Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel)

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Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel) Page 15

by Bellus, HJ

  So instead I climb from my chair and straddle his lap and definitely get his full attention. Rarely am I the one making the first move—by all means I kiss, hug, and pet back, but just never initiate the contact. It all stems from my lack of ever being in a relationship, but it seems Marvel is doing a very good job of pulling me from my shell.

  My fingers wrap around the neck of his beer and set it down on the table to the side of us.

  “I want both of your hands on me.”

  “God, Clover.” He drops his head down to mine. “Thank you for everything. You’ve made life worth living again and can reign me in whenever.”

  “No, thank you for letting me in and taking care of me.”

  “Clover, I…” He cups both sides of my face, making eye contact, and I embrace myself for what I think he’s about to say. It’s the three words I’ve been bottling in myself from him.

  “What?” Our lips brush each other when I talk.

  No more words come from him because our lips crash and both of our shirts tumble to the ground. We take our time exploring each other and I feel Marvel’s need for me growing. I look down between us and I can see it straining against his blue jeans.

  “Maverik is coming to get me in about thirty minutes.”

  “Okay.” The one word comes out breathy and desperate because I need his lips back on mine now.

  I feel his fingers fumbling with my bra clasp and then feel my breasts being exposed to him. I can’t help but study his expression as he stares at me half naked perched in his lap. Tears prick at the corner of my eyes as Marvel continues to stare and trace little circles around my belly button.

  “You’re gorgeous, Clover, fuck me.”

  “Stop.” I grab his face and force him to look up at me. “I want you to keep kissing me.”

  He rises to his feet, still holding me, and I sure don’t miss the wince of pain covering his face. Marvel doesn’t give me time to ask questions before he sets me down on the table and gently lays me down with my legs dangling over the side. Marvel tugs my legs open and settles between them. His scars cover his upper body, but it’s the largest of them all that holds my attention. It’s the one my hands covered as doctors fought to save his life.

  I prop myself up on my hands and rub my lips over the length of it and whisper, “I love you.” The words come out so softly and lightly there’s no way he could’ve heard them, but the feeling of them being let out feels amazing.

  He ushers me back down onto my back. His gaze burns my flesh as he stares at me with a greedy flare in his eyes. Then his gorgeous face disappears as I feel a trail of kisses sprinkle down my neck and then trail lower. He’s pushed me forcefully beyond all my limits and off the cliff of my comfort zone. Hell, kissing was a new thing until him, and now he’s throttling my body into a tailspin of overpowering emotions and sensations.

  His teeth sink down onto my peaked bud, and that’s when an overwhelming set of fireworks erupts low in my belly, building up to something indescribable. I can no longer sit still and quiet. My hands dive into his hair, tugging and pulling as I moan out my pleasure. Both of our bodies work furiously to get closer and devour each other.

  “Marvel.” It’s truly pathetic the power this man has over me, causing my voice to stumble and stutter as he pleases me.

  I tug on his hair a bit more forcefully before he looks up to me, and that’s when I catch him by both cheeks and pull him toward me and proceed to kiss the hell out of him. Our bared chests melt together perfectly and it’s the best feeling ever. And one I’ll fight never to lose. Without even thinking, I fumble with the button of his jeans trying to get between us.

  “Marvel.” A deep voice enters our heated bout of passion.

  “Shit,” Marvel says as he looks up and does his best to cover me up with his body.

  “I’ll just wait outside for you.”

  I don’t have to crane my neck to see that it’s Maverik standing in the doorway. His He’s voice is unmistakable. I place my palm on the healing wound on Marvel’s chest and inwardly want to beg him to stay the night so we can continue this, but then all my common sense hits me as the heated passion quickly evaporates after we were busted by his older brother. I don’t even know what to do. Then I remember my hand trying to unbutton his pants. What would I’ve done if it went any further?

  I freeze with embarrassment realizing how inexperienced I am compared to Marvel. By the way Marvel’s tongue and lips worked me over, I don’t even have to ask or think about his experience level.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, baby.” He drops his head to my forehead as I hear the front door slam shut and a few curse words stream from Maverik on the outside.

  I can’t help but grin at him, because honestly the situation is quite comical. I pat his chest lightly knowing that’s my favorite part on his body and always will be.

  “Guess we got a bit carried away.” I try to shrug under the pressure of his body.

  “Yes, we did. Each time we keep getting closer and closer. One day I won’t be able to stop.”

  “I never want you to stop.”

  He lets out a light moan. “You better be sure, baby.”

  “I’m all in, cowboy.”

  A loud pounding on the door distracts us once again. Marvel plants a light kiss on my lips and is off me, tossing on his clothes.

  “You off tomorrow?”

  “I go in at nine p.m.”

  “Then you’re mine all day.”

  I sit up carefully since the creaking of the table below me has me a little on edge. “Cool it, cowboy. I have my riding lesson in the morning, then we can hang.”

  “Hang?” He shoots me an eyebrow. “Is that a Cali thing?”

  I don’t miss his lingering stare that trails down to my arms that are struggling to cover up my exposed skin. A heated flush races through me and I’m not sure if it’s from his stare or remembering what we were doing.

  “You could stay the night,” I blurt out.

  Marvel laces his hands in his hair and tugs it. “Baby, I can’t. When this whole shit storm has blown over, I’ll be a permanent resident in that bed of yours, but for now this has to be it.”

  I nod and totally get what he’s saying. “I’ll stand by your side and fight with you, Marvel. You do know that. I’d do anything.”

  “I’ve put you through enough. Just trust me.”

  “I trust you,” I whisper

  “I have to go, but know all I want to do is kiss that sadness out of you. Look at me, Clover.” He pauses a moment, and I know he’s waiting on me. And when I look up he has one hand on the doorknob and a huge ass smile covering his face. “I never knew falling in love with someone would be so much damn fun.”

  And in one quick swoop the door is shut, leaving only his scent to linger around my house. It takes several moments for me to be able to catch my breath and hear silence over the thudding in my chest. A goofy ass grin covers my face and my fingers itch to share this feeling with someone. Even after all the years of coldness, my mother is the first person who comes to mind, but then I dismiss the idea as quickly as it entered my mind. She’d never answer the call and more than likely have her assistant call me back wanting to know what I needed.

  This would just have to wait until the morning and my riding lesson with Challis. I fall into my bed and snuggle down deep in the covers, remembering each of Marvel’s touches on my skin. I’ve been lonely my whole life, making it through dull days, and ironically enough, all alone in this house tonight, I’ve never felt more surrounded by love.

  My heart and soul is on fire, burning with passion all because of Marvel Slatter.



  “He made his first move.” One of the agents goes on about how Saint’s men were caught on the ranch last night.

  I zone out of most of the conversation because thoughts of that evil leeching its way back onto Silver Star revolts me. The time is coming. Our plan is working, and Saint will seek revenge. Me going to
the rodeo last night was just one of many public appearances drawing attention to myself. Undercover agents flanked my family the whole time, which settled my nerves a bit, but knowing Clover was far away and has been sheltered from nearly all of this is what really comforted me.

  I know I was being selfish picking her up at the hospital, but I cleared it all with the agents and they’ve always seemed overly eager to involve her in this. My mind is my greatest enemy when it continually plays flashbacks of the horror covering Clover’s face the night she found me or the pained expressions that covered her features when I was an asshole in the hospital. Fighting through my anger was the worst days of my life and the greatest darkness I’ve ever faced.

  “We have his man detained and charges pressed for trespassing and destroying property last night on Silver Star. We’re currently working a deal with him to turn Saint over to us.”

  The last comment grabs my attention. “I’ve done that and been there. Saint will win.”

  And just like every other meeting with these agents, they counteract and argue with every single point made or thrown out on the table. Granddad stands up and takes control of the situation.

  “Marvel’s right. Saint needs to be brought down solo. There’s too much hate and contempt in this situation for him to be busted by one of his men. He’s stronger than that. This bad blood goes back years and years.”

  The redheaded, feisty agent tries to talk over him but is put in her place by Sterling.

  “My son has ruined everything Saint has. Lost his money and knocked his wife up. He has to live day in and day out pretending to love a child who isn’t his. Not only isn’t it his, but it’s a Slatter. The Johnsons have hated us for decades. It stems back several decades and makes the Hatfields and McCoyss out to be angels.”

  The room falls silent, and I’m not quite sure I want to hear the rest of this story. There’s a sadness in Granddad’s eyes that warns me this isn’t going to be pretty at all.

  “My great-grandfather wasn’t the nicest of men and took what he wanted, much like Saint. My dad vowed never to let Silver Star thrive on those values, but the real war started when my family took in a baby, and that baby is known as my son. It’s a long story, but we adopted him.”

  “There are no records of it. We’ve scoured your family’s history.” One of the agent’s piped up.

  “We handle things on our own out here. It’s the way of the land. Saint’s father wanted that baby, and not for the same reasons my dear wife did. She yearned for a child of her own to love and take care of. Saint’s father wanted the baby to hold over someone’s head and use him in a game of chess. The Slatters won the war, but that’s when the real battle began. Mind you bad blood had already been mixed together. Saint has been raised to hate the Slatters, and something was instilled in him to take us all down. He didn’t bet on the fact that the same boy his father wanted and always compared him against would be the one to ruin his family. My point is, Saint will not go down without a fight.”

  “Why did Saint’s father want the baby so badly?” The question is out of my mouth before I even realize. In slow motion, all the puzzle pieces are coming together. I know there was bad blood between the families but had no idea it stemmed back generations.

  “The real mother to the baby was his father’s true love. His mistress, but his father and the legacy of the Johnson’s forbid him to be with her. He wanted that baby to hold over them and her.”

  “Love, undying bonds, and heartbreak have fueled all of this. You never mess with a cowboy’s horse or family, and it’s all been messed with.” Granddad sits down, exhausted after telling the entire tale. He’d opened up about the bit of our father being adopted but never went into great detail.

  I glance over to Merek and Maverik and know they see it too. Only us boys would detect or even pick up on it. Guilt washes over every single one of our granddad’s features. He’d given everything to the love of his life and more than likely did something he wasn’t too proud of. He created a legacy for us boys, gave us a ranch and a home.

  “So we continue with the plan. The news is amping up Marvel’s story, and you venture as much as you feel comfortable and I really think bringing your new lady friend into the mix will move things along.”

  I hear the agent’s words and have some questions about them, but I can’t pry my thoughts or gaze from my granddad. He’s hurting. I can see the wounds he just tore massive scabs from. Years and years’ worth of guilt and history being laid out.

  “Thanks.” Maverik nods to the group. “If you’d excuse us, we need some privacy.”

  The agents scurry from the living room, and I hear Maverik tell Sterling he’ll meet him out in the barn in a bit. The house falls silent once the last person shuts the door, leaving all four of us Slatter men sitting around the table. The table we’ve known as our foundation growing up. Grandma fed us her famous cinnamon rolls at this same place, and Granddad has offered up countless shreds of advice to us boys at this same table.

  Silence can be deafening, but in this moment it is simply heartbreaking. Granddad looks down at the table and runs his fingers along the tattered edge. His pain is palpable. I’ve never seen him in this state.

  “I’m sorry, boys.”

  “For what?” Merek’s outraged, which isn’t surprising since it tends to be his first reaction to every single thing.

  “I’ve kept secrets for years and only fueled this whole battle.”

  “You loved our grandma and gave her what she wanted.” Maverik covers Granddad’s hand, stopping him from roaming it back and forth. “We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t. You have given us the world.”

  “But the consequences of my actions have hurt so many over the years.”

  “You had no control over our father’s decisions and the rest of the shit that’s gone down. You’ve been our rock and always will be,” Maverik says.

  “I love you three boys more than anything else in this world. You remind me of what my dear wife wanted so much in life.”

  “I love you.” All three of us repeat in unison.

  I move to my feet with all the pressure mounting, and I’m ready to explode since all of this has come to a head because of me and my actions. My head nearly spins off my shoulders as my life has come full circle.

  “We are selfish, bullheaded, and determined men. It’s the only way I’d ever want to be and be surrounded by. I made a selfish decision, causing this hell to come to a boiling point. The past is the past.” I choke on my own words as I stare Granddad in the eyes. “The past has made us into who we are, and I’m damn proud of that fact. We move on as Slatters and ride for this brand and what we believe. That’s it.”

  “That’s it,” Merek repeats.

  Maverik nods and repeats the same words. Merek pours four shots of whiskey and slides them in front of all of us. He raises his first.

  “Here’s to going back out on the road to get my second title after this shit is over.”

  I knew it had been brewing inside him and why he’s been so fucking pissy lately.

  “Here’s to my beautiful family and babies on the way.” Maverik holds his glass up with happiness covering every single one of his features. It’s been a damn long time coming to see my oldest brother enjoy true happiness.

  I raise mine next. “Here’s to Saint being buried six feet under and…”

  “And what?” Maverik urges me on.

  Not wanting or willing to jinx anything, I simply reply, “My future.”

  Granddad raises his last. “To my table, my boys, and my legacy.”

  We all down the shot in one long gulp, not cringing or making a face, but rather cementing the fact we are one unified group who’s messed up but we’ll continue on.

  “Another.” Granddad slides his shot glass across the table.

  “Just one more, Old Man,” Merek jokes, filling up his shot glass. Once he passes it to him, he doesn’t wait for a toast before he slams it and requests another o

  “It won’t dull the pain,” I offer.

  Granddad goes to ask for another shot when the front door flies open and us four men are busted by Challis and Clover hot on her heels. Challis saddles right up next to Merek in their normal fashion. Those two always intertwine to the point you don’t know where one begins and the other one ends.

  Clover, on the other hand, flies straight for Granddad.

  “What are you doing?”

  She holds up the shot glass while glaring down at him. Her nurse hat is firmly planted on top of her head, and no one is stopping her from protecting Granddad.

  “Are you guys fucking insane?” She shoots a dangerous glare our way.

  I’m not sure if I’m taken aback by her dropping the F-bomb or her rage.

  “He can’t have this with his heart and medication.”

  “Calm down, honey.” Granddad pats the top of her hand planted on the table in front of her. Each of his words are slurred, causing Clover to cringe.

  “Unbelievable,” she huffs out as she laces her hands underneath his arms, helping him up to his feet. “I’m putting you to bed and watching you for a bit.”

  “You’re a dear.”

  “If you ever drink again, I’m going to kick you in the kneecap.”

  “So violent.” The more time goes by, the more he slurs his words and wobbles as she helps him down the hall. I follow the two of them and listen to their conversation.

  “But I’m serious. You can’t be drinking. Do you hear me?”

  “Yeah, just a bad day, little gal.”

  “I’m sure, but kick a dog or chicken instead of poisoning yourself.”

  He laughs lightly as they round the corner into his room. I take advantage and lean on the door jamb, watching Clover take care of Granddad and him just talking away.

  “Saw you riding this morning. Looking good on that horse.”

  I glance over at Clover and feel my heart squeeze seeing her dressed head to toe in cowgirl wear. Her cons and skinny jeans are replaced with Wranglers, boots, and a western shirt. Her hair is pulled up on the top of her head and held in place by a beaded headband. Her outfit screams Challis, so I guess it’s a good thing the two are nearly the same build.


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