The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) Page 29

by Allen J Johnston

  “Not if that gets to him,” Kade said as he pointed to the disturbance. He knew what it was instantly, and everything made sense. Time in this room was frozen. Morg had tried to get to Valdry but the Master Chosen was able to escape by either stopping time or slowing it so much that it was not perceptible.

  “He was trying to trap Morg with this,” Kade said as he recalled how Doren had laid a trap of his own. Now he understood why there were no callings set as traps throughout the house. Valdry wanted Morg to find him. Another plan that had been carefully crafted that ended in failure.

  “What can we do?”

  “For now…nothing,” Kade said as he marveled at the deviousness of the trap. The man had a definite look of calm, calculating intelligence. It was eerie looking into his eyes. But, when Kade moved from left to right, the eyes did not move with him. “He is safe…for now,” Kade said as he turned to look at Darcienna. “But, no one must know. I trust no one but Zayle. When we visit the arch again, I will figure out what can be done. Maybe with the staff I can save him,” Kade said as his hands clenched around the non-existent, ancient piece of wood. He felt a warm flush run up his back and bats fluttered in his stomach for just a moment.

  “So we do nothing?” Darcienna asked incredulously. “Maybe Doren can help,” Darcienna said as she stared helplessly at the man.

  “NO!” Kade barked so strongly that Darcienna flinched. “Doren…thirsts for knowledge first above all else,” Kade said firmly as he recalled how Doren had tried to get his hands on the staff. Kade’s eyes shifted to the bookshelf and then back to Darcienna. “No. If all else fails, then we bring him into it, but for now, Valdry is safe,” Kade said as he turned her toward him. “This location is secure enough that it won’t be found by accident, and anything that gets in that room will not be able to get to him,” he said and then turned his attention back to the Master Chosen. “It is impossible for anything to get to him unless he allows it.”

  Satisfied that they had learned what they needed, the two quickly left the house, eager to be on their way. Ven was close behind in her female shape. She had shifted into her birth form sometime during their walk through the house. Seeing as it was safe, why not? Kade asked himself.

  The Adept helped Darcienna onto the dragon and then leapt up himself. Ven changed into her monkey form and swung up to hang on him. Kade gave one glance over his shoulder at the grand home and then signaled Rayden to take to the air. The silver and green dragons took their time as they flew back to the tree. Kade was eager to see his parents again, but he was also grateful for not having to race off to save the world.

  “How did it go?” Doren asked as Kade was jumping down from the dragon.

  “As well as expected. As a matter of fact, it was better than I expected,” Kade said.

  “Find anything?” Doren asked as he scanned Kade for any hidden books.

  “Nothing. It would take an eternity to find anything in there,” Kade said as he headed for the Great Hall. Morg gave a smirk. Kade glared daggers at him and the smirk melted away. Kade mouthed, “Not a word,” just as Doren was turning around. He paused as he looked from Morg to Kade and then cocked an eyebrow.

  “The Adept cannot stand to have me around. If I were him, I would feel the same way. As a matter of fact,” Morg said as he cast a glance at Kade, “I would have killed me already,” he said, his eyes dropping back to the ground. With a last sneer, Kade ushered Darcienna toward the tree. When they were far enough from the two Chosen Masters, Darcienna whispered to Kade.

  “What do you make of that?”

  “He would have told Doren already if he was going to,” Kade said roughly. He was not about to give Morg any leeway whatsoever.

  When Kade entered the Great Hall, he was shocked to see that it was filled from wall to wall with spiders. There were even some hanging on the ceiling. It was obvious that they were here to see him off. He was their king and they were his clutch now, but they had to be his clutch at a distance. He just could not stay here, but still, it was not going to be easy to leave them behind.

  Kade gave a heartfelt speech to the spiders and they cheered him on. Darcienna moved back while the queen took her place at his side. Ven was always just behind, keeping watch over him. It was more difficult to say goodbye than Kade expected, but alas, he found himself outside and ready to go. He knew that if he did not leave soon, he would arrive at his parents’ well after dark.

  “Doren, are you sure it is safe to leave him here alone?” Kade asked skeptically.

  “He is no danger beyond what a normal man can do,” Doren said patiently. “You will be in constant contact with the queen, so we will know if he misbehaves. And besides,” he said in his superior way of talking. “If he does not behave, he will never learn another calling again,” the Master Chosen said as he leveled his gaze at Morg. The evil Master Chosen wilted right before Kade’s eyes.

  “It is on you if something goes wrong,” Kade said roughly. Doren turned cold and gave him a glare that froze him to the spot. “My apologies,” Kade said meekly. Yes, there was still a line he had to be aware of. “He is dangerous, and I am not about ready to trust him as far as I can throw him, Master Chosen Doren,” Kade said, using the full title to mollify him. It helped considerably. “You have no idea what that man did to me or my family,” he added, gaining much of his conviction back.

  “Kade, if you prefer me to stay,” Doren said.

  “No,” Kade said, holding up his hand in surrender. “I am certain my parents would love to meet you, and my mother can cook like no other, “he said resignedly.

  “Then let us get underway,” Doren said with a smile. Kade paused, not recalling ever seeing a smile on the man’s face.

  “I hope I don’t regret this,” Kade whispered into Darcienna’s ear. She shrugged her shoulders, but it was obvious she shared his concerns.

  “Keep a close eye on him,” Kade said to Rakna. And use whatever force you must, Kade sent through the link. He marveled at how crisp and clear the communication was when contacting the queen with his mind.

  “As you wish,” Rakna hissed eagerly.

  Six spiders dropped from the tree instantly to surround Morg. They bared their venom coated fangs, each one appearing eager to sink them deep into the man’s flesh. Kade felt immensely better immediately. He gave Morg a smile. The man shrugged easily as if it was nothing to concern him. Kade truly got the feeling that these six spiders, each of which could bring down a grown man without hardly any effort, really did not bother him. Regardless, it was peace of mind for himself.

  “Let’s go,” Kade said as he turned toward the silver dragon.

  “Give me a moment,” Rakna said as she quickly climbed onto Rayden’s back. The dragon shivered and eyed Rakna as she worked webbing at the base of the dragon’s wings. He will feel none of this, she said with her mind as she continued to spin her web until she had a type of sling for Doren to lean back into. The Master Chosen smiled gratefully as he recognized what the queen was building. She continued to weave as she worked her way forward. Rakna stopped and buzzed at several spiders in the tree. They dropped down and joined her. It was all Rayden could do to hold still while the spiders worked on him.

  Kade watched in wonder and awe as a basic saddle with comfortable padding took shape. He grinned as he watched Rayden grow stiff as the spiders worked their way around him. His smile broadened as he plotted a little revenge for his friend.

  “I am sure Rayden would not mind a few more spiders helping,” Kade said innocently. Rayden flinched as several more spiders dropped down to start crawling all over the dragon, spinning their web. Kade laughed out loud as the dragon swung its head around to glare at him. Kade raised his brows and feigned innocence.

  “Not very nice,” Darcienna whispered.

  “He deserves it,” Kade said as he patted the dragon affectionately on the neck. “Thank you, my friend,” he said as he eyed the rigging. He was eager to test out the new setup. Rayden settled down and al
lowed the spiders to finish, but he never fully relaxed.

  “That harness should keep you safe,” Rakna hissed. “We cannot take a chance with our king’s life,” she finished.

  “You will take care of the clutch while I am away,” Kade said as he affectionately put his hand on her shoulder. “Use your judgment and do what you feel is best. You have my full support,” he said with a smile. The link between them hummed with genuine affection.

  Having this connection with Rakna was not a bad thing at all, Kade thought. He smiled and turned toward the dragon.

  “Time to go?” Darcienna asked as she inspected the rigging.

  “Time to go,” he affirmed as he readied to mount.

  Kade gently helped Doren climb up into his seat. The backrest flowed in the wind but held firmly when Doren leaned into it. Kade knew it would hold no matter the amount of weight put against it. Next, he helped Darcienna up and then climbed on himself. The padding was a relief compared to the firm ridges of the dragon’s spine. He reached down and picked up a pair of straps that ran to the dragon’s chest to connect with the harness. Having these to hold onto was going to make things much more secure feeling. He leaned left and right, putting his booted feet into makeshift stirrups. He smiled as he looked over the setup. He leaned back just as Ven leapt up to land in his lap. He put his hand on her back and held her firmly, ready for the dragon’s launch.

  “I think it’s time we test this out,” Kade said as he gave Rayden the mental command to go. He gave a huge wave to the spiders just as the dragon turned and launched into the air. It pumped its wings hard and gained altitude quickly.

  Kade looked back and was not surprised to see the green close by. He smiled to himself, eager to see the shocked look on his parents’ face when he landed with another dragon. Rayden was impressive as it was, but this massive dragon was going to have their jaws on the ground.

  They casually flew, enjoying the sun on their faces and the calm of the quietness. Only the sound of the wind could be heard. Occasionally one of the dragons would grunt or communicate back and forth but no other sound reached them.

  They stopped once to rest and stretch their legs. They even enjoyed Kade’s fine cooking. Doren would not admit how much he was impressed with the food, but Kade could see the pleasure on his face as he bit into the cheese, or when he chewed the freshly baked bread. The Master Chosen was definitely a lover of good food and it showed in the size of his waist. Kade even fed both dragons but made sure not to over feed Rayden as he was sure the dragon would eat until its stomach burst. It was not long before they were in the air and chatting calmly. They continued like this for the rest of the flight. A short time later, they glided in to land in front of the cabin.

  “This is my parents’ place,” Kade called back to Doren as he leapt to the ground.

  Darcienna swung her legs over and slid down on her belly while holding onto the rigging. Ven changed into her birth form and stepped up close to Kade. Darcienna glared at Ven as she moved to stand on Kade’s right side.

  Garig came out holding a club in his hands, ready to bash in skulls until he saw the silver dragon. He grinned hard as his eyes locked onto his son. Judeen came out close behind with a crying child in her arms. She was doing her best to console him, but the boy continued to wail.

  Darcienna smiled broadly as she raced up to take Marcole in her arms. She walked back down the steps to stand next to Kade as she bounced the boy and whispered to him, trying to get him to calm. Marcole leaned toward Kade and put his arms out. Darcienna looked at the boy in confusion and then handed him over. The child quickly calmed down as he tightly wrapped his arms around Kade’s neck, refusing to let go anytime soon. Kade glanced from Darcienna to the boy and then back again. Instead of being upset, as Kade expected, she smiled and patted her child on the back.

  “Are you going to introduce me, or do I need to instruct you on better manners?” Doren asked dryly. Kade looked at Darcienna and rolled his eyes.

  “Mother, Father, I would like to introduce the Master Chosen, Doren. He was instrumental in our fight against Morg,” Kade said as he held a hand out to indicate the Chosen. Doren gave a slight bow with his head. “And these are my parents, Judeen and Garig. And this is Dran, the one with the knife.” As if to make the introduction more dramatic, Dran whisked his knife out, flipped it around daftly and then slammed it back into the sheath.

  “Master Doren, you are welcome in our home,” Judeen said as she stepped off the porch.

  “Yes, welcome to our home,” Garig said with a slight bit of mistrust or possibly dislike, as he walked down the steps to stand with his wife. “I am sure you have much to tell,” he said excitedly to Kade while cautiously looking at the only other Master Chosen he had ever met besides Zayle. Kade was relieved beyond describing that his father showed none of the previous apprehension toward him.

  “We do, Father. Wait until you hear what I have to tell you,” Kade said, eager to expound on their adventures and happy his father was genuinely making him feel welcome.

  Kade turned to face his mother and saw a flat, very displeased look on her face. She locked eyes with him to make sure she had his attention and then shifted her gaze to the very beautiful girl standing close to him. Kade realized what was going on and quickly whispered to Ven.

  “Change form.”

  She did as was instructed. Judeen’s hand shot up to cover a gasp as Garig gripped the club tightly. Dran froze for barely an instant before the knife sprang from its sheath, singing as the steel rang out with the promise of death. Kade’s eyes went wide as he quickly glanced to his left and saw Vell. He did a double take and then stepped in front of her, cringing, expecting to feel the thunk of Dran’s knife at any second. The memory of Man-boy flashed through his mind. Darcienna also screamed as her arms came up in a flash. The shield came to life.

  “No!” Kade yelled as he raised his hands. “No. She is with me!” he said frantically. “Do not hurt her!” he said as their jaws hit the ground.

  No one moved for several long seconds. Dran still held the blade over his head, his muscles twitching, eager to let the deadly blade fly. Judeen had climbed the steps to stand on the porch. Garig glared hard at the shapeshifter, his shoulders hunched, ready for battle.

  “She will not hurt you,” Kade said, and with that, all eyes looked at him in confusion. Dran slowly lowered his arm and Garig glanced back and forth between Vell and Kade. Judeen continued to stare in horror.

  “She?” Dran asked.

  “Yes. Her name is Ven,” Kade said as he whispered for her to change back into her birth form. “This is who she really is,” he said as he moved just slightly over so they could get a better look at her. Kade reached for Darcienna’s arms and pulled them down, causing the shield to fade. He saw the disapproving look on his mother’s face and glanced over to see Ven in one of her form fitting outfits. He cringed, wanting to hit himself in the forehead with his palm.

  I just can’t win, Kade thought to himself as he wilted under his mother glare. He was thinking it might have been better to leave her as Vell. “Mother,” Kade said firmly, a slight edge to his voice. He reached over and took Darcienna’s hand to make his point. Regardless, he knew he needed to have a talk with Ven about her choice of outfits.

  “Yes. Very well then,” Judeen said as she relaxed ever so slightly.

  “I am ok with her,” Dran said as he started to grin. “I mean…if Kade says she is ok, then, who am I to disagree?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the ever so beautiful, Ven. Kade glared hard and moved to stand back in front of her again.

  “Dran, I really don’t care for the arrangement you have with your wife,” Judeen scolded. The knife wielding man casually shrugged his shoulders.

  Kade recalled how quickly Darcienna had rushed to protect Ven and gave her a sly grin. Darcienna continued to stare straight ahead for several seconds until she could no longer pretend not to see his smile. She glared at him.

  “I was only ret
urning the favor,” Darcienna said. “She did save my life,” she said with a huff.

  “Oh, just admit that you are okay with her.”

  “She has been useful,” Darcienna said. Kade grinned once more and left it at that.

  Before Kade could say another word, there was a loud groan from behind him as Rayden dropped to the ground. The dragon moaned pitifully as its eyes half closed. Kade could sense misery through the connection.

  “What is wrong?” Kade asked as he walked up and looked Rayden in the eye. The dragon lay there, waiting for the misery to pass. Before he could say another word, Darcienna groaned and leaned into a bush. Kade looked back and forth between Darcienna and Rayden and then at Doren. “What is going on?” he asked, concern in his voice. “A calling?”

  “Oh no. Nothing like that. It is only that of nature,” Doren said as he studied the dragon.

  Kade looked at the Master Chosen and then back to the dragon. Doren noticed Kade’s confusion and took on the air of a teacher who calls on his infinite patience to teach a student who is slow on the uptake. As he spoke, he put just a bit of a pause between each word as if to make sure what he said was understood. Kade felt the temptation to fill with the Divine.

  It would serve him right, Kade thought and then cut off his connection to the power.

  “Your dragon is going to have a pup,” Doren said as he ran his hands over the dragon’s belly.

  “How can Rayden have a pup. It’s not possible for him to do that,” Kade argued. Doren stopped rubbing the dragon’s belly and turned to study Kade, uncertain if the Adept Chosen was serious or if he really did not understand. Kade felt exasperation as Doren continued to force himself to be patient. The condescending attitude was almost too much to bear.

  “Yes SHE can,” Doren said as he grinned. Kade just stared with his mouth gaping like a fish. “Rayden is a female,” Doren said, enjoying Kade’s surprise just a little too much.

  Kade’s mind raced and then everything made sense. When Rayden realized that Ven was a female, she was not as angry. He had felt her relax, but it just did not stand out enough to get his attention at the time. It was when he thought back on Rayden’s interaction with the green that it became obvious. The dragons were not fighting when they first met. Rayden was giving the green a thorough dressing down. The green and Rayden were not circling each other. It was Rayden who was circling the green as she gave him the tongue lashing of his life. And, when the green tried to back down, she stalked him as he struggled to find escape. It all made sense why a dragon that large would cringe in the presence of one considerably smaller. He glanced at Darcienna for just a moment and fully understood the green’s plight.


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