The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story Page 26

by Charlotte Hawkins

  She laughed again. “It might do for a moment.” Running her hands down his ribs, snaking her hands around to the small of his back and down, she gripped him firmly. “But I trust you can do much more.”

  Breaking from her, he bent to pull off his boots, impatiently kicking them aside. Rising to his feet at the side of the bed, he turned to her as he untied his trouser lacings, and while his hands were occupied she rose to her knees in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled his lips to hers in a hot kiss. Their mouths fused as one, never parting for a moment as he finally freed himself from the last of his clothes.

  Falling back to the bed together, her legs parting wide to welcome him, he quickly joined his body with hers, groaning at the delicious feeling of her soft heat wrapped around him. He could not be slow, nor tender. His desire was too great…and judging from the way her fingers were clenched in his hair, it was clear she was as greedy as he was. She’d never been meek in his bed, and he thanked God for it as he moved fiercely within her, moaning at the incredible pleasure, her sounds of eagerness spurring him on.

  Gripping her bottom he withdrew and thrust again, each movement of his hips more powerful than the one before. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist, trying to take him in further with each stroke. Her mouth opened against his ear, panting hotly as he ground himself into her, and he moaned her name again and again. In a frenzy of white-hot desire they clung to each other, hating the moment when it would end. They burned wildly for each other, and when the rapture came it was a fiery explosion, both of them crying out together. His cheek lay against hers, both their mouths open as they fought to catch their breaths. The tremors still shook them, and it was some time before they came back to their senses.

  Looking into each other’s eyes, each could see the burning passion reflected back. One intense coupling had hardly quenched it. They kissed once more, slow and deep, savoring each other. In a slow roll of tangled limbs he moved to his back, taking her with him. His palms settled on her hips, intent on positioning her atop him, wanting to look up at her when they came together. But when she moved his hands away, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it…until she pressed a burning kiss on his chest. Then her lips began a slow journey downward, brushing hotly on his abdomen. Realizing her intention, his already roused senses ignited like wildfire. His heart raced. His breath became short, and it was all he could do to manage words.

  “Are you certain you wish to…” He could hardly think. He wanted this more than he’d wanted anything in his life. But he did not want her to feel shame in the act. He looked down at her, offering her the chance to stop is she wished…even as his eyes pleaded with her to proceed. She smiled at him for a moment, saying nothing. Then she lowered her head…and his fell back as he felt the soft, wet feel of her mouth on him. For several long moments he lay there, gasping in pleasure, enduring the exquisite torment. He’d never been so aroused in his life…and he was dangerously close to losing control. He’d gone that far with other women, spilling his seed without thought, caring only about his own desires. But as near as he was to his peak, he refused to let it end in that way…not with her. Reaching down he grasped her arms, pulling her up and away. She looked surprised at his sudden reaction, but he spoke in a heated rush of words.

  “If you go on, I shall be unmanned.”

  He crushed her mouth to his, and rolling her to her back he drove himself into her, managing only a few powerful strokes before his climax overtook him. When the blinding pleasure had ceased, he felt a sudden sense of guilt, knowing she had not attained the heights he’d ju reached. She’d given him his release without reaching her own completion. And yet, when he raised his eyes to her, she was smiling…so loving, so beautiful.

  “I am sorry,” he said, his tone soft with regret. “That was much too hurried.”

  She shushed him, bringing his head down to her breast. “We have all the time in the world, my love.”

  Shifting his weight off of her, but keeping her in the circle of his arms, he sighed with great contentment as he drew her close...falling asleep against the softness of her body.


  Without opening his eyes he reached for her…but his hand found only empty space. Forcing himself awake, he looked around to see where she had gone. A movement of shadow in the firelight made him look towards the hearth, where he saw her kneeling as she stirred the logs in the grate. Moving to the end of the bed, he rested his head on his arms, looking at her. She was wrapped in a silk robe, but it left little to the imagination, and in the glow of the fire, she looked exquisite.

  “What a lovely vision before my eyes.”

  She turned, smiling at him for a moment before returning to her task. “The room was growing cold.”

  He shrugged. “I had not noticed…until you left me all alone. If you return, I shall see you are warmed properly.”

  She rose to her feet, and he drank in every graceful movement as she came near. He was all anticipation, hoping she would come back to join him. But she slipped past.

  “All in good time, my love.” She walked over to the table to retrieve the tray of wine and fruit. “I am hungry. You must be as well.”

  He smirked with a naughty gleam in his eye, and she shook her head at him, though she smiled. At the end of the bed was a long narrow trunk where she placed the tray. Sitting down, she took up an apple and sliced it as he rose to his forearms. He reached out to brush his fingertips over her knee, trying to tempt her. But rather than rushing into his arms with great haste, she just smiled down at him.

  “Insatiable man. You must satisfy more than your lustful appetites. You cannot sustain yourself on me alone.”

  As though to disprove her statement, he moved to sit up, clearly intent on kissing her…but he was halted by a slice of apple that she playfully pushed in his mouth. They both laughed, and from the remaining fruit on the tray they fed each other, whispering sweet words and exchanging heated looks. When they had satisfied their hunger for food, they put the tray aside and came back to each other’s arms. They loved each other with long, lingering touches and brushes of lips against skin. Later, they lay for some time just holding one another, exchanging an occasional caress and kiss, talking softly. Guy lay reclined against the pillows, with Cassia resting her head on his chest. Her robe had been discarded, and with a soft touch he ran his fingers along her bare back.

  “You have made me so happy. I cannot fathom how my life could become any sweeter.”

  She pressed her cheek closer against his chest. “There are many days and many years to come, my lord husband. I suspect that things will only grow sweeter with time, so long as we cherish each moment.”

  Reaching for her, gently grasping her arms, he drew her up so they were face to face.

  “I shall look forward to each and every one.” He pressed his lips softly to hers, and she draped her slender arms around his neck, returning his tender kisses. Her voice was soft.

  “Perhaps someday soon, I will carry your son. I want to give you that, Guy. More than anything.”

  The corner of his mouth crinkled, and he raised an eyebrow. “What of daughters?”

  She smiled. “I long for what God will bring, of course. I shall love and cherish all of my children. But every man desires a male child above all, do they not?”

  He shrugged. “I wish only that they be healthy. If I am blessed with sons, I shall take great pride in them. If I am given daughters, I shall cherish them with all my heart.” His little smile broke into a full grin. “If they resemble you, they shall need many brethren to assure they are protected.”

  With a soft laugh she kissed him, and he brought himself to a sitting position, winding his arms around her. Wrapping her arms and legs firmly around his body, trying to press ever closer to him, she brushed her cheek against his neck.

  “I love you, my dearest husband. When I look at you, I am reminded of how very fortunate I am.”

  There was some surprise in hi
s reply. “Fortunate to have me?”

  “Yes, to have you,” she answered. “You are a good man, Guy of Gisborne.”

  He sighed. “If I am anything worthwhile, it is because of you. I would be nothing without you, my beloved wife. That day you found me, ‘twas not just the cold you saved me from. You saved me from myself, and I cannot fathom how I managed an existence before you.”

  Drawing her head back, she looked into his eyes. “I thought we would not speak of those dark days past. Not when the future now shines bright before us.”

  “I cannot help but think of it at times. When I recall what a dark and miserable wretch I once was…”

  Before he could say more, she reached up to pull his face to hers, kissing him hard on the lips. She pulled back for a moment, smiling at him. “When you start to speak of such dreadful things, I shall have to silence you as best I know how.”

  He laughed softly, running his fingers through her hair, loving the silken feel of it. Looking at her as he had so of Gisbotimes before, marveling at her beauty, he was in awe of her perfection…both inside and out.

  Her cheeks blushed at his intense stare. “What?”

  Gently he grazed her cheek with his fingers. “Each time I look upon your glorious face, I think it impossible to love you more. But with the passing of each day, I am always proven wrong.”

  Tilting her head slightly, she looked at him with a little smile.

  “When there are many Decembers showing in my face, will you still love me?”

  He smiled at her question. “You can be certain of it. And what of me? Will you still love me when I am hoary of hair and short of memory, with bones that creak while I moan and groan?”

  She grinned, her eyes taking on a mischievous light.

  “I shall love you always…especially when you moan and groan. If you were to do so now, you would hear no complaints from me. Indeed, I would be very much pleased.”

  His eyes grew dark with desire, his smirk full of naughty intentions…and he saw to it that she was pleased many times over by the time the sun rose.

  Chapter 24

  May, 1195

  Stalking back and forth along the length of the dining hall, Guy muttered to himself again and again. Stephen, sitting nearby with his man-servant, played at a game of tables. Now and then he looked over at Guy and shook his head.

  “You may as well cease your repetitive walking, Gisborne. It will not make the child come faster.”

  Guy ran his hands through his hair, groaning under the weight of the worry on his shoulders.

  “This is intolerable. I simply do not know how you twice managed to endure it.”

  Stephen shrugged. “I was not at home when Stuart came. And Katherine came upon us so quickly that I had little time to trouble my mind.”

  Guy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It seemed that fate was intent on playing yet another cruel trick on him by making Cassia’s labor as long as possible. Her pains had started nearly a full day ago, and like any other father he was banished from the birthing room and forbidden to go near it. It seemed quite cold and cruel to his way of thinking, when he’d spent the last nine months occupied with few other things.

  He had seen to it that she had everything she could ever want or need. He had rarely left her side through it all, parting from her only when his duties required it. But now here he was, being forced to step aside and put his beloved wife in the hands of others. Thus far he had managed to keep his distance. But his patience was at its end. He was through with waiting.

  Turning sharply on his heel he walked out of the room, hearing the sound of Stephen calling out to him.

  “Gisborne, where are you going? You cannot go to her until it is done.” He rose to follow after him.

  Guy walked on, turning to look at Stephen as they ascended the stairs. His look was fierce and determined.

  “I will know something of her progress. She is my wife. She brings my child, and I will not be deprived of at least knowing how they fare.”

  As they neared the upper room, they could hear the noise of a woman’s agony. Guy paused for a moment, stunned by the sound. He knew that women had to endure pain in childbirth…but to hear it, to know it was his own woman enduring such torment, it made him terrified for her. It seemed to him that her cries were much more agonized than they should have been. Something was wrong…he was certain of it. He rushed towards the door.

  “Listen to how she cries out!” he said to Stephen. “You believe I should stand by and do nothing?”

  Without pause he went to pound on the door, demanding entrance. When it opened slightly he tried to push past the young girl who stood there, but Stephen forced him back.

  “Good God, man. Get a hold of yourself. Maintain your senses, will you?”

  Calmly he turned to the girl, who looked quite petrified as she shifted her eyes between the two men. Stephen looked down at her with a cool expression. “How fares the Lady Gisborne?”

  “The labord doween difficult, my lord,” she replied. “But madam says the mother is nearly there.”

  From within the room there was a great cry of pain. Guy tried to lunge forward but was pushed back once again, and then there was an angry shout for the servant girl to return to her duty.

  “I am sorry my lord, but I must return.”

  Stephen nodded. “Very well. And bolt the door from within.”

  She curtseyed, and then the door closed…and Guy gave Stephen a shove to the shoulder. His eyes were dark with fury.

  “Bolt it from within? You will keep me from my own wife?”

  “Your wife is also my dear sister. But I will not allow you to storm into the room in a fit of madness. The midwife and her aides must concentrate on their patient, and not on worrisome fathers.”

  Guy knew he was right. He hated being told what he could and could not do, especially when it came to Cassia, but he knew there was nothing more to be done than to sink helplessly into a hall chair…and wait.

  * * * * *

  The door opened at last, and the young woman emerged once again.

  “All is done, my lord.”

  At hearing the announcement, Guy rushed forward, fear written in every line of his weary face.

  “How is the lady?” he demanded.

  The maid nervously looked between the two men. “The lady has come through well enough. They are tending to her now.”

  Stephen put forth his own hurried question. “What is it? Boy or girl?”

  “I am not permitted to say, my lord. The Lady Gisborne requests that her husband be the first to know, and she wishes to tell him herself.”

  Guy rushed into the room. He could hear the sound of splashing water and infant wailing, but he hardly gave it a thought as he rushed straight to Cassia’s side. Rosalyn was there with her, adjusting her pillows and smiling lovingly down at her. She was in a clean nightdress, and her hair hung in a loose braid. She looked quite serene lying there. But he could see how the labor had taken its toll on her. Weariness was etched in her every feature, and her smile was weak when she saw him. He fell to his knees at her side, clutching her hand and kissing it fervently.

  “My beloved. I have been beside myself with worry. Are you well? Is the child healthy? Is there anything I might do?”

  She reached out to touch his face. “I shall be fine, dear husband. And our children are indeed very healthy, judging from their lusty wailing.”

  He started t smile…but then he realized what she’d said.

  Children. Not child. His eyes grew wide with shock.

  “Children?” he said. “You mean there is more than one?”

  Before she could answer, two servant girls came close, each holding a babe in their arms.

  “We have twins, Guy. A boy and a girl.”

  Guy rose slowly to his feet, watching with mouth slightly open in shock as the two tiny bundles wrapped in linen were placed in their mother’s arms.

  Rosalyn motioned for Stephen, who had been
observing from the doorway. He came forward and pulled a chair close so Guy could sit. And Guy sank to the chair in disbelief, shaking his head.

  “That cannot be possible. Can it?”

  Cassia smiled. “It is so, my love. And they are quite beautiful. Look for yourself.”

  Leaning forward, he examined the faces of his tiny son and daughter. Both were quite pink, and each had a fine crop of black hair. They looked so fragile, he was almost afraid to lay a finger on them. But before he could protest against it, Rosalyn took one of the children from Cassia’s arms and held the babe out to him.

  “This is your son, Sir Guy. His name is William…named after the great conqueror, of course, and he is a very handsome lad. You should indeed be proud.”

  She placed the boy in his arms, and as he looked down in wonder at his son, Stephen came to look at his nephew as well. He smiled, and they all agreed that William was a fine looking child. But then, as the babe moved from his father’s arms to his uncle’s embrace, the time came for Guy to meet his daughter.

  With a smile, Rosalyn took the baby girl from Cassia and turned to Guy, who looked up at her almost with fear.

  “Sir Guy, this is Theodora, in honor of the beloved empress. Just as your son is quite handsome, so your daughter is very beautiful. I think you shall agree.”

  When she put his daughter in his arms, he was rendered speechless. She was so very small…so incredible warm. And beautiful. He was overwhelmed and humbled by the idea that two tiny people were a part of him. He had helped to create two fragile lives. And there were no words to describe the feeling.

  Rosalyn placed a hand on Stephen’s arm. “My lord husband, I daresay we should leave this family so they might get to know one another.”

  Stephen nodded. He went to Cassia, returning William to her arms. Both he and Rosalyn gave her a gentle kiss on the head and wished her well. Then they took their leave.

  Guy carefully rose from the chair, fearful of moving too fast and frightening the child in his arms. He sat on the edge of the bed…and then he looked at Cassia, who was smiling down at their son with a look of love like he’d never witnessed before. When she brought her eyes up to meet his, that same wondrous look was given to him, and to their daughter. He shook his head, still in disbelief.


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