Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 2

by Renee, K.

  “Who did this to you?” he demands. His voice sounds deadly, and I would hate to be on his bad side, which I just might be already. I shake my head no, and try to stop the tears before they fall down my face.

  “Tell me,” he says towering over me.

  “No, he’ll kill me,” I whisper with tears falling down my face. Once they start, I have a hard time stopping them. After a few seconds, I am able to pull myself together. Just as I’m about to tell him, a loud banging on the door startles me, and I close my mouth.

  The only thought running through my head is that it’s him. He’s coming to get me.

  I watch him walk out of the room, and hear him taking to whoever is out there. I can’t make out the voice or what they are saying, so I try and find somewhere to hide just in case whoever it is comes in here.

  Bumping into the nightstand, I knock over a glass that I had left out yesterday. It crashes to the ground, and shatters all over the tile floor.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the other man growls when he walks into the room. The guy from before just watches me, and it kind of freaks me out.

  “I’m... I’m… Wyn… Wynter,” I stutter out. I’m afraid of what he might do to me, so I try to at least answer his questions. He looks similar to the other man; maybe they are related or something. They both have on similar outfits, and have the same jaw bone.

  “Jase, you fucking this girl?” the other man asks, looking over at Jase.

  I watch Jase shake his head no, and then look back over at me, almost like he’s trying to figure me out.

  Hell, I wish I could figure myself out sometimes. Maybe then I’ll know how I ended up in this mess.

  “So that douche bag outside is with you?” the other man asks me.

  Looking between them, I shake my head no. “Please don’t let him know I’m here,” I plead.

  “Who is he?” Jase grates out. I can tell he’s getting pissed, and I know it’s all my fault. I never wanted to bring anyone else into this mess.

  “My brother-in-law,” I say trying to hold back the tears. I don’t want them to know how scared I really am of Saxton. “He’s going to kill me, or worse, if he finds me.” I say quickly. They have no idea how dangerous he is.

  “He won’t touch you,” Jase says looking at me with a sad expression. “I’ll go pay him a visit. Stay here and don’t go near the windows.” I see him give the other guy a look, and then he nods his head at Jase. I watch them walk out the door. I can hear them talking to each other before the front door closes, but can’t make out the words.

  Balling my hands into fists to keep from shaking, I walk to the end of the bed and take a seat. Taking deep breaths, I try to calm myself down. I’m nearing a panic attack, and I can’t let them see me like that.

  I have been doing so well for the last few days. I haven’t had one in a couple of days. The last one was when Saxton left the bruises. After I got back into the safety of this apartment, I had one of the worst ones I’ve ever had.

  After a few minutes, I’m finally able to un-ball my fists, and go back to cleaning up the broken glass. Going into the bathroom, I grab the little garbage can, and take it over to the broken glass. Once all the big pieces are gone, I grab a piece of paper, and try to scoop up as much as I can. Getting as much glass off the floor as I can, I turn to look for a vacuum or something to get the rest of the tiny pieces up and off the floor.

  While I am looking in the closet, I see a helmet and a leather jacket. I guess he’s a biker? Grabbing the small dirt devil, I make my way back over to the broken glass, and vacuum it all up. Turning off the dirt devil, I get up and turn to go and put it away. Not paying attention, I walk right into Jase. Stumbling back, he reaches out, and keeps me from falling backwards.

  “You okay?” he whispers as he pulls me into his arms. I nod my head, and my eyes shoot over to the other man. He has a dirty look on his face, but I try not to let it bother me.

  “So Wynter, where you from?” the other man asks, as I pull myself out of Jase’s grip. Being that close to him was starting to make my mind swarm with thoughts that I haven’t had for anyone in almost a year.

  Looking over at the other man, I reply, “Here in Vegas.” They both stare at me for a few moments before Jase speaks up.

  “That asshole outside is your brother-in-law? You know who he is right?” he asks, like I’m a child.

  Squaring up to Jase, I point my finger at his chest. “Yes I know who he is! He killed my fiancé last year when I wouldn’t dump him. He married my sister a few years ago. I’ve tried and tried to get her to leave him, but she won’t. I know he is who and what he does.” My shoulders drop and I sigh in defeat. No one will ever believe me. I should just give up.

  “You know what, I’ll just go,” I say, walking over to the door where I left my bag. Grabbing it, I make my way out the bedroom, and into the hallway. Before I can get into the living room, a hand grabs me around the waist and pulls me back into his body. Tensing up, I spin around, and push away from him.

  “Don’t touch me,” I growl. I don’t know who he thinks he is. Looking over his shoulder, I see the other guy laughing. Jase raises his hands in surrender, and backs away from me.

  “Look sweetheart, I’m not letting you leave this apartment with that prick sitting outside. He’s in Saints territory, and we’ll teach him a lesson if he doesn’t leave in the next few minutes,” Jase states with a smirk.

  “What do you mean?” I ask looking between both of them. They both have smirks on their faces, and it kinds of frightens me.

  Before either of them answers me, I hear the roar of engines. Looking at the window, and then back to Jase, I see his eyes light up. They are excited about whatever is about to go down. Jase grabs ahold of my hand, and pulls me to the window. He keeps me half way hidden, but I can still see what’s going on in the street.

  Six bikers pull up next to Saxton’s car, and they all rev their engines. One of the men gets off his bike, and walks over to lean into Saxton’s window. I watch them talking back and forth before the biker grabs Saxton though the window and pulls him up and halfway through the window. I can see Saxton try and fight back, but the biker isn’t letting him do anything.

  “And you thought B got soft when he shacked up with Anslie,” the other one laughs.

  “Sebastian, you and I both know my twin became a little bitch when he met that girl,” Jase snorts. Sebastian starts to laugh harder.

  “Your twin?” I ask looking between both of them.

  “Yeah sugar. I have a twin named Brantley; he’s the one that’s got his hands on your brother-in-law. This here,” he nods over to Sebastian, “is one of my younger brothers.”

  “One of your younger brothers? How many do you have?” I ask with wide eyes.

  Sebastian speaks up, “There are four of us: Brantley, Jase, me, and our baby brother Elijah.”

  Holy crap! Why would one woman want to have four boys come out of her vagina? I cringe a bit, and they both start to laugh even harder.

  Before I can say anything, I hear the squealing of tires, which causes me to look back out the window. I see Saxton’s taillights disappearing into the distance.

  The bikers move their bikes to the curb, and one by one, make their way towards the apartment.

  Without even knocking, they file into the small apartment. One by one, they do that weird man handshake/hug thing that always makes me laugh.

  I can’t help but giggle at the sight of all these burly men dressed in leather, man hugging each other. All eyes turn to me, and I try and shrink behind Jase’s wide body.

  Chapter Three

  Once all the guys come inside, I can feel Wynter tense up a little bit. She starts to relax behind me, when I reach behind me and put a hand on her hip. I can see that all the guys are curious as to why I had them come down here to help out early on a Saturday morning; especially after the wild welcome home party last night.

  Brantley motions to Wynter, and raises an eyebrow. “W
hat’s the deal Jase?” he asks watching her.

  “Yeah Jason, why the fuck did you drag us all out of bed so fucking early? I was trying to get fucking laid,” Ryder says with a smirk.

  “Wynter here broke into my apartment, and has been living here for who knows how long.” I look over my shoulder at her, and she blushes. “Well that fuck head outside is her brother-in-law, and has threatened to kill her. I’m not letting some bastard try and kill her for no reason. He will have to come through me first,” I state.

  Fuck, I’m not even sure where the fuck that came from. I don’t even fucking know this girl. Why would I be protecting her like this?

  Brantley watches me as if he can read my expressions, and what’s running through my head right now. Fuck, this isn’t happening. These moments are when I wish I wasn’t a fucking twin. Sometimes I hate that he can figure me out just by fucking looking at me.

  “You want her under our protection?” Dom asks eyeing me.

  I nod my head yes, and grab her hand, pulling her next to me. “That bastard put his hands on her, and she doesn’t deserve that. No fucking woman deserves that. B and Dom, I know you both agree with me on that.”

  They both scan her body, and mutter under their breath.

  “Why is he after you?” Dom grunts out.

  Wynter looks over at me, and I nod my head for her to answer the question.

  “Well, it all started a couple of years ago. I have been trying to get my sister and niece away from Saxton. He’s a dangerous man, and I’m afraid that his work is going to get them killed. I can’t lose them. They are the only family I have left.” Her voice trails off, and I know there is something she’s not telling us.

  “So he wants you dead because you tried to get your sister away from him?” Dom asks not believing her either.

  She nods her head, and bites her lip.

  “Bullshit!” Brant exclaims from behind Dom.

  Wynter jumps and ends up backing into me. Her ass comes in contact with my dick, and I try to think of anything other than her curves and the way she feels against me.

  Fuck, I need to get laid. The sooner the fucking better.

  “I swear,” she whimpers.

  “Whatever it is, we will deal with it,” I whisper in her ear. I hear Brantley snort, and Dom just shakes his head. I know I’m going to get shit over this.

  “Okay. He killed my fiancé a year ago when I found out about what he really does. He threatened to kill me so I wouldn’t tell my sister or the authorities.” Her body starts to shake before she continues.

  “One night, Saxton come over and told me that if I ever tried to come between him and my sister again, then he would make sure I suffered. When I tried to get my sister away from him a year ago, he shot and killed Shawn, leaving him to die in our kitchen. He and all of his buddies are bad people. He works for a man named Emilio, and they deal with kidnapping women, and selling them to the highest bidder.”


  Dom just nods his head before he motions for us to all go meet in my room. This shit is about to get fucking ten times worse, and the guys are gonna bitch, since I’m the one bringing us into this shit.

  One by one, we make our way into the bedroom. Looking back at Wynter, I can see that she’s thinking about running, but I’m not going to let her if this guy is coming after her as she says he is. He’s a cold-blooded murderer, and there is no way in hell she will be safe from him without our help.

  I tell them I’ll be right back and make my way over to her. Her eyes are red and puffy and she keeps wiping her nose. “Don’t go anywhere. We are going to help you. You just have to let us run it through the club.” Her eyes widen at my statement.

  She shakes her head no, “I won’t let you or your friends get hurt because of me. I can’t deal with anymore death on my conscience.” Putting my finger to her lips, I shush her.

  “We are big boy’s sugar. We can take care of ourselves. Do not leave.” Her eyes search my face for something, and she must find what she’s looking for because she nods her head and goes to sit on the couch.

  Walking back to my room, I brace myself for the shit storm that’s about to go off in there.

  Before I can even close the door, shit starts flying at me from all directions.

  “What the fuck are you doing Jase?” Ryder asks from beside me.

  “I couldn’t fucking let that bastard hurt her for no reason. We were all fucking taught better than that in the fucking club, and I know we wouldn’t let Anslie or one of the ole’ ladies deal with that from anyone,” I grate out.

  Brant shakes his head at the mention of Anslie’s name. “Difference is brother; she’s not an ole’ lady or family. We have fucking rules for a reason.”

  “So you’re saying we don’t help people just because they aren’t family? Are you guys fucking kidding me? She needs us just as much as Anslie ever did!” I’m fucking pissed that they only care about people in our family.

  I can see the steam pouring off my twin, and he walks over to me and gets in my face. “Fuck you Jase. Anslie is fucking family and my ole’ lady. You saying you rather give protection to some girl off the fucking street than my ole’ lady?”

  Pushing Brant away, I shake my head. Turning to address the whole room that is just watching us with amused expressions, I state my fucking point.

  “I fucking think we should help anyone that needs our fucking help. I sure as hell ain’t letting her fend for herself with a shit head like him out there after her. You all fucking seen that motherfucker. He has a fucking screw loose. But if it makes it fucking easier, I’ll claim her as my ole’ lady just to keep her protected. You’re so fucking concerned about rules and shit, there you go.” I walk away from Brant because I know if I don’t then I’m going to punch him. I’m still fucking pissed at him, and this is just making it worse.

  I hear a few of the men scoff at my statement, but I’m not backing down. I will protect her with or without their help.

  “You serious about this?” Dom asks watching all of my movements like a fucking hawk.

  “Yeah,” I state, not backing down.

  “You claim her, she’s your responsibility. Make sure she learns the rules, and we will deal with this Saxton fucker,” Dom states without showing any signs of humor.

  I don’t even bother responding to his statement.

  “I think this might have something to do with the Sacramento shit. Let me talk to my old man, and we will come up with a plan. For now, you might want to bring her to the clubhouse for protection. Church tomorrow morning, first thing. Don’t be late.” Dom walks out the door and I follow behind him.

  “Dom,” I say as I get into the living room. He stops next to Wynter, watching, and studying her.

  “Hey sweetheart, I hope you know what you’re about to get into with him,” he smirks.

  She just stares at him, probably thinking he’s crazy. I’ll have to explain this shit to her before we head to the clubhouse. Dom turns to me, “Don’t make me regret this.”

  Nodding, I let him pass me, and he walks to the door.

  “You may want to dye her hair or something to get her out of here without him knowing it’s her,” he murmurs right before he opens the door and leaves.

  Her eyes meet mine, and I just shrug my shoulders. The rest of the guys make their way to the door, slapping me on the back as they go. When Brant is next to me, I try to keep a level head.

  He pulls me into a hug, and whispers in my ear, “Brother you know I love you and I would do anything for you.” I nod my head because I do know that. “Don’t disrespect my ole’ lady again.”

  Raising my hand around him, I put my hand to his face, and smack him.

  He jerks back, and looks at me. “Don’t try and act like family is the only important thing. That girl matters too,” I whisper back. He grabs the back of my neck giving it a squeeze, he then backs away, and walks out the front door.

  Looking over at Wynter, I see her watching me inte
ntly. Walking over to her, I sit down next to her and take in her appearance. She looks upset and I can only guess that it’s because of that shit head that’s after her.

  Pulling out my phone, I dial my friend Sabrina. I need someone to grab some shit for Wynter, and she’s the only person I know that will drop everything to do what I ask. She’ll be pissed when she finds out why, but right now I don’t give a fuck. I just need this shit taken care of quickly.

  “Hello Jase,” she purrs. I guess I forgot to mention that we are also fuck buddies.

  “Hey Sabrina, I need a favor.” I reply still watching Wynter. She gives me a questioning look, but doesn’t say anything.

  “Sure baby, anything you need,” her voice drops into a sexy whisper that typically gets me hard as a rock. This morning it’s not doing shit for me.

  “Can you run by the store and grab some hair dye? Any color but blonde,” I say quickly. I hear her laughing on the other end of the line.

  “Baby, please tell me that you are not dying your hair,” she giggles.

  “Nah, just need it for a friend. Hurry up.” I reply hitting the END CALL button on the phone, and tossing it on the coffee table.

  Now hopefully she doesn’t take her sweet ass time like normal.

  Chapter Four

  After listening to all those scary men shouting at each other, I wanted nothing more than to run away and never come back. To my surprise, Jase has been amazing since finding me in his apartment this morning. Hell, most people would have called the cops first, or shot me.

  The way the men watched me as they left, was a new experience too. They all looked angry. I was sure that one of them was going to say something, but they all kept their mouth shut as they left.

  I wonder what they meant by old lady…

  I’ve heard that term before, and it kind of freaks me out. Hopefully it’s nothing bad because I’m definitely not old. Hopefully Jase explains whatever they were talking about because I’m not sure I want to be part of whatever they do either. They look just as dangerous as Saxton’s friends.


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