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KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood Page 12

by McKINLEY, A. B.

  “Dinnae blink Tiff,” he said before he put his black mouth-guard in.

  She smiled, and got ready to start watching.

  “Are you ready?” Dan asked both men, getting nods from them both.

  “Okay, fight,” he shouted.

  Scott didn’t waste any time, he ran across to Kyle who had moved forward slowly. Scott quickly landed a kick on the side of Kyle’s shin. Then as Kyle’s focus and guard dropped, Scott planted a stinging jab into his face. Before Kyle could react or recover, Scott had dropped down and expertly knocked Kyle off his feet with a sweep kick. He pounced on the young man as he hit the canvas and quickly had his arm put in an excruciatingly painful arm-bar hold. The pressure applied in opposite directions on either side of his elbow joint had Kyle screaming out in pain. The young man banged on the floor three times quickly, indicating he’d had enough. Scott released the grip immediately and stood up, removing his head-guard and mouth-guard. It was all over in less than 10 seconds. Scott bent down and helped Kyle up off the floor, he was fine, but was just a little shaken up. Scott put his arm around him.

  “Are yer okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. You’ve got to teach me some of that stuff one day,” he said, as he was slowly coming to terms with what had just happened.

  “I’ll work with yer, nae problem. Yer just have tae slow doon though like I’ve been telling yer, and wait until yer ready. It will come, but yer nae there yet. I’m sorry, I did nae want tae hurt yer, but I did need tae show yer what could happen tae yer.”

  “Okay, well I guess that didn’t qualify as doing okay against you!” he smiled

  “Nae really, but remember, I’ve been doing this fer a long time. Yer still very new tae it.”

  “I know, thanks Scott. And I really do want you to teach me. Whenever you have time, I know you’re busy.”

  “I will, we’ll sort it oot. I think yer trainer and yer friends are waiting fer yer,” he said looking over at Kyle’s entourage.

  “Yeah I think you scared all of them, I’d better go. I’ll see you before you leave though,” he said before trudging back to his friends.

  Scott walked back over to Tiffany, and sat down.

  “I think I convinced him to slow doon a wee bit, and tae nae get ahead of himself!”

  “Yeah, I think you did. What did he say to you? Is he okay?”

  “Aye, he’s fine. I just stunned him, I did nae hurt him. And he wants me to help train him.”

  “Well I’m glad you’re both okay. Kyle is stubborn though. I hope it worked and he doesn’t rush things but I’m not convinced it will. And, can you show me some of those moves when we get home?’ she said winking at him.

  “Aye, I’ll pin yer doon anytime yer like,” he said smiling as he took her hand and they walked out of the gym.

  Chapter 14

  A few days went by with no contact from Kyle. Scott was happy that he seemed to be accepting the advice that he’d given him. It was turning out to be a good week all around, as Scott and Tiffany received confirmation that they could move into the new house before their cruise. It was an exciting time, moving into the new place, the cruise and the wedding were all going to happen in the next few weeks. Plus with the baby coming too, it was an amazing period for them both. On Thursday afternoon, Scott was working from home. He was busy checking out some potential new security companies that he could use for some of the Robinson’s restaurants in northern California. Tiffany had gone into the boutique to do some work there. As Scott was scrolling through details on his laptop, his cell phone rang. He picked it up, it was Kyle. Scott had wondered how long it would be before he would hear from him.

  “Hey Kyle,” he answered.

  “Hi Scott, are you busy?”

  “Aye, but what’s up?”

  “Do you have time to help me out this weekend?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Another sparring session, I know you enjoyed it!”

  “Aye I did, but surely yer dinnae want tae go through that again!”

  “I don’t, but you won’t be sparring with me. I was talking to Jake and he said I was intimidated by you. Also, that I didn’t fight properly because I like you and didn’t want to hurt you. He said he’ll spar with you, to show me how he could beat someone like you. He wants me to watch closely at the techniques he uses.”

  Scott couldn’t help but smile.

  “Surely there’s someone else he can demonstrate on! Why does he want me?” Scott asked.

  “You’re the best person, everyone saw what you did to me, and Jake wants to show me and the others that his techniques work against someone as good as you.”

  “Yer going tae get me in trouble with yer sister lad. Yer know we’re moving in tae a new house soon, and going on a cruise. Nae tae mention the wedding! I dinnae think she’s going tae like it.”

  “Please Scott,” Kyle begged.

  “I’ll talk tae yer sister, but I really doot that she’s going tae like it. And I’m nae going tae do anything tae upset her at the moment. It’s important fer the wee un that she does nae get stressed.”

  “It’s important for what?”

  “The baby.”

  “Oh okay, sorry I wasn’t sure what you meant. Tiffany will be fine, she’s cool. I’ll talk to her. Jake’s here now Scott, will you talk to him?”

  “Sure, put him on.”

  “Hi Scott, thanks for talking to me,” said a polite sounding Jake.

  Scott had briefly said ‘hi’ to him at the gym but hadn’t really met him, all he knew was what Kyle had told him.

  “Hey Jake, so yer want tae fight me eh?” Scott replied.

  “Yeah, I think it will be good for Kyle and the others to watch. I want them to see the moves I use to combat other fighters with different styles.”

  “Yer do understand why I fought Kyle last week, reet?”

  “Yeah, you wanted to show him he’s still got a lot of work to do, I get that. You exposed some holes in his defense which we can work on.”

  “There are a lot of things he needs to work on afore he can seriously consider fighting properly. Yer should know that if yer experienced in the sport.”

  “I know Scott, and when he does have a real fight, I’ll make sure it’s against someone of similar ability. Trust me. I don’t want to see him get hurt either.”

  Scott was relieved to hear this, he’d thought Jake was pushing Kyle to take fights before he was ready, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

  “Okay, and yer think fighting me, will really help?”

  “Yeah, I heard you were in the British army, and you have a Kickboxing background so it would be good for them to see me go against you. Watching you fight Kyle, it was obvious you had some skills. And, like Kyle mentioned, if you ever want to come and help me train some of the fighters then I’d love to have you involved.”

  “I’ll talk tae Tiff and get back tae yer.”

  “Thanks Scott, and in case you weren’t sure, I want to keep it friendly, just like you and Kyle did last week. I’m not looking for some kind of grudge match.”

  “Okay, nae problem. I’ll call Kyle after I talk tae her. Bye Jake.”

  Scott got back to his work, it was an interesting idea but he knew the chances of Tiffany agreeing to something like this, were extremely slim. So, he put it out of his mind and continued scouring the internet for information.

  A couple of hours later, just as Scott had finished cooking up some steaks for their dinner, Tiffany arrived home. As she came through the door the smell of the meat caught her attention.

  “Hey Scott, that smells good,” she said as she walked through into the kitchen.

  “Hi Tiff, did yer have a guid day?” He asked as she moved in for a hug.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t bad until I got a call from Kyle just before I left,” she said smiling.

  “Och, so he called yer as well! He does nae give up easily, does he?”

  “Yeah, he called. Apparently I’m the mean big sister who
won’t let my boyfriend go out and play with him!”

  Scott laughed, as he put his arms around her and gave her another hug.

  “Now yer know I did nae say that, reet?”

  “Yeah, I kind of got the feeling that came from him!”

  “Aye, I said I was nae going tae do anything tae upset yer. I know yer were nae keen on me doing it last week so was nae sure how yer’d react if I said I was doing it again. I told him I was nae going tae give him an answer until I’d talked tae yer.”

  “It’s fine Scott, I know you enjoyed it and that you’re good at it, but if you have a black eye or something for our wedding pictures then I’m going to fight you,” she said as she playfully punched his arm.”

  “Dinnae worry aboot that, I’m nae really that bothered aboot doing it, but when Jake was talking tae me earlier he seemed tae think he was going tae beat me. And that it was just going tae be an example fer his fighters tae see how he could beat me with his wrestling moves. He did seem like a nice guy, but I think he’s in fer a shock.”

  “Hmmm, so do you think our baby is going to have your competitive streak?” she asked smiling.

  “Aye, he will.”

  “How did I know you were going to say that!”

  “I guess I’m predictable,” Scott answered.

  “You’re definitely far from predictable, babe.”

  Scott smiled, as he plated the steaks.

  “Are yer hungry?” he asked as he carried the plates to the table.

  “Yes, and that really does smell soooo good.”

  “Come and eat then, I’m so glad yer nae a vegetarian. I prefer a lass who likes a wee bit of red meat inside her,” Scott joked as he beckoned her to follow him.

  “You’re bad,” she replied as she moved towards the table for her meal.

  Later that evening, as they relaxed on the couch in front of the TV, Scott called Kyle.

  “Hey Scott, what’s up?”

  “Hey, yer big mean sister said I can do it.”

  “That’s great Scott, thanks. I’ll tell Jake. Is Sunday at seven okay again?”

  “Hang on a wee bit, she said I can do it, but I have nae decided yet if I want tae,” Scott said, teasing Kyle.

  “I thought you enjoyed it!”

  “I did, but tell me, how much aboot my background did yer tell Jake?”

  “Just that you were in the army, and you used to teach Kickboxing.”

  “So yer did nae mention the Special Forces background, that’s guid that yer remembered that. It’s important that nae too many people know aboot it.”

  “Yeah I know, Dad drummed that into me pretty well after we got back from Russia. Alexei is the only friend of mine who knows.”

  “Guid, thanks fer that.”

  “No problem. So why don’t you want to do the fight?”

  “I did nae say I did nae want tae, I just said I had nae decided yet. Now, when I spoke tae Jake earlier, he seemed pretty confident he was going tae win. That he was going tae show yer and yer friends how tae beat me. Like it was a formality he was going tae win!”

  “Yeah, he said he knows how to beat people like you, he’s confident.”

  “Okay, then let’s make it interesting. Yer tell him I’ll fight him on Sunday, but if I beat him, then he has tae make a $1000 donation tae a cancer charity.”

  Tiffany looked at Scott, shook her head, and smiled.

  “Are you serious?” Kyle asked.

  “Aye, I’m serious. I’ll help yer with training as much as I can anyway. But if he wants tae fight me, and he’s so confident, then that’s my offer,” he said winking at Tiffany.

  “Okay Scott, I’ll talk to him and call you back.”

  “Thanks Kyle, bye.”

  Scott put the phone down and looked across at Tiffany.

  “Remember what I said about you being unpredictable, and bad! Well, you just confirmed both things,” she said smiling wickedly.

  “Och, I’m just having a wee bit of fun with them. We’ll see how confident he is. If he backs oot then cool, if he wants tae fight then it’s some extra money fer charity,” he said as he slid across the couch, closer to her and returned to watching TV.

  About an hour later Scott got the call from Kyle confirming that Jake had agreed to the terms. It was on for Sunday evening. Scott smiled. He was enjoying his new life and his unexpected return to the ring. Scott did make Kyle aware though, that this would be the last time he was going to be fighting until after the wedding. That was one thing his wife-to-be had insisted on.

  When Sunday evening arrived, Scott was his normal confident self as once again he sat waiting on the bleachers. Just like the previous week, Tiffany was with him and they sat chatting, waiting for the others to arrive. Soon, an equally confident looking Jake entered the room with Kyle and a few others in tow. Scott approached them and shook hands with them all as he said ‘hi’. A few minutes later everything was set up for them to go. Once again, Dan was going to act as referee. He called the fighters to the middle and they touched gloves. Scott stared Jake down as they listened to Dan’s instructions, he didn’t blink as he looked aggressively into the wrestlers eyes. Scott knew it was important to show no fear. He had already gained a psychological advantage.

  Scott was a couple of inches taller than Jake, but his opponent was a much heavier man. Unlike the previous week when he had a slight weight advantage over Kyle, this time he was the lighter fighter by about 60 pounds, he estimated. Scott knew this meant he couldn’t afford to get into a grappling match, as the extra weight and Jake’s wrestling experience would almost certainly mean defeat. Instead, he planned on quick strikes and to keep moving, eventually hoping to tire the big man out. Scott made his way back to his side and waved at Tiffany, giving her a quick wink too as he put his black mouth-guard in. He stood there for a moment, stretching and looking over at his opponent, who was clad in Maroon and Gold shorts. Jake was well built around his shoulders and had big powerful arms. There wasn’t much definition on his chest and abs but Scott knew he was going to be a strong opponent.

  “Okay, fight,” the words out of Dan’s mouth echoed around the room.

  Scott moved forward quickly, he was sure Jake would be expecting him to do that after what he’d done to Kyle. Jake moved forward too, crouched over with his hands forward waiting for Scott’s attack. However, Scott stopped in the center of the Octagon and didn’t engage. He knew that was what Jake wanted, and he wasn’t going to play into his hands. Instead, he’d wait for Jake to come to him and when he did, he’d pick him off with punches and kicks. They circled for a few seconds watching each other closely, before Jake lunged forward trying to grab Scott’s legs to take him down. A quick left jab, striking him squarely in the face was his reward for the move. Scott’s hit and run tactics worked perfectly as he quickly moved away after landing his blow.

  Jake was more cautious now and carefully stalked Scott as he moved around. For a split second Jake dropped his guard, and Scott took advantage. He landed a vicious round-house kick to the side of Jake’s head stunning him. The round continued in much the same way, Scott landed several strikes while keeping out of the big man’s grip. When Dan shouted that time was up for the first round, Scott returned to his side of the ring. He took out his mouth-guard and smiled at Tiffany, before taking a drink of water. Scott was happy with the first round. It had gone exactly to plan. He knew his opponent was tired and frustrated. Jake was sitting down and seemed to be breathing heavily. Scott, on the other hand was standing, pacing around. His well-defined upper body was glistening with sweat. Tiffany was enjoying the view of his well-defined chest and abs. The lights shining on his sweaty body enhanced the look of his muscles. Plus his tattoo’s looked really sexy too, she thought. Scott continued to pace up and down, smiling at Tiffany every time he faced her. He was impatient to get going again. Soon, the next round was underway.

  Once again, Scott moved quickly to center, but then stopped and waited for his opponent to come to him. The
round followed a very similar pattern to the previous one, with Scott’s hit and run tactic still working perfectly. By the end of it he’d landed several more blows upon his tired opponent, suffering very little damage himself. Jake had caught him with a couple of punches but nothing had landed cleanly. Scott stood and paced around waiting for the final round to begin. Jake again, was sitting down and was blowing hard. Although he was giving away 16 or 17 years in age, Scott knew the younger man’s weight was now counting against him. Chasing Scott around for the previous two rounds and throwing lots of punches that had missed their target, were taking their toll on Jake. Scott had the much superior cardio-vascular fitness and it was showing.

  As the third round started, Scott knew Jake wasn’t going to last much longer. He must have known it himself too, as he instantly came at Scott in a desperation move. He lunged in towards Scott quickly trying to grab his legs and take him down. Using all the energy he had left, he threw himself forward. His quick attack took Scott a little by surprise and Scott was sent tumbling backwards onto his butt. Jake was on the floor too, on his hands and knees. He reached forward trying to get a hold of Scott’s legs, so he could clamber on top of him, and use his superior weight and grappling skills. However, Scott was too fast for him. He shuffled back a little before doing a backwards roll and sprung himself back up to his feet, using his powerful arms and shoulders to generate the movement. He knew Jake was out of energy and would struggle to regain his feet, so quickly moved towards him. Scott jumped on his back pushing him down on to the canvas. He started to rain blows down on the back of his head. Jake tried to cover up and protect himself as well as he could but they both knew the fight was over. Scott could have landed the punches a lot harder, but there was no need. Within a few seconds Dan pulled Scott’s arm away and declared him the winner. Scott stood up and removed his head guard and mouth guard before helping Jake to his feet. He put his arm around his shoulder.


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