Dirty SEAL (A Navy SEAL Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

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Dirty SEAL (A Navy SEAL Romance) (The Maxwell Family) Page 89

by Alycia Taylor

  Still kissing, we flipped over so that she was straddling my waist. She smiled down at me as she leaned forward and kissed up my chest. She gave me shivers as her hot lips traced a path down to my stomach. Her kisses and her tongue were gentle, but they sent violent jolts of electricity through my body with each touch.

  She kissed her way back up, taking a mouthful of my neck in between her lips and teeth. She bit down gently just as she moved her body over my cock and sheathed it inside of her. She sat up as soon as I slipped in and the contortion of her face was pure ecstasy as she began to move on top of me. I put my hands on the cheeks of her perfect ass and anchored my heels to the bed. As she plunged down, I thrust up. She screamed my name out loud, egging me on.

  I loved when she was on top, the way her hair fell down into her face and the way I could feel her insides throb with each thrust. I reached up and grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. Then I took a nipple between my fingers and twisted and pulled on it. She was moaning loudly and I briefly hoped that no one was out there in the hall. I put my hands around her upper chest and pulled her down towards my face where I was able to get one of her gorgeous breasts in my mouth. I sucked it in and she moved her hands so that they were on the back of my head. She held me against her as I sucked and nibbled on one nipple and then another.

  She gasped and began to grind her hips into mine, taking the full length of my cock inside. She let me go wild with her breasts and nipples for a long time before she pulled me off and sat straight up. She was close to the edge and so was I. We got back into a rhythm of thrusting up and down, both of us completely gone and thinking of nothing else….it was that good.

  I heard Olivia cry out and felt her tighten up on me. Once the inside of her pussy squeezed my cock tightly and I felt her warm juices flowing, I let go of my own orgasm.

  Afterwards, I held onto her tightly and we both slowly rocked, allowing one another to come down from the high we’d just created.

  We lay there like that for minutes, which felt like hours before I looked down to see her looking up at me. She smiled and pressed her lips to mine. Then she snuggled back down into my chest and we took a nap together, enjoying the closeness of one another.

  Chapter Seven


  I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I was back with Dax since he agreed to stop obsessing over getting revenge. Plus, I got accepted back into college. All was right with my world.

  I turned over, hoping to snuggle back into his arms, but he was gone. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already almost nine. I couldn’t believe I’d slept that late. It was a good thing I wasn’t supposed to work this morning. I stretched one more time and swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up. I looked around the room and quickly decided what I was going to do this morning. The room was a pigsty. I got up and put on one of Dax’s long t-shirts and a pair of his basketball shorts that I had to cinch down as tight as they would go. They looked funny, but that was okay, no one was going to see me unless Dax came back. I thought he’d understand.

  I got the cleaning supplies I’d left under the bathroom sink when I’d been staying there and went to work. I found a clean sheet in the towel cabinet so I started there by changing the sheet and making the bed. Next, I set about dusting. I realized after I started that I was going to have to throw away a lot of trash piled there before I started.

  Taking a garbage bag from the bathroom, I started picking the trash off the dresser and then the nightstand. I started on the floor and that was when I saw a green spiral notebook laying on the floor. It was half under and half sticking out from underneath it. I bent down and picked it up and saw Terrance’s name. Curious, I sat down and read it.

  Terrance, Brock, Blake---set me up. Kill them?

  It one would have concerned me, but it was lined through. I thought it was safe to assume that meant he’d decided against it. I read further down and it said something about drugs and sending them to live in a cage. Dax must have written this after he found out about Terrance and saw the security video of Brock sending the email. I ripped it out and then I tore it into tiny little pieces and threw it away. Dax wasn’t going to need this any longer and it really shouldn’t be lying around where just anyone could find it. What if one of the club guys found it? That could be dangerous. I took it out and tore it into even smaller pieces. I stuffed it way on the bottom of the trash can. I’d take it all out to the dumpster when I finished cleaning.

  Chapter Eight


  I got up early and left before Olivia was up. She looked so sexy and peaceful sleeping in the big old bed. Her dark hair was fanned out around her all over the pillow. I was tempted to wake her up at first and make love to her again, but I made myself refrain. I tiptoed around and got dressed. I had actual important things to do.

  I met my mom at her bank first. She helped me get a business account set up. Then, we went by and talked to the guy who owned the building downtown that we were thinking about renting. He opened it up and let us take a look around. It had been a tattoo shop in the past, so it was kind of already set up with a curtained back room and plenty of space to store things and to put a sterilizer machine. I liked it and so did my mom, so I wrote my first business check and put a deposit down on it. I had to have a business address before I could finish my licensure application.

  We went back to my mom’s house and went online and printed off the application for licensure and all of the requirements. Although I’d already read them, I wanted to go through them again. One of the requirements was a Health and Safety class that I would have to take. I registered for one online but I’d have to go take the class in person. The soonest class I could get into was on Tuesday the following week. It was still early in the day though so I gave Greg, the guy who does my tattoos, a call and asked him if I could sit in for the day with him. He said I could watch until I was comfortable and he was even okay with me doing one. I thought spending the day in the shop might help me with my class and to pass my certification test. It might be surprising to some, but even though he was a convicted felon, Greg was a stickler for the law when it came to his business and his licensure. It would be good to spend the day watching him. I thanked my mom…profusely.

  Before I headed over to Greg’s place, I called Olivia. “Hey baby! What are you doing?”

  “Hey! I’m cleaning. Well, I actually just finished up. What are you doing?”

  “I got all my ducks in a row today to get my business up and running. I’m pretty damn excited.”

  “Congrats. You should be excited. I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks,” I told her. “How about we get dressed up like normal people tonight and we go out and celebrate?”

  “Out? Like on a date?”

  “Why do you sound so surprised? I used to take you out all the time.”

  “It’s just been a long time since I’ve been out on a real date,” she said.

  “Dax is back!” I told her, full of myself at that moment. It finally felt like I’d taken a couple of steps forward. One foot in front of the other.

  I went on over to see Greg and he was okay with me watching him and signing me off on watching me do one. He didn’t get very many customers that weren’t ex-cons, but that was okay with me because that was who I was used to tatting in the first place.

  I watched him do three of them all together. The first guy wanted a Raiders symbol on his back. It was a big ass tattoo. Greg did the outline while I watched and then sent the guy on to return back the following week to start coloring it in. Next, he did the same guy’s wife. She had all three of her kids’ names tattooed on her right shoulder with little footprints and hearts in different colors. It turned out really good. I was impressed with Greg’s artistic abilities.

  The next guy looked young. He tried to tell Greg that he was eighteen, but he didn’t have a driver’s license or I.D. Greg wouldn’t touch him without seeing proof of his age. The kid got flustere
d and finally admitted that he had just turned sixteen. His dad was getting ready to get out of prison in a few weeks and the kid thought if he had a tattoo when the old man got out, he would be impressed. Greg explained the law to him and the fact that it was his licensure and his livelihood on the line if he didn’t follow the laws. If his dad wasn’t impressed, Greg could be in a lot of trouble. The kid left dejected, but Greg’s licensure was intact.

  We had some lunch. The pink-haired girlfriend cooked and the purple-haired sister served. Those three had a strange relationship. One that I was sure I didn’t really want to know any more about.

  After lunch we got back to it. A guy about my age who had just got out of Corcoran State Prison came by looking to get one of his prison tats removed. Greg explained the process to him and I listened, but then Greg told him he didn’t have the equipment to remove them. He told him who would have it and where he would go if it were him.

  Greg explained, “The laser stuff is the best way to go, but it’s expensive for to me to buy the equipment and for you to get the tat taken off. I have a list of a few places not far away that will do it for you and they come highly recommended. Then again, it’s a long, hard process. You may want to look at just covering it up with something else.”

  The guy showed Greg the tattoo in question. It was a big one on his side. I could see why he wanted it taken off. It was a big, ugly, black swastika. In prison, it showed you were part of a certain group, which was important for your own protection. Out on the streets though, it was offensive as hell to anyone who saw it.

  Greg checked it out and asked, “What about football? You got a team?”

  “Cowboys fan,” the guy said.

  Greg gave him a raised eyebrow look that told him how he felt, but he said, “I could cover it with a dark blue star and some silver around the edges. It’ll take a couple of sessions and it won’t be cheap, but I’m willing to bet it’ll be cheaper than getting it removed.”

  “That’s cool,” the guy told him. “Can we start today?”

  “Sure, I’ve got my happy helper here,” he said about me.

  “How about if I do the outline Dax and you can take over coloring it in? If you feel comfortable I’ll have you do the silver outline also.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great,” I told him.

  Once Greg was finished with the outline of the star, I started the coloring in process. It was a big star so the coloring in was going to take a while. I worked on him for about an hour before he said he had enough and he wanted to come back in a few days to finish. After he left, I asked Greg a few more questions about his tools and techniques and then I thanked him and went to get ready for my date with Olivia.

  Chapter Nine


  Dax picked me up from my uncle’s house right on time for our date. He’d text me and told me to dress casually and to wear a bikini underneath my clothes. I was glad it was warm outside when I heard that. I didn’t know what he had in mind, but whatever it was; I was looking forward to it being just him and I having a good time alone…like it used to be.

  I wore a bikini and put a blue tank top on over it and a wrap-around skirt over a pair of matching leggings. I wore my hair down, mostly because it made it easier to get my helmet on that way.

  “Hey gorgeous,” he said with a smile when he saw me. “You look great.”

  “Thanks, so do you,” I told him.

  He wore a short-sleeved shirt with a collar on it and what looked like a brand new pair of jeans. I grabbed a jacket for the bike, a leather one that Dax had actually bought for me a few years back.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Maybe,” I said with a smile. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he said.

  When he said wear the bikini, I was thinking picnic at the lake, but he didn’t seem to be carrying anything on the bike other than his regular saddle bags. I hoped the date involved food though, because I was starving.

  I followed him out to the bike and we both put on our jackets and helmets. He slipped on his gloves and straddled the bike and I slipped on behind him. I loved the feel of him and the smell of leather. I loved the feel of the cool air on my face, being able to see the beauty of the landscape around us and the moon and stars up above us.

  Dax turned in the direction of the hills and I realized after a while that we were going towards the lake. We used to do that a lot; take a picnic basket and go up there and eat and swim in the dark. Sometimes we’d make a bonfire if no one else was around. When we were kids, Dax had found us a secluded little spot. I hadn’t been there for a while and the closer we got, the more excited I became.

  I was surprised to see another bike when Dax pulled his to a stop and parked.

  When we got off, I asked him, “Who else is here?”

  He looked at the bike and back at me and said, “Ryan.”

  “Ryan who?” I asked. I genuinely had no idea who he was talking about.

  “The newest prospect,” he said.

  Bull made the new guys wear patches that said Prospect until they proved themselves. At last count, he only had two. Neither of them was named Ryan. I guess I was behind on what was happening with the club. I liked it. I wanted to keep moving away from it.

  I followed Dax and wondered why he would invite this Ryan guy. When we came around the corner to the spot in the sand that was surrounded by beautiful big, red rocks I saw a bonfire already going. Dax stepped over one of the rocks and then he put his hand out to help me over. The sight I took in caused me to gasp. As Dax was thanking Ryan and sending him away, I stared at the scenery in front of me.

  The bonfire was in the center of the space. On the right side of it was a huge, soft-looking plaid blanket, a little vase filled with wildflowers and a spread of food that made my mouth water and my belly rumble. There was fried chicken and potato salad…biscuits and coleslaw…I saw cheesecake and chocolate cake…and there was a big decanter with a big bottle of champagne chilling and ten or twelve bottles of beer.

  “Oh my God, Dax…this is so amazing. I don’t even know what to say.”

  He came over to me and took my hands and said, “You don’t have to say anything. I hope you like it though?”

  “I love it,” I said, honestly. “It’s so romantic…it’s incredible…Did that guy set this all up?”

  Dax laughed and said, “Um, no. He was just protecting it until we got here. I set it up before I came to get you.”

  I put my arms around him and gave him a long, deep kiss. When we came up for air I said, “Thank you.”

  He grinned and replied, “You’re welcome. Are you hungry?”

  “Oh God, I’m starving,” I told him. He laughed again. He used to always tease me about having a big man’s appetite in a little girl’s body.

  “Good, let’s eat first,” he said.

  “First, before what?”

  “Before we swim,” he said with another grin.

  “It’s a little cold, don’t you think?”

  “Nah, it’s been warm all day. The water will be a good swimming temperature. Let’s eat first, and then we’ll talk about it.”

  We sat down on the blanket and ate. The fried chicken was delicious and I wondered if his mother had made it or if he’d bought it somewhere. When I tasted the biscuits I could tell that they were unmistakably Gail’s.

  “Did your mom cook all day for us?”

  “Not for me,” he said. “For you. Every time she hears we’re doing something together, she does a happy dance. I think you’re the daughter she’s always wanted.”

  I laughed. Everyone knew how Gail felt about her son. Dax was the one she’d do anything for and since he had to have Bull for a father, I was glad he had her.

  “It’s delicious. Thank her for me,” I said.

  “It is delicious,” he said.

  While we ate, he described his day at Greg’s with me. The light in his eyes when he talked about it was what was exciting to me. I loved t
o see him happy more than anything else.

  “I’m so glad your mom is helping you do that. I think it’s going to be great for you and I’m sure you’ll make it a rousing success,” I told him.

  “Damn, you should have saved that for the toast,” he said with a smile. Taking out the bottle of champagne, he popped the top off and poured the rich, gold bubbly into two glasses. Handing me one he said, “To us!”

  “To us and to your new business, and to happy and healthy futures for us both,” I said.

  We clinked and drank.

  He asked, “Ready for a dip?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Come on,” he said. “If it’s too cold we can get right back out.”

  I really didn’t want to. I could tell by the air outside that it was going to be too cold already. His sexy eyes in the moonlight with the firelight dancing across his face were too convincing though.

  “Okay, but just for a minute. I want cheesecake.”

  He laughed and agreed. We took some towels that he’d draped over one of the rocks and walked the little path to the back side of the lake by moonlight. It felt good to be there with him, holding his warm hand and having him stop every so often and press his sweet lips to mine. I hadn’t been this content for a long time.

  When we reached the lake, I looked out over the calm water. It was so still that it looked like a huge mirror. I could see the silver reflection of the moon in it and the trees that surrounded it.

  “It’s so pretty,” I told him. “I haven’t been here in a long time.”

  “Me neither,” he said. “Not since the last time I was here with you.”

  It would have been the summer before we left for college. The year that Dax was arrested and both of our lives had radically changed.

  I pulled off my shirt and skirt, stripping down to my bikini. I would take off my flip-flops when we reached the edge of the lake. You never really knew what people would throw down in the sand. I looked at him and he was watching me.


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