The Darkest Of Light

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The Darkest Of Light Page 1

by Sandy Alvarez

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six


  The Darkest of Light

  The Kings of Retribution MC

  Sandy Alvarez

  Crystal Daniels

  Copyright © 2018 by Crystal Daniels & Sandy Alvarez

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, brands, media, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used as fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Book cover created by Mayhem Cover Creations

  Edited by Cat’s Eye Proofing & Promos





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six


  About the Authors


  We would like to thank our wonderful husbands Esteban and David, along with the rest of our family for all their endless encouragement and support.

  A huge thank you to Nancy Henderson for formatting and all the endless support and guidance you continue to give us.

  A special thanks to Cat Parisi for another great job editing.

  To our Beta Reader Melissa Pascoe, thank you for the wonderful feedback.

  A special thank you to Mayhem Cover Creation for our beautiful cover.



  Staring out the living room window at the ice-covered lake and the white snow that blankets the ground, I can’t help the smile taking over my face. It’s Christmas time, my favorite time of year. To top it all off, my sister will be home in three days.

  Alba has been away at college since August. I miss her terribly but also so proud of her. Alba was given a full ride to Montana State University in Bozeman. She’s only been home once since leaving, always making up excuses as to why she can’t come visit. I can’t help but wonder if she’s okay, but Alba quickly squashes any doubts, telling me she’s just busy with assignments.

  Sofia has been thriving. She started her junior year of high school at the end of August and has made lots of friends. The guys in the club have become very protective of her. She can’t even go to the movies with her friends without at least one of the prospects watching over her. I don’t think she minds though. I think it makes her feel good knowing she has a dozen big brothers looking out for her.

  I’ve been busy decorating the house. Logan took me the other day to get a tree, only to come home with a truck load of decorations. He didn’t understand the magnitude of how seriously I take Christmas. While in the checkout line he asked, "Babe, do you really need all this shit?"

  I turned and gave him my best ‘you’re kidding, right’ look. Although, he did draw the line when he saw me hauling boxes of decorations into the clubhouse.

  "Hell fuckin’ no, Bella. I love you, babe, but the brothers will never let me live that shit down."

  The next night Logan and I decided to go to the clubhouse and have a few drinks with the guys. I’m sitting on Logan’s lap, listening to all the endless banter when the door opens. Looking over I’m shocked when I see my sister. She wasn’t due to arrive for two more days.

  "Alba!" I screech. Leaping off Logan’s lap, ignoring the groan that leaves his mouth when I not so gracefully got up.

  Running up to her, my steps falter a bit when I take in her red, blotchy, tear-stained face.

  "Alba, what’s wrong?" I question picking up my pace. Once she’s within arm’s reach, I grab a hold of her, pulling her in for a hug.

  Her trembling body sends me on high alert. Stepping back a bit, while keeping a hold of her shoulders, I plead with her again, "Tell me what’s wrong. Are you okay?"

  Feeling a looming presence behind me, I glance over my shoulder and find Gabriel’s tall frame standing there.

  "Cariño Sweetheart?" he tenderly addresses her.

  I watch as Alba’s face goes deathly pale, and she begins to pull her heavy winter coat tighter around her body. Something is off. I just can’t place it. I let my eyes assess her from head to toe, looking for a sign of anything wrong, but I find nothing.

  It takes me a couple more seconds to realize what’s different. Letting out a small gasp, I cover my mouth.

  "What the fuck!" Gabriel growls.

  Chapter One


  Seven months earlier

  The party my sister held for my graduation ended several hours ago. We decided to sleep here at the clubhouse instead of going home. I’ve been lying in bed staring at the clock on the nightstand for the past hour. I’ve tried everything to get myself to relax enough to fall asleep, reading, watching television, even taking a long bath, but so far nothing has worked.

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, I get up out of bed and pad across the room stopping in front of my bedroom door. While standing here, I contemplate whether or not I should go through with what I know is my only chance at a peaceful night sleep. I know exactly what I need. I need him. Gabriel. He’s become my only source of comfort since I was kidnapped. I can still hear those men’s voices inside my head telling me all the vile things they wanted to do to me. But when I’m with Gabriel, the voices disappear. And now I can’t sleep without him next to me.

  The nights spent at home are the worst. It’s become more and more difficult to find excuses to give my sister as to why I sometimes want to spend the night here instead. Although, I’m pretty sure Bella knows. My sister is very perceptive when it comes to me. As she should be. My sister practically raised me. She has been more of a mom to me than our actual mom. Ever since I could remember, my sister has always been protecting me. Shielding
me from our father when we were younger and my mother’s last husband Lee. I don’t remember our dad, and Bella doesn’t speak of him, but I know enough to know he was not a good man. I know Bella is feeling guilty for not being able to stop what happened with Lee. What I went through was nothing compared to the horrendous experience Bella had to endure. No way should she feel bad for me. But that’s the big sister in her. Always more worried about me rather than herself. I’m actually pretty shocked she hasn’t called me out on the situation she suspects with Gabriel. My sister has no problem being in my business. Not that I mind. Bella is my best friend.

  I’m a homebody and an introvert. I never made friends easily. I had one or two friends in school, but other than that I kept to myself. I prefer it that way. It’s just how I am. I know how some people look at me. Like they don’t understand how I prefer to read about made up stories instead of going out and making my own. Maybe it’s lame. And maybe I do play it safe. But for the most part I am content with how things are. Besides my obsession with the Cuban down the hall. How I wish I had the guts to confess my feelings for him. I’m almost positive my sister knows how I feel, and as long as she’s not going to bring up why I prefer the clubhouse over home, then neither will I. Most days I would come to the clubhouse after school, because Bella would be here or at work. I sometimes would feign a headache and tell her I’d rather stay.

  The night the club rescued me from Los Demonios, Gabriel brought me into his room and stayed by my side for a week. He let me sleep in his bed, while he slept in a chair beside me. I never understood why he felt the need to watch over me, to be my protector. He never allowed anyone to bother me, unless it was Bennett or Lisa. It was like he knew I didn’t want the attention. After a week, I started feeling guilty for taking over his personal space. So, with a heavy heart I decided to move back into my own room.

  Gabriel did not agree with my decision. The king of broodiness responded with a simple, "No." I ended up leaving his room anyway. That night as I lay awake, unable to sleep, I regretted my decision. I soon found myself walking down the hall and sneaking into his room every night after he’d gone to sleep.

  Looking back, now I realize how naïve that was of me, he could have had a woman in there for Christ’s sake. No way would I have wanted to walk in on something like that considering I had the biggest crush on the man. I would have been devastated. Gabriel was always alone though. I would come into his room when I figured he’d be asleep and then quietly slip under the covers, always careful not to get too close. I only needed to be close enough to feel safe. The first time I snuck into his room, I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I began to panic. Would he be mad I came in uninvited? What was he going to say to me? An hour later after working up the nerve to go downstairs for breakfast, I ran into Gabriel in the kitchen. He was standing at the counter with his back to me fixing himself a cup of coffee.

  "Morning, Cariño Sweetheart," he greeted me without even turning around to look and see if it was me who was standing behind him. How did he know it was me?

  "Good morning, Gabriel," I return softly, my heart pounding.

  Walking out of the kitchen with his cup in hand, no other words were spoken. I continued with the same routine night after night. Gabriel was always up and out of the bed before I woke, and he never made mention of my co-sleep dependency.

  So here I stand staring at the door. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve stayed at the clubhouse, and already I’m back to my old habits. Walking down the all too familiar hall, stopping outside the door of the man who consumes my every thought. I stand motionless. Battling my own thoughts whether or not this is a good idea. I need to stop the dependency I have on this man. It’s not healthy. I’ll be leaving for college soon, then what? Shaking my head, I go to turn and head back to my own room when his deep voice stops me, sending chills down my spine.

  "You can come in, Cariño Sweetheart," Gabriel calls out.

  How the hell did he know I was here?

  "I can see your shadow under the door."

  Well, that answers my silent question.

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly open his door. The room is dark. The only light is from the small lamp on the table in the corner of the room. A shirtless Gabriel is sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. In his hands is a sketch pad and pencil. He’s every bit as beautiful as the first time I saw him. At 6ft 4in, and a full beard, and broad shoulder Gabriel is a beast. Almost every inch of his body from the waist up is covered in tattoos. I often wondered how far down the ink goes. His black hair is cropped short on the sides leaving it a few inches longer on top. Deep brown eyes that most people would find off putting, but for me they hold kindness. His face might say fuck off, but his eyes tell the truth. You only need to take a closer look.

  Standing in his room with my back against the door, we engage in an intense stare off. I feel his dark eyes appraising me from head to toe. Feeling a tad self-conscious, I begin tugging at my oversized night shirt. I’m completely covered with my shirt stopping a couple inches above my knees, but maybe I should have put on some sweatpants anyway.

  Nodding his head toward the spot in the bed next to him, Gabriel gives me the signal I was hoping for. Not wasting anytime, I make my way over to his bed, lift the blanket and crawl in. When my head hits the pillow, I close my eyes relishing the smell of Gabriel’s scent and my body instantly relaxes. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is the smooth rumble of his voice, "Sleep, Cariño Sweetheart."

  I wake sometime in the middle of the night feeling warm, too warm. It takes me a moment to realize the source of the heat. I’m lying on my side with Gabriel pressed up against my back. He has one arm under my neck and the other wrapped around my middle. Sometime in the night my shirt must have rode up around my waist, because I feel his arm on my bare skin. My heart rate begins to pick up. This is new. Never has he touched me while we lay in bed together. Both always keeping a respectable distance.

  Though I’ve always fantasized about this exact moment, I never expected it to happen. He’s so close I can feel the hard length of his cock pressed against me. He must be dreaming. No way is Gabriel hard for me. Loving the feel of him, I wiggle a bit pushing my back into him. Tightening his grip around my waist, I feel his breath on my neck when he rumbles out my name. "Alba."

  A small gasp escapes my mouth. He’s not dreaming. And it’s me who’s turning him on. With a great deal of courage, I make the decision right then to go after something I’ve wanted for months. Reaching my arm around my head, I thread my trembling fingers through Gabriel’s hair, while pushing my butt further back into his erection. I’m so nervous. Not of losing my virginity but of him rejecting me. I’ve never wanted anything more than to give myself to this man.

  "You sure?" he rasps. Tilting my head back slightly.

  "Yes," I whisper with a shaky voice.

  As soon as the word leaves my mouth Gabriel’s hand that was around my waist slowly begins to make its way down. I feel his large hand slip inside my panties. I spread my legs slightly to give him better access. A groan escapes my lips when his long finger begins to slide through the wet folds of my pussy, "So fuckin’ wet," he breathes.

  Twisting my body slightly, with my hand still in his hair, I pull Gabriel too me. I want him to kiss me. His kiss will be my first. Knowing what I seek, he brings his mouth crashing down on mine. He tastes so good, like cinnamon and whiskey. His tongue tangles with mine as he gently starts to thrust his finger inside of me. My breath hitches. His fingers are a tight fit, but soon the discomfort fades. I’m so close to the edge my legs begin to shake.

  I break our kiss, "I want you inside me." And I do. My body is aching for more. I see a look of hesitation on his face. He knows I’m a virgin. He was in the room with Bennett when he was examining me after my kidnapping. I had told them that I wasn’t raped. Bennett wanted to give me some medication to help me sleep, but in order to do that he needed to know if I was on any other med
ications. I confessed the only medicine I was taking was birth control. When I saw Gabriel tense. I immediately explained the pill was for keeping my periods regular. The whole exchange was embarrassing.

  Wanting him to know I’m sure, I reach behind me and grab his long thick cock in my hand and squeeze. I have no idea what I’m doing. I watch Gabriel’s nose flare and his eyes close while letting out a growl. I must be doing something right. Then in one swift movement he quickly rids himself of his boxer briefs. Next, with one hand, he gently slides my panties down my legs and tosses them to the floor behind him, before taking the hem of my night shirt, tugging it off over my head. Grabbing a hold of my thigh, Gabriel brings my leg back to rest over his hip.

  "Give me your mouth," he demands.

  Turning my head, I give him what he asks for. A second later, I feel the head of his cock at my entrance. Slowly he pushes in, inch by inch until he’s met with resistance. Fisting my hand in his soft dark hair, I brace myself for what’s to come. While holding me in his tight embrace, Gabriel thrust the rest of the way in. His mouth swallowing my cry. His tongue strokes mine softly, slowly, calming me down. Once my body relaxes and I’ve become used to the foreign sensation of being so full, Gabriel begins to move. Pain turns to pleasure. I start rocking my hips back meeting his thrusts. When he reaches up pinching my nipple, I gasp, and I can’t stop the noises coming from my mouth.


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