Secrets from Her Past: Scandalous, Book 2

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Secrets from Her Past: Scandalous, Book 2 Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  “What the hell are you doing?” he yelled as she bounded up his porch steps and shook off water from her body.

  “I can’t find any batteries for the flashlights. I searched the garage and the junk drawer in the kitchen.” She rubbed her hands up her arms and actually shivered. “Sorry to bother you, but could I bum a few?”

  Dylan grabbed her arm and jerked open his storm door. “Get inside and dry off before you freeze.”

  “I don’t need to go inside,” she yelled, yanking away from his grasp. “I just need a few batteries. I only found one candle and I’ll need more light than that.”

  Dylan physically picked her up in a fireman’s hold and marched into his bathroom and grabbed a towel from the shelf beside the antique clawfoot tub.

  “Here.” He thrust the towel in her face. “Dry off and I’ll go find some batteries.”

  “Why would I dry off if I’m just going back home?”

  He turned, meeting her gaze. “You’re not going anywhere. I’m getting the batteries for my own flashlights and you’re going to light some candles once you’re dry.”

  Cori stood with her mouth wide open, water dripping from the ends of her hair and her lashes. Her T-shirt had plastered itself to her body, molded against her breasts and caused her perky nipples to stand at attention. Apparently she’d forgone the bra for this little visit…not that he was complaining.

  “I’m not staying, Dylan,” she said, patting her face. “I need to get back home.”

  “Why? The storm is moving closer and it’s insane to be running back and forth when there’s lightning flying through the sky.”

  “I could’ve been back home by now if you’d just given me the batteries.”

  Dylan laughed. “Yeah, you could’ve, but you’re not. So dry off, I’ll go grab some clothes and then you can light the candles. I’ll set out the matches on the kitchen counter.”

  Before she could argue further, he stalked out. That damn body of hers was mocking him. He’d sworn to himself to keep his distance. The woman was leaving eventually so why get caught up in her again?

  Okay, so he’d been caught up in every sense of the word when they’d had sex on the beach and he’d been pretty near getting caught up again this morning before his sister came in.

  But he’d come to his senses and he refused to allow her to touch his heart again…or touch any other part of his body.

  He grabbed a pair of sweats and a dark tee. Since she wasn’t wearing a bra he’d seriously considered handing her a white shirt, but he was going to be a gentleman about this and shut up his inner voyeur.

  By the time he came back, she’d closed the bathroom door.

  “I have some clothes for you,” he yelled through the door.

  “Just leave them out there and I’ll get them.”

  He laid the clothes on the small table next to the bathroom door and walked back into the kitchen. He grabbed his kettle and filled it with water then set it on the stove to heat. After pulling out a couple of mugs and placing them next on the counter, he waited for Cori to come out.

  But when she stepped into the kitchen, he wasn’t prepared for how innocent she’d look, how adorable she’d be in his clothes, and how much it turned him on even more to know that she had nothing between her skin and his T-shirt.

  “They’re a little big,” she laughed, glancing down to the pants that were rolled up enough to expose her tiny bare feet and the shirt that nearly fell to her knees. “But thanks. Much better than wet clothes.”

  He swallowed and nodded. “If you want to light the candles, I put one in the living room, hallway, and a couple upstairs in the bathroom and my room. I’m making hot chocolate.”

  Cori smiled, tilting her head and causing all her damp hair to move together across her shoulder. “Hot chocolate? You used to drink that all the time when we were younger.”

  Dylan shrugged. “You were cold and I wanted something sweet, so I figured this was a good cure-all.”

  “Thanks, Dylan.”

  She stood in the doorway staring at him as if he was her hero or her great protector. Truth was, he was a man and he was having erotic male thoughts. If she had any clue as to the path his mind had traveled, she’d run back home and not worry about the storm.

  A bolt of lightning flashed through the window, accompanied simultaneously by the thunder.

  “Better go light those candles,” he told her.

  She nodded, grabbed the box of matches from the counter and walked away.

  The kettle started to whistle, and he poured chocolate into each of the mugs and topped it off with the boiling water, all the while cursing himself for inviting her to stay. Okay, so he hadn’t invited her. He’d manhandled her inside and taken charge, but damn it, he didn’t like the idea of her being alone over there during a storm.

  By the time he’d added marshmallows and stirred everything together, Cori came back in.

  “Ooh, with marshmallows.” She grinned as she picked up the mug and took a sip. “That’s so good. I’m pretty impressed you didn’t nuke this in the microwave.”

  “Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate real hot chocolate.”

  She studied him over the rim of her mug as she took another sip. As she set her drink back on the counter, she turned to look out the window.

  “Looks really nasty out there. Thanks for letting me hide here.”

  “I wouldn’t have let you stay over there alone. The electricity goes out around here so often when small storms come through, I’d say it’s a given tonight.”

  She glanced back at him over her shoulder. “I would’ve been fine with working flashlights.”

  “I know, but I still would’ve felt guilty.”

  She looked back out the window to the rain beating against it. “I know the tension between us isn’t easy, but I do appreciate this.”

  Dylan leaned back against the counter and had a flash of them earlier this morning—Cori’s head thrown back, her bare breast out of her dress, ready for him to take.

  “Tension doesn’t bother me,” he told her.

  “As uncomfortable as this tension is at times, it’s not the worst thing I’ve been through.”

  “I imagine being arrested would rank higher.”

  Her gaze darted back to his and he cursed himself.

  “Damn it. I didn’t mean it like that, Cori. I keep speaking before thinking around you. I just meant that you really have been through worse than facing whatever this is between us.”

  Something akin to pain flashed through her eyes. “Being arrested isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever been through either.”

  Dylan stood straight up and crossed to her, resting his hand beside hers on the counter. “What?”

  Cori’s eyes held his for a moment and he thought for sure she’d open up. But before she said a word, she smiled and shook her head. “It’s nothing, Dylan. Really. Let’s not dredge up the past. Okay?”

  He couldn’t imagine what was worse than being falsely arrested and facing jail time, all while your career was tanking.

  Though she had no clue he was aware of that last part.

  “What do you say we watch a movie while we still have electricity?” he asked.

  “What do you have? And please don’t say any of those stupid foreign movies where the lips can’t keep up with the words.”

  Dylan laughed. “I have all of those stored away for safe-keeping. Actually I was thinking suspense.”

  Cori smiled. “My favorite. Sounds good.”

  She followed him into the living room and he was almost relieved she’d said not to bring up the past. That was the last thing he wanted, but at the same time he really wanted to know what was going on in her world. Not that he had any right, but, well…he just wanted to know. Damn his feelings. He’d told himself not to get wrapped up in her and his damn conscience wouldn’t let him keep a distance.

  His lights flickered and Dylan set his mug down on a coaster on the coff
ee table and grabbed the flashlight beside the couch.

  “Better just keep this close by,” he told her as he crossed the room to get the remote. “Have a seat.”

  Cori settled into the corner of the couch, curled her feet beneath her and sipped on her hot chocolate. What he wouldn’t give to be the one to lick that frothy mustache from her upper lip.

  Before Dylan could even turn on the movie, a crack of thunder and lightning hit so close it shook his house and Cori jumped, knocking her hot chocolate all over her hand and lap.

  “Damn it.” He moved over to her and took the mug from her hand. “Are you all right?”

  Chocolate dripped from her shaky hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s all over your couch. I’m sorry. That scared me to death.”

  “Yeah, it hit something close.” He helped her up and pulled his T-shirt over his head to wipe the hot liquid from her hand. “Does it burn?”

  “Not really. It had cooled down quite a bit where I’d been blowing on it.”

  He glanced down to her clothes…well, technically his clothes. “Looks like I need to get you new things.”

  Cori laughed. “This shirt is so long, it’s like a dress. Don’t worry about dirtying up more clothes. I’ll be heading home soon anyway.”

  “With that racket that we just heard and felt? There’s no way in hell I’d let you walk out in that, even if it is just to go across the yard.”

  She handed his shirt back to him and started tugging down the wet pants. Before he could stand there and stare like some moron or overly horny teen, he stepped back. “I’ll go grab a towel for the couch.”

  God, how pathetic was he? Fleeing a room because Cori’s legs were getting ready to join the party? Smooth, Dylan. Real smooth.

  He got a towel and by the time he came back in, Cori’s legs were sure enough out in full glorious force and she was using his pants to clean the sofa.

  “Sorry,” she told him, “but they were dirty anyway and I was trying to save the cushions.”

  “It’s fine,” he reassured her, taking the dirty pants and the T-shirt he’d left on the table. “Here’s a towel. I’ll go put these in the laundry room.”

  Halfway down the hall, the lights flickered twice and finally went out.

  Oh, Fate. You just leave us half-dressed and in the dark. Now what would they do? God, this was not going to end with them naked and sweaty. He had to have willpower where Cori was concerned. He may be a man—a very turned-on man—but he also had feelings and the more time he spent around her, the more time he wanted to spend with her. He just couldn’t let himself get tangled up in someone who would hurt him again…especially the one who’d caused so much damage to begin with.

  He tossed the dirties onto his washing machine and felt along the wall back down the hall. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness and the candles Cori had lit earlier were offering a nice glow throughout the front of the house.

  In the living room she had turned on the flashlight and set it on the table.

  “Looks like no movie,” she told him. “I think I managed to get the chocolate off your couch. Good thing it was leather.”

  Even with the pale flicker from the candles cutting through the darkness, Dylan could still see those damn legs of hers. But it wasn’t just the sight of them that bothered him so much. It was the fact he could still feel them against his body, feel them clenching him.

  “I’m going to check out the windows to see if I can see where that lightning hit.”

  Cori nodded and eased back down onto the couch. “I’ll be right here.”

  Dylan walked the perimeter of the interior and glanced out the windows, but with the darkness closing in and the sheets of rain, it was so hard to see what was happening out there.

  He pulled his cell from his pocket to check the status of the storm. The last thing he wanted was to be caught off guard if a tornado or some such thing was coming through. Highly doubtful, but he was a Boy Scout, so he’d learned the golden rule of scouting: Always be prepared.

  “Why don’t you relax?”

  Dylan turned from the window in the downstairs guest bedroom and saw Cori with a flashlight standing in the doorway. The light pointed down to the floor, so he couldn’t make out her face too well.

  “I’m relaxed,” he lied. “I just wanted to see if there was any damage yet and—”

  “You’re nervous.” She leaned against the small dresser and crossed her arms over her chest. “We can talk about the big white elephant, Dylan. The fact that we had sex and we would’ve had sex this morning and now we’re both half-dressed doesn’t have to make us uncomfortable.”

  “All of that isn’t making me uncomfortable,” he told her and he wasn’t lying.

  “Dylan. You’re jumpy and you can’t stay in the same room with me. Don’t tell me you’re not comfortable.”

  He held on to the post at the end of the bed and looked at her through the darkness now that his eyes had adjusted to just the small, narrow light from the flashlight.

  “Having sex with you on the beach and nearly getting you naked in my kitchen this morning doesn’t make me uncomfortable, Cori. Seeing you walk around in my house, bringing up old memories and wondering what might have been makes me uncomfortable. Knowing that I want you more than my next breath, but realizing that’s probably a mistake, is making me uncomfortable.”

  He moved across the room until he was standing directly in front of her. “And knowing you have nothing separating those breasts from my shirt is making me damn uncomfortable.”

  “Dylan.” She chewed her lower lip and brushed her hair off her shoulders. “We can admit this attraction, but is that all this is? I know we’re both adults here and you probably don’t want to analyze what’s between us, but I just need to know. Is this sex or is it more?”

  “You’re right. I don’t want to overthink what’s happening. Is it too shallow of me to just admit I want you and that’s all I can give?”

  Because he couldn’t stand to not touch her, he reached out, stroked her cheek. “Tell me you want to move back here for good, hold on to those roots your parents set for you and remain in the small-town life.”

  She turned her face into his palm. “You know I can’t tell you that.”

  He did, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to hear her say different. Fool that he was, or maybe he had a streak of that hopeless romantic his sister had, but he’d wanted her to say she was staying for good. He wanted to hear her say she would stick around and see if this attraction was more than just physical.

  But she didn’t, and if all she could offer was sex, then he’d take it. Yes, he had emotions and feelings he hadn’t wanted, hadn’t expected, but he was still a man and he had needs. Needs this woman could satisfy.

  Lightning flashed through the window, lighting up the room like a strobe light. With each flash he saw deeper into her eyes where she so held her heart. He saw pain, fear and determination.

  Dylan cupped the other side of her face and held her between his two palms. “The other night was too fast, too unexpected. Right now I want you and there’s nothing stopping us from enjoying each and every moment we have of this night. We have nowhere to be, nothing to do and no worries. There’s only right now.”

  Cori closed her eyes and sighed. “Dylan, if you knew my past, you wouldn’t be so eager to be with me…even temporarily.”

  “Your past has no place here,” he told her.

  Her eyes opened and met his just as another flash lit up the room. “Here is the only place my past does have a place. And one of these days I may have to face it head on.”

  “Not today.”

  She gripped his wrists and smiled. “Not today.”

  Chapter Eight

  She didn’t care that her past or the secret she’d carried since leaving more than ten years ago could ruin any bond or relationship they’d ever had. Corinne wanted Dylan. She’d wanted him as a teen and she wanted him even more as an adult. Her willpower where he was con
cerned had always been nonexistent.

  And the fact he was strong, independent and dependable only made him that much more attractive. He wasn’t the teen she’d fallen in love with. He was all man and he made it no secret that he wanted her.

  “I need you in my bed, Cori.”

  Corinne smiled against his lips. “Then lead the way.”

  He hoisted her up and over his shoulder and headed out of the spare bedroom.

  “Why do you keep carrying me like this?” she asked, then smacked his rather fine backside.

  “I figure you’ve been pampered enough with those Rhett Butler types who whisk you off in that romantic way. I want to be memorable.”

  Oh, he was memorable. There was no doubt about that. She’d never forgotten him and when she left here again, she knew he’d remain in her mind, in her heart.

  He carried her up the steps and he wasn’t even breathing hard once they reached the landing. Yeah, add that to the ever-growing list of why she was attracted to him…stamina. The man had it in spades.

  Dylan moved down the hall and into another bedroom. When he set her down on her feet, she got a glimpse at her surroundings, thanks to the small candle she’d lit earlier. Of course when she’d been up in his room earlier she’d know it was his, but she hadn’t taken the time to really look because she didn’t want him to wonder what was taking her so long.

  But the instant she’d come in, she’d known this was his room. Other than the masculine cologne that had settled into the air, there was a pair of running shoes by the closet door and a towel hanging in the adjoining bath. The dark-wood, king-sized bed dominated the space and the navy comforter seemed inviting and cozy.

  Cori wanted to crawl beneath those blankets and snuggle next to him like she belonged. But she didn’t. And thanks to that one ugly sin, that fateful night, she never would. The world she belonged in was shallow and riddled with lies and deceit. Perfectly fitting for her.

  “Wherever your mind went, come back to me.” Dylan slid his arms around her waist and tugged her close. “Nothing outside this room exists. Got it?”


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