Silent Sins: A Lotus House Novel: Book Five

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Silent Sins: A Lotus House Novel: Book Five Page 15

by Audrey Carlan

  “Words, baby. I want your words,” I remind her.

  Her eyes are half-hooded and filled with desire. “I want to suck you the way you want it,” she whispers.

  “Does it make you wet, sucking on me, knowing that beyond that door is a room filled with men and women who could come knock on the door at any time?”

  She nods, even though I told her not to. I tighten my grip on her hair, pulling at the roots. “Words,” I grate between my teeth.

  “God yes, Nick. Please, let me make you feel good.”

  I ease her head back toward my cock so her mouth is hovering over the tip. The entire thing is bulging and ready to blow. It’s been too long since I’ve had a woman’s mouth on me.

  She flicks at what she can reach with her tongue, sliding the tip into the slit at the top. I groan and let go of her hair, allowing her free rein to just get me off. “Just do me, babe. Do me how you want to. I’m so fucking gone for your mouth, your lips, your goddamned perfect pussy.” I thrust up into her mouth as she goes down, giving me the best blow job of my life. Poems and romance novels are dedicated to this kind of stellar head. I think Shakespeare probably wrote about it too.

  “Fuck!” My balls draw up tightly. The edgy prick of pleasure and pain splits across my lower spine and flows through my groin. I curl my hand behind her neck. “Gonna come, Dove. You taking me down your throat?”

  She hums and sucks harder, longer, with a wicked swirl at the tip before she takes me to the root, her nose against the close-cropped hairs at the base of my penis.

  “Shit.” I cry out as the orgasm roars through my body.

  “Fuck.” I thrust up into her mouth again, and she takes all of me.

  “Damn.” The expletive leaves when the last of my release slides out of me and into her waiting mouth.

  She swallows it all, lapping at me until every last shudder has left. I come to with her head resting on my lap, my softening dick a few inches from her face, and my fingers easing along the length of her hair.


  Honor seems content, sitting on her knees, while I come down off my high. She’s giving me what I need in more ways than I could have ever possibly imagined. Submission and beauty.

  I tap her cheek with my free hand. “You okay down there?”

  She smiles, blinks prettily, and then nods.

  “Dove, do I have to fuck your mouth again to get you talking to me?”

  On that question, I’m gifted with her beautiful laughter.

  “Crawl up here. I want your mouth on mine.”

  “’K,” she says sleepily and stands as I pull up my pants and reach for her. She settles easily into my lap and against my chest.

  I kiss her deeply and for a long, long time, wanting her to know that this was more than just a hook-up in my office. When I’m sure she’s been thoroughly thanked, I ease her back so I can look into her eyes.

  “You know I didn’t intend this. I wanted to court you properly before we fucked.”

  She smiles, and it lights up my heart. “I’m happy, Nick. Happy for the first time in a long time.”

  I mull that over. “I have to get back to work. I’ve got clients to train and a gym full of people to keep safe, but I want to talk more about this. We good for now? We’ll talk more later after we’ve had some time to mull it over?”

  “Yes. I’m so good.”

  “Yeah you are.” I head-butt her forehead gently and kiss her lips again. She tastes a little like me and a lot like us. Basically, tasty as fuck. I want so much more, but instead, I stand and let her glide down my form to her bare feet.

  I look around and notice the papers that were all over my desk are on the floor. Her panties are a shred of lace dangling off my ruler sitting in a cup. Everything’s a bit of a mess, but I’ll have to deal with it later. I sigh heavily, knowing it will be a late night, when all I really want to do is spend time with a goddess.

  “Mind if I use your computer?” she asks randomly. “I want to look at a couple possible places for purchase. I’ll pick up the papers too.” She grins, and her cheeks pink up. So freakin’ pretty.

  “Course you can. Mi casa es su casa.” I kiss her once more, turn her around, and smack her ass. “Go ahead before I bend you over and fuck you against my desk this time.”

  Before I can hear a response, I turn on a heel and leave her behind. Looking at this woman in her sated glory would have me making good on that promise. Instead, I go back to the gym and dive into work. A smile on my face and a beautiful woman in my heart.

  Chapter Twelve

  Knees Chest Chin Pose (Sanskrit: Ashtanga Namaskar)

  This position is excellent for opening the throat chakra. Starting in table position, you anchor your hands and ease your chest to the mat first, leaving your tailbone pointing to the sky. Flatten your forehead against the mat and stretch out your arms, getting as flat along the mat with your upper body as possible. Releases tension in the neck, arms, and lower back.


  Nick’s office is a complete and utter disaster. Not only is his computer archaic, it’s slow as molasses.

  When I first sat down, I turned on the computer and realized it was going to take a while to use his internet. Made me wonder what type of service he had, which led me to poking around the overflowing file cabinets.

  Turns out, Nick may be an excellent yoga teacher, boxer, and lover, as I’m slowly finding out, but he’s terrible at administrative business functions. His filing system is atrocious. Not to mention he has an entire file full of invoices that need to be mailed out, all of which are well over a week old. How can he bring in any money if he’s not sending out the bills?

  First things first. I pick up the papers and toss my panties into his top drawer, feeling bold and brazen in that decision. Of course, it took me a full ten minutes to decide to tease him with those. After the sex we had on his desk—and couch—I can only imagine how explosive it will be when he puts his huge penis inside me. The stretch alone will be insane. I cross my legs over one another and clench down, imagining his thick length.

  That line of thinking leads me to other, racier thoughts about bending me over his desk as he mentioned. I think I’d like that. I’ve never been taken in such a primal way. I’ve seen it on TV or in movies a hundred times, but it’s not something I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing with my past lovers. And none of them went down on me the way Nick did. I’m pretty sure college boys learn the art of cunnilingus through trial and error. Sadly, I must have been on the low end of the learning curve during that timeframe. In one go, Nick ruined me for all other men. I’m forever going to compare any future lovers with this man.

  Future lovers.

  If Nick heard me say that or even knew I was thinking it, he’d probably spank me. Imagining that spike of pain against my bare ass… That would be far more pleasurable than a razor blade to my arm or thigh.

  Shaking off the sex thoughts, I evaluate each and every piece of paper in his office and then put each one into an appropriate pile. On top of his file cabinet, I find a big package of new manila folders, so I make good use of those to organize all of his files. I fold up the invoices, address the envelopes, locate a roll of stamps, and get those ready for mailing. After that, I set them on top of my purse, figuring I could drop them off at the mailbox for him.

  Once I’ve got his desk organized, I tackle the rest of the file cabinet. Hours slide by as I work. I finish labeling and filing all the remaining paperwork before I approach the computer. His system for filing here is nonexistent too. There are at least fifty files on the desktop. Documents that need to be in an electronic folder, new folders that needed to be created. Then I found a file with his financials and dig in. I love a good budget and expense sheet. Not that he has one of those. I find a single spreadsheet an accountant drew up for him three years ago when he started his business. He hasn’t kept good records this entire time. How the heck has he gotten past the IRS and state tax board?

start detailing his expenses based on the credit card and bank statements I find. Apparently, he did do his taxes but didn’t claim nearly enough, just the basics of the building and equipment. He didn’t claim his own pay, or the utilities, the towels he uses to wipe down machines, or the cleaning products. I find so many potential deductions, I’m scowling while I’m setting him up with a new foolproof system.

  “What are you doing?” I hear over my shoulder as I type in his electric bill from the last six months into a separate tab on my spreadsheet. How can he not know his normal utilities are a deduction?

  I don’t look at him, needing to finish the line item I was almost done with. “Categorizing your expenses. You’re not writing off nearly enough on your taxes. You should be getting a load of money back this year. I’ll make sure of it.” I firm my jaw and click to the gas bills section.

  Before I can continue, Nick turns me around in his rolling chair. “Babe, it’s nine o’clock. I didn’t even know you were still back here. I just locked up for the night and saw your car. I figured you’d left after our fun time earlier.” He grins.

  I shrug. “Your office was atrocious.”

  He laughs and taps my chin so I focus on his pretty green eyes. “This is true. But that didn’t mean you had to clean it. Though, I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not thankful. I am. Thank you.”

  The simple thank you digs deep into my chest, making me feel light and warm.

  “What else did you do?” He looks around, obviously noticing all of the files are put away. He walks over to the four-drawer, standing cabinet and pulls open the top one.

  I jump up and to his side, rather excited to show him everything I’ve accomplished. “I’ve made files and alphabetized all of your members. Each person has their own file along with copies of their invoices that have been paid, due, or overdue. Then here, I’ve got this month’s invoices and next month’s along with a prewritten envelope and stamp so you’re ahead of the game.”

  He grins and thumbs through the files, shuts the drawer, and pulls out the next. “Holy shit, Dove, this is incredible. You did all this for me?”

  Heat suffuses my cheeks, and I bite my lip and shrug.

  Nick grabs me around the waist, plastering me against his chest. “You’re too good to be true. The best head I’ve ever had, the tastiest pussy, and you’re smart as hell. What am I going to do with all this goodness?” He curls his hands around my neck and then lays his lips on mine.

  His arm slings across my back, bringing me as close as possible. I love that he does that. Makes me think he never wants me to get away. I melt into his arms and kiss him back until I’ve lost my breath.

  He rips his mouth away with a voluptuous, “Ahh.”

  I chuckle and rub the scruff on his chin. I press my thighs together, still feeling the heated burn from earlier. Yep, it was delicious having his scruff against my skin.

  “I also got your expense documents together and up-to-date. I still need to enter the rest of the year’s credit card purchases and set up a solid quarterly plan for paying your taxes.”


  “So you don’t get penalized by Uncle Sam, and it’s easier to pay quarterly payments. Not such a large sum at the end of the year.”

  “Want a job?” He’s joking, but it smacks me like a blow to the face.

  What I did today… I enjoyed it. Got swept away in the administrative aspect of Nick’s business. Maybe it was using the knowledge I’d been taught in school and being able to put the skills into practice, or maybe it was because I was helping the guy I’m seeing. Whatever the reason, I genuinely felt good doing it. Accomplished.

  “I’d like to help out with your office needs if you don’t mind.”

  “Ah, Dove…” Nick frowns and sighs. “I can’t afford to pay you.”

  Now that I know. I’ve just organized his finances. He needs to get his billing up-to-date and his finances totally in the black before he can ever consider taking on staff.

  “No, I know. But I had…um…fun doing this for you. And I don’t, well you know, have a job or technically need one.” I run my finger up and down his black, ribbed tank, not sure how to best word what I want.

  “You telling me you want to help out your man for nuthin’?” His jaw is hard, but his eyes are soft.

  I purse my lips. “Kind of. It will allow me to get back into the business side of my degree. Kind of like being back in the ring again.” I attempt to put it into terms that relate to his business.

  He chuckles. “Babe, you don’t know anything about boxing.”

  I shake my head. “No, you’re right. I don’t. But I do know how to run a business. If you’ll let me help, I’d be so grateful.”

  His head jerks back, and he cups my cheeks. “You’re offering to help me, out of the goodness of your heart; no one’s offered that. I’m not stupid. Of course I’m going to take you up on it. But don’t feel like you have to. You can do what you want when you want. Come and go as you please.”

  My eyes light up. “Can I have a key to the gym?”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, babe, I’ll have a key made for you. Now since we’ve both worked a long, hard day, how’s about we go up to my pad and order some pizza?”

  “Pizza?” I scrunch up my nose. That is not something I’ve had in over two years.

  “Yeah, Dove, pizza. You know…cheese, pepperoni, olives, sausage, the good stuff. Do you like pizza?”

  “Not sure. I haven’t had any since college. I’ve kind of forgotten what my favorite is, but I like all the ingredients you’ve mentioned.”

  Nick shakes his head and grabs my hand, leading me out of his office and down the hall. “Hasn’t had pizza in years. What am I ever going to do with you?”

  “I can think of a thing or two,” I offer in the sexiest voice I can muster, surprising myself that I’m being so forward.

  He stops at the base of a staircase near the back entrance. “You want my mouth on you again, Dove?” Nick’s tone is growly and suggestive.

  “Um…” I sway my hips from side to side.

  “That’s a yes.” He leans forward and puts a shoulder to my abdomen, where he lifts me into a fireman’s hold.

  I kick my legs. “Oh my goodness. Nick, put me down!”

  “Not a chance. I’m taking you to my place, I’m eating you, and then we’re ordering pizza and eating that. Then maybe I’ll eat you again. You got a problem with my plan?”

  I shake my head.

  He growls in warning. Words. He always wants my words.

  “No, Nick. No problem. All yours.”

  “Damn straight.” He smacks my ass hard and takes the stairs two at a time.

  * * *

  My brute of a man did not lie about going down on me or eating the pizza last night. Though, at midnight he led me down to my car before moving things to the next step, claiming he wants to take me out again before we spend the night. Which I thought was sweet and yet oddly strange since we’d already had our mouths and hands all over one another’s naked bodies.

  I wiggle my toes and evaluate my pedicure, when Dr. Hart enters her outer office.

  “Come on in, Honor.”

  “Hello, Dr. Hart!” I practically skip into her office.

  “It’s Monet, again, Honor. And you seem…” Her eyes narrow, and she taps at her bottom lip with her pencil. “Happy.”

  I sit on her couch and spread out my flowery new dress Grace helped me pick out. “Oh, I am.”

  She smiles softly. “Would you care to tell me about this sudden change in your demeanor?”

  Playing with my skirt, I trace a bold red flower that twines into an orange one. “It’s Nick.”

  “The new yoga-teaching beau?”

  I smile. “Yes, he’s a boxer too. Owns a gym. And guess what!”

  Dr. Hart frowns, which is weird for her—she doesn’t usually—but I continue on anyway.

  “He’s letting me organize his office. I’m going to help run his gym. He’s absolu
tely the worst at keeping files, and managing his money, and well, anything that involves the side that’s not physical or related to the gym’s equipment or how to deliver a punch correctly.” I say all of that in a flurry of excitement, not wanting to forget a moment of such a great, new experience.

  Another frown.

  Again, I carry on. “And he’s going to take me to meet his family on Sunday. He has a big family.” I smile in front of Dr. Hart for the first time in what feels like forever.

  “Five sisters?” She tosses out the exact number of Nick’s siblings.

  I gasp in awe. “Why yes. And they make wine. Well not all of them, but most of them. Nick wanted to be his own man after he…”

  “Left the army.” She finishes my sentence.

  This time I narrow my gaze and frown. “Dr. Hart, I’m getting the feeling that you know my Nick.”

  She nods but issues her own question. “Before we get to that part, how about you start from the beginning and tell me how you two met and when he asked you out?”

  “Actually, that was a strange accident.” I beam, feeling the flutter of the memory when I was afraid to take his class after meeting him. “Well, three or so weeks ago, I wasn’t going to go to his class again because I was embarrassed, and frankly, the man makes me nervous. Maybe not so much anymore, but being in his presence is like having a horde of bees buzzing all around me. I’m twitchy, itchy, and uncertain but exhilarated and excited at the same time. You know?”

  With that question, Dr. Hart smiles. “I understand that feeling perfectly. I get it every time I see my husband, Clay.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine. Your husband is a hunk.” I glance at the picture on her desk. Though, I still prefer the Italian Stallion. Nick is beyond my fantasy man.

  “That he is. Now how did you meet up the second time?”

  “Oh. Sorry. I ended up taking his sister Grace’s class, and he had decided to take her class that day too. After the class, he asked me out.”

  “And you said yes.”

  “Um, kind of. More like he made me say yes.” I chuckle. “I’m not sure Nick is the type of guy women say no to. Nor do I think he’d allow that of any female he was courting.” Not that he’s courting me anymore since he said we’re exclusive. And after yesterday on his desk, and last night at his house, there isn’t anyone I’d rather spend my time with.


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