Triplet Babies for My Billionaire Boss

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Triplet Babies for My Billionaire Boss Page 8

by Lia Lee

  “Turn around, babe,” he commanded.

  He pulled out of me and helped me off the desk before he turned me around, his hands on my hips. The fronts of my thighs were against the desk. Rodney pressed his hand against my back, bending me over the desk so my ass was on display for him.

  He squeezed my ass cheeks, running his hands up and down my thighs until I shivered and goosebumps broke out over my entire body. When I felt like I couldn’t handle it anymore, Rodney pushed into me from behind.

  I cried out. It wasn’t the first time he fucked me from behind, but from this angle, he was even bigger than from the front, and the pleasure that came with him ramming himself into me was accompanied by a little bit of pain. It was just enough to make me shiver and wonder if I was going to orgasm again immediately.

  “I’ve been dreaming about fucking you on my desk like this since you started working here,” Rodney said in a voice so deep and hoarse, it sounded like a growl. I wanted to respond, to tell him that he should have done it sooner if that was what he’d wanted, but I didn’t have a chance to.

  Rodney pulled out almost all the way before he slammed into me again, filling me up. I cried out, collapsing onto the desk. He fucked me harder and harder, pounding in and out of me, the friction driving me crazy. The room was filled with the sound of our sex. My cries mingled with Rodney’s grunts and groans. He fucked me so hard, the desk shifted onto the carpet with each thrust and Rodney’s balls slapped against my pussy.

  I cried out in a semi-orgasmic state, held there by the way Rodney pumped into me, his hands on my hips to hold me in place. I gripped the desk, trying to keep steady while he pounded into me. I wasn’t naked, which I would have preferred. I would have liked my breasts not to be restricted by my bra so I could feel them swinging back and forth and feel the cold of the wood under my hard nipples.

  But this was enough for now.

  Another orgasm ripped through me, finally taking hold of me, and I cried out, shuddering on the table, my body clamping down on Rodney’s cock. I spasmed and contracted, and I was suddenly very tight, making Rodney’s strokes so much more intense than a second ago.

  “God, Danielle,” Rodney bit out and shoved himself into me as deep as he could. I felt him twitch and jerk as he came, too, emptying himself inside of me. I breathed hard, the orgasm rolling into another one. It seemed like it would never stop. Rodney pumped inside of me, and I gasped and moaned.

  Slowly, the orgasm subsided, calm setting in where there had been chaos before. Rodney stroked his hands over my ass cheeks, patting me before he pulled out of me. I felt his absence acutely, my entrance gaping and dripping with what we had just done. I heard the rustle of clothing as Rodney zipped up.

  I pushed up from the desktop. Rodney held out a Kleenex holder to me, and I took two tissues. Rodney turned his back so I could clean up without him watching me. I mopped up the mess as well as I could so nothing embarrassing would happen when I was in public, considering I didn’t have any panties with me. But the only way I would be able to clean properly was if I went home and showered.

  When I was done, having done the best I could, I pulled my skirt down over my legs. I tucked my breasts back into my bra–they had started spilling out with Rodney’s efforts. I fluffed my hair, finger-combing it so I looked respectable, and it was as if nothing had happened. If it wasn’t for how flushed I felt and Rodney’s glazed eyes, the smell of our sex hanging in the office, no one would have known what we just did.

  I stepped closer to Rodney, who turned toward me, and kissed him.

  “Thank you,” I said when I broke the kiss.

  Rodney nodded. I couldn’t read his expression, but I had an idea about what was running through his mind.

  “I know this can’t happen again,” I added. That was what we had agreed upon before we’d started, right? One last time.

  “Yeah, that’s good. No more.” His voice was still a little hoarse and not as convincing as it could have been, but we couldn’t keep doing this. I understood that he wanted us to stop.

  I just didn’t know how I was going to do that.

  Rodney collected his briefcase and walked with me to my desk where I found my bag. He let me walk first out of the office, and we walked to the elevator together in silence. There was nothing to say, after all.

  I wasn’t sure I would be able to let it go. I couldn’t just forget about fucking Rodney. Or rather, about him fucking me. It had been spectacular both times, and I wanted him to make me feel that way again. What we had done today had only made me want him more. I was already ready for round two. I wanted him to take me home with him and strip me naked. I wanted him to taste my body again, to fuck me in more positions. To give me orgasms until I couldn’t hold myself up anymore.

  But none of that was going to happen, was it? Because Rodney didn’t want to keep doing this. A part of me understood where he was coming from, but a much larger part of me wanted to keep doing this. I wanted him to keep touching me the way he’d touched me, looking at me as if it would be the end of his world if he didn’t have me right now. How the hell was I supposed to walk away from this? How was I supposed to close this chapter and not look back?

  I wanted it to be different. I wanted to change it. Something had to give.

  When I glanced at Rodney, stoic and silent in the elevator next to me as if nothing had just happened between us in the office, I realized it was all a dream. Rodney wasn’t going to fuck me again. He wasn’t going to keep playing this game with me. I had told him it was the last time, and he was going to hold me to it.


  Chapter Thirteen


  Danielle was everywhere, even in my dreams. I dreamed of her long smooth legs, the deep green of her eyes when she smiled at me, and the smell of her perfume when she walked past me. She was mesmerizing, and I was addicted. I wanted more of her. Without my fix, I knew I would go into withdrawal. I would wilt.

  I woke up in the middle of the night with an erection that ached and a woman on my mind that I couldn’t have. I got up to drink water, and in the darkness, all I could see was her. It was because I was still half asleep, I told myself. I splashed cold water on my face and got back into bed, forcing myself to go back to sleep and to stop thinking about her.

  It was much easier said than done.

  On Saturday morning, Tommy had me up at the crack of dawn to watch cartoons. When it was a weekday, I couldn’t get him up to be on time for school, but on weekends, he was up so early we could catch the sunrise.

  The joys of being a father.

  “What are we making for breakfast, big man?” I asked when his favorite show ended.

  “Pancakes,” Tommy said.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t make pancakes. “You’ll have to ask Danielle when she comes to watch you again. You know that.”

  Sometimes, Danielle made pancakes with Tommy, and he loved it.

  “What about scrambled egg and bacon, buddy?” I could make that, and there was almost no way I could mess it up.

  Tommy shrugged. “I guess. What are we going to do today?”

  I thought about it. I didn’t have anything planned for the weekend.

  “How about we hang out at home, just us guys?” I asked.

  “That’s normal,” Tommy said. “It’s always just us guys.”

  I couldn’t say anything to that. It was always us guys. He was right. A pang of regret shot through me. I hadn’t dated much, and I wasn’t planning on marrying again. At this rate, it would be the two of us for the rest of our lives. I wanted more for Tommy, but I couldn’t imagine dating, bringing a stranger into the bubble Tommy and I had been living in.

  Of course, there was Danielle, who had managed to get into our world. And she was so great with Tommy and a wonderful person to boot. But I couldn’t date her, I reminded myself. Because of Mark. I shouldn’t have even slept with her. Twice. God, I had created a mess.

  Tommy and I walked to the kitchen toget
her to start on breakfast when my phone rang. Mark’s number flashed on the caller ID.

  “Do you want to head out onto the golf course with me?” Mark asked. “Nina is out of the house today, and I’m bored.”

  I hesitated. If he knew what I’d done with Danielle only yesterday, he wouldn’t want to ever speak to me again. I’d hoped that fucking her would get it out of my system, but it had the opposite effect. I couldn’t get her out of my mind now. I thought about her, not only about her body and how great she was in bed–or on a desk, as the case may be–but about who she was a person. She was amazing in every way.

  Would dating her in secret be possible? The moment the thought came up, I squashed it. I couldn’t think like that. It wasn’t going to happen. It was better if I didn’t even entertain the idea. I shouldn’t have slept with her yesterday. I shouldn’t have slept with her at all. Now that I had, there was no changing it, but that didn’t mean I had to compound my mistakes by hoping for an actual relationship with her.

  Mark was still on the line, waiting for an answer. I considered turning him down, but that would seem suspicious, wouldn’t it? The best thing was to accept and carry on as if nothing had happened.

  “I have Tommy with me,” I said.

  “So? Bring the little man along. He can give you some pointers on your short game.”

  “Very funny.” I thought about it for a moment before agreeing. Tommy had complained he was bored, anyway.

  “I’ll see you there in an hour,” I said.

  “Are we going somewhere?” Tommy asked when I hung up.

  “We’re going to play golf with Mark. Does that sound like fun?”

  Tommy thought about it, tipping his head to the side while he turned the eggs over and over in their carton.

  “Will you teach me how to swing?” he asked.

  I nodded. Why not? Tommy agreed that it would be fun. We substituted a big breakfast for cereal before getting dressed, and less than an hour later, we were on the road, headed toward the golf course.

  Mark was already there when we arrived, wearing his golfing attire. Mark didn’t work, so he played a lot more than I did, and he wore all the right clothes. He was a walking ambassador for the sport. I doubted Nina believed that he did it for business reasons, as Mark tried to claim. She wasn’t a stupid woman.

  But that was what love was, wasn’t it? Making compromises and turning a blind eye to someone’s flaws from time to time. Or maybe it was seeing their flaws and loving them anyway.

  It made me think about Danielle again, about perhaps ignoring her age and seeing if there was something there between us. Something real. It would be easy to keep it secret because she worked for me. Who would know we weren’t only working together?

  But it wasn’t that simple. If it came out–and it inevitably would because someone always found out–it wasn’t only my friendship with Mark that would be over. It would be my reputation, too. The media would eat it up, and it could mean the downfall of the company if it came out so close to the launch of a new program. The investors would pull funding, people would turn their backs on me, and life would get messy.

  I was so confused. I wanted to be with Danielle. In a very short time, she had come to mean a lot to me. Still, I wanted to save my company, my friendship, and my reputation. The price for my own personal happiness was too steep.

  Mark approached me with a big grin on his face and his arms outstretched to Tommy. I pushed the thoughts away. I couldn’t do it to my friend. Mark had been there through thick and thin, and this was how I would repay him?

  “The course looks good,” Mark said after hugging Tommy. “I was just out there.” He looked up. “And the weather is a stunner, not too hot and not too cold. Perfect day to do this, eh?”

  He nudged me, and I forced a smile, nodding.

  We headed out onto the course. We played one hole after the other. I showed Tommy how to swing, and he had a blast on the golf cart Mark had rented because he refused to walk so far. I was having a good time, too, but I was distracted. I was nervous around Mark, even though there was no way he could have known about me and Danielle.

  We had played seven holes when Mark stopped planning his swing and turned to me, leaning on his golf club.

  “What’s up with you today?” he asked me.

  I frowned. My stomach twisted a little. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re very distracted today. You’re not usually like this on the course. This is supposed to be an escape.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, buying myself time to think. I wasn’t about to tell Mark that I was thinking about the amazing sex I’d had with his daughter.

  “I’m preoccupied with work,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

  Mark narrowed his eyes at me, and for a moment, I wasn’t sure if he bought it. I was worried he would see through me. This was what happened when you harbored a secret, I scolded myself. Punishment in the form of not being able to relax.

  “Is something wrong with the company?” Mark asked. “Something I should be worried about as an investor?”

  Only as a father. “No,” I said. “Nothing to worry about. Why?”

  “Because this morning, I spoke to Danielle, and she’s as quiet as you are. When I asked her what was wrong, she said the same thing, that she’s caught up in work.”

  Shit. She was thinking about me the same way I thought about her. I didn’t know if I should feel flattered or worried about it. It was great to know she felt the same way about me as I felt about her, but it also meant this situation was way more complicated than I wanted it to be. If I was the only one catching feelings after our time together, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as if she was falling for me, too. I never meant to drag her into this so deeply, but then again, it took both of us to do what we did.

  I forced these thoughts away and focused on my conversation with Mark. “No, everything’s fine. It’s just a bit of pressure with the new program and the extended deadlines, that’s all. My developers are worried it might affect the initial wave after the release. When they worry, I worry. And when I worry, I suppose it rubs off on Danielle as my secretary.”

  I was impressed by the lie I had plucked out of thin air. It sounded real to me, even though I knew it was bullshit. Lying to Mark about his daughter wasn’t something I should have been proud about, but it was better than him knowing the truth.

  “Are you sure that’s all it is?” Mark asked.

  Shit, he wasn’t buying it.

  “Dad,” Tommy interrupted. He had one of my clubs, and he’d been trying to work on his swing by himself. “I don’t think I’m doing it right.”

  “Here, let me help you, buddy,” I said, all too happy for the interruption. I didn’t know what to say to Mark. I didn’t know what else to tell him. He wasn’t an employee or a partner, but he was an investor, and the investors knew what was going on in the company. It wasn’t so easy to spin a story about work if it wasn’t work that was the problem.

  I was relieved Tommy was with us. I didn’t always like bringing him to the golf course because he often got bored and that just made me feel like a shitty parent. Now that he was older, he could join in, and he didn’t complain about being bored or it being too hot in the sun. This time, he was saving my ass as well, and I was glad about that.

  “How about you let me show you what to do,” Mark said to Tommy. “I’ve beaten your dad more times than I can count.”

  He laughed, taking the golf club from me to show Tommy the proper technique.

  “Only because I let you,” I joked, taking the bait. I would be the butt of jokes for the rest of the day if it meant it diverting Mark away from the topic of work and Danielle and why I was so distracted.

  We joked around and showed Tommy what to do for a while. Then, we got into the cart once we had taken our swings, and we moved on to the next hole. I thought about Danielle again, wondering what she was doing, but this time, I put the thought out of my mind, pushing it
as far away as I could. I had to keep my head in the game today and be responsive. I couldn’t afford to have Mark asking me what was up again.

  The second time around, I didn’t think I would be able to lie as well as I had done the first time, and I hated that I had put myself in a position where I needed to lie to my oldest friend.

  Chapter Fourteen


  On Monday morning, I arrived at work the same time I always did, but Rodney wasn’t on his way to the elevator. I was a little disappointed. I had dressed up for him. I had taken extra time to put my hair up in a bun, and I had tried a new makeup technique. It hadn’t even been about seducing him. I just wanted to look good for him.

  He usually walked through the doors at the same time every morning like clockwork, which made it easy for me to slip in behind him. I looked forward to our little elevator rides where I could be sexy and inappropriate without anyone seeing. I knew Rodney liked it, even though he pretended that he didn’t want what was happening between us.

  Friday evening in his office, when he had fucked me on his desk, had proved that to me. We had said it wouldn’t happen again, and I would respect his wishes, but it had been hot as hell, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I doubted he’d been able to stop thinking about it, either.

  I rode the elevator to the top floor when Rodney didn’t arrive in the few minutes after I did. I couldn’t wait in the lobby for him forever. It would seem weird if he was late, and I was still sitting there. People would notice. Even worse, if Rodney came in and saw me waiting, I didn’t want to come across as a love-struck teenager. I wanted Rodney to see me as an adult, which was already a challenge given our age difference.

  He didn’t seem to think I was a child when it came to sex, though.

  I unlocked the office door with the key Rodney had given me–the key I hadn’t needed to use yet. He must have been running late. I knew it couldn’t be easy being a single father, and he wouldn’t always be able to stick to his routine.


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