The Devils Apprentice (The Devils Soldiers mc Series)

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The Devils Apprentice (The Devils Soldiers mc Series) Page 1

by Cilla Lee


  The Devils Apprentice

  Cilla Lee

  Copyright 2018 Cilla Lee

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locals is entirely coincidental and are the product of the authors imagination. All rights reserved except for use in a review, the reproduction or use of this work in any part is forbidden with the express written permission of the author.

  Due to the explicit language, acts of violence and sexual content, this book should not be purchased by readers under the age of 18.

  This book is not a stand-alone but the Fourth book in The Devils Soldiers mc Series

  The Devils Apprentice © 2018 by Cilla Lee

  Cover design by Les Solot

  The Devils Soldiers mc Series

  The Devils Daughter

  The Devils Baby

  The Devils Stripper

  Table of Contents

  Prologue 5

  Chapter One 6

  Chapter Two 9

  Chapter Three 16

  Chapter Four 22

  Chapter Five 31

  Chapter Six 36

  Chapter Seven 42

  Chapter Eight 48

  Chapter Nine 53

  Chapter Ten 61

  Chapter Eleven 66

  Chapter Twelve 72

  Chapter Thirteen 76

  Chapter Fourteen 82

  Chapter Fifteen 86

  Chapter Sixteen 90

  Chapter Seventeen 97

  Chapter Eighteen 104

  Chapter Nineteen 110

  Chapter Twenty 116

  Chapter Twenty-One 122

  Chapter Twenty-Two 128

  Chapter Twenty-Three 136

  Chapter Twenty-Four 143

  Chapter Twenty-Five 150

  Chapter Twenty-Six 157

  Chapter Twenty-Seven 160

  Chapter Twenty-Eight 167

  Chapter Twenty-Nine 175

  Chapter Thirty 182

  Chapter Thirty-One 188





  I sat drawing in an art book one of my art teacher had given me when I heard my foster mother Mrs. Johnson coming up the stairs. I jump up and throw the book under my bed; I'm supposed to be reading my bible......again “KC what have you been doing?” she asks me as I stand in the middle of the room, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “ nothing.”

  “God will strike you down if you lie, girl, now tell me,” she says grabbing my hair and pulling hard

  “ nothing I... I s.s....swe...swear”

  “You swear, we'll see you little blasphemer” she drags me downstairs, and I'm made to kneel on the wooden floors holding a bible. Palms up and raised in front of me, I kneel there for hours while her and her husband sit watching the Christian channel. They watch the good Reverend Jones, giving a sermon. She's always punishing me with these sorts of torments if it's not kneeling on the hard-wooden floors for hours, I'm locked in a box for hours. Her favorite is the cane; she keeps one in every room of the house hanging on the wall. The basement wall has another variety of whips. When she really gets mad at me, she drags me down there and shackles me to the wall. I tire, from kneeling here so long, I slowly lower my arms closing my eyes. I'm struck from behind, pain slicing through my back and legs. I scream, dropping the bible to the floor “See you are a liar if you were true, God would never have let you drop the holy book.”

  That night she dragged me down to the basement whipping me so hard the shackles were the only thing holding me up because my legs had given out. I knew not to beg or cry because that got me even more lashes. The sound of the whip as it sliced through the air so familiar, her husband sitting watching. (I hated my life, and I hated God for putting me here)


  Chapter One


  I sat watching as people pass by me, I hold out my hand for hours having a lot of practice over the years with the Johnson's. But no one gives me anything, when I see a pair of dirty black and white chucks in front of me, I look up “Hey kid here ya go” a girl says handing me a sandwich and a drink, I grab it so fast just in case she's teasing. I almost breathe it in it's been days, since I've eaten a proper meal. I've raided the bins behind the store, a couple of times. The manager telling me, if I did it again that he'd call the cops “Slow down you'll make yourself sick, can I sit” she asks me, and I nod my head she did give me something to eat “My names Lilly, what’s yours?” she asks me “Well” she says looking at me “I asked you a question”

  “KC” I whisper

  “KC is that it” I nod.

  “Where do you live?” I point to the park that I'd slept in the past couple of days, under the gazebo. It was dry, and I could fit through a small hole

  “You live in the park,” she asks me, and I nod again “How come you live in the park?”

  “I... I... I...d... don’t h.h. have a…a f.f.f. family” I stutter at her I always do that when I'm nervous or scared

  “Fuck you’re a stutterer” she laughs, and I feel embarrassed, I hate it when people make fun of me. Everyone’s always made fun of my stutter it's not like I can help it

  “Hey kid I'm sorry I wasn't laughing at you,” she says, and I look at her (yeah right) “You from around here?” I nod

  “And you don't have any family” I shake my head this time (nope no one ever wanted me) “You in the system” I nod again “You a runaway” I nod again (and I'm never going back not that my foster parent’s care) “Come on kid” she says, and I look at her


  “Do you wanna stay here begging all day” I shake my head at her.

  “Alright get off your ass, we need to clean you up, kid. You smell like shit” she tells me, and I look down at my clothes (ok, they may be a little dirty)


  That was the first time that I saw Lilly, and I've never looked back. She's become family, and I love her more and more each day. We've been there for each, other looking out for one another’s backs, I usually don't pray to god being disillusioned with religion, but the day he sent me Lilly. I thanked him for bringing her into my life; I felt maybe God was finally looking out for me, I just had to help myself as well.



  We all pull up to Tiny, and Stryker's house and Stryker comes out “Yo Brother” Colt says to him, but I look up the street and wonder, what sort of a car an English teacher drives. We all head into the house and file into the kitchen; we take up most of the space Jordan always standing next to me. Theirs a knock at the front door "That's him” Stryker says getting up, they both walk in, and we watch as he takes a step back from Stryker when he sees us all standing in the kitchen

  “Brothers this here is Markus Carter” we all give him the evil eye.

  “Aaarree yyyou all related to KC,” he asks, and all the guys laugh, but I want to smash his fucking face in

  “Yes,” Stryker whispers loud enough for us all to hear.

  “Take a seat boy,” Tiny tells him kicking the chair towards the fucktard, he sits down slowly watching us all

  “So, you takin’ my girl out,” Tiny says

  “I... I…I assure you, sir, I have only good intentions” (fuckin’ pussy)

  “You fuckin’ better,” Tiny tells him, and I smile again

  “I think he's gonna piss himself” I whisper to Jordan and he smiles back at me

  “You keep your hands off of my girl, and you keep breathi
n’ we clear” the shit-stain nods his head just as Tink walks in, I swear all the air has been sucked out of my lungs, she's fuckin’ gorgeous (damn). Every time I’ve ever seen Tink, she been dressed like a teenager. Jeans, chucks and baggy t-shirts (fuckin’’ hell she’s got a body on her)

  “Markus is it,” Lilly says holding out her hand, but Stryker growls at the fucker. She elbows him, and she goes to shake his hand. Stryker whispers something in her ear, and she drops her hand fast stepping back

  “KC,” he says to Tink, and she smiles, I watch as the asshole shakes Tink’s hand and this over whelming need to punch the fucker in the face has me clenching my fists

  “Hi Markus, I see you've met the guys,” Tink says, trying to look like we don’t bother her. She looks at me really quick then back at the asshole “Well then let’s go we don't want to be late for our reservations.”

  “Goodnight” the fuckhead says and goes to put his hand on Tink’s back, Tiny growls, and he drops his hand. The second the front door closes Lilly starts yelling at all the guys

  “Prospects,” Tiny says, and Jordan and I make our way out to follow Tink on her date. We watch, as the asshole helps Tink into his fuckin’ Prius (a fuckin’ Prius for fucks sakes) We follow the dickhead to the new Italian place and watch as he helps her out of the car and leading her into the restaurant

  “Brother what's the plan,” Jordan asks me as he pulls up next to me and I smile

  “You hungry,” I ask him, and he laughs, and I look at him

  “What?” he says

  “It’s good to hear you laugh that’s all,” I tell him, he’s been so fuckin’ moody way more than usual lately

  “Fuck off, I haven’t been that bad,” he says

  “Dude you’ve been a real prick” he shrugs his shoulders

  “It’s nothing,” he tells me

  “It’s something; you're just not telling me.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Jordan ever since you got shot, you’ve just been different that’s all.”

  “Different how?”

  “Dude your fucking the club-whores two or three at a time; you’re fighting more, I’m just worried” he gets off of his bike

  “Well don’t be I’m fine,” he tells me

  “Jordan,” I say, and he turns and looks at me

  “We doing this or not.” he grumpy fuckin' mood back.


  We walk into the restaurant, and the chick looks at Jordan and I smiling “Reservation” she asks, and we shake our heads

  “Nope,” Jordan says leaning forward “But I’m sure a gorgeous woman like you can find us a seat, preferably next to the couple that just walked in” the chick looks at Jordan surprised

  “Oh, is she someone to you” he smiles.

  “Our little sister, just want to make sure she’s all good,” he tells her, and the chicks smile widens

  “Well then, let me see what I can do” she practically purrs at him

  Chapter Two


  As I’m about to sit down, Markus comes to the back of me and holds out my chair, and I sit I look up at him smiling (wow what a gentlemen) “So, Abbey tells me you’re a tattooist.”

  “Just an apprentice.”

  “That sounds interesting” just then someone bumps into my chair and I turn to see did it, my heart skipping when I see Jaxson and Jordan being seated at the next table (god fucking dammit)

  “Excuse me,” I tell Markus getting up

  “What the hell are you two doing here?” I ask them

  “We're having dinner,” Jaxson says, and I give them both the stink eye

  “Well go somewhere else,” I tell them

  “But we’ve already been seated,” Jordan says

  “I don't give a shit go somewhere else,” I tell them both

  “No can do Tink,” Jaxson says this time

  “Your both assholes” I walk back over to Marcus and sit

  “Are you ok?” he asks me, and I nod (no, not really) smiling, I don't want him to think I'm crazy if I lose my shit at the twins

  “I'm good.”

  “Would you like to go somewhere else?” he asks me, and I look over at the twins again

  “No, I'm ok here just IGNORE THEM,” I say louder, so they hear me, the twins laugh (complete assholes)

  “Are you sure, I don’t mind” I shake my head no

  “So, Markus what's it like being an English teacher.”

  “It's actually really good” he watches the twins the whole time he talks, and I have to grab his head and turn it towards me when I do I hear both twins growl

  “Ignore them Markus” he looks at me and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, it's a totally I'm pissing my pants look.

  “Look, if you don't want to do this we can leave,” I tell him, and he turns to look at me.

  “No KC it's fine” he smiles, and it's a nice smile

  “Good, so being a teacher,” he tells me about teaching, and I tell him all about working at the tattoo shop. The conversation flows well, and I find I'm actually enjoy his company, but once and a while the twins make a sound, and Markus reverts back to being nervous

  “Will you excuse me I need the restroom,” I tell him

  “Of course,” when I stand up so does Markus, and he pulls my chair out for me.

  “Thank you” I smile at the gesture, no one has ever done that before.

  I'm standing looking at myself in the mirror when the door opens, and Jaxson walks in “Can I help you” I ask him fucking pissed there both here

  “What the fuck Tink?” I look at him

  “Excuse me.”

  “Why are you on a date with this asshole?”

  “Oh, geez I don't know maybe because you blew me off for one of the club whores.”

  “Tink, it's not even like that.”

  “Like what you rejecting me but will fuck all of the bitches at the clubhouse.”

  “We've kissed once Tink, don't get shit all twisted.”

  “Twisted...... great now that's cleared up you and your brother can leave now.”


  “Bye” I walk past him (twisted what a fucking asshole) I berate myself why the hell did I like him again.


  The rest of the night was great, we ignored the twins, and I enjoyed myself laughing and learning about Markus. Even with the commentary every now and then from the twins, which I ignored and had to bring Markus’s attention back to me a few times. The twins snorting or snoring interrupting our conversation (assholes).

  Getting back to the house Markus walks me to the door his hand resting on my lower back, and I smile (as dates go this one was great) “Well thanks for a great night Markus, I hope we can do it again” I tell him even though I know he's never going to call he smiles politely

  “I hope so Tink” he says and I like that he calls me Tink. Markus leans over to kiss me. When I hear someone clear their throat, Markus stands up looking behind me like he just seen a ghost “Well I better go Tink, I'll call you” he holds out his hand, and we shake hands (he shakes my hand). I look behind me, and all the guys are standing there (fuck I’m going to kill them). I watch as he walks down the path running into the twins, they both look at us and then move to the side. Markus has to squeeze between them (assholes) he practically runs to his car and takes off never to be seen again. My blood is at boiling point when I turn around to face everyone

  “YOU ASSHOLES, I'M NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN” I scream at them all, stomping upstairs

  “Tink come on, it was funny,” Stryker calls out, and I turn giving him the finger (who the fuck does he think he is) “Real lady like Tink” he shouts back at me.

  “FUCK YOU STRYKER” I shout back heading to my room and slamming the door, I land on my bed and scream into my pillow feeling tears come to my eyes (fucking assholes) I hear bikes start up and head down the street, but I just lay there staring at the ceiling. Maybe it wasn't
a good idea to stop here, I tell myself. Then I think about Tiny, and how we've gotten so close. I would miss him, even Stryker the asshat. Then Jaxson comes to mind, would I miss him if I left (no he's an asshole and a man-whore, you don't like him, plus, he rejected you, dumbass for a club-whore.... no more than one whore) It takes me ages to get to sleep, but when I do I dream of tall, gorgeous dirty blonde hair guys with striking blue eyes.


  I walk into Lilly's room the next morning, and she’s laying on her bed, her room full of little rainbows from the diamond on her engagement ring “Morning” I say getting into bed under the covers and she turns to me


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