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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 43

by Krystal George


  Entering Ravenswood high the next day, I noticed girls at their lockers, primping or applying enough perfume to fill a factory; whispering about some new student.

  Walking down the hall, I’m joined by Caycee. “Have you heard the news, Mindy?” she asked, smiling.

  I eyed her secret smirk. “What news?”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll hear about it, sooner or later.”

  Shoving my books into my locker, I heard girls talking behind me: ‘He’s sooo handsome,’ one crooned. ‘He looks like a movie star,’ another added. ‘I wonder if he’d sign my math book?’ the girls giggled, sashaying down the hall.

  Entering my English class, I see Jed, slumped, in his chair. When I approach, he slowly lifts his head, taking in my cheerleading uniform.

  “Hello, Jed,” I say, sliding into a chair beside him. “Are you okay?”

  He sighed. “No, I’m not. Zachariah and I were meant to meet Cuthbert yesterday, but he didn’t show up.”

  “Why?” I frowned.

  Jed shrugged. “I don’t know why.”

  Turning to the front of the room, I notice someone standing in the doorway. Girls start twittering as a tall male with slicked back brown hair, wide shoulders, and a smile that made every female knee quiver. As he slid into the desk next to me, a wash of cologne swept over me.

  “Hello, Mindy,” he said in a deep voice.

  I blinked several times. “Ah, hi,” I answer. “Do I know you?”

  He leaned closer causing butterflies in my stomach. “Look into my eyes.”

  Gazing into his amber eyes, I recognize the person behind the clear contact lenses. “Cuthbert!” I whisper as the teacher entered the room.

  Taking a sip from the bubbler, I heard girls swooning. Standing up straight, I spot Cuthbert parting the sea of students. As girls ogled him, his eyes were only on one person: Me.

  He smiled, brushing a droplet of water off my chin with a thumb. “What do you think?”

  “Why did you change your appearance?”

  “I wanted to be accepted.” He frowned, dropping his hand.

  “Your friends accepted you,” I replied. “And so did I.” I went to walk away, but Cuthbert took my hand.

  “What do you mean?” his voice was low, confused.

  I looked into his eyes. “I never thought you’d change yourself to please others.” I gently pulled my hand away. “I like you for who you are inside, Cuthbert, not what you look like on the outside.” I left Cuthbert with his admirers.

  Finding a bench under a tree, I flick through my English textbook, until approaching footsteps make me look up. My gaze is captured by Cuthbert and I feel myself reacting to his Polo shirt and dark navy jeans hugging his hips.

  “May I join you?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I said. “How did you lose your entourage?”

  Cuthbert sat beside me, and when he grinned, my heart stuttered. “I told them that I was taken. It was like Citronella to a bug.” He chuckled, but it petered out. “Mindy, can we talk about…this?” he gestured to his new look.

  “You’re still hiding your real character.”

  “I thought I’d keep everyone guessing for a while longer.”

  I smiled. “The school’s buzzing about the new student.” I nudged his arm. “If you play your cards right, you’ll have every girl eating out of your hand to be your Prom date.” Cuthbert frowned. “What?”

  “T-There is only one g-girl I want to take to P-Prom,” he stuttered.

  “I’m not going to Prom,” I muttered. “I thought I’d ditch it.” I smiled. “Maybe we could hangout together. Go to Komiks…grab dinner at Patsy’s.”

  “You shouldn’t make any final plans,” Cuthbert told me. He stood, glancing down at me, and walked away.

  “Mindy, you’re home!” Morgan squealed, jumping off the couch, and abandoning Ben 10 on TV.

  I scooped him up, going to kiss his cheek, but he pulled away, shoving an envelope in my face. “What’s this?” I put him down, taking the envelope. “Why aren’t you at Ruthie’s house?”

  “Momma’s in her room,” Morgan whispered. “Open it!”

  “Where did you find this?” I sit on a chair, picking at the corner. Morgan leaned against my leg.

  “From the porch.”

  I was about to open the envelope when Mom came out of her room. “I’m going to work,” she said, sparing a glance at us.

  After she left, I ripped the envelope open, removing a folded piece of paper. “It’s from Wendy,” I said after reading the note. “She wants us to come over.”

  “I can’t,” Morgan said shaking his head. “I’m going out with Cuthbert.”

  “What?” he nodded. “We better go over then.” I changed into jeans and a Green Lantern T-shirt then took Morgan across the road.

  “Hey, guys! Come on in,” Wendy said, opening the door. “Cuthbert, your guest is here.” I saw Cuthbert emerge out of his room followed by his friends.

  “Hi, Cuthbert,” Morgan said excitedly.

  “Hi, Morgan,” Cuthbert replied. “Is it alright with Mindy if you come to the movies with us?” Cuthbert met my eyes.

  “Can I Mindy?” Morgan begged. “Pleeeaaassse!”

  “It’s fine with me.” Morgan grinned. “Ah, I don’t have much money…” I went to grab my wallet, but Cuthbert sopped me.

  “My treat.” He threw me a melting smile.

  “T-Thanks,” I stuttered. Cuthbert chuckled.

  When the boys left, I went into the kitchen. “They’ve gone,” I said, sliding onto a stool.

  “They’re seeing the new Spiderman movie.”

  “Lucky boys.” I leaned my arms on the bench. “So why ‘em I here?”

  “The Prom’s a very important part of a teenage girl’s life,” Wendy said, smiling. “It’s a great way to celebrate the end of school life.”

  “I haven’t got a date,” I say with a shrug.

  “Don’t let that stop you.” Wendy walked around the bench. “Come with me.” we headed to a spare room. “I’ve been working on this for a few days.” she picked a garment bag off the bed and pulled the zip down, revealing a ball gown the color of sapphires. Holding it up, her eyes searched my face. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful.” Crystals cascaded down the bodice and skirt, glinting in the light. “Who did you make it for?”

  “You.” tears stung my eyes. “Oh, sweetheart,” she said, rubbing my arm. “I didn’t want to upset you.”

  I wiped my eyes. “I’m sorry. No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

  Wendy warmly smiled. “Try it on. I hope I got the measurements right.” She left the room. Was I actually going to Prom? I felt nervous as I carefully pulled on the strapless gown, casing my body in a silky second-skin.

  “Mindy?” Wendy gently tapped on the door. “How you doing in there?”

  “You can come in,” I say.

  The door slowly opened. “Oh, sweetheart!” Wendy exclaimed. “Beautiful! Just beautiful!”

  “It fits perfectly.” I ran my hands down the bodice. “I feel like a princess.”

  “I have the perfect heels,” Wendy said, going over to a closet. She collected a pair of silver stilettos. “Try these.”

  I pulled on the stilettos, adding four-inches to my height. “Wendy, how can I thank you?” tears sparkled in my eyes as Wendy beamed at me.

  “Have fun,” she replied.

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