Australian shepherd, 175
chihuahua, 175, 182, 196
golden retriever, 175
domestic violence, 79
donations, 105–107, 199, 203–206, 225, 232–240
See also blood donations; kidney donors; organ donations
donor registry, 145–149
DSM-5. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Dunn, Elizabeth, 232
dystopia, 208–209
education, 229
EEG. See electroencephalography
Efe women, 176–177
eggs, 157–165
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenäus, 59–62, 167–168
Eichmann, Adolf, 28–31
Ekman, Paul, 127–129, 143–144
electric shocks, 26–43, 109–110, 137–139
electroencephalography (EEG), 81
Elfenbein, Hillary Anger, 187
emotions, 53–55, 62, 86, 88–92, 126–141
excitement as, 154–155
extraordinary altruists identifying, 151
fiction influencing, 245
overreactive, 94–98
psychopaths understanding, 140
See also anger
empathic concern, 53–55
empathy, 53–55, 136–141
central nucleus of the amygdala ginning up, 197–198
extraordinary altruist as reporting low, 227–228
written word increasing, 244–246
See also extraordinary altruists; compassion
England, 233
epidemics, 211, 229
epilepsy, 131–132, 131n
Epstein, Ziv, 223–225
Europe, 208
everyday altruism, 105–112, 235–240
ewes, 170, 171, 173, 202
excitement, 154–155
experience, 17–20
extraordinary altruism, 105–124, 140–155, 164–199
humility as ingredient for, 253–254
motivation for, 249–251
social discounting modeling, 217–221
stranger helped by, 217–221
well-being and, 232–240
extraordinary altruists, 105–124, 141–155
age of, 254
amygdalas of, 227–228
empathy, as reporting low, 227–228
faces viewed by, 227–228
social discounting explaining, 217–221
See also heroes; kidney donors
extreme poverty, 229–230
eyes, 41–42, 127–128, 130–131, 130n, 134, 160–161
eyebrows, 61, 128, 131, 186
oblique 62, 83, 128, 135, 143
faces, 54–55, 102–105, 126–141, 185–199
adults’, 181
babies’, 180–181
extraordinary altruists viewing, 143–155, 227–228
fiction and, 245
false consensus effect, 212–216
false imprisonment, 30–34
FARC. See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
fathers, 178–179
daughter kicking, 74
of Kardashian, K., 43
fear. See specific topics
fearlessness, 153–155
feelings, 53–55, 89–92
fiction, 243–246
fields of force, 33–34, 38–39, 152–155
Fiji, 241
Finger, Elizabeth (Liz), 67–92, 94–98
Fischer-Shofty, Meytal, 196
flight simulator, 244–246
Florida, 157–165, 169–172, 175, 182
fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance imaging
foraging societies, 176–177, 178
Forth, Adelle, 72
Frank, Anne, 213–214
fraternal twins, 41
freeway, 9–15, 38–39, 112, 152–153, 199, 254
anomaly, 25
fast and impulsive decision, 223
Friesen, Wallace, 127–129, 143–144
frontalis muscles, 128
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 5–6, 80–100, 124
Gandhi, Mahatma, 213–214
generosity, 203–246
genes, 245–246
adoptions disentangling, 41–43
proactive aggression contributed to by, 50
psychopathy influenced by, 46–51
twins disentangling, 41–43
Genovese, Kitty, 25
Georgetown University, 6–7, 93–124, 141–155, 241
gerbils, 61–62
Germany, 28–31, 234–240, 242
Giffords, Gabrielle, 48–49
girls, 76–78, 89, 179, 226, 229, 250
goals of altruism, 248–251
Gohh, Reginald, 120–122
golden retriever, 175–176
Goodall, Jane, 104
Google Trends, 211
Gordon, Mary, 251–252
Gottman, John, 210
grabbing, 22–23
Graef, Sunyana, 117–122, 144, 153, 252
Gray, Kurt, 16–20
Greeks, 117–118
Green River Killer. See Ridgway, Gary
groups, 241–243, 241n, 245–246
guardian angels, 4
Hadza, 176
half normal curve, 102, 103
Hammer, Jennifer, 180–181, 186–187
Hare, Robert, 91
Harvard University, 5, 16–20, 26, 34, 102–105
hatchlings, 158–165
hatred, 201–202
height, 42–43
Hein, Grit, 137–139
Heinrich, Joseph, 241
hemodynamic response, 81
heritability, 41–43, 45, 46–47, 50, 104, 245–246
heroes, 9–20, 100, 154–155
antiheroes and, 21–55
Carnegie, 2, 4, 14, 113, 121–122, 204, 223–225
as making deliberative decisions, 223–225
as making fast and intuitive decisions, 223–225
field of force influencing, 152–153
humility of, 253–254
as rational, 223–225
super-, 251, 253, 254
See also Booker, Cory; freeway; Skutnik, Lenny
highly psychopathic individuals, 99
Hilltop Crips, 11–15
Hitler, Adolf, 213–214
Holmes, James, 48–49
Holocaust, 28–31, 201–202, 213–214
homeless, 105
hornbills, 133
hot cognitions. See emotions
Hrdy, Sarah, 176–177
human nature, 25, 100–124, 202, 209–216
variability in, 32, 101–105
See also extraordinary altruism
humans, 164–199, 245
humility, 253–254
hypothalamus, 136, 192–193, 197–198
identical twins, 41
imprisonment, false, 30–34
inclusive fitness, 3, 110–111
index cases, 117–122
individualism, 240–243, 247
infants, 196, 252
insects, 1–2
institutional review board (IRB), 113–114
insula, 137–139, 140
anterior, 137–139, 140
intelligence quotient (IQ), 76–77
intergroup contact, 241n
interrogations, 16
extraordinary altruist, 152–155
psychopathy, 67–70, 74–80, 94–96
of Skutnik, 249
intramural researchers, 52
IQ. See intelligence quotient
Iran, 83
IRB. See institutional review board
Ireland, 232
Israel, 28–29, 196
Izzy, 175–176
James, William, 15–16
“James Bond” (fictional character), 17
Jenner, Caitlyn, 43
Jenner, Kendall, 43
Jews, 28–31, 201–202, 213–214, 242
Jim Yong Kim, 230
John Templeton Foundation, 122–124
Jones, Bryan, 217–221
Joseph, Jeremy, 51
Joseph, Krista, 157–164
Kaczynski, Ted, 16
Kamunyak, 173–175, 185
Kansas, 175–176
Kardashian, Kim, 43
Kardashian, Robert, Sr., 43
Keats, John, 24–25
Keltner, Dacher, 233–234
Kenya, 173–175
key stimuli, 180–199
kidney donors, 114–124, 141–155, 198–199, 204
compassion of, 216
cost-benefit analysis performed by, 227–228
as making fast and intuitive decisions, 223
kindness of, 216
reasons for, 2–8, 248–254
social discounting explaining, 219–221
in US, 230–240
well-being and, 232
See also Cuozzo, Angela; Graef, Sunyana; Mintz, Harold; Taniwaki, George
Kim Phúc, Phan Thi, 179
kindchenschema. See babyish proportions
“The Kindest Cut” (MacFarquhar), 121
kindness, 157–199, 203–216, 233–240
King, Larry, 48
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 213–214
Kleck, Robert, 15, 25, 186–187
Koppel, Ted, 153
Korndörfer, Martin, 234–240
Kosson, David, 72
K-selected strategies, 169–199
!Kung, 176
Kurdi, Aylan, 179–180
labor, 191
lambs, 170, 171, 173, 194, 202
Las Vegas Strip, 21–25, 134
Latané, Bibb, 25
learning, 26–43
levator muscles, 127–128
lie detection, 126
life history theory, 169–199
light, 125–141, 130n
lionesses, 173–175, 185, 196, 202, 242
literacy, 229, 243–247
living organ donor registry, 145–149
loggerhead turtles, 157–165, 169–172, 182
Lorenz, Konrad, 59–62, 180
Lorton, Virginia, 112–114
Los Angeles, California, 50–51
lost letter, 232–233
Loughner, Jared, 48–49
love, 166–199
loving-kindness meditation, 252–253
low-cost behaviors, 111–112
Lozier, Leah, 94–98
lymphoma, 106–107
MacFarquhar, Larissa, 121
Magnan, Antoine, 1–2
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 5–6, 80–89, 85, 91, 96–99
as minimally risky, 113–114
of soccer fans, 137–139
See also functional magnetic resonance imaging
Maimonides, 117
mammals, 164–199, 201, 224–228
Mandela, Nelson, 213–214
Maryland, 51–55
The Mask of Sanity (Cleckley), 69–70
mass killers, 48–49, 204
Massachusetts, 118–120
maternal care system, 251
maternal love, 167–199
maternity leave, 177–179
Mather, Robert, 226, 250
McDonough, Jim, 28, 29
media, 210–211
meditation, 252–253
Mediterranean, 179–180
Mickler’s Landing Sea Turtle Patrol, 157–164
Middle Ages, 222
Migrant Offshore Aid Station, 179–180
Milgram, Stanley, 26–43, 46
milk, 157–199
Millentana, 109–110, 228
Mimi (dog), 175, 182, 196, 242
flight simulator of, 244–246
light enabling, 125–141
minimal group paradigms, 241–243
minimally risky research techniques, 113–114
Mintz, Harold, 1, 144–149, 152, 154, 219, 250–251, 253
obituary seen by, 199
misanthropy, 233, 235–240
Mission Impossible (series), 17
Mokyr, Joel, 229
monkeys, 66–67, 133
Moore, Francis, 116
moral agents, 16–20, 70
moral patients, 16–20, 70
moral typecasting, 16–20, 70
Moss, Simon, 55
Mossad, 28
mothering, oxytocin influencing, 191–199, 251
mother-in-law, 157–164
mothers, 65–66, 68, 73, 74–75, 80, 95–96
allomothering, 172–199, 217–221, 252
birth influencing, 249
children as better off with, 177–180
dogs as, 175–176, 196, 242
house, locked out of, 99
kidney donor for, 145–146, 148–149
K-selected strategy followed by, 169–199
lionesses as, 173–175, 185, 196, 202, 242
milk from, 157–199
rats as, 170–172, 174, 185, 192–194, 196, 197, 251
of Ridgway, Gary, 46, 49
sheep as, 170, 171, 173, 194, 202
snake panicking, 133–134
stem cell donation of, 106–107
on tears, 77
turtles as, 157–165, 169–172
Mothers and Others (Hrdy), 176–177
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging
Munchausen syndrome, 119
murders, 30–34, 46–48, 201–202, 213–214
Murray, Henry, 16
Muslim refugees, 242
“mustache guy.” See Mintz, Harold
Myanmar, 243
“napalm girl” (Kim Phúc, Phan Thi), 179
National Airport, 112–114
National Bone Marrow Registry, 107
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 5–6, 7–8, 52–55, 81–82, 93, 101
oxytocin studied at, 195–196
recruiting, 124
screening, 124
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 7–8, 51, 57–92, 94–98, 195–196
National Kidney Foundation, 145–149
National Philanthropic Trust, 207
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, 204
natural experiments, 40–41
Nature, 43
Nature Neuroscience, 131–132, 131n
Nazis, 28–31, 242
negativity bias, 209–216
negotiations, 62
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 121
nests, 157–165, 171–172, 175
New Haven, Connecticut, 26–34
New Jersey, 17–20
New Year’s Eve, 21–25, 134
New York, 105, 154
Newark, New Jersey, 17–20
news, 210–211
night nurse, 178–179
Nightstalker, 213–214
NIH. See National Institutes of Health
NIMH. See National Institute of Mental Health
9/11 attacks, 204
Nobel Prize, 213, 226
no-brainer, 152–153
nondirected donations, 117–122, 148
normal curve, 102
norms, 247
Norton, Mike, 232
Oatley, Keith, 244
obedience, 28–43, 46
1-800-Give-Us-Your-Kidney (film), 147, 149
oppositional defiant disorder, 72–73, 87
optogenetics, 66
ordinary altruism, 105–112, 249
organ donations
of adults, 149–150
to strangers, 242
See also kidney donors
organ donor registry, 145–149
oryxes, 173–175
O’Toole, Mary Ellen, 47
outgroups, 241–243, 241n
overreactive emotionality, 94–98
OXTR gene, 196, 198
oxytocin, 7, 191–199, 251
matrix, 136–139
psychopaths expe
riencing, 140
parenting, 40–44, 78–80, 189–199
See also fathers; mothers
passive viewing task, 86–89
patients, agents acting upon, 16–20, 70
PCL-R. See Psychopathy Checklist—Revised
PCL-SV. See Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version
PCL:YV. See Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version
Pedersen, Cort, 193–194, 196
people, 210–216
periaqueductal gray, 198
PET. See positron emission tomography
pets, 182
Piff, Paul, 233–234
Pinker, Steven, 207–208, 221–222, 244
Pitocin, 191
placebo, 109, 195, 228
plane, 112–114
pleasure, 249–251
police officers, 24, 208
polls, 100–101, 203, 212, 230–240
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, 157–165, 169–172, 182
poor, 229–230, 241
portraiture, 83
Positive Neuroscience award, 122–124
positron emission tomography (PET), 81
postdoctoral fellowships, 51–55, 93
postpartum depression, 178–179
Potomac River, 112–114, 152–153, 155, 199
poverty, 229–230
precocial babies, 165, 169
Preston, Stephanie, 170–172
primates, 176, 184–185, 187–188
printing press, 243–244
Prisoner’s Dilemma, 214–216, 223, 244–245
proactive aggression, 45–46, 50–51, 58–73, 77–78, 98
proactive prosociality, 184–185
professorship, 93–124
prosocial behavior, 251
See also altruism
prosopagnosia, 102–105
psychopaths, 202, 214, 226, 249–250
adults as, 70–71, 138–139
amygdalae of, 5–6, 82–92, 94–98, 134, 186, 198, 251
brains of, 57–92, 93–102, 134, 135–141
emotions understood by, 140
oxytocin influencing, 198
pain experienced by, 140
as sex offenders, 91
teenagers as, 5–6, 65–102, 124, 138–139, 140
tells giving away, 49
See also Ridgway, Gary
psychopathy, 45–55
approach responses influenced by, 181
distribution of, 101–102
heritability of, 104
interview, 67–70, 74–80, 94–96
parenting influencing, 78–80
prosopagnosia as parallel to, 104–105
See also Blair, James; callousness
Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV), 71–73, 75–76
Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL-R), 71
Psychopathy Checklist—Screening Version (PCL-SV), 99–100, 102
psychosis, 48–49
punishments, 26–45, 222
rat, 170–172, 174, 185, 192–194, 196, 197
squirrel, 175, 196, 242
wolf, 188
Rachlin, Howard, 217–221
rage, 65–73
Raine, Adrian, 50–51
Ramirez, Richard, 213–214
Rand, David, 99–100, 121–122, 223–225
rape culture, 211
rational self-interest, 100–102, 119–121
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