The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story Page 23

by Charlotte Hawkins

  But they were a stain that could not be wiped away. Those thoughts, those dark memories, were only lost when he was with Cassia. Needing the balm that only she could give him, he leaned down to softly kiss her shoulder. It was incredible that just that tiny bit of affection, that brief contact of his lips on her skin, was enough to bring some sense of calm to his soul.

  And to spark his desire.

  He heard the happy little sound she made as she woke. He smiled, brushing his nose from her shoulder to her neck, nuzzling her gently. He placed a soft kiss behind her ear, and he was pleased when she sighed with contentment.

  “Mmmm. What a lovely way to be woken up.” She turned in his embrace, looping her arms around his neck. They shared soft, tender kisses…passionate, but unhurried. And though he knew words could not quite capture his feelings, he could not fight the urge to try.

  “You are so beautiful, Cassia. There is not a one who can ever compare to you.”

  She giggled softly, nibbling at his ear. “Continue with this, if you please. I am quite enjoying it.” He allowed it for a few moments. But then he pulled back, capturing her face in both his hands.

  “I am being quite serious. You are such a lovely, radiant thing. At times I find it difficult to believe you are truly mine to have and keep.”

  Her fingers came up to lightly clasp his wrists. “I feel the same, Guy. Every time I look at you, I feel so very blessed. And after what we have endured, it is truly a gift to have this second chance.”

  “And we shall not waste another moment of it. Tomorrow, I shall ask your brother for his blessing. We shall be man and wife, even if we must seek out the priest on our own.”

  She pulled his face to hers, worshiping him with tender kisses. “I love you, Guy.”

  He returned her kisses, loving her more and more each passing moment. “I love you, Cassia. More than words have the power to say.”

  She gave him a low, naughty chuckle. “Deeds are more powerful than words, so it has been said. Perhaps we should put such wisdom to the test.”

  Sharing her mirth, adoring her boldness, he cradled her in his arms…and proved that the old adage was very true indeed.


  Lying beside him, their heads sharing a pillow, she heard him make a tiny sound of amusement. She looked at him, seeing ts. ht smile that came to his face. Though she delighted in seeing that handsome expression, she had to wonder what had prompted it.

  “Something amuses you?” she asked.

  He took in a slight breath. “I was recalling a dream…well, it was perhaps more of a nightmare. I once envisioned that we were together, as we are now. Happy, as now. But then, a knight on a white horse appeared, seemingly from nowhere. He took you from me, and I was helpless to stop it. And you went to him willingly.”

  She moved so that she could look down into his eyes. Her expression was solemn.

  “Why would I do that?”

  His eyes met hers…and his smile had lessened. “It was your husband.”

  She opened her mouth, but found no words.

  “But I am smiling because now I realize it was just the twisted logic of dreams. It was your brother returning to find you…it was not your husband. And it was my fear that triggered the illusion.”

  Her look was pained. “You feared that I would leave you?”

  He nodded, and she leaned her head against his shoulder, putting her arms around him. He embraced her, letting out a deep breath.

  “I am aware of how foolish it must seem now. But in those days, I always feared that you would suddenly see the light…that you would see what you had bound yourself to, and wish to escape.”

  She clung tightly to him. “Why would I ever want to leave a man such as you?”

  He sighed again, the sound almost sad.

  “Well, for one, there is the matter of my sordid past. And then, there is the matter of my physical presence. I am not what one would call an ideal image of a man.”

  She lifted her head, taking his face in her hands, her demeanor almost aggressive. “You are my ideal of perfection. I do not desire a fair-haired paragon on a white horse.” Then she smiled, her eyes glowing with mischief. “I like my knight dark and dangerous, with a pair of sinful eyes that can melt me into a puddle with just one look.”

  He raised an eyebrow, his little smile teasing her. “He sounds quite intriguing. Do I know this person?”

  “You should. He is quite tall, with an incredible physique that would turn the head of any sensible woman. But it is quite fortunate for me that he is mine, and only mine…”


  They slept once again, close together as they had been each time before. But when Cassia woke, turning her head to glance out the window, she knew that the darkness would not remain for much longer. She was careful in removing herself from Guy’s arms. Several times during the night, she found that when she moveven the smallest distance away…to stretch or adjust her position…he would tighten his hold on her, as if he feared being separated from her. When she was out of his embrace, she crept from the bed and found her discarded nightgown. After she slipped back into it she sat on the edge of the bed, tying the ribbons…and she smiled when she felt the weight shift on the bed behind her. A moment later she felt his arms around her shoulders, his breath hot upon her neck as he murmured softly.

  “Must you go so soon?”

  She smiled, leaning back against him. And she sighed. “The moon is low in the west. The servants will be up soon…and I must be in my chamber before the house begins to stir.”

  Despite the words of caution, despite the knowledge that their night was at its end, neither was willing to go. Guy was more vocal in his displeasure, grumbling his protest softly against her skin.

  “I can hardly bear these separations.”

  He rocked her back and forth in his embrace, as if seeking comfort from the motion. She turned in his arms, pressing her cheek against his shoulder, her arms clinging to him. She tried to sound more cheerful than he.

  “I shall not be so far away. We will share company in the afternoon and in the evening.”

  His whisper had an urgent note to it. “That shall hardly suffice.” She heard him sigh. Then, he held her back slightly to look in her eyes. “Will you come to me again? Tonight?”

  Her answer was instant. “Of course. And every night, if I am able to manage it.”

  He let out a ragged breath. “I can hardly wait until we are wed.” He kissed her firmly…and then he smiled. His eyes were shining with amusement. “I think it is time you made an honest man of me.”

  She giggled, kissing him back, wishing she could stay…but knowing she could not. Before temptation could lure her back to his bed and his willing arms, she pulled away and rose to her feet. He followed her to the door, his fingers linked with hers…unwilling to let her leave until the last possible moment. Just before she slipped out, he grazed her cheek with his fingertips.

  “Good night, my beloved.”

  She clutched his hand, pressing it against her face for a long moment…and then she left, taking great caution to move as silently as she had only a short time ago.


  She slept quite late into the day...and cursed herself for it. She had wanted to see Guy at breakfast, before Stephen took him out on their journey to meet the tenants and examine the property. But as she lay in her bed, thinking on the night that had just passed, she smiled sheepishly…thinking perhaps that meeting him so soon again would not be wise, particularly if others were watching them.

  She had a strange wish to be a little bird at that moment, so she might discreetly follow along with Guy and Stephen and hear their conversation. Guy had said he would seek Stephen’s blessing today, and she prayed that her brother would be rational. He had his reasons for not liking Guy, but surely he would not deny her the happiness of having the man she loved.

  At her request the maid prepared a bath and brought her a tray of food, and soon she was left alone with h
er thoughts. Rosalyn had said that Stephen would take her feelings into consideration…and he’d made Guy his second Steward, which made her think he was at least trying to be reasonable.

  But she was well aware that marriages were not meant for love. A lord based his allowance of marriage on what he thought to be the best situation for the parties involved. It mattered not that she was Stephen’s sister. She could only pray that he would allow his heart, and not his pride, to ultimately affect his decision.

  Later that afternoon, impatience gnawed at her as she took a long turn around the property with Rosalyn. The children accompanied them, escorted by their nurse. While the three were at a distance ahead, Cassia and Rosalyn walked side by side, observing them. Stuart ran far ahead, as fast as his little legs would carry him. Then he came running back, a wide smile on his face.

  “Mama…Auntie…I can run fast!”

  Rosalyn gave him a loving smile, reaching down to smooth his flaxen hair. “We see, darling. But be careful. Do not fall.”

  He gave a little giggle…and proceeded to run full speed ahead down the path.

  “He is a fine boy,” Cassia said. “So sweet, and so full of energy.” She smiled, watching Stuart as he bravely managed the few steps leading down a section of the path. “He reminds me of Stephen’s temperament when we were children. He was always bold and gregarious.”

  Rosalyn beamed with pride. “My son will make a fine knight one day.”

  To that, Cassia’s smile waned. “I must confess. If I have sons, I hope that their ambitions do not venture towards warfare. I can recall too clearly how painful it was to see Stephen and Edwin gone to seek such glory. I would prefer that my sons look to commerce, or agriculture…perhaps even the clergy.”

  Rosalyn looked sympathetic. But as always, her compassion was tempered by her aristocratic upbringing…her total devotion to the rules of society and of her status.

  “If only it could be our decision to make, dear sister. Sons shall follow their fathers. It is a fate that we mothers cannot change.”

  Cassia sighed. “Perhaps. But it is my hope that my husband directs our children on a more peaceful path in life.”

  “Does Sir Guy speak to you of his wishes for the future?”

  She shrugged. “At present, we would be grateul just to begin our lives together. He seeks my hand, Rosalyn. He told me he would speak to Stephen today.”

  Rosalyn took her hands, joyfully squeezing them. “Oh Cassia, that is splendid news.”

  “Only if Stephen accepts us.” She lowered her eyes, coming close to tears. “Without his consent, Guy and I can make no such plans.”

  Rosalyn gathered her in her arms, and Cassia leaned on her, grateful for the small comfort.

  As they turned back to the house, a footman appeared from within. He gave a bow to Rosalyn.

  “My lady, the master returns.”

  Cassia felt her insides quiver with nervousness, wondering what news Stephen would bring. Rosalyn gave her hand a gentle pat, and together they walked in, the nurse following behind with the children.

  They waited near the staircase, and at the sight of Guy walking beside Stephen, Cassia’s heart beat fast. When he walked through the door, he remained at a polite distance as Stephen came forward to greet his wife and children, and to give Cassia a peck of the cheek. But her eyes remained on Guy, as his eyes were on hers. She found it difficult to restrain herself. She wanted to rush to him, to throw her arms around him and kiss him. But such behavior was not permitted, and this they both knew. He appeared cool and restrained, the way she had often seen him in those days when he’d carried out his duties in Nottingham. But she knew he must have been eager to speak to her, to tell her what had transpired between himself and his new lord and master. And he was eager to express his affection. She could see it in his expression as he came close. It was in his eyes, which darkened in color as he took her hand, pressing his lips lightly to her knuckles.

  “My Lady Cassia.”

  “Sir Guy.”

  He was not even permitted to give her his arm to escort her to the table. They had to walk side by side, as if they were mere acquaintances and nothing more. And when they spoke, it was in quiet tones and short sentences, as if they carried on a small and simple conversation of little importance.

  “I spoke to Stephen.”

  She tried to keep her voice calm, though she was trembling with anxiety.


  Guy sighed. “He is withholding his decision until tomorrow.”

  Her heart sank, and she fought the urge to curse. “This is maddening,” she declared. “He knows my feelings, and yours. And yet he remains so deliberately stubborn.”

  “I know. I assure you, I was not at all pleased to hear it. But for one more day, I shall maintain my civility and exercise my patience.”

  “Will you tell me more of your conversation? Tonight?” Her voice held a note of promise, of anticipation…and his was the same in reply.

  “I look forward to it.”

  She smiled, and though she dared not look up at his face…she would find it difficult to look away if she did…she knew he was smiling too.

  Chapter 22

  When she made her way to his room that night, she found him standing before the fire with his arms crossed. Clearly he was deep in thought, but still he managed to turn to her with one of his lovely smiles. He held out his hand to her…and she went to him instantly, slipping her palm into his. But rather than kissing her right away, he drew her against him, holding her close. She sighed against his chest, wondering at his thoughtful expression.

  “You look so pensive, my love. What is on your mind?”

  He rested his head against hers. “I was just thinking of today. Of all that your brother and I discussed. There is much responsibility in the job he has given me. It would be quite a pity if the duty were to be given to another. And I will let it go to another, if he does not give his consent tomorrow.”

  She leaned back in his arms, looking up at him. “Guy, tell me truly. Did Stephen give any indication as to how his decision might go?”

  “I am afraid not. He was quite stoic in all that he said and did. Your brother has a true soldier’s disposition. He hides his thoughts and feelings quite well when he wants to.”

  Cassia sighed. Still holding Guy’s hand, she went to the edge of the bed and sat down with him. He put his arm around her, drawing her to his side.

  “Beloved, are you certain of leaving your newfound relations? It troubles me to think that I will separate you from a family you have only just come to know.”

  She buried her head against his chest as she replied. “You will be my family, Guy. You and our children.”

  “I know. And the notion of a family…our family…is something I dream of. But all the same…”

  A sudden pounding on the door interrupted their conversation. And then a raised voice made them both give a start.

  “Gisborne! I want to speakwith you, immediately!”

  Guy looked at her, putting his finger to his lips. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the side door. Once she’d slipped out, he walked calmly to the chamber door and unlatched it…and Stephen didn’t waste a moment rushing in.

  “Is my sister here?” Instantly he began looking about, moving quick through the room.

  Guy shrugged, his expression above suspicion. “Not that I am aware of, my lord.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Quite certain, I think. Unless she is hiding here without my knowledge.”

  “Well she is not in her room.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Guy gave Stephen an odd look. “Forgive me, my lord, but I do not understand.”

  “Never mind, Gisborne. Forget my intrusion.”

  He swept from the room as quickly as he had come in. Guy closed the door behind him…and he grinned, quite entertained by this little game of cat and mouse. If he knew Cassia, she was already well away from danger. And even if, perchance, she found herself
cornered, she was clever enough to wiggle her way out. She’d encountered more formidable beings than Stephen DeWarren. Hells bells, she’d taken on him and been victorious. That in itself was a feat worth a heap of rewards and recognition.


  Slipping out the door of the opposite room, Cassia wound her way down the back stairs, through the servants’ passageway and into the kitchen. Stephen would no doubt come looking for her, and if he found her in the kitchen, it would provide a credible alibi. Taking an apple from the larder, pouring herself a goblet of wine, she sat at the table to wait…and it wasn’t long before she heard the commotion of a search. She sighed, taking a long draught of her wine. Then she heard her name being called…and she called back, not hiding the displeasure in her voice.

  “I am in the kitchen, and I am quite well.”

  She turned her head to see Rosalyn, along with several servants…and coming up behind them, Stephen. Sighing, she shook her head.

  “Is it such a crime to appease one’s hunger at this hour? I hardly think it necessary to send the entire household to find me.”

  Stephen came forward, his face full of concern. “You worried me, Cassia. I did not find you abed, and I thought…”

  Rising fast to her feet, she spoke before he could. “I think I know precisely what you thought, brother. And I must say I am very hurt by your scrutiny.”

  She brushed past him, not caring that everyone was watching. She heard him telling all to return to their beds, and then she heard him calling out to her. But she paid him no mind, calmly returning to her own room and her own bed. She latched the door, unwilling to speak to him, even when she heard the soft rapping that she had known would soon flow. She heard his voice slightly muffled through the door.


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