“Is something wrong?” Terrance asked, moving to block her vision.
Her face must have portrayed her shock and confusion. She pointed a shaky finger over her shoulder and looked around wildly for Gavin or an explanation.
“Yes, something’s wrong,” she replied. “This is my home, but there’s no way I can be back here again.”
“Why not?”
The vampire took a few languid steps towards her, and she countered by retreating the same number of paces.
“I was walking for hours. There’s no way…”
Chloe didn’t want to finish her sentence, afraid that she’d reveal her real reasons for meandering through the woods. Terrance didn’t react to her sudden hysteria.
Something in his eyes told her that the game was over. He was moving in for the kill.
Chloe turned and sprinted toward the creek, but she didn’t get far before colliding with something solid. She fell backward, bruising her hands on the ground as she caught herself.
Terrance loomed over her, his eyes blazing red and black in the darkness. She scrambled to crawl away but suddenly found that she wasn’t able to move at all. It was the same inexplicable immobility that she had experienced when Gavin bandaged her finger.
She remained frozen in place, one hand raised in an awkward twist from when she’d tried to crawl away. Her muscles ached, but she couldn’t pry herself out of the position. Not even her eyes would shift in their sockets.
She heard shuffling footsteps in the leaves as Terrance approached her.
“I was wondering how long this would last. I suppose my hopes were too high. This could have been very amusing if you had continued to play along.”
She saw his dark leather boots come into view. Terrance crouched down low and twisted his head so he could meet her fixed gaze. His long golden hair hung down, disturbing the bed of leaves there.
“Stand up,” he commanded.
Chloe wanted to reply with some sarcastic quip, but her mouth wouldn’t obey. Instead, her body obeyed him. Her movements were not her own as she pushed herself up and rose stiffly to stand tall in front of him.
If she were able, she would have been trembling with fear. She couldn’t run, couldn’t scream, and if Gavin were anywhere close by, he would have saved her by now. Was it possible that Terrance took care of Gavin before he even met up with her? In his weakened state, Gavin probably wouldn’t have stood a chance against a stronger vampire.
And he was stronger, Chloe could tell that much. Out of her periphery, she saw the image of her home disappear and blur like a mirage. It was all an illusion. But how much of any of this was real?
Terrance stood up and circled her like a predator would while sizing up his prey. She could feel his leer traveling up and down her frame in a hungry, lustful way.
“You must be wondering a thousand things right now,” he said, his voice lilting and poetic. It would have been soothing in other circumstances, and if it belonged to anyone else.
“Did you think you were clever? Did you think I’d be too blind to see your intentions?” Terrance sounded genuinely insulted. But how could he have known their plans?
“Oh, and don’t worry. Your boyfriend is fine. He wasn’t hard to take care of.” He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “That means we won’t be disturbed.”
Chloe was horrified by what he could possibly mean by that.
He raised his hand in front of her face and curled his fingers so one nail caught under her chin. He pulled, and her body was led to turn and face him. They were close, her chest grazed against the front of his shirt with each deep breath. Chloe would have rather stopped breathing than be under his spell this way.
His finger traced along her jaw, down the side of her neck and made its way down her shoulder and in between her breasts. Chloe wanted to shudder, to scream and beat him with her fists. She didn’t even want to look at him, but her eyes wouldn’t close.
“Don’t worry, I won’t force you. I’ll make you want it, beg for it. If it will help, I can do this.”
Terrance’s face melted away to be replaced with Gavin’s. But she knew it wasn’t him. It could never be him. The smile, the emerald eyes, they all looked like Gavin’s, but Terrance could never replicate his warmth, his kindness, and sincerity.
“Or would this suit you?”
Gavin was gone, and the man who stood before her was someone she never wanted to see again. Brent’s hazel eyes gazed down at her with that laughing expression he’d always had. Terrance even simulated Brent’s cologne.
Chloe couldn’t respond. The only thing she could think about was if Gavin was truly ok. What had Terrance done to him?
Terrance dropped the charade and was standing before her once more. Chloe knew this had to be a mind trick. Was he reading her thoughts and memories? It would explain the mirage, but Gavin said that he couldn’t manipulate her mind. Was this vampire so much stronger than Gavin that he had unlocked new abilities?
“I suppose this will be better. Then, it’ll be me you want and not either of those buffoons.”
Rage boiled in her chest. Yes, Brent was a terrible man. But she couldn’t stand to have anyone talk about Gavin with such disrespect.
“Don’t you dare talk about him like that,” she growled.
Terrance staggered backward, baffled by her sudden outburst. Chloe was surprised herself.
She balled her hands into fists and tried to force them higher, but their movements were slow and halting. The mesmerism was still too strong to resist, even against her temper.
Terrance became annoyed and held his palm out to her. She froze once more.
“You have a strong will. But mine is far stronger.” He came forward, his red eyes still blazing. “I think it best we skip the appetizers and move onto the main course.”
Her neck muscles went lax, and Chloe’s head lolled to one side, baring her skin for Terrance’s fangs. Just before he moved in for the bite, she saw them flash in the moonlight, growing long and sharp in preparation for the meal he was about to devour.
Chloe squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the death that would follow. Would it be quick? Would it drag on for hours? Would she die as soon as she was bled dry or would it take longer than that? Chloe didn’t want to find out.
All at once, before his teeth sank into her neck, she thought of her family and old friends in Atlanta. What would they think when they found out she had been murdered in the mountains? Her parents would mourn her, of course, but would anyone say she deserved it? She made the choice to come out here after all. She could have faced her problems in Atlanta, but instead, she’d fled.
Chloe wondered if she made the right decision.
But then she thought of Gavin and the kiss they’d shared, and she knew that it was all worth it to have known him, even for a little while.
Chloe didn’t welcome death, but she would submit to it, knowing that her life was made a little brighter by a creature of darkness; by a man so desperate to not become a monster.
“Get away from her!”
That voice, so familiar and yet so distant, shattered through the forest. Chloe looked to see Gavin standing not too far away, poised for attack with his hackles raised and head ducked low like a wolf growling at an enemy.
Terrance lifted himself up and turned to see who it was that had interrupted his meal. Chloe knew that his fangs hadn’t found purchase in her neck. She was still untouched but couldn’t move.
Instead of being angry, Terrance laughed. It was a booming, maniacal laugh like a villain who had seen his master plan unfold perfectly before him.
“Ah, so you’ve decided to join the party.”
Terrance, his fangs still a menacing length, moved to stand behind Chloe, using her as a shield. “We were just getting started. I’m sure there’s enough to share.”
“Don’t touch her!” Gavin bellowed. She could see, even in the darkness, his eyes glowing the same red as Terrance’s.
p; Chloe could see there was something different about Gavin. She couldn’t put her finger on it exactly, but there was an aura about him that didn’t seem right. Was he one of Terrance’s illusions, too?
No, he was real. But there was a subliminal difference in his voice, his stance, the way his face was pulled tight with rage. Something had happened that Chloe couldn’t even begin to guess.
“Or what?” Terrance asked mockingly. She felt the tip of his nail prick the side of her neck. She gasped but was still unable to move. “What can you possibly do? I know you’re weak. You’re starving yourself.”
Chloe whimpered as that nail dug deeper into her neck and sliced downward. A low, guttural growl emanated from Gavin that seemed to vibrate the very ground where they stood. The forest shook with his fury.
“Don’t be a fool,” Terrance continued. “You can’t change what you are any more than a tiger can change his stripes or a whale can walk on land.”
Gavin took a strong step forward, but he was still hesitant. And Chloe knew why. She was bleeding now. She could feel the warm liquid ooze out from the cut on her neck. And Gavin’s eyes, the eyes she loved to gaze into so much, were locked onto those few droplets that seeped down her skin.
She didn’t have to guess what kind of a battle raged inside him. He was hungry, but he didn’t want to drink her blood. He knew how savory it tasted, how it gave him a high like animal blood could never give him. Gavin vowed to never hurt her, to never use his fangs upon her flesh. He had once, but it was an accident. This was all Terrance’s plot, a purposefully crafted plan to lure Gavin into killing her. Chloe had full confidence that Gavin had the control to resist the temptation, to hold the urges at bay for her safety’s sake. It wasn’t the fourth night yet, and he still had control.
But then he took another step towards them. And another. He showed little sign of stopping as his defenses began to weaken.
“You care for this human,” Terrance said. “But you crave her blood. I can tell. You craved it from the moment you first saw her bleed.”
Gavin paused and peered at his opponent in the darkness. “How did you–”
“How did I know? Can’t you…” Confusion was laced in their villain’s words. Then he chuckled. “Oh, right. I forgot. You’re new to this. Well, perhaps not very new, but you have had no mentor.”
Terrance began to pet Chloe’s hair with his free hand, while the other gripped her shoulder. “You probably don’t know how to read a human’s memories. Nor do you know how to replicate them so that they relive those moments. It’s a handy trick when you’re in the mood to play with your food. Not many of our kind have this hunting ability. But since you're older than I am, I half expected you to know.”
A cold hand caressed her cheek. “All you need do is touch their skin, and it’s laid out before you like an open book.”
Gavin’s anger vanished, and in its place was an odd fascination. Chloe wanted to cry out to him, to tell him not to listen to Terrance. What the vampire said was completely true. She had been a victim of it firsthand, but this was exactly what Terrance wanted. Gavin was playing in perfectly, and he couldn’t see it.
“Come, brother. Drink. Nourish yourself, and I will teach you as my mentor taught me. There is so much you need to know. But you will learn none of it from this human and her love for you.”
Chloe felt hot breath on her neck and then a slimy tongue glide across the cut. The saliva stung her open wound, and she managed to wince. Terrance pulled back and let out a satisfied breath as if he had just taken a sip of a refreshing beverage.
“Now I see why you wanted her. Her blood is delicious.” Terrance gathered a handful of her hair and yanked at her scalp to further expose her bleeding neck. “You’ve tasted it once before. Now try it for real this time.”
Her worst fear came true as she saw Gavin walk toward them, no longer poised for battle, but an eager participant in the pleasures that Terrance offered him. Chloe wanted to weep for Gavin and mourn all they stood to lose. If he drank her blood, there was no turning back.
Not only would Gavin fall off the wagon and lose what little ground he had gained in the detox process, but he might not have the control to resist her after he drank from her so deeply. Knowing Gavin, he would feel utterly guilty for his actions. This wasn’t like killing an unknown soldier who was wounded in the middle of nowhere. She was his muse, his inspiration. Chloe knew better than to call herself his girlfriend. It was far from the truth. They were not lovers, for they never confessed it or reveled in its sins. Chloe didn’t know what she meant to Gavin exactly besides being a companion, an accountability partner, and friend.
She closed her eyes, unwilling to witness the last betrayal by someone she cared for so deeply; someone she loved.
Chloe could tell she had been sandwiched between the two men. With Terrance behind her and Gavin in front of her, she was trapped. Even if she could move, there was no way she could escape.
Gavin’s scent filled her senses, sending her into the involuntary dizziness that came with his presence. She felt a trembling arm wrap around her waist and pull her in tight, his torso a rigid wall of strength against her supple form.
At any other time, in any other place, she would have leaned up to kiss him. But instead, he leaned down to kiss her, only, not on the lips as she would have liked. One last gesture of affection would have made this moment a little less bitter.
She heard Terrance make comments of approval, urging Gavin to do the job.
Gavin bent his head down, his lips and nose stroking around the cut and underneath her jaw. Her core came alive with sensations she couldn’t begin to describe. Passion and longing made her whole body ache and tremble outside of the spell that Terrance had over her.
Despite herself, Chloe let out a sigh, letting both of the men know that she was enjoying Gavin’s caresses. Each tantalizing stroke of his tongue and movement of his lips on her skin were filled with emotion. He wanted to do this, to bring her to the edge of madness the way only he could.
Gavin’s other hand grabbed her wrist in a vice. Didn’t he know that she would never run from him even when he was about to take her life?
But seconds went by, and she knew by the lack of pain in her neck that Gavin had not tasted her blood yet. He hadn’t bitten down. He hadn’t taken the bait.
As soon as she realized this, he went rigid.
The next moments were a blur.
Gavin took advantage of his hold on her and used his inhuman strength to propel her away from both himself and Terrance.
Chloe went flying to the side and tumbled through the leaves and foliage before sliding to a stop a safe distance away. Sounds of hissing, roars, growls, and battle ensued where she had been standing. But the forest around her was spinning too fast to allow her to focus on anything.
Chloe felt her neck first and touched the sticky blood that was caked around her wound. Terrance’s hold over her was broken, freeing her body and mind to her own will.
When the dizziness passed, she looked up to see Gavin and Terrance fighting the way only immortals could, with blinding speed and extraordinary strength. There was no way to keep track of their movements or determine who was winning the fight. She couldn’t even distinguish if the cries of pain were from Terrance or Gavin.
Chloe felt a bursting pride for Gavin. He’d stayed strong and confronted temptation under the worst conditions. It was all a trick. This whole scheme was a trick. Everyone was deceiving everyone else. Who won in the end, she couldn’t tell.
When her legs decided to work, she used a nearby tree to help her stand and watch the battle. The suspense was terrible. If only her eyes could keep up with the action.
But one thing was certain. She couldn’t just stand around and wait for the victor to claim her.
Chloe fought the fog of fear in her mind and thought hard. What could she do? What did she have at her disposal to help Gavin? What could she, a mere mortal human, do to inhibit an experienced vampire
like Terrance?
Her expression was one of grim determination as she pulled her set of keys from her pocket. Years ago, Brent had advised her to get a pocket knife. But, she never knew how to work them, so she bought this instead.
It was a rather dull device that hooked onto her keychain. With a simple flick of her finger, she could flip out a curved blade to use for scouring or opening an envelope. She hoped it would be effective enough.
Taking a deep breath, she rolled up her sleeve and dug the tip of the blade into her wrist. The edge was so dull that it took a lot of pressure to break the soft, white skin. But when she did, it bled just enough to make her convulse a bit. Self-mutilation was at the top of her list of things that made her skin crawl.
Chloe pocketed her keys and ran towards the warring vampires. They were beginning to slow down. Gavin was becoming weaker, and she saw his opponent issue blow after successful blow. Terrance wasn’t tiring at all.
She waited, flexing her wrist so the blood would continue to dribble out. Her feet flitted back and forth, looking for an opening so she could charge in. But the two were moving so fast and sporadically.
Finally, Terrance knocked Gavin to the ground and sent him rolling through the twigs and leaves. His dark hair was disheveled and some of his clothes were ripped, but Terrance was in a similar state.
He charged towards Gavin and planted his foot on his chest. He was preparing for the final strike.
Chloe ran up and launched herself at Terrance’s back. He shouted at first, but when she reached around and pressed her bleeding wrist to his lips, he went silent.
He thrashed at first in an attempt to get her off, but his thirst got the better of him.
Fangs sank into her wrist, and she felt the blood begin to drain out of her. It was the strangest, most indescribable feeling as if her very life force was being sucked from her soul.
Chloe meant it only as a distraction, but the longer that Terrance hung on, the more she began to fear that this was about to backfire on her. Gavin needed the chance to recover and attack while Terrance was unguarded. It was the only way.
Passions Page 23