The Darkest Of Light

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The Darkest Of Light Page 3

by Sandy Alvarez

  Feeling relaxed enough to maybe get a couple hours sleep, I climb down from the roof and head inside. Walking through the main room of the clubhouse and down the hall, I catch Liz walking out of her room. She puts on her best what I assume is a seductive face.

  "Hey, Gabriel."

  "Fuck off," I snap, not giving her a second glance. She’s another one I don’t trust. Myself along with Logan, Quinn, and Reid voted against her ass staying after what went down with Cassie, but most of the older members of the club voted to keep her ass here, and as you know—majority rules. I don’t want the bitch talkin’ to me, and I sure as hell don’t want her pussy. Liz is the only club girl we have at the moment. Some of the brothers have been bitchin’ about getting some new pussy. I for one could care less, preferring to get mine elsewhere. Besides, after Cassie’s ass betrayed us, Prez hasn’t been too keen on bringing too many new people in.

  Stripping off my clothes, I climb into bed and I’m instantly hit with the sweet smell of jasmine. Fuck, definitely no sleep for me tonight.

  Sitting up in my bed, I run my hand down my face and through my beard. I’ll never forget the first time I saw Alba. When Prez ordered me to pick up Bella’s little sister from their house, I didn’t give too much thought as to what to expect. I’ve heard Bella describe her sister as somewhat of a shy, sweet kid who always has her nose buried in a book. When I pulled into the driveway of their house, I was not expecting the blonde beauty that stepped out the front door.

  "Fucking hell." I muttered to myself.

  Tall, easily five-foot-seven, long, straight blonde hair brushing the top of the most luscious ass I’ve ever seen. I’d gotten a good eye full of her curves as she turned to lock her front door. She was about ten feet in front of me before looking up from the phone in her hands. I watched as her steps faltered before coming to a complete stop. I was met with the most beautiful blue eyes. They reminded me of the ocean at Cayo Levisa beach in Cuba. I watched as Alba raked her eyes up and down making her own assessment of me.

  "Gabriel?" She questions in a soft voice knocking me out of my stupor, and suddenly I’m disgusted at myself for checking out an eighteen-year old. She may be legal, but she’s still in fuckin’ high school.

  Thrusting my helmet at her, "Get on, I don’t have all day." I snap. Jumping at the sound of my voice, she quickly takes the helmet from my outreached hand. I immediately feel guilty for my harsh tone when I see her hands tremble as she tries to work the strap. With a softer approach, I offer my help. "Here, let me do it for ya."

  The ten-minute ride back to the clubhouse with Alba on the back of my bike and her arms wrapped around my waist felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. I knew in that moment I was fucked.

  Chapter Three


  They told me at registration and orientation I was going to have a roommate, but so far no one has showed up. I was looking forward to not being alone my first night in the dorm. I’ve spent most of my afternoon getting settled and decorating my side of the room with all the things Bella insisted on buying me. She said I need to be surrounded by comfort. Personally, I feel being here at all is uncomfortable.

  Walking over to the window I peer outside. Glancing around at all of the other students milling around. I take a closer look at some of the buildings and notice the library. My lips lift in a small smile, knowing that it will become a sanctuary for me while I’m here.

  Sighing, I walk over and grab a bottle of water from the black mini refrigerator Logan bought and stocked for me. Inside, sitting in front of everything else is a large bag of Peanut Butter Cups, with a small note taped to the outside.

  I already know who put it there.

  I grab the bag and a bottle of water and close the refrigerator. Making my way to my bed I pull the note off and sit down to read it.

  Dear Alba,

  I miss you already. I know it’s been a long day, so I took the time to download Dirty Dancing along with the whole Fast and Furious saga, just in case you can’t sleep your first night away. Enjoy your movies and snacks. I’m so proud of you.

  Love, Bella

  I wipe a tear from my eyes. Why am I feeling so emotional over a bag of candy? I don’t care. My sister knew I would need a pick me up and I do. It’s overwhelming being away from home and starting a new chapter in my life. Even if it’s not really something I want to be doing. For now, the distance may be exactly what I need.

  I’ll explore the campus tomorrow. The sun is beginning to set anyway, and it looks like I’m spending my first night alone.

  I kick off my shoes, grab my computer and settle back on my bed. I wrap my blanket around myself and pull up the movie list and click play. A good movie is what I need to distract myself. I rip open my bag of cold chocolate-peanut butter goodness and prepare to get lost in another world.

  A half bag of candy later I’m growing tired. Looking at the time on my phone it reads 8:45pm, so I decide to go take a shower. I grab my pajamas from my dresser drawer, just in case my roommate does show up late, and head to the bathroom. It’s not much to look at, but for now it’s mine and in a small way makes me feel good. Maybe I can do this. Maybe I am meant to be here.

  With a slightly renewed outlook, I turn the shower on and climb in. I need to be more optimistic about my future. Make the most of this opportunity...for now.

  Then my thoughts fade to a tall, dark-eyed biker. No matter what I try to do or how far I try to push all thoughts of him away, Gabriel finds a way to creep back into my heart-the very heart he crushed.

  I go to grab the shampoo from the shower caddy and drop it when I’m startled by what sounds like the door to the bathroom clicking open.


  Slowly, I reach my hand through the shower curtain and grab my towel hanging from the rod and quickly wrap it around myself. Peeking out from the shower I notice the door is closed. Getting out, I walk over to the door and turn the knob opening it. Looking around I find no one there.

  I could have sworn I heard the door open. Being alone is really messing with my head right now. I walk to the bedroom door while clutching my towel and making sure it’s locked and it is. I chalk it up to first day jitters and proceed to finish drying off before getting dressed and climbing back into bed.

  My phone beeps and lights up with a message from my sister. I’m surprised she waited this long to check on me. Swiping the screen, I read her text.

  Bella: I couldn’t take it any longer. How was your first day on campus? Did you make any friends yet?

  I shake my head and text her back.

  Me: It was ok. I didn’t explore today. Thanks for the candy. It was just what I needed.

  Bella: Tomorrow is a new day. Love you, Sis. Goodnight

  Me: Goodnight

  I set my alarm for 6:00am so I can have plenty of time to find something to eat and explore the campus. Reaching over, I place my phone on my charging dock.

  Before laying down I walk over and turn the bathroom light on, leaving the door cracked open slightly. I hope my roommate doesn’t get annoyed by this. I never sleep in the dark. I always need a light on. Always have. My sister is the same way. We’ve been like this since we were little. There aren’t many things I’m scared of, but the dark is one of them. I’ve not been able to get over it.

  Climbing back into bed, I nestle down and grab my Kindle off the nightstand, knowing the only way I’ll be able to fall asleep without him is to read until my eyes grow heavy, closing on their own.

  I awaken to the constant beeping of my phone’s alarm the next morning. Groaning, I unwrap myself from my warm blanket and turn it off. I’m not a morning person, but I drag myself out of bed anyway.

  Digging through my clothes, I pull on a pair of black jeans and slip a loose blue tunic shirt over my head. I pair everything with some sandals and tie a low ponytail at the base of my neck. All I want is a hot cup of coffee, I’m not looking to impress anyone.

  Grabbing my phone, I stick it into my back po
cket and slide my bag over my shoulder before heading out the door.

  I already know from the campus directory I received we have a coffee shop nearby and they open early.

  I head out the building and make my way to the opposite side of the campus. The morning air is crisp and the smells of summer are in the air. That’s one thing I love about summers in Montana—the smells. The smell of the pine trees mixed with oak and all the variety of flowers in full bloom.

  I make it to A Cup of Joe Café and walk inside. It has a hipster vibe with lounge couches and chairs scattered throughout the place and low tables that sit either in front of or beside all the furniture. I notice all the outlet ports located at every section have a sign stating free Wi-Fi. I know right away that this place will become a place I frequent often.

  I walk to the counter and immediately notice all of the sugary yumminess in the display case directly in front of me. Clever. They draw you in with the aromas of the coffee, then reel you in with scrumptious, calorie-loaded goodness on display before you place your order.

  I eyeball the double chocolate chip muffin that seems to be calling out to me when the barista chimes in, breaking my trance.

  "Good morning. What can I get you?" she asks me.

  How anyone can sound so chipper before 8:00am is beyond me. I’m barely coherent or can tolerate human interaction before 7:00am and that’s with caffeine.

  "A medium cinnamon dolce latte, please. Oh…and one of those double chocolate chip muffins." I tell her, pointing to the display in front of me.

  As I wait for my order, I notice an older man sitting over in the far-left corner of the coffee shop reading a newspaper. It’s not often you see someone who still reads a newspaper these days. Looking around, he appears to be the only one besides myself in here.

  After paying for what I ordered, I make my way to the opposite side of the store where a half-moon shaped couch sits. It looks quiet and cozy, far away from anyone who may enter this early in the morning.

  I sit down, making myself comfortable before enjoying the first sip of my liquid courage for the day.

  As I drink my coffee and eat my muffin, I gaze out the window and watch the sun completely rise. Even though I’m not a morning person, I appreciate the quiet rise of the sun. The start of a new day. A new beginning.

  Digging my Kindle from my bag, I start to read. It relaxes me and right now I’m a bit nervous to start my first day as a college student. Burying my nose in the story I begin to relax.

  The man in the corner catches my attention when he gets up from his lounge chair and makes his way towards the exit, but not before looking at me and smiling. I don’t smile back, but continue to watch him walk past me. He’s not bad looking, with light brown hair and brown eyes framed with glasses.

  He doesn’t spark anything inside of me. Not like an olive skinned, thick bearded, dark-eyed Cuban does back home. Shit.

  There I go again. His face-his body has crept into my thoughts again. I don’t get a moments peace. My heart doesn’t let me, even though I’m trying to make my head convince it otherwise.

  I finish the last of my coffee and muffin before looking up at the large abstract clock on the wall that reads 8:15am. Realizing I won’t have any extra time to explore campus because I sat here much longer than I intended to, I gather my things. Throwing my trash into the garbage bin by the front door, I head out into the warming morning air.

  My first class starts at 8:30am at the arts building across campus. I decided to take graphic designs. I may not have wanted to be here going to college that is—but they do have a great graphics design program and I got to thinking that it could lead me towards a possible career with books. Designing covers for them that is. I’ve been toying with the idea since my freshman year of high school. I even have dozens of covers I have designed over the past several years. I’ve never shown anyone my designs or even told my sister it’s what I’m interested in doing. Maybe one day though.

  Entering the arts building I walk all the way to the back until finally reaching room 106b and make my way in. The room is set up to where the desks are like sitting in bleachers, with the next row back a little higher than the first. Not wanting to be singled out or have any attention drawn to me, I take my seat in the very back of the room at the top right-hand corner.

  As I’m getting into my seat, I reach into my bag and take out a notebook before digging around the bottom of the oversized tote to find the pen I want out of the ten plus I have on me at all times. I grab a handful and bring them out to make my choice for the day when I hear a masculine, husky voice beside me laugh.

  "You’ve got quite a collection of pens there, sunshine. Mind if I borrow one of them?"

  I glance up to see a tall, deep brown hair guy sitting in the desk next to me, wearing a bright smile on his face. He looks a bit ridiculous scrunched up in the little thing before he finally stretches out his long legs.

  "The name’s Sam." He tells me, waiting for a reply.

  "Alba," I smile at him.

  "So, can I borrow one of those pens?"

  "Oh, yeah sure."

  I reach my hand out, letting him have his choice.

  "Thanks. So, first day huh?" Sam asks.

  "Am I that obvious?"

  Laughing he replies, "You look like a deer caught in headlights. Just a little anyway. This is my second year. I started back in the fall of last year. I’m eager to see if the new teacher replacing Mr. Johnson will be able to fill his shoes. So, where you from Alba?"

  This guy really likes to talk.

  "Polson, about 4 hours from here. How about you? Where are you from?"

  I know he must be from the south somewhere because of his accent.

  "Texas. I’m here on a football scholarship."

  The happy go lucky look on his face falters the moment he tells me, but he quickly recovers.

  I watch as the classroom starts to fill up with other students. Sam is sitting beside me, busy staring at his phone screen, as I catch some of the girls in class point at him and whisper to each other with smiles on their faces.

  No one else has come in for a good three minutes when I peer up from my Kindle I had taken out of my bag and started reading a few minutes ago. I see the man from the coffee shop walk in, close the door, and place his things on the desk at the head of the classroom.

  "Damn," I hear Sam whisper and glance in his direction. "I mean, the new professor is younger than what I thought he would be."

  Curiosity has the better of me now as I watch the way he looks at the teacher. I don’t miss the way some of the other girls ogle him too. Before I can contemplate any further, the teacher speaks.

  "Hi class, my name is Professor Green and I’ll be your new Graphics Design instructor," he announces and glances over the whole class. "Okay, let’s begin our morning, shall we? Take out pen and paper or if you wish to take notes on a tablet or laptop, please do so. Let’s start off by going over what this semester will hold in store for you." He continues to talk as the class takes down notes.

  All in all, the class is not that bad and before I know it the bell is ringing, ending my first hurdle of the day. As I’m placing my things into my bag, Sam speaks.

  "So, I was thinking, maybe we could become study buddies?"

  I watch as a couple of girls stop a few feet back behind him and shoot daggers at me over his shoulders. Really?

  "I don’t know, Sam."

  Stepping closer he lowers his voice a bit. "Look, I’m not looking to get in your pants if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m looking for someone I can study with and someone who isn’t distracted by all this," he sweeps his hands down his body, smirking. "And you don’t seem to be the least bit interested, which is a relief."

  Smiling I agree, "Sure."

  "Meet me at the library later today—say around 3:00pm? After classes?"

  "See you then."

  Before he can fully turn, the two girls that were cutting me up with their glares are
at his side, touching his arms and batting their glued-on eyelashes at him. He doesn’t waste any time giving them a winning smile as they walk out the classroom door.

  The rest of my day goes by uneventfully. I even manage to avoid one guy in my English class who tried his best to get my attention the entire time. I had to lose him in the hallway on my way to Creative Writing. You’d think the guy would have taken the hint that I wasn’t interested when I completely ignored him.

  I stop by the coffee shop and grab some caffeine and a snack before heading over to the library when I run into Sam at the counter when I walk in.

  "Hey, sunshine, were you on your way to meet me?" He asks wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  "Yeah, needed some fuel first though." I walk up to the counter to order as he finishes paying for his own cup of coffee.

  "I’ll wait for you."

  When we’re both done paying, we walk across campus to the library. It’s impressive as far as libraries go. Two stories with plenty of places to find your very own corner away from everyone and personal cubicles everywhere. As I’m searching for the perfect spot, I notice a girl with her curly, mahogany brown hair loosely piled in a bun on top of her head. She’s cutting her eyes around the room, looking as if she wishes she was invisible. Pushing her glasses up her nose and tucking her feet under her, she looks back down at the book in her hands. She definitely looks like my kind of people. All she wants to do is get lost in her book, her own little world. I begin to walk in her direction and Sam follows without saying a word.

  "Excuse me. Do you mind if we sit here with you? You seem to have the best spot in the whole library."

  She lifts her head and looks up at Sam and I. Taking us both in before speaking.

  "I can leave." She says in a soft, quiet tone.

  "No, we’d like to sit with you. If that’s okay? Hi, I’m Alba and this is Sam." I say pointing at the six-foot-two guy beside me.

  "Boyfriend?" she asks.


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