The Cure at Troy

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The Cure at Troy Page 4

by Seamus Heaney

  So say a prayer that you’ll come through this better

  Than I did, and the man that gave them to me.


  I will pray for that.

  But I also pray

  That the gods’ intentions and our destination

  Won’t be at odds, and they speed us on our journey.


  O son, take care I am not a stumbling block

  To this prayer of yours. I’m all blood again.

  I’m open deeper than ever. It’s pouring out.

  It’s here again. Circling for a kill.

  Why me? Gods curse this foot.

  Oh. Ahhhhhh.

  No, wait. Don’t go. Don’t let me scare you.

  Shout instead. Shout hard. Shout their names.

  Odysseus. Agamemnon. Menelaus.

  I’ll be the death of them. Let me smit them all.

  O son, my body’s burning.

  Could you not

  Carry me up to the crater of Lemnos

  And burn me right?

  What I did for Hercules

  You should do for me.

  Throw me into the fire

  And keep the bow.

  Are you there, son?

  Say something.

  Where are you?


  I’m here. I’m here.

  But I’m useless.

  I know it’s desperate.


  As long as you are there, that does me good.

  And it’s going to go soon, all of a sudden,

  Just the way it came.


  We’re staying with you.

  Don’t worry about that.


  You’re going to stay?


  I promise.


  Promise. What use is promise?

  Swear it to me.

  But no. Swear nothing.


  I am astray. What am I saying?


  I tell you, Philoctetes, I am bound

  To you, and bound to take you.


  So. Give me your hand.


  Gladly. Here. We are well and truly pledged.


  Good. Good. Now the way is open.


  What way? Where?


  Up there. Into the sky world. High beyond.


  He’s raving now again. What do you see?


  Let me go. Don’t touch me. Stay away!


  I will. But you stay calm.

  That’s right. Stretch out.


  From now on, I am going to belong

  Entirely to the earth. Be earth’s for the taking.

  I’ll lie on top here first, and then lie under.


  This man’s bound to sleep now, very soon.

  He’s sweated out, the head is down, and his whole

  Body is exhausted.

  The flux has stopped,

  There’s hardly any issue from his foot.

  We should leave him quiet, friends, to get some rest.

  (If there is to be an interval, it occurs now.)


  Sleep is the god-sent cure.

  Deep-reaching, painless, sure.

  Its touch is certain.

  The light of paradise

  Creeps into sleepers’ eyes

  As through a curtain.

  But you, sir, must wake up.

  Don’t let this moment slip.

  Hold off no longer.

  Now that the coast is clear

  You have to do and dare.

  You were never stronger.


  Obviously now we could steal away with the bow.

  That would be easy. But easy and meaningless. No.

  It’s to this wounded man the triumph has to be due.

  He has earned it. The oracle said it. I see it all now.

  Without him the cause will be shamed and our victory hollow.


  Oracles are devious,

  Beyond the likes of us.

  We don’t inquire too deep.

  And we keep our voices down

  For sick men have been known

  To hear things in their sleep.

  Take care. Chances like this

  You can’t afford to miss.

  Even a fool can see

  There’s trouble brewing.

  So move. Immediately.

  The man is at death’s door.

  You couldn’t ask for more.

  The winds are for us.

  Before the birds can scare

  Wise huntsmen draw the snare

  And the noose closes.


  Quiet. This is nonsense. Give it over.

  There’s a flicker in the eyes there. His head’s moving.


  The light.


  And you still here, my friends.

  I never thought I’d waken up like this.

  I never thought you’d stand your ground with me.

  I didn’t think you’d have the heart for it.

  It was different, I tell you, the first time here.

  But, Neoptolemus, you are no betrayer.

  You’re no Odysseus, and couldn’t be.

  You have it in you from both sides, straight and true

  By nature. You made light of everything,

  The reeks and roars and the whole mess of me.

  But that’s all over now. So, help me up.

  Put me on my feet here. Stand me straight

  And once I’m steadied right, then everybody

  Can go down to the boat, and all set sail.


  This is more than I expected. It’s great

  You’ve come round again, that you’re alive

  And out of danger.

  Up you get!

  Or if you’d rather, we could carry you.

  These men are fit for that. Whatever you like.


  That’s a real friend’s thought. And since you thought it,

  Lift me, you yourself. Don’t bother them.

  They’ll all be sickened of me soon enough

  Once we’re on board.


  So. On your feet then.

  Get yourself together.


  All right. All right.

  I’ll be

  Into my stride in no time.


  What’s to become of me now anyway?


  What’s to become of who?

  What is it, child?


  I’m all throughother.

  This isn’t me.

  I’m sorry.


  What has upset you now? Don’t be afflicted.


  I’m an affliction to myself, that’s all I am.


  Have you changed your mind? Can you not face the thing?

  Does having to ship with me disgust you that much?


  It’s more like self-disgust. No. One false move,

  One move that’s not your own, and everything

  Goes to the bad.


  This is not you. Who, son,

  Was ever more like himself or them before him?


  I’ll be seen for what I am.

  I just can’t face it.


  Face what? What false move? What do you mean?


  Zeus, you must help me now. There’s no way out.
br />   If I tell or if I don’t tell, it’s still disgrace.


  Unless I’m wrong, I think – but no – not him –

  I think he’s for sailing on without me!


  Oh no. I won’t be leaving you. And more’s the pity.

  We’ll both rue that.


  There’s no sense in this.


  There is sense in it all right, Philoctetes.

  The real story is this: you will be sailing,

  Sailing to Troy to connect up with the Greeks.




  What sort of talk is this?


  Quiet. Hold on. Listen.

  There’s a meaning to it.


  Meaning? What meaning? How could there be meaning?


  I have to take you from this plight you’re in.

  You have to go with me and level Troy.




  That will never happen.


  None of us can dictate the shape of things.

  It’s all laid out. I’m not the one to blame.


  You’re as two-faced as the rest. Why did you do it?

  Who are you?

  Give me back my bow.


  I cannot.

  There’s a cause, a plan, big moves,

  And I’m a part of them. I’m under orders.


  Burnt bones!

  Sears and blisters!

  There was more left

  Of Hercules on the pyre than’s left of me.

  The salamanders have me. I’m scorched to nothing.

  I kneeled to him. How can he bear to do it?

  Steal the bow and leave me as good as dead?

  And still not say a word. Not meet my eye.

  Hard little two-faced crab. He knows. He knows

  He’s reneging on doing the right thing.

  What will I do? What’s left here now but me

  And the place itself? The island’s all there is

  That’ll stand to me. If I turn and leave,

  The cliffs and caves and bays will still be there

  When I come back. If I shout for sympathy

  To animals and birds, they’ll answer me.

  There’s more nature in their dens and nests

  Than there is in you, you sacrilegious

  Heartbreaking little coward.

  But the man you tricked

  Was never the man you came to snatch away.

  You’ll be showing off a phantom to the Greeks

  And your big name and fame will always be

  Hollow to the core.

  You faced nothing here.

  You overpowered a cripple without weapons,

  And even then, you did it underhand.

  O son, be yourself again. This isn’t you.

  Give me the bow.

  Still nothing.

  He’s condemning me to a death by hunger.

  I’m going to be a ghost before my time.

  The birds and brutes

  I slaughtered with the bow, they’re closing in.

  I can see their beaks and muzzles crowding up

  Both ends of the cave. They’ll pick me clean.

  My life for theirs, eye and tooth and claw.

  Look at him there!

  Any kind of trust is a mistake!

  Oh, but, son, you don’t want to believe

  That’s how it is. Change things back again

  And change your mind. My tongue could hardly bear

  To curse you after all I felt for you.


  Why are we listening to this now, sir? Are we

  On our way or not? What are you thinking?


  I can’t help it. There’s something in me he touched

  From the very start. I can’t just cut him off.


  The gods have their eyes on him and that’s why

  He can’t get off the hook. He knows all this

  Solidarity with the Greeks is sham.

  The only real thing is the thing he lives for:

  His own self-respect.


  How did I end up here? Why did I go

  Behind backs ever?


  You did it because

  You had agreed to do it. Somebody else

  Rehearsed you. It has to be. There’s nothing low

  Or crooked in you at all. Come on, child.

  Give me the bow.


  Well, friends, where are we now?

  Neoptolemus moves, Philoctetes reaches, the body language and handling of the bow suggest that their original mutual rite of exchange will now be repeated. It is a slightly somnambulant movement, which Odysseus interrupts, coming between them suddenly, his back to Philoctetes.


  Now who’s the bow for, Neoptolemus?

  Hand it over! A traitor can’t expect

  To carry weapons.


  Odysseus! That voice!

  It has to be.



  That was and is!


  And when else but now?

  Hangmen and betrayers never show

  Till the moment’s ripe.


  That I don’t deny.


  Return my bow, now, boy. You nearly did.


  He nearly did but now he never will,

  And you have your marching orders. Understand:

  The bow goes, and you with it, with these men.


  Are you going to herd me like a wild animal?


  That’s up to you. Everybody else

  Wants you to come back of your own free will.


  Ground of my island, be with me here and now.

  And Vulcan, lord of forge-fire, volcano god,

  Scorch the earth and brand the hills of Lemnos

  With the mark of my ordeal at his hands.


  My hands, Philoctetes, are in the hands

  Of Zeus. Zeus and his thunderbolts

  Rule Vulcan even. Zeus is the Lord of Lemnos.


  Anything that comes out of your mouth

  Just turns to dirt. Don’t foul the name of Zeus.

  No god could stoop as low as Odysseus.


  What do gods care? It’s what they say that matters

  And they say you’ll march.


  I say not.


  Say what you like, but you’ll obey and move.


  Like a slave in chains. Oh weep for the free man

  That’s broken here.


  No. Wrong. The free man here

  Is being raised up. These are his first steps

  Towards Troy and triumph.


  Never. Not while earth

  Is under me and the rocks above.


  What blather’s this?


  I can throw myself

  From any cliff or headland on this island.


  There! Get him by the arms. He’s asking for it.


  Odysseus, you have taken everything I ever had and was. The best years of my life, my means of self-defence, my freedom, the use of my two hands. Everything that made me my own self, you’ve stripped away. And now you’re going to take my second self.
This boy. He’s your accomplice but he was my friend. With you he does what he is told, with me he did what his nature told him. I made him free, you only fouled him up. Look at him there, he can’t look me in the eye, he knows he’s contaminated. My body may be corrupting but with him it is the mind, and you did that. You spread death-in-life. Here I am, like a lost soul bound for Hades, being led away out of the house of life and light and friendship.

  I curse you. I have cursed you always. It changes nothing. I’m chaff and you’re the flail. I’m beaten to nothing. I’m gone out of mind now like a man that’s dead.

  So why, why are you tearing me up out of the grave? Has the bad smell left me? Will you not start vomiting all over the altar now again? Will I not make you get sick into the holy vessels this time? That was your excuse, don’t you forget. That was why you dumped me.

  But the wheel is turning, the scales are tilting back. Justice is going to waken up at last. The gods were only biding time and the time has gone. It wasn’t love of me that brought you to this island, there’s a shape to this that’s bigger than you could know. Your eye’s so jaundiced, you can’t see the balance shifting and weighing down against you – but I see it and my heart is singing. I’d give the whole agony of my life just to see you cut down in the end, and your tongue ripped out of you like a bleeding ox-tongue.


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