Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders

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Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Captain Jacobs sat on the bridge of his transport and watched the Red Aliens advancing on the battalion that was holding formation against them and swore. He had already contacted Colonel Swanson and was told to mind his own business. The Colonel was an ass and was putting his command in jeopardy. He sat up straight as two warriors left the lines and attacked the advancing heavy blasters. At last, this idiot was doing the right thing. But after a few moments, he saw the two warriors had left the lines without orders. He heard Swanson order their arrest after the battle. His eyes narrowed and he looked at his scanner officer. “I’m recording everything, Sir.” Jacobs nodded and saw the massive explosion rip out into the giant forest as the blasters exploded. Without support, those two brave warriors wouldn’t last long.

  • • •

  Wes fired a swarm of missiles at the advancing enemy warriors, hit the ground, and rolled to the left as more than a hundred blaster bolts flashed by over his head. He immediately went to his feet and rushed over to Dom and laid down a heavy blaster beam across the woods in front of them. “I’m running low, Wes!”

  “I am, too. Skip to the transport and reload. Another twelve enemy blasters are moving in on our lines.” Dom nodded and the two disappeared out of the forest and appeared on the transport’s landing bay. Wes yelled, “WE NEED A RELOAD!!”

  Lieutenant Blake pointed at the two armor mounts, “Step in!” Dom and Wes stepped on to the two platforms and the robots came down and began filling their weapon’s magazines. Blake yelled, “DONE!!” Dom and Wes disappeared.

  They arrived back in the forest a hundred yards in front of the advancing blaster platforms that were rumbling through the trees. There were no enemy warriors in front of the advancing blaster, it was suicide to be there. Dom stood up and emptied every mini-missile in his magazine and followed it up with three hundred smart projectiles. Wes emptied his magazines as well and the two disappeared again and appeared on the transport, “RELOAD!!”

  Blake shook his head, “What are you doing?”


  “Get on the two platforms to the left of those you just used!”

  Dom and Wes reloaded and disappeared again. Meanwhile, the twelve heavy blasters went up in a horrific blast that leveled the forest for more than a mile around them and killed three thousand enemy warriors. Wes and Dom arrived as the shockwave blew out and rushed past the blasters that were burning.”

  • • •

  Cassidy Howell watched the explosions in the forest and knew that the two warriors that broke ranks were causing it. No more warriors had been killed after the two rushed away and everyone knew it was due to their efforts. Cassidy looked at the warriors around her and shook her head, “This is asinine.”

  “Cassidy, hold your position.”

  “Sir, tell the Colonel I think he is a real ass and I hope he eats dung and dies.” Cassidy looked at her tactical and activated her jump boots and flashed away from the lines and dropped in with Dom and Wes. “Could you two over achievers use a little help?”

  Dom laughed, “Take the center and hold them back. We’ll work on the wings. Keep an eye out for their attack craft. I expect them to be arriving momentarily. The probes spotted six moving our way six minutes ago.”

  “Got em on tactical. I’ll announce a launch when they arrive. You pay attention to the wings and don’t let us get surrounded!”

  Cassidy raised her right arm and launched a hundred smart projectiles into the cleared land in front of her and hit the ground as three hundred blasters bolts flashed at her. She stayed on the ground and raised her arm and launched another hundred as the blaster bolts flashed by just a foot above her. This was what it was all about. She activated her jump boots and she slid along the ground out of the burning forest into the edge of the destruction. She used her heavy blaster to blow three large burning trees out of her path. She made it into the edge of the forest and leapt to her feet and ran toward the enemy’s right wing. Eighteen heavy artillery platforms were rumbling toward the front on their tracks and would be in range of the battalion’s lines shortly. She saw on her tactical visor that the other two warriors were also scrambling toward the artillery but she was closer. A Red Alien attack ship came roaring in blasting the ground with its blasters. She turned and jumped thirty feet to the right as the heavy laser beam flashed over the ground she just ran from. She raised her arm to fire a medium anti-aircraft missile but saw the attack craft blow up. One of the other two had hit it. She changed her aim and fired two missiles at two ships moving toward the other two’s locations. She went to full speed and wove her way through the trees. Blasters ripped through the forest starting another major fire but her armor could handle the heat. Two beams hit her but her force field shrugged them off. Her tactical visor suddenly emitted a high pitched sound and she hit the ground as ten beams from the artillery defenses targeted her and fired simultaneously. Thank God the probes were tracking their weapons. Every tree for a mile in the path of those beams was disintegrated into superheated gas. She turned and ran through the trees hoping the heat would disrupt the cannons sensors. She arrived on the backside of a slope and looked at her tactical view. The eighteen giant cannons were a mile away on the other side of the slope and she wondered why fleet hadn’t taken them out. She keyed her communicator, “Why hasn’t fleet taken these cannons out?”

  Dom dodged behind a giant tree and said as he hit the ground, “It appears the other three battalions are in trouble as well. Where are you?”

  “Can’t you see me on your tactical?”


  “I’m lying on a slope with burning trees surrounding me.”

  “Got you. If you fire that close, those guns will fire a barrage at your location. You can only hit a couple and then you’re going to have to run.”

  They’ll be in range of our forces in less than fifteen minutes. I have to take out more than a couple.”

  “Wes and I are getting close. Wait for us to open up on their left flank and then take your shot.”

  “That’s stupid! The two of you stand a better chance of taking them out. I’m by myself and can’t do nearly as much damage as the two of you. I’m going to open fire with every missile and projectile I have and the two of you should use that distraction to move in to their ranks and attack them from close range.”

  “She’s right, Dom!”

  “I don’t like this!!”

  Cassidy shook her head, “We’ll discuss it over a drink after this is over.”

  Dom shook his head and growled, “You’re buying!”

  “Count it down.”

  Dom saw the giant guns on his visor and moved in closer. He hit the ground and, a moment later, Wes landed next to him. Dom sighed and keyed his communicator, “Ok…on three; one, two, Three!!”

  Cassidy jumped up and fired every missile and projectile in her magazines. She saw the giant barrels on the heavy artillery platforms swing toward her and as her last missile left its magazine she threw herself backwards and activated her gravity jump boots. She shot down the slope and into the raging fire behind her. She felt the concussion of the artillery blasts behind her and her armor bounced more than six feet off the ground as she continued to move into the burning forest. Another huge blast close by lifted her fifteen feet and darkness took her when she slammed down to the ground as her systems overloaded.

  • • •

  Lieutenant Kemper listened to the transmissions of the three warriors that broke ranks and was ashamed at what was happening. He knew that those three had prevented numerous deaths of their fellow warriors. The two that initially left were his warriors. He heard the rumbling of the other members of his platoon and knew they were past anger. He sighed and heard the female warrior stop transmitting. His anger won. He hit his private unit frequency, “Lock and load. We are going to go and see about helping our brothers. On my command, jump in on those cannons. READY, JUMP!!”

  The remaining forty eight me
mbers of the platoon left the lines of Alliance Warriors and sailed over the burning forest in front of them. Colonel Swanson screamed at Kemper, “MOVE YOUR PLATOON BACK IN FORMATION!!”

  “Marvin laughed, “You have enough left to protect you. I have two brave brothers-in-arms that need protecting as well, Sir. Come on out and arrest me!”

  “I’ll have you shot!”

  “The enemy will probably beat you to it, Sir. But at least I’ll die killing enemies of our people.”

  A moment later, Captain Purdue announced over the company’s frequency, “I believe we have some of our company in harm’s way. Follow me out to bring them back for disobeying orders.”

  The other four platoons in E Company shot out of ranks toward the distant artillery platforms.”

  “Captain Purdue! What are you doing?”

  “I thought you wanted that platoon arrested. I’m going to carry out your orders.”

  “I didn’t order you to arrest them?”

  “You didn’t? Oh, my bad. But since I’m already out here, I might as well take out as many of the enemy as possible.”

  Colonel Swanson was furious but saw eight more companies blast away from his ranks and move out on the enemy forces. He activated his communicator, “CAPTAIN JILES, IF YOU LEAVE RANKS I WILL ORDER FLEET TO FIRE ON YOUR COMPANY!”

  “Don’t worry, Sir. I lost the draw.”


  “All of the Company Commanders drew to see which one of us would remain behind to defend your worthless ass. I lost.”


  “It’ll be worth it, Sir.”

  • • •

  Captain Jacobs looked at his Scanner Officer, “Send what you’ve recorded to the Admiral’s personal attention. Put a Red Star on it.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Amelee was starting to look at the status of the other planets when the recording arrived and she pulled it up. She watched it and felt her anger grow to rage. She set the Light Drive and arrived above the planet and hit the drive on her armor. She arrived at Col. Swanson’s headquarters and saw the Colonel standing outside behind a company of armored warriors. She activated her armor, “Colonel, what are you doing here when your warriors are fighting the enemy?” Every warrior turned and saw the Admiral. Swanson was shocked and he couldn’t speak. Amelee looked at Captain Jiles, “Captain, shouldn’t you be fighting with your brothers?”

  “Yes Sir. The Colonel is going to have all of them arrested for not following his orders.”

  “I’d arrest you if you did. Now take your company and give them hell!”

  Jiles smiled and said, “YES SIR!”

  Amelee looked at Swanson, “Colonel, you have a decision to make.”


  “I’m arresting you for cowardice in the face of the enemy and that will probably get you shot. Or you can accept an immediate demotion to private and go out and join your units fighting the enemy. If you perform well, I’ll allow you to resign from the service.”

  “But Sir!”

  “There is no but!! Decide.”

  Swanson stared at Amelee and said, “I’ll take my chances with a review board.”

  “Admiral Norden.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Send an attack craft to my location and arrest Colonel Swanson and hold him pending a board of inquiry.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Amelee looked at Swanson and shook her head. How did this piece of crap get promoted to command one of her battalions? She listened to the transmissions of the battalion and smiled. The enemy was on the run. Swanson heard it as well and lowered his head. Amelee saw him and said softly, “Your fear would have gotten you and your command killed. Every one of the warriors that died standing in ranks is on your head.”

  Chapter Twenty

  In less than four days, the Red Aliens were gone. That’s when the celebrations on the two hundred planets began and continued for more than a month. The Alliance Representatives arrived and began opening a dialogue with the planet’s leaders and began assisting them in reorganizing from their enslavement.

  • • •

  Amelee sat on her ship and called in Private Jennings with his Commanding Officer. She saw the Private was really nervous, “Relax, Private. The Alliance owes you more than you know, it was your suggestion that prevented the deaths of billions of innocent civilians.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I’m just nervous about breaking in on your discussion.”

  Amelee smiled, “That is a violation of our protocols but I am truly thankful you did. I am promoting you…”

  “Sir, I do not want a promotion!”

  Amelee stopped and stared at Jennings. “Why not?”

  “Sir, I’m an Alliance Armored Warrior. I love the fight and don’t want to miss it.”

  Amelee looked at Marsheem and smiled, “Colonel, weren’t you involved in the fighting?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Amelee looked at Lee, “Are there any suggestions you might have that we’ve missed?”

  “Uhhh, I did have one thought.”

  “What was that?”

  “I read up on the Fleet’s attack on the Feeder Fleet and learned that the Feeder Scout that came in was infected by some kind of telepathic fish.”

  “That’s true.”

  “I also saw that Fleet Intelligence believes the Feeders will go back to the planet the Feeders were initially attacking.”

  “That is also true.”

  Lee shrugged, “I don’t know if it’s possible, but if you could move some of those fish to that planet, it may persuade the Feeders to avoid this galaxy.” Amelee stared at Lee and shook her head. Lee saw her and quickly said, “I’m sorry, Sir. I know my leaders have probably already thought of this. I just thought it might be a real surprise.”

  She looked at Col. Marsheem and saw him also shake his head. “Private, do you always read fleet reports?”

  “When it involves a possible landing, I do.”

  “Private, I am giving you a battlefield promotion to Colonel and you will attend any planning meeting of my General Staff. I expect you to get your Battalion trained to the standards you exhibited during this engagement and I’m recommending you to receive our highest award for valor.” She saw him shaking his head and said, “You will accept this promotion!”

  “But, Sir. I’m just a private.”

  “No, you’re much more than that. You’ve just proved it. The Alliance needs warriors like you that think outside the box.”

  Lee looked at Col. Marsheem and saw him nodding. “Well, if you’re not giving me a choice…”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then, I guess I’m your huckleberry.”

  Amelee burst out laughing, “Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer.” Lee smiled as Amelee said, “I think we’ll work well together, Colonel. Thank you.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I have a battalion where I just removed their commanding officer. You will be given that command and I have a recording you’ll want to see to learn what you’re getting. There are three of our warriors that I will be promoting, each to command companies.”

  Lee nodded and left Amelee’s office. An hour later he contacted her. “What is it, Colonel?”

  “Sir, I request that I be allowed to promote those three to command a company in my battalion. I’ll give you three experienced captains to use where you were planning to send them.”

  “I wondered how long it was going to take you to make this call.”

  Lee smiled, “Is that a yes?”

  “Send the three captains to replace them to Admiral Kelly Connor as soon as possible.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Amelee leaned back in her command chair. This battalion showed their mettle in the fight. It now had leaders it deserved and it bore watching. She sent her report to Kyley and sighed. It was a close thing that billions of civilians weren’t killed in the fighting. It was warriors lik
e Lee, Dom, Wes, and Cassidy that would make the difference in the coming war with the Feeders. Her units had performed admirably. This warmup prepared them. There was still so much to do but she began to think they were going to only get better.

  • • •

  Dom looked at Cassidy and smiled. The brown haired warrior was really something. “I thought we lost you.”

  “The concussion from the second artillery barrage knocked my systems off line and gave me a concussion. That’s why it’s taken several weeks to pay off this bet.”

  “How is it that I’ve not seen you before the battle?”

  “You’re in E Company, I’m in A. Too much distance between us.”

  “How does your boyfriend feel about you being out with me?”

  “He understands.” Cassidy saw Dom’s expression change and she smiled, “That was a good fishhook you threw out. I don’t have a boyfriend, Dom.”

  Dom’s smile was instant, “You don’t?”

  “No, I don’t. And I gather from your remarks that you aren’t attached either.”

  “No, I’m not, except for Wes.”

  Cassidy laughed, “How does he feel about your being out with me?”

  “He really doesn’t want to like it but he has a huge respect for what you did during the battle. He told me that if I had to go out with anyone, he’d approve of you.”

  Cassidy stared at Dom and said, “Ok, here’s how it goes. We are three. I’m not going to be jealous of your friendship with Wes and I’ll support it. However, if you’re suggesting you’re interested in me, then you will not spend time with any other female but me. You need to determine if I’m right for you and I also need to determine that as well. If it doesn’t work out, we part ways as friends.” Dom shook his head and Cassidy said, “What?”

  “Five minutes after meeting you I was struggling with how I could get you interested in me. This is beyond what I expected.”


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