. After helping Samiyah inside, Jonas closed her door and strolled to the driver’s side. Seeing Martha Jean standing idle in the doorway, Jonas tossed his hand in a single wave.

  She waved back, then disappeared inside, shutting the door. Inside the Bentley, heat blasted from the vent.

  “Should we send her some personal security? I’m sure Jonathon wouldn’t mind having a few men in rotation.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Samiyah said, reaching out for him, “but I’ll tell you what you can do for me,” she purred.

  His pupils darkened, and he leaned over, meeting Samiyah halfway. “What can I do for you, baby?” his dark voice beat. “I’ll do anything.”

  “Get us home as fast as this truck will take us. We’ve been apart far too long.”

  Jonas licked his lips and reached across Samiyah for her seatbelt. “You might want to buckle up then, love.”

  Samiyah smiled and stuffed her nose into the crook of his neck then drug her lips up to his face. The masculine scent drove her wild and did crazy things to her nervous system. It didn’t take them long to find the darkened highway. Getting to their three level Tudor-style home was the only thing Jonas wanted to do. Making love to his wife had become a treat he’d gladly looked forward to at the end of most of his work days. Sometimes, Jonas tried not to overdo it. He understood that Samiyah was nearing the end of her pregnancy, so most nights he tried with all his might to give it to her nice and slow. However, tonight, Jonas was feeling arrestingly driven with a passion that was fueled by his love for her, and he wanted to give Samiyah every single inch of him in a painfully uncivilized way.

  Reaching over the console, Samiyah’s fingers danced across his lap and a hum tuned from her lips. The melody was one Jonas recognized as her favorite song that she kept on replay in the house at times. When her fingers slipped into the thread of his zipper and pulled the metal buzzer down, Jonas glanced at her knowingly. Samiyah smiled, and her tongue slipped out of her mouth to play with the corner of her lips.

  Continuing to hum, Samiyah removed the belt buckle and unfastened his pants, reaching in to grip his elongated shaft.

  “Grrrrrrrr…” A lone warning trekked from his throat as he navigated the vehicle with precision down the road. Samiyah’s soft hand closed around his muscle, gliding up to the head of his penis and back down to the base to cup his balls. “Damn it, woman,” he said as a torrent of heat burned through him, making his shaft bigger by the second.

  “Mmmm,” Samiyah moaned, adjusting herself in the seat to lean over to him. When her lips covered his dick, a string of profanity spilled from his mouth.

  “You have to stop,” he said with a gruff tone.

  “Mmmm,” Samiyah said, taking her tongue down the length of him in one intensely long suck.

  “Fuck!” Jonas said as he held a stern grip on the steering wheel. “Samiyah…” He growled.

  “Mmhmm,” she said as her mouth moved up and down. With a greedy appetite, Samiyah opened her throat to adjust herself for Jonas’ girth. Saliva ran from the corners of her mouth, and on a slippery slope, Samiyah slurped and sucked, pulling and stretching his warm cinnamon skin. She was so explicitly turned on that she could prop her legs up to play with her clitoris and come in an instant.

  Jonas pushed the security code into the keypad and could barely stand waiting for the gate to open. When Samiyah took in another huge suck, Jonas’ head fell back, and his fingers dug into her hair for a firm grip. He moved her up and down biting on his jaw at the magnificent way she lapped at his unyielding erection. A lightning shock of heat covered him, and with utter determination, Jonas pulled her off. Samiyah’s lips smacked as she fought to hang on to her connection. Looking to Jonas with eyes so sultry and lips so pouty, Jonas couldn’t help but devour her mouth. His lips crushed into hers as he pulled her with a fierceness so intense a trickle of cream left Samiyah’s pussy and sailed into the seat of her panties.

  With fever they kissed and the atmosphere in the truck scorched into a dense humidity. Samiyah reached for his cock, needing to feel him again as his tongue traveled down her throat. They were two seconds away from their front door. Literally. But neither wanted to move for the sake of disconnecting. Jonas tore his lips from hers and trailed kisses down her chin.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she crooned. “Baby,” she panted, “I need you, now.”

  Jonas pulled his gaze to hers then quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and left his seat for the passenger door. Opening swiftly, Jonas reached over Samiyah, releasing her belt and scooping her into his arms. His maneuver was smooth as he turned his back and shut the door with a flip of his foot. At the door, Jonas slipped the key inside while Samiyah nibbled on his earlobe, and Jonas walked purposefully to one of their bedrooms on the main floor.

  “Babe, you forgot to close the front door,” she purred.

  “No one’s coming in. I’ll close it later.”

  Samiyah went back to tracing his lobe with her tongue, and once they made it down the stretch of the corridor, she panted.

  “Put me down, I want it hard tonight, against this wall, right here,” she begged.

  Jonas sat Samiyah on her feet and helped her remove the extra layers of clothing she wore. He tossed his fleece and pulled out of his shirt. Samiyah waved her hands over the ripples in his chest, gliding her arms up his shoulders. Jonas slipped his brawny hands up her neck and his fingers sank into her tresses.

  “As bad as I would love to take you hard against this wall, I can’t have us hurting our baby.” His kissed her mouth, then sucked her lips before brushing kisses down her neck.

  “I promise we won’t hurt the baby.” Samiyah’s eyes rolled as his kisses singed her skin, melting her where she stood. “Please,” she panted. “I love you, but our sex lately has been…”

  Sharply, Jonas pulled away from her, and his brows knocked together in a frown. “Has been what?”

  Samiyah reached for his face. “I don’t mean any harm, baby, our sex has been great, just a little soft.” The more she went on explaining, the more horrified Jonas’ expression became. “You’ve spoiled me, baby. I want you to fuck me hard like you did before I became with child.”

  Jonas just stared at her. Samiyah leaned into him and kissed his lips.

  “You mean all this time, you haven’t enjoyed our sex?” he asked, astonished.

  Samiyah shook her head vigorously. “That’s not what I said. I love our sex, I just don’t want you to take it so easy on me.” Samiyah unclasped her bra and wiggled out of her panties.

  Jonas gaze fell to her breasts; they had gotten bigger and her chocolate nipples more extended. He bit his bottom lip and took a step back, taking in the fullness of her. Jonas’ heart rocked against his chest. He didn’t know it was possible to be in love with someone wholly and unequivocally as he was with Samiyah. Seeing her now in her bare necessities, caring his heir with the grace of a lioness stirred his soul to the point that he could fall to his knees.

  Turning her back to him, Samiyah bent slightly, poking her derriere out. Jonas moved out of his pants and stroked his dick as he pushed his clothing to the side with his feet.

  “Come here,” he said, gathering Samiyah as she turned in his arms. Lifting her, Jonas pushed her back agains
t the wall, then kissed her forehead, nose, and lips. “If it’s too much, you have to tell me,” he said.

  Samiyah’s heartbeat raced in anticipation of him. Then, Jonas entered her womb, stretching her with one deep piercing thrust.

  “O!” her mouth parted, and Jonas sank his tongue into her mouth.

  “Promise me,” he said as he plunged deeper and pulled at her lips with his teeth.

  Samiyah’s mouth held open, and a hot wave of nerves scattered her torso. “I promise,” she panted.

  Jonas moved in and out of her, slow at first, then with a passion that ignited a flame and torched their skin. His hands gripped her thighs and sank into the creases of her hips. With her held up against the wall, Jonas pumped into her, dragging his engorged dick back and forth, clutching her walls within. Lifting her bottom higher, Jonas knocked into her pussy and her curvy ass bounced against his pelvis as he massaged her insides from a dangerous angle. Spasms rocked through Samiyah as Jonas lifted her again. With each new level of height, he pierced her with another torpedo driving stroke. Over and over, Jonas filled Samiyah with every inch that he possessed. In a profound immersion, Jonas sank and grooved as the tight suction of her lips pulsed harder with each immaculate thrust.

  “Oh my God…” she yelled. Samiyah’s nails dug into his shoulders, and with every pummel, a stifling heat seared her core and shocked her body.

  “Tell me…” his dangerous voice grooved, “how does it feel, baby?”

  A shiver of chills ran down Samiyah’s spine.

  “So damn good,” she said in a panting breath.

  Samiyah’s wetness spilled down his dick, and their bodies slapped together, creating a melody that permeated the hallway walls. Jonas’ hips bucked and plummeted as his grip tightened even more. Faster, he drove into Samiyah when a wail fell from her lips.

  “How about now?” Jonas said as his lips kissed down her shoulders.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Samiyah hissed, her head rolling from side to side. “Oh!” she yelled at the beating Jonas pounded her with. Samiyah’s thighs stung, and her breasts bounced just as her gates opened. “I’m going to fuckin’ come!” she whined like that of a trapped animal. She lifted a hand and smacked both of his shoulders in succession.

  “Let me have your mouth,” he ordered, and Samiyah’s lips sank into his. Jonas sailed quick jabs into her vagina with a firm, steady hold. Like a bulldozer, he pushed into her so fast Samiyah felt homicidal.

  She pulled away from his glorious mouth and lurched forward, sinking her teeth into his neck. A growl rumbled from Jonas, and he pulled her off the wall, holding her high as his jabs became unstable. A scream ripped from Samiyah’s throat, and she creamed all over his shaft.

  “Fuck me!” he barked as his hot cum shot inside her womb. A high-pitch buzz rang in their ears as they fell apart together. Jonas staggered backwards into the wall. With their breaths labored, they kissed and whispered loving adulations to one another.

  “Every night,” Samiyah shuddered. “Every night, you, and me, and this wall. We have a date.”

  Jonas smiled slightly as he continued to catch his breath.

  “Do I get a say in this?” he asked.

  “No,” she panted.

  Jonas chuckled and stepped forward, walking them into the master suite.

  “I’m going to run us a bubble bath,” he said, easing Samiyah onto the bed. When they disconnected, both of them felt a dizzying moment of collapse. “Damn woman.” Jonas kissed her lips, and Samiyah held on to his neck.

  “Just get into bed,” she said. “We’ll shower in the morning.”

  “Tomorrow, we have a busy day ahead of us, love.”

  “That’s all right,” Samiyah retorted. “We’ll get it together. Right now, I just want you.”

  Jonas smiled into her lips and lifted her again, crawling to the head of the bed with her wrapped around him. Once they were comfortable in the sheets, he ran a heated palm down her back and over her rounded buttocks. With a hot pop, Jonas smacked her ass, and Samiyah moaned, sticking out her tongue to lick his lips.

  “Your mom was right,” he said.

  Samiyah arched a brow.

  “You are in heat.”

  Samiyah chuckled. “I guess I am. So you know what that means.”

  Jonas flipped Samiyah over on her side and entered her from the back.

  “Aaaah!” Samiyah screeched as he expanded inside her.

  Jonas rocked back and forth, taking Samiyah over again in a maelstrom of orgasms.

  Chapter Eleven

  When the sun rose the next day, everyone in the Rose family was busy preparing for the Jan’s Roses fundraiser. Samiyah and Jonas awakened in a haze of love while Claudia and Jaden rose early to get in their morning run. On the opposite side of town, Phoebe, Eden, and Jasmine sat idle as their stylist and makeup artists ran around them in circles.

  Martha Jean and Adeline were just as busy, both trying to keep their mind on the goal to steal Christopher’s heart while simultaneously thinking about Antonio and Clifford. While Adeline practiced her walk that was steadying by the day, Martha Jean fussed over her foundation, which she removed and had Calvin reapply. The buoyant makeup artist didn’t flinch as he brushed over Martha Jean’s face until she was satisfied.

  At Christopher Lee Rose’s house, time seemed to move slow, and he knew why. Every year on the anniversary of his late wife’s passing, a sadness would creep over him. Thoughts of his and Janet’s earlier years would scroll through his memory, and he would find himself laughing and crying. It was something he shared alone without the worried stares and glances he was sure to receive once he’d made it to the fundraiser. Interestingly, sadness was nowhere to be found when he awakened. In its place was the need to celebrate Janet’s memory. On his knees in prayer, Christopher sent an extra word to the Lord. Christopher could rest assured that Janet was in the best possible hands there was. In his conversation with God, Christopher prayed for his family’s protection and spiritual covering, and for their understanding with the revelation he would disclose to them when they regrouped after the event. When he completed his prayers, Christopher sat idle for a moment, gaining clarity over the years of his life.

  It was then that he shot a quick prayer back up in thanksgiving. He’d been blessed to watch his kids grow up, graduate from school, and get married. Now soon he would also become a grandfather, and that was the icing on the cake. Christopher smiled as he thought about everything his boys had accomplished. And he was sure, his girls got their book smarts from their mother. That thought warmed his heart, and his smile lingered. Yes, he had been truly blessed. Now, Christopher would receive the biggest blessing of all. The ability to love again. His heart soared with thoughts of Norma. She’d been the glue that held the family together throughout the years. From her advice, to her loving nature, to her spunky wit. There had been many instances where Christopher had witnessed his children grieve about the loss of their mother to Norma when he couldn’t seem to reach them. She would rub a reassuring hand over them and give them encouragement. Always sowing seeds of life, love, and prosperity through the words she spoke to them. He appreciated her adoration for his children, and Christopher had made certain when Norma’s boys were ready that their college tuition would be paid for.

  There was no place Norma belonged other than their family, and Christopher was delighted to make an honest woman out of her. Rising to his feet, Christopher slipped his hands into his pockets and let out a long slow breath. His eyes swept around the traditional style room and landed on a picture of Janet on the far wall. Sitting in the hospital bed holding Phoebe, Eden, and Jasmine, Janet’s smile stretched across her face, and tears were in her eyes. Christopher strolled to the picture and picked it up to stare at it. He grinned and rubbed his thumb over the glass protection of the photo. It was time to take the pictures down. He would give them to his daughters, where they should’ve been anyway.

  “Rest in Heaven, Jan,” he half whispered just as
the sound of the floorboard creaked. Christopher turned to catch the fleeting back of Norma. “Don’t leave,” he said. She halted her footsteps but didn’t reenter the room.

  Turning slowly to face Christopher, Norma spoke, “I was just coming by to check on you.” Her eyes moved from his handsome face to the photo in his hand at his side. “I didn’t mean to disturb—”

  “You didn’t,” he interjected. “I was merely reflecting. This time of year always does that to me.” He smiled softly. “It took you long enough to come see about me though. I could’ve been in here passed out or drowning in my sorrows,” he joked.

  “I would’ve come sooner… I just thought, maybe, you should have some time alone.”

  Christopher sat the photo down and crossed the room to Norma.

  “I’m just kidding, love. What’s wrong, you seem serious and nervous. Is it anything I can help with?”

  Norma sighed. “I am nervous, Christopher.”

  Christopher was relieved that she didn’t call him Mr. Rose. It bothered him more now than anything, especially since she was no longer an employee but the love of his life.

  Christopher waved a hand over Norma’s shoulders and gave them a slight squeeze. “I know our revelation is a big deal, but honestly, these are the same kids you’ve help me raise. They love you. They would go completely crazy if you weren’t a part of this family.”

  “Yeah, as everything but their…” Norma hesitated.

  “Mother?” he finished.

  Norma nodded. “I can’t replace Janet, Christopher. I’m terrified.”

  “Sssssh.” Christopher pulled her into his embrace. “No one is asking you to replace Janet. They won’t expect you to, and I don’t expect you to. You… are… Norma. That’s who you’ll always be, and that’s who we want in our lives.” Christopher waited a beat before continuing. “Now if you’re trying to bail on marrying me, just tell me now so I can cry my eyes out in peace.”

  Norma smirked up at him, giving Christopher a slight swat on his arms. “Oh hush, you know I would never do that.”


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