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by Suzanne Steele

  “You’re getting an awful smart mouth on you, girl. You knew I had a habit when you hooked up with me. Let’s just get the money, and maybe we can forget we ever met. I won’t need you after this job.”

  Maybe I can kill him. I’m sure the cops wouldn’t look into the death of a junkie pimp. “Patience. Though I doubt that’s a word you’re familiar with.”

  “Why are you always on my ass since we got that kid? You talk down to me, like you think you’re better than me or something. You’re a whore—a hooker. Have you forgotten I took you off the streets?”

  “That’s just your insecurity talking, dear. I don’t talk down to you.” He jumps when I touch his cheek with the tips of my fingers. Good… that means the dope has him paranoid. Maybe I can play on that. Go ahead young man. Smoke yourself into oblivion, because you don’t know it yet, but your days are numbered. I’m getting this kid back home where she belongs. I kind of like the idea of fucking him out of a hundred thousand dollars. I’m tired of waiting for someone to rescue me. I think I’ll use this kid to rescue myself. I continue to soothe him with my words as I inwardly plan his demise.

  “Oh darling, there’s no need to be startled. I’m here to protect you. I’m the mother you never had. You’re safe here with me. You have my word on it.” I’m seeing a side of him I’ve never seen, a scared little boy.

  He leans into my hand, nuzzling against it. Poor little thing will do anything to feel the love his mommy never gave him—even if it means trusting a liar. Maybe that’s why he hates women so much and he uses them. The mother he never had left her mark on his fucked up psyche. I may as well finish the job for her. The big bad pimp made a big bad mistake. He just showed me his Achilles heel.

  Chapter Ten


  When I wake up and she isn't beside me, I panic. I make my way into my son’s room to see him sleeping peacefully, then I go back to the master bedroom. The shower running alerts me to the fact she’s still here. I can feel the panic washing away with the sound of the water. I hate the fact she holds that kind of power over me. I jerk the shower curtain back startling her. “I thought you ran away again. We can’t have that, now can we?” I smirk.

  I push her into the shower wall with her back to me and her face smashed against the tile.

  “I think it’s time for that rough fuck I’ve been craving. Let’s just say I’m done being nice.” I take my fingers, sliding through her wet slit, and roughly push them into her. “Oh you are a dirty girl, so wet already. You shouldn’t have lied to me.”

  “I didn’t. I just didn’t tell you.”

  “Like I said: you took my choices and now I’m taking yours.” I growl my next threat in her ear. “How ‘bout we get married and then I can give my son his rightful surname.”

  “I never took that from him. His last name is the same as yours.”

  “As well it should be, young lady.”

  Something about having her pinned to the wall as I push into her is a turn on. I like knowing she can’t get away from me. I like knowing I’m making her stay here with me. When I woke up and she wasn’t in bed, all that anger from years ago resurfaced, and now I’m taking it out on her—with my cock.

  “You like that, knowing you can’t move, knowing you’re at my mercy. Take all that cock, baby. It’s meant for you and nobody else. You make me nuts, girl.” I purposely roll my hips, making a connection with her clit.

  “I want your come on my cock, baby. I want to feel that pretty little pussy of yours clamping down on me and milking me dry. Yeah, you like that dirty talk. I can tell by the way your body’s responding to me.” I smack my hand down on her ass, and that’s all it takes for her to start screaming out my name. Her body shudders as she climaxes, and I’m not far behind her.

  I rest my head against her back and take a minute to catch my breath. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  “Good morning to you.” She turns around pulling me into her smooth silky body, and while passionately kissing me, I know I’m right where I need to be. Why can’t I stay mad at her?

  “I’m nervous about this press conference. I’m sure they’re out there following the media coverage on all this. I don’t know why, but knowing they’re listening unsettles me.”

  “It’s just you fearing you’ll say the wrong thing. You don’t want to be responsible for them going over the edge. Just don’t piss them off. Don’t talk to them in a threatening manner. Let them think you’re submitting to them, like they’re the ones with the control. Use Angelina’s name a lot. Make her human to the kidnappers. Let’s get through the press conference and then we’ll start hunting them down. If and when we find them, we find that kid.”

  “You don’t think they’ll kill her?”

  “No. Killing her is relinquishing control, and these people want to keep the power over you. Let them think they’re the ones calling the shots, and you’ll insure that kid’s safety. These bastards are going down. It’s only a matter of time. I’m not counting on Freddy having any fatherly love. He’s an addict. He loves one thing: drugs.”

  “What happens after the case?”

  “You think I’m playing with you, girl? We’re getting married. You got away from me once, but I can assure you, you’ll never get away from me again. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t raise that boy. I love him—as bad as I hate to admit it, I love his mother too—I always have. I should be so pissed at you. I should hate you, and for some reason I can’t. You’re the mother of my son and the only woman I’ve ever loved.”


  I push past the bright lights of the TV that are blinding my view of the roomful of reporters. It isn’t just the lights I’m pushing past, it’s also the ominous responsibility of knowing what I say could affect the life of a three year old little girl. How in the world does a person reason with crazy people? I have no idea. But, I know I have to be successful—failure isn’t an option. When I look up and see Trace holding his son in his arms, I feel a warmth flood over me. How could I have ever thought he wouldn’t be an exceptional father? I wish I could take the years back I stole from him, but I can’t. All I can do now is try to make it up to him. Maybe marrying him isn’t such a crazy idea after all. I push the thoughts of my family from my mind and focus on Shelda’s.

  “I don’t believe that you want to hurt Angelina”—I cringe as I make my next statement—“and I believe you love her and you’re doing what you believe is best for her. You can drop her off at any hospital, fire department, or police department, and we’ll forget any of this ever happened. Her mother doesn’t want to press charges. She only wants her daughter back safely. I know you want the best for Angelina too. It’s why you took her. You have the control. The child’s safety is in your hands and I know you’ll do the best for her.” I’m stepping out on a limb with what I’m getting ready to say, but I’m desperate to get this child home to her mother.

  “Your issue is with me. Bring the little girl back and we’ll work this out.”

  I hustle from behind the podium and the blinding lights to purposely avoid any questions. I’m shocked when Trace grabs my arm pulling me into a hallway. The look on his face is enough to tell me he’s livid, I just have no idea why.

  “Are you crazy, offering yourself up to a psychotic killer? What the hell were you thinking?” He’s doing what he always does when he doesn’t want Chase to hear him, growling in my ear like a feral animal. This guy is so alpha in nature it’s almost scary.

  “This is my fault. I need to make this right.”

  “You don’t get to make lone decisions anymore. You have to think about me and Chase now. You can’t reason with a crazy woman.”

  “Well, maybe if they think they can get me back for whatever it is I’ve done, then they’ll let Angelina come home.”

  “You’re so fucking hard headed. You’re absolutely incorrigible. What am I going to have to do, cage you to keep you?”

  “Help me get Angelina home and you can cage me, handcuff me
, and spank my ass if it makes you happy.” We’re still whispering in hushed tones. When I look up and see Chase running his little hand over Trace’s five-o-clock shadow I can’t help but chuckle.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “I know you will.”

  I can feel the anxiety rolling off of him as he pulls me close and kisses me. I give in to the momentary security I feel from his arms being wrapped around me and lips being pressed against mine. I don’t ever remember a time I’ve felt so secure and yet so vulnerable at the same time.

  I’ve gone from being a loner to being part of a family. Trace is right… whether I like it or not, my choices aren’t solely mine anymore. As exhilarating as it is, it still scares the shit out of me.

  Chapter Eleven

  Her Skeletons

  A thrill goes through me as I listen to the woman who fancies herself being the fixer of all things broken, giving her will over to me. Somehow, in this crazy situation, I’ve found my voice. It would be so much more delicious to see her squirm in person, but for now, seeing it on television will do. Maybe her grovelling on TV is better because it means there are thousands of people tuned in. I’ve always loved power and control, yet I’ve never had it. Freddy can’t think straight with all that dope clouding up his brain, so I’ll do it for him. It would almost be worth giving the kid up to have the fixer willingly give herself over to me. I think I’ll just settle for a good old fashioned mind-fuck for now.

  I look over at my over jittery roommate, and decide I’m done watching his paranoid state of mind play out. Since I can’t fuck with the fixer’s mind in person, I’ll settle for him. “Come, darling, I want to show you something.” My fingers trail over his back in a seductive manner and I can feel the tension leave his muscles.

  I grab his hand, leading him up to the attic of my house. My hand swings back and forth in a manner that causes a swaying motion. I can tell it’s soothing to him. I’m purposely leading him to believe I’m letting him in on a fun secret.

  I open the door playfully, putting my hands over his eyes. “Okay, now you need to be open minded. I’m sharing a part of myself with you that I’ve never opened up to anyone.”

  I lead him over to a chair and sit him down in it. “Keep your eyes closed, darling.” I run my hands slowly up his inner thighs. His whole body trembles beneath my touch. I ease my hands languidly to his zipper and pull out his half hard cock. “Be a good boy and don’t open your eyes until I give you permission.”

  I pump his cock until it’s hard in my hand, before I drop the bombshell. “Now open your eyes.”

  “What is it? Who are all these pictures of?” He looks around the room in wide eyed wonder at the walls laden with pictures of every single john I’ve ever been with. I’ve kept their secrets for a day when I’ll use them against them. What does the fixer always say: oh yeah, that she specializes in keeping skeletons in the closet. She even advertises that way. She’ll fix your future, she’ll hide your past, she’ll keep your closet door closed, and your skeletons away from prying eyes. What would make a woman do that for a job? It isn’t even a real job. She has to be making money at it though. This woman has given me a new way of thinking.

  “It’s my house of horrors—all the skeletons of my past. I’ve kept proof of every man who has ever hired me. I thought it might come in handy one day. We can let the kid go and make some real money. I have to be able to trust you. If you let the girl go, I’ll know I can. I got tired of being used, and one day I just decided it would be nice to have my own museum. I come up here when I need to think.” I run my thumb beneath his cock, touching the sweet sensitive spot, as I pump my hand over his hardened member. “That’s it, be a good boy and come for me now.”

  His breathing is so labored I can tell he’s getting ready to explode in my hand.

  “I’ll do anything you want. Oh please… that feels so good.”

  “That’s a good boy.”

  His body convulses, releasing into my hand. I’ve accomplished exactly what I wanted. I’ve managed to mix two polar opposite emotions in him, greed and passion. Slowly but surely he’s leaning on me for guidance. Now when he needs validation, he’ll have to come to me. I’ve gained the thing I love—control. He’s weak, and every day I’m becoming stronger. Over time, I might just be able to talk him into letting the little girl go.

  I debated about killing him when I brought him up here. But, why ruin a good thing? I think I’ll toy with him first. I’m surprised he is giving in to my ideas so quickly. He’s beginning to need me. Every boy needs a mommy, and I’m the one he never had. He’s bonding with a monster and he doesn’t even know it. I’m not that weak little girl he took off the streets. I’m going to take him down, and his brain’s so boggled with drugs that he doesn’t even know it.

  It could work, talking him into letting her go over time. The blackmail scam could be a great way for me to buy my own white picket fence fantasy. I don’t need a man to rescue me. I need to rescue myself.

  What I don’t need is some deadbeat pimp living off my money anymore. The only way to get rid of him is to kill him. He’s already shown me he’s capable of coming back to haunt me years from now.

  If I can be successful in killing him, and getting this kid back to her mother, I won’t go to jail. Even if they’ve figured out Freddy is the kidnapper, there are no witnesses to say I helped him. I made sure the woman didn’t get a good look at me with the baseball cap and the sunglasses I wore . I knocked her out when her back was turned. I just might have a future after all.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Do you think they’ll be able to get prints off the doll?” I ask, as I watch him handing it over to the lab technician.

  “Well, there are no guarantees, but when I picked it up at your house I used a plastic bag to keep from touching it. If we can get prints and whoever it is, is in the system, then we may just get the break we need.”

  “Something tells me it isn’t going to be that easy.”

  “Come on now, let’s keep a positive attitude. That kid needs us. We’re going to get whoever did this.”

  I watch the technician as she takes a brush twirling it in black powder and dusting over the mutilated doll. I will her to find something, anything to help us break open this case. Her voice cuts through my thoughts confirming what I already know.

  “Whoever it is you two are dealing with is one sick pup, that’s for sure. Does this have to do with that missing kid case I saw you all doing the press conference on?”

  I’m relieved when Trace answers for me. I’m still not over the fact this nut has a vendetta against me. I can’t help but wonder how far this kook will go to make a point—I just hope it isn’t far enough to kill my best friend’s daughter.

  “Yeah, the jerk left it on her doorstep”—he nods in my direction—“and he made it personal when he went that far.”

  “Well it’s a good thing she’s got you looking out for her, because I’ve got nothing here.” I watch as she turns the doll over looking at the code on the back of its upper neck. She types it in her computer. “I thought so… this is a mass market doll made in China. There’s just too many of them to try and nail down where it was purchased, or who purchased it. The best you can hope for is that the kidnapper will contact you with demands, and then we can go from there.”

  “I’m beginning to think they don’t have any demands—I think they want the kid—I think they have no intention of returning her. The only good thing about that is they won’t kill her if that’s the case.”

  “Well, keep me in the loop—we’re all rooting for her.”

  “Well, like I said: it’s personal now. Once they came on my turf, they made it my business.”

  I can see the blush on Amaya’s face when she realizes what I’m saying—she’s mine, they crossed a line, and I’m going to get even. If there’s any way I can get away with killing these two, I’m going to. I can’t leave a threat to my family a
live. I’ll never let the past bite me in the ass again.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wait until we’re back in the truck to address Trace’s frame of mind. I place my hand gently on his forearm and he looks in my direction.

  “I don’t want you doing something that will cost you your job. You’re doing something that as a professional you should never do—”

  He interrupts me, and the look on is face is a mixture between anger and determination. “He made it personal when he left that doll on your property.”

  “I appreciate what you’re doing, but not at the cost of you losing your job. Do what you always tell the families of victims: let the system work.”

  “You and I both know it doesn’t always work. I didn’t get you back just to have some psycho kill you over some imagined vendetta. Our son needs his mother and I need my wife. You’re going to have to trust me on this one. I’m not going to do anything that will come back and bite me in the ass. I’m damn sure not going to leave them alive so they can come back and finish what they started. The only thing I can promise you is when I do it, it will be self-defense. You know me, I don’t stop until I get what I want, and I want these guys dead.”

  “There’s more than one. You can’t kill everybody.”

  “No… but I can put them in a position of turning on each other.”

  “You’re not putting my mind at ease, ya’ know?”

  “I’m not trying to. All I’m doing is assuring you I’ll do everything in my power to keep my family safe.”

  “That’s fine, keep us safe, but not at the expense of your job. It’s bad enough I’m to blame for two lives being messed up already. I’m not going for three. Don’t forget Chase needs his father too.”


  I roll my eyes as I answer him, “And you need your future wife.”


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