Material Witnesses
First Draft First Responders: La Jaffe, Uncle Sheldon, Mighty Mike, the KamKels, Motorcycle Jim, T-Boze, Donna D, WorkDaveWork and RuleDawnRule.
Italian For Dummies Who Write Novels: Pacelli The Japanese Dancing Elvis and Bonfante The Tuscan Tornado.
Police Procedures: Sergeant Karen Lemon of the Chicago PD was kind enough to provide details and data, so if there are any howling inaccuracies in this book’s policework, it is all Sgt. Lemon’s fault… No, wait—that’s a howling inaccuracy. If any of the operational details are less than realistic, it’s because I chose to blow off documentary authenticity in favor of cheap thrills, in order to satisfy you, the reader. So any errors are your fault.
About the Author
Lenny Kleinfeld’s first novel, Shooters And Chasers, was described by Kirkus Reviews as “A spellbinding debut.”
Back before he was spellbinding he was a playwright in Chicago, where he was also a columnist for Chicago magazine. His fiction, articles, humor and reviews have appeared in Playboy, Galaxy, Oui, the Chicago Reader, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. In 1986 he sold a screenplay, and is currently three decades into a business trip to Los Angeles.