Good Karma

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Good Karma Page 45

by Donya Lynne

  She tore the packet open and took out the latex sheath.

  He flipped it in her fingers. “It goes on this way, so that it unrolls down my cock.” He helped her position it. “Leave a little at the tip and gently roll it on me.”

  She did as he instructed, then he lifted her up and pressed her back against the wall.

  And then he was inside her.

  Oh God. She was hot. So hot. So needy. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him until just now.

  “Office sex must be fast,” he said, grabbing her hips and taking her harder than he had last weekend. “And quiet.”

  “Uh-huh.” She clung to his neck, already feeling herself climbing toward release.

  “Can you be quiet, Miss Mason? Can you come without screaming my name?” He sounded just as close as she already was.

  With a shuddering breath, she nodded.

  “This is not making love, Miss Mason.” He grunted between clenched teeth as he drove into her. “This is fucking.”

  Just hearing him growl the dirty word pushed her toward climax.

  “There is a time and a place for both.” His fingers dug into her flesh.

  Hell yes there was!

  The whole act lasted maybe three minutes from start to finish. Quick, dirty, hard, and furtive. As she came, with her lips against his in a silent kiss, she shuddered violently and whispered his name at the same time he sighed hers on a tense breath and climaxed.

  Still breathing heavily, he quickly pulled out, peeled off the condom, and pulled up his pants as she straightened her skirt and blouse as if they had done nothing more than run through a sales report, except her legs were still trembling and her insides were still pulsing through the tail end of her orgasm.

  She had never had office sex, so dirty and almost panicked in its pace. At any moment, someone could have knocked on the door and discovered them. But that hadn’t happened. They had done the deed and no one was the wiser. Not that there were many in the office to interrupt them. Which had made this the perfect time for such debauchery.

  Mark had defiled her, corrupted her innocence, and seduced her into the most depraved act she had ever committed.

  A smile crept over her lips as she took her panties from him and pulled them back up her legs.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” he said, stepping close and wrapping his arms around her waist as she finished situating her clothes.

  “I was just thinking about how fun that was.”

  “I thought you would stop me.”

  She laughed. “Are you surprised I didn’t?”

  “Yes, but glad.”

  “Me, too.”

  With an affected shake of his head, he said, “You continue to surprise me, Karma. Just when I think I know how you’ll react, you go the complete opposite direction.” He kissed her. “I like it. Keeps me on my toes.”

  “It’s your fault. I was never like this until you came along.”

  “Well, I’m glad I came along then.”

  After another quick kiss, he pulled away, ran his hands down his shirt and gave her the once-over to make sure she was put together before unlocking the door. As he opened it, he said, “Thank you for getting right on that, Karma.”

  That was her cue to pull the façade back into place. “Absolutely.”

  As she was leaving the room, he stopped her. “Could you grab my coffee, please?”

  She looked around. It was just the two of them. Casting him a coy look, she leaned close and whispered, “Get your own damn coffee, Mr. Strong.”

  His hearty laughter as she spun and sashayed away on unsteady legs was like a symphony, and a moment later, as he passed her desk with his mug in his hand, heading in the direction of the coffee station, their eyes met. Amusement lit his face.

  “Just you wait, Miss Mason. I’ll make you pay for this.”

  “Ooo, promises promises.”

  He winked and disappeared around the corner.

  Thursday was looking up. And so was Friday.

  Chapter 51

  I’ve been out with some extremely beautiful women who have had no sex appeal whatsoever. It really is a lot more than skin deep.

  -Rod Stewart

  Sitting at the conference room table, Mark swiveled in his chair and glanced at the wall where he and Karma had made love. Or, rather, fucked. He hadn’t expected her to go through with it. He really hadn’t. But, as usual, she had surprised him. She had a way about her that threw him into a tailspin. Like a surprise ending to a movie, she always gave him something he didn’t expect.

  Maybe that was why he was here now. Because he wanted more of those surprises. He was becoming addicted to them.

  He wasn’t supposed to be in Indiana this week. He had planned to stay in Chicago. But he had been slowly going stir-crazy. All he could think about was getting back here to see her, touch her, kiss her.

  He pulled out his phone and typed out a text.

  I’d like to see you tonight.

  Her phone chimed at her desk, but he refused to glance at her.

  A moment later, she replied. I’d like to see you, too.

  He smiled and could feel her eyes on him.

  7:00? Dinner? My place?

  He buried his face in the reports on his laptop, and a moment later, she appeared by his side, a fresh mug of coffee in her hands. He turned, surprised to see her there.

  “You looked like you could you use a fresh cup,” she said, leaning down. “What are you working on? Anything I can help with?”

  Turning back toward his tablet, he said, “Always.” Little did she know, but he had plenty she could help him with, both professionally and personally. Another round against the wall would be fabulous, but he wouldn’t risk that again.

  She inched closer, and he closed his eyes as her lips pressed against his ear. “Dinner at seven o’clock at your place would be perfect,” she whispered.

  Then she pulled away, stood up, and walked back out. Just that quickly, Karma stole his concentration and another chunk of his heart.

  As she retreated to her desk, he stared after her in amazement.

  The student had become the teacher, and just that quickly—just that easily—control shifted back into her hands. Once more, the power was hers, even though he had been trying so hard to keep it within his grasp.

  He sent her another text. Make sure you bring an overnight bag, Miss Mason. You’ll be spending the night.

  This time, he looked at her as her phone chimed. Her cheeks turned red as she typed out a reply. His phone signaled the arrival of her text just as she met his gaze with a shy smile. I had a feeling. Want me to bring my Truth or Dare game?

  He chuckled and tapped out his response. No. I have another game we can play. He had plenty of fun ideas to keep them entertained.

  Another game?

  Yes. Now, get to work. I hear you’ve got a consultant in your office who’s watching everyone like a hawk. Some more than others.

  A moment later, his phone beeped. Yes, we do. And he’s seriously distracting me right now.

  How so?

  By being the sexiest thing I ever laid eyes on.

  He had never had this much fun with anyone he’d dated. Rest assured. He’s just as distracted.

  Why’s that?

  Because he can still smell the scent of you on his body from when he fucked you against the wall this morning. He’s in a terrible state.

  His message was intended to shock, and when he glanced her way, he got the response he wanted. She gasped and shot a wide-eyed look at him, her mouth open in silent surprise.

  Gotcha. He grinned and chuckled as he typed out another message. I love how you react when I play with you.

  Maybe we should take the afternoon off and play back at your place.

  His brow quirked. Not a bad idea. Think anyone would notice we’re gone?

  A moment later, he received her reply. You’re not even supposed to be here. And I haven’t had anything but a presentati
on to work on (finished, btw) for two days with two-thirds of the office out. What do YOU think?

  Mark leaned back in his chair and glanced toward her. She arched her brow as if challenging him. Making his decision, he stuffed his files in his bag and packed up his laptop and tablet. Then he rose, pushed his chair under the table, and shut off the lights.

  “Miss Mason, I’ll be working from home the rest of the day. If anyone needs me, you can reach me on my cell.”

  She nodded, and a mischievous grin spread over her delightful face. “Well, enjoy the rest of your day then.”

  He leaned on her counter and whispered, “I’ll see you soon.”

  She winked. “Yes, you will.”

  He turned on his heel and headed for the stairs. Thank goodness he had come back to Indianapolis a few days early.

  Chapter 52

  The only limits you have are the limits you believe.

  -Wayne Dyer

  Karma’s back arched off the bed so violently, Mark had to latch on with his mouth, trying for dear life to hold on as an abandoned shriek tore from her throat.

  “I’m-coming, I’m-coming!”

  Her thighs clamped around his head, her fingers dug into his scalp, and she cried out again. He actually felt the tiny contractions of her tender flesh against his mouth and fingers as he held her swollen clit against his tongue.

  This after only thirty minutes of playing Strip Chess.

  After some time had passed, the convulsions rippling her body ceased, her breathing evened out, and she relaxed. Her legs unlocked from around his head, and, with a soft kiss against her vulva, he crawled up her body then lay down beside her, pulling her against him.

  “Are orgasms always stronger when the Ben Wa balls are in?” She lifted on one elbow and peppered his chest with kisses.

  “So I hear.” He had been pleasantly surprised to feel the twin metal balls inside her when he entered her. He’d been so excited that he hadn’t been able to last and had come before she could join him, which obligated him to go down on her so she could finish.

  “Then I need to wear them more often.” She lowered herself and rested her cheek on his chest.

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me.” He lazily brushed his fingers up and down her arm.

  For a while, neither spoke, relishing the quiet stillness that always wrapped around them after sex, then Mark said, “I met with my boss yesterday.”

  “Oh?” her fingers pressed more firmly against his skin.

  “Yes. My assignment is entering the final stage. Things are progressing well.” Bad choice of words, because the better his assignment progressed, the sooner it would end and he would leave.

  “I see. How long?”

  “A month, two at the most.”

  She huddled closer.

  “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, yet.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I know.” Her voice sounded fragile. “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not fine.” He rolled her to her back and pinned her down. “And I’m not, either.” There. He’d said it.

  “You’re not?”

  “Of course not. I like you. I’m having a very good time with you.”

  “So am I.”

  He lowered onto her body and sighed against the side of her neck, praying the weeks would pass slowly. “I just wanted you to know so you weren’t surprised. We have plenty of time left, okay?”


  But they didn’t have plenty of time. Mark knew it and Karma knew it. But it would have to be enough, because as much as he wanted to take Rob’s advice and let go of the past and embrace a new future, he couldn’t.

  He just couldn’t.

  Chapter 53

  Everything that has a beginning, has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well.


  Karma tried not to think about Mark’s looming departure, but each day brought the end of their relationship a little more into focus, and the weeks passed faster than she could keep track. She took advantage of every opportunity to spend time with him.

  Mark seemed just as motivated to make the most of their time together, as well, because after that night he never brought up his eventual return to Chicago again. It was as if he wanted to focus on what little time they had together instead of the brick wall looming in the distance.

  But she knew the end was coming. An hourglass sat over their heads, and grain-by-grain, time slipped further away. The nights spent together, the laughs, the way they seemed so perfect together. All of it would eventually cease.

  Karma lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. It was now the first week of September. She and Mark had been together four months. Four incredible, magical months. In one respect, it felt much longer than that, but in another, it felt like they had only just met.

  It was a rare night when they weren’t together. She slept as many nights in his bed as her own, and when she was in her own, he was usually with her. Not that they always made love. Three or four nights a week, he had business dinners or work to do after regular hours and showed up at her place a little before bedtime. Or he would call her from his place to let her know he was home and invite her over.

  And then there were the nights he was in Chicago and she was here. Sometimes they would talk on the phone, and sometimes they only texted back and forth, but no matter how she sliced it, she and Mark either saw each other or communicated in some way at least once every day. He had become the most dominant force in her life, and she had never felt so confident and purely feminine.

  It was hard to believe that only four months ago she had been a different person. Thanks to Daniel and that red dress, he had unknowingly thrust her into Mark’s path, and she had found her true self through his eyes. She smiled into the darkness. Four months ago, she had been a naïve mess, lost, confused about what she wanted and who she was, and a little self-conscious. But not anymore. She was still a good girl, but now she was the type of good girl who embraced a little sexy, a little bad. She had become good-but-a-little-naughty Karma.

  Her phone chimed on her nightstand. It had to be him. He was the only one who would text her after ten o’clock, and even then, he didn’t do it often.

  She picked up her phone and read his message.

  Hey, beautiful. Are you sleeping?

  She grinned and texted back. No. Are you?

  LOL. No. Want company?

  Do you have to ask?

  A knock came at her door less than a minute later as if he had been waiting outside in his car.

  She darted into the living room. “That was fast,” she said, pulling the door open.

  He was on her so swiftly she didn’t even have time to blink. Strong arms pulled her in as he kicked the door shut behind him. Without a word, he lifted her, his mouth hot with kisses so blazingly intense, he stole her breath. Within record time, she was back in her bedroom, on her bed, her pajamas discarded wherever he had thrown them.

  The sex consumed her, his body almost desperate with urgency as he sank inside. Something was different tonight. Something raw and almost frantic dwelled inside his coiled muscles as he rolled and surged above her.

  “Come with me,” he gritted between clenched teeth.

  They had found that rhythm long ago. After making love so many times, he knew her body better than she did, and simultaneous climax wasn’t something they struggled with. But tonight he seemed especially keen on the two of them hitting the end together. It seemed important. Almost crucial.

  Barely hanging on for the ride, Karma hooked her arms under his and gripped his shoulders from behind, crying out with each urgent thrust. She was close, and she wouldn’t disappoint him.

  “Hurry!” Desperation gripped her body. Whatever drove Mark tonight, she was on board and ascending with him, unable to hold back as he unleashed a torrent of pleasure that invaded her senses.

  “I’m close.” A long, ragged groan rumbled in his throat, and he repositioned himself so
he could meet her gaze and hold it. That connection, that link between them. No one before and no one ever again would claim this mastery over her. She was all his and always would be.

  “So am I,” she whispered urgently.

  “I’m about to come.” Duress tightened the skin around his eyes. His jaw clenched, but his gaze stayed locked on hers. He wouldn’t even blink.

  “Don’t stop don’t stop!” She was about to come, too.

  “Now, Karma!”

  Both of them let loose a guttural cry of release, their bodies hitting the height of the crescendo simultaneously, shredding them with jarring spasms that rocked them to their souls.

  For several long moments, not a word was uttered, just the shuddering sounds of breathing mingled with broken moans. And then he fell on top of her, driving his arms around her, crushing her to him as if he would never let go.

  They stayed like that for a long time. So long that Karma began to worry that something was wrong.

  Just as she was about to ask if he was okay, Mark sighed, kissed her neck, and eased away.

  “That was…” she began.

  “Good,” he said, filling in the blank.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of intense.”

  He grinned, but the gesture didn’t quite touch his eyes. Something was bothering him. “Intense is good.”

  “Yes, it is.” She combed her fingers through the dark hair on his chest.

  Tonight hadn’t been about a lesson plan or what he jokingly called hands-on teaching. In fact, as the weeks had ticked by, it seemed like, more and more, their time together had become more about just that: spending time together. The level of comfort between them was more like that of a bona fide couple, not two people having a temporary affair.

  He got up, went to the bathroom to discard the condom and clean up, then returned to the bed. He sank onto the mattress and pulled her into his arms. “I had a conference call with my boss tonight,” he said quietly as his fingers tickled her arm in a feathery, affectionate dance from her shoulder to her elbow and back up.


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