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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 44

by Krystal George


  Prom day…

  Perched on a stool, I listen as Wendy argued with herself about what color palette to use. “I’m not always this crazy,” she joked. “If you don’t like what colors I pick then tell me and I’ll change it.” Wendy told me to close my eyes as she applied eye shadow to my lids.

  “Just a little clear gloss…” she handed me a mirror then bit her lip as I took a peek. Seeing my reflection, I gasp. “You don’t like it?” Wendy said. “I can re-do it.”

  I shook my head, taking in my smoky eyes with sapphire highlights. “No…I love it.” I smiled. “I absolutely love it.”

  Wendy took the mirror then smiled. “I’ll do the finishing touches, then start on hair,” she said. “Do you have any ideas?” she ran her fingers through my long blond hair.

  “No, not really.”

  “We can work something out.” Wendy worked her fingers through my hair. “Were you behind my son’s makeover?” she asked, braiding my hair.

  “Um, no, I wasn’t,” I answer. “What did you think of it?”

  “He looked different…very handsome.”

  “Yeah, very handsome,” I said, feeling myself blush. Wendy stayed behind me, but I had a feeling she was smiling to herself.

  Once I was dressed, I looked at Wendy who was ruffling the skirt. “Can I see what I look like now?” I asked excitedly.

  “Yes, you can.” She stepped to a floor length mirror, turning it toward me.

  “Oh, my…” I breathed. My hair was in a messy bun; spiralled locks framed my face, my makeup was smoky eyes and crimson stained lips, and the sapphire ball gown hugged my body nicely. A thin silver chain with a butterfly charm dangled from my neck and delicate silver butterfly earrings danced from my lobes; a loan from Wendy.

  “Your ride is here,” Wendy announced.

  “My ride?” I followed her to the front door, making sure I didn’t trip on the gown. My eyes widened at the sight of a white mare harnessed to a rosewood and gold carriage waiting on the street.

  The carriage door opened and heart fluttered as someone climbed out. “Cuthbert,” I whispered as he helped Morgan down the three-step ladder.

  “Mindy!” Morgan cried, running over to me. “You’re beautiful!”

  I smile at him, kneeling down and hugging him tightly. “Thank you,” I whisper.

  When I stand up, I met Cuthbert’s amber gaze. He throws me a heart melting grin. “You look absolutely ravishing.” He reached out, gently caressing my cheek.

  I smiled, moving my head into his palm. “You’re charming,” I whisper.

  Cuthbert grinned then looked at Wendy who handed him a sapphire colored corsage. Tears rushed to my eyes. “It’s beautiful,” I whisper as Cuthbert pinned it to my dress, and Wendy and Morgan watched.

  “May I help you into your awaiting carriage?” Cuthbert offered me his white gloved hand so I took it.

  As we settled into the carriage, I snuck a peek at my date, noticing his attire: a black evening suit over a sapphire button-up shirt, black polished shoes, and… a smile came to my lips.

  “You noticed my tie, didn’t you?” Cuthbert asked, catching me. He ran a hand over his Green Lantern tie.

  “It matches my ring.” I hold my hand out, showing off my Green Lantern ring.

  Cuthbert grinned, taking my hand. “What else did you notice?”

  I took in his appearance. “I did miss your curls,” I say, touching a springy lock of hair near his ear. All the while, his thumb rubbed my fingers. “I like this version of you.”

  He smiled, leaning closer to me. “Me too.”

  Arriving at the hall, Cuthbert and I noticed milling students ogling our horse and carriage. Cuthbert squeezed my hand. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded. “You?” I looked up at him.

  “I’m with the most beautiful girl in the world.” He kissed my hand. Cuthbert helped me out of the carriage and I was amazed at all the elegant looking people around us.

  As we headed to the entrance, I felt every pair of eyes swivelling in our direction. Before we entered the hall, I saw Scarlett dressed in a black cocktail dress and standing alone in a corner. When she saw me her eyes widened, stunned.

  I smiled, holding onto Cuthbert.

  Glancing at Cuthbert, I expected him to be blushing from all the attention, but he was meeting people’s gazes and grinning confidently.

  The hall was amazing: tall sweeping trees lined every wall, forming an arch where Prom-goers entered, a carpet of autumn colored paper leaves covered the floor and tables, and the ceiling was a black nightscape with glittering silver stars. Paper vines trailed the food tables and little shrubs were bordering an emcee stage.

  “Mindy?” Cayce said, coming over to us. “Oh, my God, you look beautiful!” she hugged me while Gabe shook Cuthbert’s hand. “Your dress is divine.”

  “Thanks, you look amazing,” I said as Caycee shone in an emerald green dress.

  “You two are adorable,” my friend said, eyeing my date. Cuthbert smiled hugging me to his side.

  As Caycee dragged Gabe to the dance floor, I looked at Cuthbert. “Do you want to dance?”

  “Ah…I don’t know how too,” he replied.

  “Neither do I.” Cuthbert and I found our table, and when he claims my hand, I smile at him.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  I bit my lip. “The truth?” he nodded. “I was thinking about kissing you.”

  I thought Cuthbert would blush, but he grinned, surprising me.

  “The truth?” he asked. I nodded. “I was thinking about that, too.” He leaned forward, eyes holding mine, our lips inching closer and closer when suddenly we were interrupted by someone bumping into us.

  “Hey, watch it!” I snap, looking into amused, bloodshot eyes.

  “Sorry, babe,” Josh said, chuckling, “Didn’t see you and Nerd Boy.” The girl he was clinging too didn’t look impressed and I soon smelt why.

  “You’re drunk,” I said, disgusted. Behind Josh, I watched as Caycee, Gabe, AshLee, Tierra and their dates came over to us.

  Josh smirked. “Maybe I am, but what’s it to you?” he swayed back, bumping into Gabe.

  “Get him out of here,” Caycee said, glaring at Josh.

  Josh’s date huffed, disappearing into the dancing couples. Gabe and the boys dragged Josh away so Caycee, Tierra and Ashlee sat with me and Cuthbert.

  “You ladies look amazing tonight,” Cuthbert said making my friends beam.

  “Thank you, kind sir,” AshLee said as Caycee stood.

  “We should leave these two alone.” she winked before they left.

  Cuthbert stood. “Let’s dance.”

  I took his hand and followed him onto the dance floor. As A Thousand Years by Christina Perri played, I layed my head on his shoulder as we slow danced.

  “My life would suck without you,” I whispered.

  Cuthbert’s answer: he finally kissed me.


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