The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) Page 11

by Allen J Johnston

  “Please, hear me out,” Vell pleaded. “Just please hear what I have to say,” he begged. Kade got the impression that Vell was on the verge of falling to his knees.

  “Choose your words carefully, changeling, or they may be your last,” Kade warned menacingly.

  He wanted nothing more than to rip the life right out of this creature for what it did to him and his family. He wanted it to suffer long and hard for what it did to Darcienna. It was all he could do to force himself to listen. Darcienna squeezed his arm, and his mind focused. She knew that if he decided to attack, there was nothing she could do to stop him. She only hoped that she could get out of the way in time.

  “Speak!” Kade demanded.

  “I came here to find you,” Vell said, trying to muster the courage to talk with confidence and failed miserably. Darcienna gasped for the second time. Kade ignored her and continued to bore holes in the shapeshifter with his glare.

  “And…why would you want to find me?” Kade asked, clenching his jaw as he struggled to keep from lashing out and ripping the spine from the creature. A small voice somewhere deep inside him warned of the danger of hate. He heard the warning and hated himself for hearing it. He wanted to kill this creature without giving it the chance to speak, but the voice inside him would not leave him alone, so he allowed Vell another moment of life…for now.

  “I want to join you,” Vell said as he glanced from Kade to Darcienna, then to Doren, only to come back to Kade again.

  “You…want to…join me?” Kade asked incredulously. He was so shocked at what he heard that his jaw hit the floor. The anger was instantly replaced with shock and disbelief. Was it curiosity that made him want to hear more or was there something else to this? “You tried to kill me,” Kade said in a growl, but his curiosity had a firm hold on him. “You were ready to turn me over to Morg.” He watched Vell closely. The shapeshifter flinched hard at that one. “Give me one reason why I should not tear you apart,” Kade demanded, feeling the rage threaten to return.

  The creature’s eyes fell to the ground as it wet its lips, trying to get the courage to continue. This once arrogant, fearsome creature was reduced to begging, and Kade could not decide if he was disgusted or felt pity. Something about this reminded him of another situation. After a moment, it came to him. The veteran fighter, who he had killed in revenge, flashed through his mind. The fighter was helpless, full of fear, and Kade had destroyed him. A pang of guilt stabbed at him. The anger was receding again, but he was still cautious. He glanced at Darcienna and froze. Her eyes were almost back to normal with the faintest pulsing still showing. The more Vell spoke, the less her eyes warned of danger. He was telling the truth, Kade realized in amazement.

  “Why would you want to help me?” Kade asked as he narrowed his eyes, watching for any signs of deception.

  “Because…you are my only hope,” Vell said as he glanced up and then back to Kade.

  The Apprentice Chosen actually felt sorry for this…thing. He waited for Vell to explain. Silence was a tool that Zayle had used on him many times. Kade recalled how he used to spill his guts, trying to tell the Master Chosen what he was looking for. He would always talk too much to the point of babbling until Zayle was satisfied with what he heard. Now, it was his turn to use the same technique on Vell. The shapeshifter started to fidget. Kade smiled to himself.

  “Morg tried to kill me,” Vell said in a rush. And there it was; the reason why he was here. Morg wanted him dead and Vell thought Kade could keep him alive.

  “I should toss you out,” Kade said in disgust.

  “Please. I have nowhere else to go. My own people won’t even accept me back,” Vell pleaded as he glanced at the ceiling, looking for a way out. “They say that since you were able to beat me in battle, I am not worthy of leading. The one you let get away delighted in telling how you bested me so easily,” Vell said, working his tongue as if he chewed on something that tasted rotten. “I told them of your immense power, but they did not care. I was exiled.”

  “How do I know that you will not try to kill me as soon as I turn my back?” Kade asked accusingly, as he locked eyes with the shapeshifter. Some of the fire returned. Vell glanced behind himself at the crevice and then turned to face Kade, once more. “Or maybe you will seize this opportunity to capture me and take me back to Morg so he will accept you back,” he said as he advanced on Vell. The shapeshifter glanced back again, and this time, retreated a step. “Maybe capturing me will help reinstate you as the leader of your people,” Kade said as he glanced at Darcienna. His breath caught in his throat. Her eyes were a steady blue. Not strong, but not faint.

  “I will not serve someone who tries to kill me when I have been loyal!” Vell shot back with such vehemence that Kade stopped his pursuit.

  But, why would her eyes be warning of danger, if Vell wanted to serve me? Kade asked himself.

  “If you will just give me a chance, I will prove that everything I am telling you is the truth,” the shapeshifter said with such fierce determination that Kade actually paused.

  Doren says he believes the shapeshifter, Rakna said in his head. Kade glanced at the queen. She gave a slight nod. He looked at Doren, who stood without moving as he regarded the shapeshifter thoughtfully. He almost looked as if he was amused with all this.

  Kade felt his muscles relax. He took a deep breath and studied Vell for several long seconds, watching for anything that might be out of place. Kade even found himself hoping to see something, but there was nothing. Even that little voice inside his head did not speak of any danger.

  But, why would Darcienna’s eyes be warning of danger? he wondered again as he glanced at her once more.

  “Do not every betray me, or I will find you, and you will rue the day we met,” Kade vowed in an ominous tone. “Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes,” Vell said firmly. “I will serve you with my life. You will not regret your decision,” he said as he stood tall, squaring his shoulders and puffing out his chest. “I will serve as your personal guard and protector. I will stay close and keep you safe,” he promised and then hesitated before continuing on. “If…you ever need it.” Kade nodded once and turned to face the spiders.

  There was an audible gasp from the clutch. They started to buzz furiously. Even though he could not understand the words spoken, he was certain they were warning him not to turn his back on the shapeshifter. Darcienna raised her hands casually, ready to bring her shield to life. Kade noticed the move and gave a slight shake of his head. She hesitated but did not drop her hands. He mentally sighed, not faulting her and turned back to the spiders. They were quickly working toward a frenzied level as their beloved second in command put himself in danger. Kade held up his hands for silence. The spiders fell deathly quiet, ready to hang on his every word. Kade let the quiet fill the room as his eyes scanned the clutch, looking for the elder spiders of the council. He found each and held their gaze for just a moment before moving onto the next.

  “If you would please translate for me.” Kade asked of the queen.

  “I am ready,” Rakna said.

  Kade cleared his throat as he took a firm stance with his hands together behind his back. It was something he had seen Zayle do, and it always gave him the impression of someone who knew what they were talking about. Of course, Zayle always did know what he was talking about, but the image was there, regardless.

  Kade had been around the spiders long enough to know that they expected him to give them another dead creature as a trophy. Another conquest for them to sing his praises. The spiders were already raising him to an exalted status with the telling of his victories. Of course, they tended to embellish a little too much. To listen to the clutch tell it, he single handedly destroyed half the Morphites by himself. That was just not possible. Or…was it? Regardless, if this kept up, he was certain that in just a year’s time, this creature would have been the fiercest of monsters. They wanted its head.

  “No one is to harm the shapeshifter,” K
ade said in what he hoped was a commanding and impressive voice. “He has sworn his life to me.”

  It was only a fraction of a second, and then the spiders erupted. The buzzing made his ears ring, but he showed no reaction. Kade turned his head back and forth as if to sweep the crowd with his eyes, but what he wanted to do was to look at the king, queen, Darcienna and Doren for their input. But, he could not look back. It would have been seen as a sign of weakness. NO. He needed the clutch to know this came from him. They were going to accept his decision. Several of the spiders started to approach angrily.

  There was a gasp from the crowd and all eyes went over Kade’s head. It only took a moment for him to realize what had happened. He spun and attempted to glare at the shapeshifter but looked right into the chest of a creature he did not recognize. Its chest muscles heaved. The creature reeked of strength and power. As much as Kade did not want to admit it, it put a lump in his throat. This thing was dangerous. It was right on him, and he was never going to get through even one move before it had him. There was no way Darcienna was going to get her shield between them, either. Her glowing eyes flashed in his mind and he cursed himself for a fool.

  Kade knew he had only three things that were going to save him: his strength, Doren’s callings, and oddly enough, his confidence that he could handle this…somehow. In just a fraction of a second, he had seen that Doren still had his hands down at his side.

  Well, I have two things, Kade thought quickly and prepared for battle as he flexed his muscles hard. He put on his fiercest scowl, and in his most commanding voice, hissed at Vell.

  “Change!” Kade said with force. “Change back NOW!” he commanded as though he had nothing to fear. His heart pounded hard but the anger of the betrayal infuriated him. All he needed to do was get just a little room between him and this beast and he would turn it to ash where it stood.

  “As you wish,” Vell said, uncertainty in his voice. He melted back into the form of the man. “But, they are threatening you,” he said, not taking his eyes off the advancing spiders. His form shimmered, threatening to change back into the beast.

  “Do not change out of this form unless I allow it,” Kade said, his tone giving no room for debate. Vell’s form solidified.

  Kade spun as the first spider got close enough to pounce. His mind, again, recalled how the queen had put one of her own on its back. He even recalled that he had killed a few of the spiders, and yet, she had put her own kind down. It was not that she was defending him, Kade realized, but that she was enforcing her rules. He threw his hand into the air dramatically and light exploded to fill the room. The power filled him and he drank from it deeply. For a moment, he lost himself in its glory, and then his eyes stopped on the spider just in front of him. Kade stalked forward, his eyes never leaving his target.

  So, this was the way it had to be, Kade thought as he closed in on the spider. Always showing them who is in charge. Always having to prove that he was willing to put them back in line. Yes, this was the way of the spiders.

  Fine. I can prove to them that I am in charge, he thought as he propelled himself into the air with his all his strength. He landed on one knee with both hands on either side of the spiders head. It flinched and ducked, putting its chin to the ground. Kade’s eyes came to within inches of the spider as he glared hard.

  “I said he is NOT to be harmed,” Kade hissed dangerously.

  “But, he attacked us,” another spider buzzed quietly. Rakna translated so smoothly with her mind that Kade forgot it was not the spider speaking.

  “Did it kill any of you?” Kade asked. He thought back on the brute he was chest to face with and knew that Vell could have torn many of the spiders apart before being overrun. There was a loud buzzing of chatter between the spiders, but it did not take long for it to die down. The queen did not translate. Kade took that as a no. “You have to allow room for the possibility that it was defending itself. It came to see me, and even though it was a mistake, it felt that its best chance was to disguise itself as one of you until it could make contact with me,” Kade said as he turned to look askance at Vell. The shapeshifter nodded firmly.

  The spider started to edge back. Kade considered holding it in place, but his point was made. He allowed it to slide back to blend in with the crowd. If he had to pick it out of the clutch, he would have failed miserably. It did not matter.

  “Does anyone else want to ignore my command?” Kade asked as he glared a challenge to any who would stand their ground.

  His eyes sought out the eyes of the council and found nothing but approval. The elder spider that had stood against him previously, now had a look of respect. At least, Kade thought it was a look of respect. The spider’s body language was still something he was working on.

  “You have all seen him bow down before me and swear his loyalty,” Kade said. “No one is to touch the creature or they will have to go through me, and…” Kade said as he turned to say the next part while looking Vell in the eyes. “If he betrays me, I will make a trophy of his head,” he said firmly, wondering how the shapeshifter was going to react to his threat. “Is that clear?” He put heavy emphasis on each word.

  Kade had proven he was in charge. The spiders, begrudgingly, backed off. Rakna and Crayken glided up to stand next to him. Kade felt the light touch of Darcienna’s hand on his arm and reached over to cover it with his own.

  “Is there a chance this is a trap?” Rachsin asked. Kade easily recognized the council spider.

  “There is always a chance,” Kade said as he glanced at Darcienna. Her eyes were still glowing. Kade tried to ignore it, but he could not. Nothing had presented itself…yet, but he knew it would be a mistake to forgo her warnings. He eyed the shapeshifter, again, but nothing in his gut warned him of danger. “We must always be cautious, but at the same time, we cannot ignore the fact that it could be useful,” Kade said as he appealed to the old spider’s wiser side. “The creature may have important information that could make the difference between winning this war,” Kade said as he paused for emphasis, “or losing it,” he finished.

  “It did injure several of us,” Rachsin said, but there was no strength to his words. Kade studied the spider for a moment as it lifted its chin, waiting for a reply. Kade gave a sly smile as he quickly realized what Rachsin was doing. He gave an ever so slight nod and Rachsin responded in kind.

  “Yes, he did. And, I would have, also, to keep from being killed. He was defending himself,” Kade said. Rachsin nodded as if analyzing the information. Several of the other spiders were watching Rachsin closely. “If he has important information that I can use, then I can accept his actions,” he said as he looked at the old spider and continued on. It was clear what Rachsin was doing, and Kade could easily see why the king was so fond of him. “Would you have allowed him in or anywhere near me if you knew he was a shapeshifter?” Kade asked.

  “Oh, clearly not. I would have chased him out myself,” Rachsin buzzed confidently. Several spiders nodded their agreement and turned to watch Kade.

  “Then, possibly the ends do justify the means,” Kade said, nodding as though the spider had been the one that had worked the conversation around to this.” The spiders turned to watch Rachsin.

  “It would appear that way to me. At least, that is how I see it,” Rachsin said and settled down. Kade had to fight to keep the grin from showing. Oh, how he did like this one.

  “Then it is settled,” Kade said. This seemed to quell any further turmoil.

  Not one spider opposed or even showed any dissension at all. They settled down as they regarded the shapeshifter. Now, instead of being a fearsome creature that needed to be destroyed, it was a tool to be used in their fight against Morg. Many of the spiders even started to nod and buzz to the spider next to them. It spread around the room quickly.

  “And, I am sure it is safe, now?” Rachsin asked. The old spider must have caught something said in the crowd.

  “As safe as I am,” Kade said and nodded his head
for emphasis. “As you saw, I, myself, almost ended its life when I thought it was a threat,” he said and then smiled as something occurred to him. “Do you still fear the dragon?” The room went still as the question hit home. “No, you do not. And now you have another that you have no need to fear.”

  “I agree with the Chosen,” Crayken added.

  “As do I,” said the queen in all her regal glory. She was an impressive sight, her snow-white fur swaying with her every move. Kade was certain that she was fully aware of her appearance and had cultivated a way of moving that maximized its effect.

  “It is plain for me to see that your decisions have merit,” the old spider said as he gave a respectful bow of his head. “We shall trust your judgment, but know that if it is deceiving us,” the spider said as it paused to look at Darcienna’s glowing, blue eyes for several long seconds and then back to Kade. “It will die a horrible death,” Rachsin finished with confidence born of years of experience. The warning was meant for Vell and Kade knew it. He felt respect for this spider grow.

  If Rachsin was born twice his size and covered in black, flowing fur, he could easily have been a king himself, Kade thought.

  “No you will not,” Kade said, causing the spider to pause as it regarded him, “because the shapeshifter’s head will already be on display for all to see.” He held the spiders gaze. If spiders could smile, Rachsin would have been grinning. Kade could definitely feel a connection growing with this one.

  The rest of the spiders relaxed completely and the tension in the room evaporated immediately. Kade felt himself relax, also. He turned toward Darcienna and studied her eyes again. They continued to glow softly but steadily. There were times when her warnings brought more questions than answers, and this was one of those times that the questions would go unanswered…for now. Until he knew why her eyes warned of danger, he was not going to be able to untie the knot in his stomach.


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