The Darkest Of Light

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The Darkest Of Light Page 19

by Sandy Alvarez

  He runs his hand through his hair, "Alright, I’ll get in touch with Logan. Wrap this up, we’ll be meeting up at Reid’s in about forty minutes since he’s the closest and everyone is here in town at the moment," he informs me.

  Quinn and Grace walk back out, "Nothin’, brother. All it shows is Alba walking in, getting a cinnamon roll, and walking out."

  I turn towards Grace, "Can you box up some sugar cookies for Alba?" After watching her place about a dozen cookies into a pink box she hands it to me, "No charge. I hope she gets to feeling better. Tell her to call me when she’s up for a visit," she says with a warm smile. I can see why Jake likes her.

  Quinn was on his phone as soon as we walked out the doors letting Reid know we were heading his way and that Prez and Logan wouldn’t be too far behind us. We find him downstairs in his computer room. Turning in his chair he looks in our direction. Reaching into my front pocket I get the USB drive and toss it to him, "I know Quinn briefed you on what we found, but can you clean it up? The picture quality is shitty," I ask him.

  Grabbing a chair from the other side of the room, I sit down beside him and watch him do his thing. Within five minutes he’s gotten to the location on the feed we need him to be and starts doing whatever it is he does and the picture on the screen becomes clearer. On the second computer screen he has set up right beside the first, he brings up the headshot image he obtained from the college files last night.

  Reid’s doorbell chimes and his phone goes off. He swipes the screen and taps an app. When he does an image of Logan and Prez standing outside his door fills the screen. He taps out a code unlocking his door letting them in, "Come on in. I’m downstairs in my office with Quinn and Gabriel," he informs them through the speaker outside.

  After making their way downstairs and walking into the room, Logan hands Quinn a bag. "Here, Bella cooked up some lunch earlier, some country fried steak sandwiches and potato salad," he tells us.

  "Thank fuck. I’m starving," Quinn says as he quickly plunders in the bag and unwraps one and shovels it into his mouth.

  I turn my attention back towards the two screens.

  "Brother, I think we have the same man here," Prez says as he looks between the two images.

  "Looks like we’re taking us a ride to Bozeman in the morning men. You still keeping this from Alba?" Logan asks addressing me.

  "I want more answers before I put this stress on her," I tell him, never taking my eyes off the two images on the screens in front of me, "Reid, can I count on you to protect my woman while I’m out of town tomorrow?"

  "We protect our own, brother. You know I will."

  Good. Because I’m about to do a little hunting of my own. This motherfucker is a dead man walking.

  Chapter Twenty-three


  I just finishing heating up the premade chicken alfredo sauce Lisa made and taking the garlic bread out of the oven when Gabriel comes striding through the front door. That woman put enough food in my freezer to last a month. I’m beyond grateful too, because unlike my sister, I’m not in love with cooking. I only cook because it’s a must, not because I like it. Coming up behind me, Gabriel nuzzles me in the crook of my neck.

  "Smells good, babe."

  "It does. You have Lisa to thank for it. My sister must have told her how much I like anything pasta because she cooked up every pasta dish known to man."

  While Gabriel walks over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands, I go about pulling plates down from the cabinet to set the table.

  "Is Austin still outside? Do I need to set a place for him?"

  Drying his hands on the hand towel, "No, he went on back to the clubhouse," Gabriel informs. "I told him I needed to talk ya’ about something."

  I turn my attention towards him, "Talk to me about what? Is everything okay?"

  Taking me by the hand he leads me into the living room. When he sits down on the couch, he pulls me down onto his lap.

  "I was at the garage with Quinn and Logan today. They were checking out your truck. After your accident, I had a feelin’ something about it was off. Prez had it towed so we could check it out ourselves."

  I take a shuddered breath, "Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like what you found."

  With his palm on my hips, Gabriel squeezes gently, "Your brake lines were cut."

  Feeling the bile rising in my throat, I slap my hand over my mouth and rush down the hallway to the bathroom. I barely get the lid to the toilet raised in time before I empty the contents of my stomach.

  Whoever threatened me while I was in Bozeman has found me, and he’s trying to make good on his promise. In fact, he almost succeeded.

  "Fuck." I hear Gabriel curse behind me. Then I feel my hair being lifted away from my face and a cold washcloth placed on my neck. Helping me stand, Gabriel guides me over the sink where he pulls open the drawer taking out a spare toothbrush and toothpaste we keep in here in case we have guests.

  After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I meet his concerned yet venomous eyes in the mirror.

  "He’s found me, hasn’t he? He tried to kill me. He’s doing exactly what he said he would," I state in a shaky voice. I have held my shit together for months, but right now I feel like all my bravery has run out. "I don’t have any fight left, Gabriel. I’m so tired of trying to hold it together."

  Scooping me up in his arm, I bury my face in the crook of his neck as he carries me out of the bathroom and up the stairs.

  "You don’t have to fight mi amor my love, that’s what I’m here for." Setting me down on my side of our bed, he takes my face and encases it in his hands. Looking me in my eyes, I see fierceness and determination.

  "Baby, no fuckin’ body is going to harm you or our son." Closing my eyes, I nod. "You are the bravest person I know. Had it not been for my own fuck ups, none of this shit would be happening."

  I shake my head. "Gabriel, we’re past all that. I’ve forgiven you. It’s time you forgive yourself."

  "I’ll never be able to forgive myself, Alba. Knowing you were out there having to go through this pregnancy alone. Feeling like I didn’t care for you... I will never forgive myself for doing that to you. But never again. From now on, I will carry you, Cariño Sweetheart. And I will do all the fighting," he declares brushing my tears away.

  Sensing my tiredness, Gabriel reaches down and takes my shoes off. Then he pulls the blanket back, "Lay down, baby." Doing as he asks, I let out a heavy sigh once my head hits the pillow. Leaning over me, Gabriel kisses my lips then he moves down and places a gentle kiss on my belly.

  "Sleep, baby, I got you."

  I awake sometime later to Gabriel’s light snoring beside me. The rumble of my tummy alerting me to the fact that I haven’t eaten. Climbing out of bed, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I fully expected to find our forgotten dinner still on the stove, but to my surprise the kitchen has been cleaned and the food put away, aside from a single plate wrapped in foil sitting on the counter. I smile because I know Gabriel was thinking of me. He knew my stomach would wake me.

  Once I’ve reheated my dinner, I carry my plate down the hall to the office/library. I can get some work done while I eat. Getting lost in my work always helps with taking my mind off things. As the time ticks by I’m so lost in my current book cover project, I don’t even hear when Gabriel comes in.

  "What the hell is this?" he rumbles over my shoulder while staring at my computer screen.

  Letting out a yelp, I jump in my chair and clutch my hand to my chest.

  "Jesus Christ, Gabriel. Don’t sneak up on me like that." I chastise.

  "Sorry baby, didn’t mean to scare ya."

  "I know you didn’t, but for a big guy you sure are stealthy," I tease. I see the amusement on his face before turning his attention back to my computer.

  "Mind telling me why there is a half-naked man on your computer, Cariño Sweetheart?"

  "Um, I’m working. I woke up and was hungry, and I decided to try and finish up one
of my projects."

  With a confused look Gabriel asks, "I thought you did book shit." I roll my eyes at his colorful description of what I do.

  "I design book covers, mostly romance. This is one here," I tell him pointing at the man who he described as half-naked. He has jeans on and is shirtless. When he still doesn’t say anything, I elaborate, "The book is an erotic romance. The author is going for sexy and sex sells," I finish with a shrug.

  "Sex," Gabriel says gruffly, "Is this the kind of shit you read? Books with people fuckin’?" I can feel myself blush at his question.

  "Umm, yeah. Some of what I read has sex."

  Giving me a crooked grin, Gabriel’s stare goes molten, "You like readin’ porn, babe?"

  "What? No! It is not porn. It’s romance."

  My embarrassment seems to amuse him because he starts chuckling.

  "Cariño Sweetheart, if there is fuckin’, then in my book that’s porn."

  "Whatever," I huff, "Can we please change the subject?"

  Leaning in closer to me, bracing one hand on the desk and one hand on the back of my chair, Gabriel’s lips graze my ear, "I don’t think I want to change the subject. Tell me something, baby. Does reading your books turn you on? Does your pussy get all wet when you read about those people fuckin’? Do you think about me doing those things to you, Alba?"

  My skin prickles and my body shivers at the deep rumble of his voice. His words are turning me on. So much so, I rub my legs together to try and ease the ache. Gabriel’s dirty words always have this effect on me.

  "I bet if I stuck my hand in your panties right now, your pussy would be soaked."

  "Yes," I barely whisper once I am able to find my words. With a growl, he takes me in his arms, picking me up as if I weigh nothing. Then he carries me out of the office and up the stairs to our room.

  Within seconds Gabriel rids me of my t-shirt. And before I know what’s happening I’m lying on my back on the bed and he is rushing to pull my leggings off taking my panties with them.

  Dropping to his knees on the floor, Gabriel wraps his large hands around the undersides of my knees and pulls my body to the edge of the bed. Then without warning his mouth is on me and he’s dragging his tongue up my center.

  "Oh God!" I shout digging my fingers into the blanket on the bed. Gabriel is devouring me like he’s starved for my taste. The feel of his hot mouth and rough beard is like heaven.

  Just when I start to feel my orgasm building, he pulls away. I whimper in protest and just as I’m about to demand he keep going, the words die on the tip of my tongue when I see him stand and begin shedding his clothes. I’ll never get over how stunning Gabriel is. His body is literally a work of art.

  Kneeling on the bed he slides an arm underneath my shoulder blades and slides me up farther up to the middle of the bed. The whole time his dark eyes never leave mine. He’s holding himself up away from me, always mindful of my belly. Even with pregnancy his size makes me feel small, reminding me of a gentle giant. Some people may look at Gabriel and think of him as anything but gentle. But I know differently. I know this side of him is only for me.

  Needing to touch him, I reach up and thread my fingers through his hair, then down his face until I grab a fist full of his beard forcing his mouth down on mine. Then I press the heel of my foot to the back of his thigh to force him closer to my core.

  "Gabriel, please," I moan against his mouth when I feel he’s not giving me what I want.

  "Slow, mi amor my love," he rasps. Rising up, he reaches down with one hand and guides the head of his cock to my entrance. I close my eyes and relish the feel of him as he sinks every thick inch into me. Once he is fully seated inside, he stills for a moment waiting for me to become accustomed to being so full. I love the way he fills me. Every time with Gabriel feels like the first. A few moments later he begins to move. His strokes are long and slow. Every time he feels me getting close to the edge he changes position. Soon my moans turn to whimpers.

  When I feel like I can’t take it anymore, and I’m so desperate to come, I beg once again, "Gabriel, please."

  Shaking his head, no and he keeps with the same torturous, unrelenting pace. My hips are moving in perfect sync with Gabriel’s rhythm and I am once again on the brink of orgasm, only to have him pull out of me completely. My need to come is so strong I almost want to cry.

  Gabriel doesn’t waste any time lying on his back and pulling me on top of him. Straddling his hips, I sink down onto his cock. This position has him going even deeper.

  "Fuck," Gabriel hisses as he runs his hands up over the swell of my belly then cups my breast. I brace my hands on his chest for balance and then begin to rock against him. It doesn’t take long for me to find my rhythm. And this time when I am on the brink of orgasm, Gabriel does not stop me from seeking my release. Using both hands, he grabs my ass and begins thrusting his hips upward,

  "Come now, Alba. Come with me," he demands. And my body listens. Digging my fingers into his chest, where I am almost certain I will leave marks. I come shouting Gabriel’s name as he too stills, planting himself deep inside me growling his own release with my name on his lips. Holding me close, Gabriel rolls us on our sides. Once our breathing is under control, he is the first to speak.

  "Was that better than your porn?"

  "It’s not porn," I giggle. Then add, "It was way better."

  Chapter Twenty-four


  I grab my weapon and secure it to my side before pullin’ on my cut. Alba went downstairs fifteen minutes ago to let my sister in. The two of them will be here alone for awhile today until Reid can make it out. I checked the whole property earlier this morning and everything is running the way it should, and the camera feed is working properly as well. Knowing I can tap into the live feed with the app on my phone gives me a little comfort leaving her without one of the brothers for a couple hours.

  We have a long drive ahead of us and having so many miles between me and my woman has me on edge and nursing a mild migraine this morning. So far, Reid hasn’t been able to dig up much on this Calvin Green except for the facts we already knew. I’m hoping we turn up some more information once we get to the only address we have on the guy.

  To top it off, we have a snow storm threatening to move in north of us later tonight. It’s about a four hour drive we have ahead of us just to get there, then the drive back, so we’ll be taking Logan’s ride since his truck is best suited for the rougher weather and he can throw his plow attachment in the bed of his truck just in case when we make it back home we can get through these back roads we live on.

  On my way downstairs I replay the way Alba got upset last night when she found out her brake lines were cut, and someone intentionally tried to harm her. It may not be the smartest move, but I couldn’t tell her who we are trying to dig dirt up on because I fear the stress will overwhelm her at this point. She rescheduled her doctor appointment until tomorrow and she’ll be hunkered down in the house with someone by her side all day. Maybe with the men having made their presence known in town the past few days it will have made this guy think twice about showing up in our town again.


  I find Leyna and Alba sitting on the couch in the living room in front of the roaring fire I started in the fireplace for Alba this morning. Walking around the edge of the couch I bend down, giving her a deep kiss, "I need to go. Logan is waiting on me down at the bike shop," I tell her.

  "I’ll miss you. I promise I’ll be fine. Your sister and I are going to sit here and enjoy this fire. Please be safe. The weather could get bad before you get back home," she says with worry.

  Alba knows I’m not telling her everything but hasn’t pressed the issue. Giving me a beautiful smile she grabs a hold of my hand, "I love you."

  "Yo te quiero más I love you more," I bend down and whisper into her ear, "I’ll check on you soon."

  As I’m walking out the front door and setting the alarm from my phone, I can’t shake this uneasy feel
ing I have. Brushing it off I climb into my truck that’s been sitting out here warming for the past ten minutes and make my way down the long driveway to the main road and head towards town.

  When I make it to the shop, Logan is out front sitting in his truck waiting on me. I park mine, lock it up and walk over to the passenger’s side of his and open the door.

  "Hey, brother. You ready for this long ass ride this morning?" he asks, lookin’ really fuckin’ tired himself.

  "Yeah, lets hit the pavement and make some time, brother."

  I climb in and shut the door. He hands me a large thermos that I know has hot coffee in it.

  "Bella made it. I have my own over here, so help yourself."

  Untwisting the lid, I pour some into the cup attachment. Nothing is going to relax the tension I have building up in my shoulders and neck, but it tastes good going down.

  An hour later my phone chimes with a text alert. Pulling it from my pocket I swipe the screen. It’s from Alba,

  Cariño: I’m ok

  She knows I’m worried about her, and I’m sure throughout the day she will send texts my way to let me know she is doing alright. Pulling up my security app I tap into the camera feeds from outside the house. Seeing nothing I put my phone back into my pocket.

  So much for the damn weather report, looks like the storm is moving in quicker than they predicted. We’ve been on the road now for almost four hours and about half an hour ago the snow started falling and its steadily increasing

  "I think we’re keeping ahead of it. It’s a good thing we’re only one exit away from being in Bozeman," Logan remarks.

  Leaning forward I enter this guy’s address into the GPS system—752 Claremont Blvd. and it lets us know our destination is another twenty minutes from the first exit. So fuckin’ close to finding answers.


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