Winter Heiress

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Winter Heiress Page 8

by Skye MacKinnon

  His mind is touching mine and I open my barriers to him, letting him in. With our bodies and our minds entwined, him sliding his cock into me is only natural. He carries me to the bed, not leaving the warmth of my core, and lays me down on the cool silk.

  I feel the others watching us as he begins to move in me, carefully letting me get used to him being inside me. He’s a perfect fit, not too small, not too big, just right.

  I can’t believe this is our first time. It doesn’t feel like it. It’s like we’ve been together for years, him and me and the others. It’s normal. And beautiful.

  He leans down to kiss me again while jerking his hips faster and faster. I’m getting closer to coming, but I don’t want to yet. I need to be with him longer, I don’t want him to stop. I close my eyes and focus on the sensations. The others take that as an invitation to touch my body again. Someone is massaging my breasts while another is trailing soft kisses along my belly. I moan and grip the bedsheets tightly, needing something to hold on to.

  The others are caressing my skin, but they are holding back at the same time, giving Crispin the space he needs. If it was one of the others, they’d be all over me and probably in me. We’ve done that before. But right now, it’s almost as if Crispin and I were alone.

  His thrusts are getting more erratic and I’m getting ever closer to that sweet point I’m sailing towards. I reach up and pull him closer, wanting to touch him when we come apart. He obliges, turning me onto the side while lying down next to me, until we’re looking into each other’s’ eyes. He captures my gaze as my moans are getting louder and I’m beginning to quiver uncontrollably. We’re almost there... Almost. Just one more push…

  We merge and become one. As our bodies unite, our minds meet in an explosion of colour. I see him, Crispin, the real Crispin behind the mask. I can see his darkness, his sorrow, his wounds. I want to reach out and make them all go away, heal him from the inside out, but I know that’s not possible. I file the information away for later; I need to help him deal with all that darkness. No wonder he’s been holding back.

  Somehow, I know that while I’m looking into him, he’s doing the same to me. He will see things I’m trying to keep hidden. Will he be overwhelmed? Will he turn away in disgust when he sees what I’m like?

  I pull away, giving him his privacy, hoping that he will do the same.

  A moment later, I’m back in my body as if nothing happened. My body is shaking from the orgasm that is still running through me, strong and sweet. Overwhelming. Magnificent.

  Frost suddenly cries out and I’m ripped out of my dreamy state.

  “Wyn, get those things out of my face!”

  I turn and see my wings fully expanded, shimmering in the air, almost pulsating in the heat of the moment. Frost is holding his cheek and I can see a bloody line between his fingers. I hurt him. Oh Gods, I hurt him while I had sex. Again.

  It’s as if someone’s thrown cold water over me. I’ve messed up. Again.

  I try to detangle myself from Crispin, but he holds me tight, not letting me go.

  “Don’t leave,” he whispers. “Frost is okay, right?”

  The Guardian in question nods, but there’s still blood on his cheek. Having sex shouldn’t result in injuries. I’m a terrible girlfriend.

  “Sweetie, dinnae be sad.” Arc plumps down on the bed beside me, putting one large arm around my naked shoulders. Only now do I notice that my wings have disappeared again. Stupid things. Why do they always get in the way? It’s the same with my magic - can’t I have a life without them interfering? If I have sex with my Guardians, I want it to be just us, no magic, no funny business. Just a woman and... several men having fun.

  I sigh. “I guess that’s the end of this evening.”

  “The end? Nah, it’s only just beginning.”

  Arc pulls me closer until I’m almost on his lap. Crispin still has an arm around my waist, so it feels like I’m being hugged from two sides. It’s a good feeling, really.

  “Now smile, Princess. Smile fer me.”

  Arc waits until I dutifully lift the corners of my mouth - I’m not sure how convincing it is - then he kisses me gently. It’s a reassuring, kind sort of kiss, not one in the heat of the moment. He’s trying to comfort me, and he’s succeeding. Ironically, it should be Frost who should be comforted. He’s the injured one, not me. But Arc kissing Frost... I’m not sure they’re into that kind of thing. Although it would be pretty hot to watch...

  I feel my nipples tighten and apparently, I’m not the only one who’s noticing that. Storm kneels down on the bed in front of me and takes one of them into his mouth, sucking hard. I gasp and arch my back, supported by my other two Guardians. Frost is still standing next to the bed, but his eyes are dilated as he watches Storm play with my breasts.

  He licks his lips, then gives me a wide grin.

  “To make up for it, I think it should be my turn now.”

  He stalks towards the foot end of the bed and spreads my legs, gently running his hands along my bare thighs. They are cool on my flushed skin, giving me goosebumps. Together with Storm’s fingers twirling my nipples and Arc kissing me passionately, my arousal is reaching new heights. Crispin is lying by my side, hugging me around the waist, comfortable in the knowledge that we’ve seen each other’s darkness and have not been pulled apart by it. Something happened, something I need to explore. I thought we were already bonded, but this feels even stronger, almost tangible.

  Frost enters me and my world falls apart.

  I’m with my Guardians and they are with me. What else could I want?

  When he makes me come, I know that this is heaven. And when the others get involved, it turns into paradise.

  There’s a loud knock on the door and I lazily lift my head. Only one person in the Palace would dare to knock on the Princess’s door in that way.

  “What do you want, Tamara?”

  “Council meeting in ten minutes!” she shouts back. A chorus of groans from the guys around me accompany her announcement.

  “Do we have ta?” Arc grumbles and pulls the blanket over his head. He doesn’t just hide though, no, he begins to suckle on one of my nipples. I push him away with a pang of regret.

  “Not now, we need to go.”

  “But I dinnae want ta,” he complains, this time squeezing my other breast with his hand.

  With a deep sigh, I remove his hand. The woman in me wants him to be there, but the Heiress in me knows that I have responsibilities.

  “Touching my boobs won’t make me change my mind.”

  He surfaces from under the duvet and grins. “How about touching you here?”

  His thumb rubs over my bud, still swollen from earlier. I moan involuntarily.

  “Stop it,” Storm tells him, “she’s right, we need to go.”

  Arc groans loudly. “I hate being a Guardian.”

  I chuckle. “Believe me, I’d rather be a Guardian than a Demigoddess with weird powers.”

  Frost pulls me out of bed and gives me a gentle kiss. “I like your powers. Although you really have to work on your wing control.” He rubs his cheek, still red from where my wings hit him.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, embarrassment making me blush.

  “Don’t be. It’s cute when you do stuff like that. Remember how you set me on fire?”

  As if I could forget. Frost was giving me a lesson in how to control water which somehow turned into a making out session. Which I ended in the heat of the moment by becoming a little too hot. I lost control of my magic and set him on fire. Back then, he didn’t find it as funny; he must have been in terrible pain. But apparently, we’ve reached the stage where we can joke about it.

  Crispin, already fully dressed, hands me some clothes. I would love to have a shower but there’s no time. After. Maybe with a Guardian or two. Luckily, my bathroom here is bigger than my entire room back at my parents’ house on Earth.

  That reminds me... only a few more days until I can try and contact them.
So much has happened that I almost forgot. Does that make me a bad daughter? I suppose so. But I kind of died so that should be a good excuse.

  Arc is the last to get up, still grumbling and complaining, but at least he hurries to put on some clothes. I can’t wait to undress him later. My Guardians are not made for wearing clothes.

  Chapter Eight

  All of the important members of my mother’s Court are already seated in the council chamber, waiting for us. I straighten my back and take a seat at Beira’s side, ignoring their curious glances. Storm sits down next to me, while the other three take position behind my chair. On the way here, Storm explained that usually they’re not part of the Council, but that my mother specifically requested their presence.

  This is only the second Council session I’m attending. The first was to introduce me to my mother’s advisors and to tell me that I would be given some time to adjust to life in the Realm before taking on more official duties. That was fine with me, but it looks like now the time has come to get involved in the running of the country.

  Tamara is the only one not sitting around the large mahogany table, instead, she’s on a basic chair behind my mother. It’s strange how even in these important meetings, she’s still pretending to be less important than she really is. Without her, Beira would have a hard time running the place. Tamara is the spy mistress, the head of intelligence and my mother’s most trusted advisor all at the same time. But not many people know that; they just know her as the Mistress of the Household, the woman dealing with the everyday affairs of the Palace. If only they knew she’s so much more than that...

  She winks at me and I instantly feel more at ease.

  Next to Storm sits Ada, the Guardian who welcomed me to the Realm when we first arrived at the Gate. It’s strange seeing her on her own, usually she’s always surrounded by her three colleagues and lovers. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one with multiple partners - although of course there is a lot of gossip about it making the rounds. Tamara regularly tells me the juiciest bits of gossip floating through the Palace. It’s become a good source of entertainment for the guys and me. Compared to what people think of us, we’re actually really innocent. After all, today was the first time we all slept together. Not that we did much sleeping. We were busy doing... other things.

  There are a few more familiar faces around the table. Theodore the healer, who I met at the beginning when my magic was locked away. I’m not sure I like him very much; his arrogance is overpowering. I’m glad Jonathan, the Lord Chamberlain, isn’t here, his ego is even bigger than Theodore’s.

  Gwain is the Master of Arms and Ada’s superior. I think Storm reports to him as well, if he doesn’t get direct commands from my mother. He’s an imposing man whose age doesn’t detract from his strength but adds to it. A scar across his left eyebrow tells stories of battles and narrow escapes. He’s a harsh man, but I like him. He says what he thinks which is a welcome contrast to most of the other Council members.

  Like Magnus, the Treasurer. He’d lick my mother’s arse if it would result in something positive for him. It’s clear that he’s interested in more power for him, but I think he’s too timid to act on it. Still, someone to keep an eye on. He’s clever though, so I can see why my mother keeps him.

  I’ve not talked to Algonquin, the Royal Librarian, or Zephyr, the Master of the Wings yet. They’re both quite old, which I always find surprising for Guardians. Are they made that way? Has Algonquin always looked like a wise old wizard? Or did he age somehow, even though he’s immortal?

  One day I will have to ask someone about it. Pity I only ever come up with these questions while I don’t have an opportunity to ask.

  My mother clears her throat and the room instantly quiets.

  “Thank you for coming at such short notice. There have been new developments that need immediate action.” All eyes are on her, captivated by both her words and her voice that makes you want to listen and do whatever she says.

  “My daughter, Wynter, has achieved Immortality.”

  The room erupts into noise, but a single snowflake floating down from the ceiling makes them all quiet down immediately. I admire my mother for how she’s dealing with the Council. She doesn’t even need to use words to keep them under control. A snowflake is enough to make them shut up. Wow.

  But from their stares, I know that they’re all thinking the same thing. If I am now Immortal, I died before reaching that state. And as I was in perfect health before, it means someone killed me. I shudder at the thought that mere hours ago, I was a lifeless corpse.

  “We have a suspect in custody. They used poison, but we have yet to establish how. Wyn, do you have any information that could help?”

  “No, all I remember is waking up and not feeling well. There was someone in my room, but I didn’t see his features. He said something like ‘I am Death’, but he never touched me. I think. I passed out before I could call for help.”

  “I felt her distress,” Storm says quietly, the torment of the memory evident in his voice. “She was dead by the time we got to her room. It must have been incredibly fast acting.”

  Theodore stands and bows to the Queen. “When I examined her, there were faint traces of magic in the room, but none on her body. I don’t think she was… killed,” he clears his throat and looks at me uncomfortably, “by means of magic. It must have been normal poison.”

  “Nothing about this is normal,” Frost hisses from behind me, but a stern look from Storm shuts him up.

  “You are right, Guardian,” my mother says loudly. “This assassin should never have made it into my daughter’s bedroom. Neither should she have been alone.”

  She gives Storm a pointed glance and I almost think he’s blushing. Of course my mother knows. She knows everything, and if she doesn’t, then Tamara does.

  “I only left for half an hour,” Storm defends himself. “So either she was given the poison during that time and it killed her within those thirty minutes, or it was administered earlier and took some time to act. I was with the Princess all day so I don’t think that’s the correct theory. Unless… we ate together. Maybe it was in the food?”

  “Gwain, ask Merrill whether there are any new people working in the kitchens,” Beira commands and the Master of Arms nods in agreement. I feel bad for Merrill, the cook. She’s a lovely person, always ready to give me a massive hug and a piece of cake. She’s one of those naturally huggy people.

  “Ada, I want you to interrogate the suspect. He’s likely still unconscious, so take Theodore with you to make sure he gets into a state where we can question him.”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” Ada agrees, turning to the healer. “Why is he unconscious?”

  “He took poison when we captured him. Luckily, I was nearby and managed to lessen the effect. He will survive, but he will wish he did not in the next few hours. He will be in a lot of pain.”

  “Good,” Ada says passionately. It surprises me, usually I know her as a very composed person. Is she really upset about that assassin trying to kill me? If she is, she’s just jumped up in my list of people I can trust in the Palace.

  My mother folds her hands, seemingly calm, but I can see she isn’t. I’ve come to know her well enough to see behind the icy mask she wears in public. Inside, she’s really quite an emotional person, even though she’d never admit that.

  “Storm, I want at least two of you with Wyn at any time from now on. Don’t let her out of your sight. She may be Immortal now, but we all know that there are still ways she can be killed.”

  Yes, we know. The Summer King almost managed to kill Beira a few weeks ago, and if he has weapons capable of that, it’s easy to believe that he can kill me if he can get close to me. Or his assassins. I don’t think he’s the type to actually do the dirty work himself.

  “Do you think it was Angus?” I ask and all eyes are on my mother. The Summer King has been very active recently, so it’s likely.

  Beira doesn’t say anythi
ng for a moment, only frowns. Then she says hesitantly, “It certainly looks like it. It would be an easy answer. But there is one thing that doesn’t make sense. Gwain, show them what you found in the corridor outside Wyn’s room.”

  Gwain stands and holds up a small thing for all to see. It’s blue and shiny, but I can’t quite make out what it is.

  “Is that a scale?” Zephyr asks, speaking for the first time.

  “Yes, it is. Take a look.” Gwain hands it to the Master of the Wings and Zephyr investigates it closely.

  “I don’t believe this…”

  “Would you enlighten the rest of us?” Theodore asks impatiently and for once, I agree with him.

  “It’s a dragon scale. The scale of an ice dragon, if I’m not mistaken.”

  The room breaks into noise. This time, my mother needs to shout “Silence!” for them all to shut up.

  “I know it’s worrying. The ice dragons are our allies, at least that’s what we were thinking. Algonquin, are you still in contact with their ambassador?”

  The librarian nods. “I got a letter from him two weeks ago. He didn’t mention anything of importance, but I’m going to read it again, and the ones before. Shall I invite him to Court?”

  My mother smiles coolly. “No, not invite. Summon him, order him to appear before me. Even if the dragons don’t have anything to do with the assassination attempt, I need to know why one of them was in my Palace.”

  “Of course, my lady.”

  “And while you’re at it, work with Theodore to find out more about what poison they may have used. Even if the suspect tells us, I want to make sure you can verify his answers.”

  I suddenly remember something. “When I was dead... ehm, I mean in the Library, the man there said it was the venom of a black dragon that poisoned me.”

  Zephy gasps. “But they’re extinct!”


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