4 Men Of The House with correct Also By page

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4 Men Of The House with correct Also By page Page 10

by Natalie Knight

  That was one of the most romantic things anybody’s ever done for me. And I’m all for romance right now. I certainly haven’t had enough of it in my life, and Evan makes me eager for more of that—and more of him.

  I also haven’t forgotten the way his huge shaft felt under the table.

  I wonder when Evan and I will have a chance to make our connection real? I wonder when and where we’ll actually fuck? It’s become a fantasy of mine, to think about how Evan will be with me.

  And so, I’m hidden away in the basement, going through wool sweaters and hat boxes and everything. I like this quiet time to try to sort out my feelings. It’s sort of not fair to any of the men that I have such strong feelings for each of them, though in different ways.

  In the end, I know that they expect me to choose just one of them to be with. But at this point, I can’t imagine making that decision. I care so deeply about each of them that it would be impossible to choose just one.

  Besides, with Simon in the picture, who knows if I’ll ever get to experience my happily ever after?

  I finish my sorting work in the basement and make my way upstairs, only to run into Matt.

  I’m happy to see his smiling face, because it’s been too long since we’ve connected. I’m wearing my maid’s uniform, and I feel sort of sheepish in front of him. I wish I was in something sexier.

  “Matt, hi. I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I say.

  He looks at me and pulls me in for a kiss on the stairwell. I feel myself wanting him so bad. I’m thinking that I wish he would drag me back to his bedroom and make this thing final.

  We kiss, and I can feel his yearning for me through his pants. Geez, that cock is fucking big.

  He pulls away to say, “Meg, I’m so happy to see you. What are you doing down here?”

  “Oh, Mrs. Simmons had me organizing things.”

  “You shouldn’t be doing this kind of work for us, Meg. You’re more special than that,” he says.

  “It’s not a big deal. In fact, I kinda liked this alone time in the storage closet. I was able to think a little bit. And I don’t mind the chores that Mrs. Simmons has laid out for me.”

  “Well, that’s too bad because I’m here to deliver some good news, Meg. My brothers and I have decided that you no longer work for us as a maid.”

  Uh oh, I think. What is he talking about? Have I just been fired? What will Simon say?

  He might come out here and blow the lid off this whole thing, exposing me to the guys. He’s prone to…irrational behavior, and I wouldn’t put it past him.

  “You mean I’m fired?” I ask.

  “No, no. Of course not, Meg. Who would ever fire you? All I’m saying is that we would prefer it if you stayed on as our houseguest instead of working as a maid. You know that we all adore you, and we want you to be comfortable here and not feel like you have to work.”

  “Oh,” I say feeling relieved.

  And then it hits me.

  The guys want me to stay on as a houseguest.

  “Is Mrs. Simmons okay with that?” I ask.

  He looks at me with a steady expression and says, “Mrs. Simmons doesn’t decide. I decide. Remember that. I want you to feel like you can live here happily. Is that okay with you?”

  I look up into his eyes and feel so happy that I throw my arms around his neck.

  And then I whisper into his ear, “Thank you, Matt. It really does make me so excited to know that I can just be here with you guys. If you’re sure that you don’t need me to work, then I would love to take you up on your offer.”

  He smiles at my acceptance, and I find myself thinking how sweet and caring Matt is. He’s extremely handsome and in control—and yet he also has this tender side. The way he approaches me always makes me feel good.

  In the back of my mind, I’m thinking how nice this will feel to not have to work—but also, I have to somehow find my way back into the library so that I can look for the will one more time.

  With my arms around Matt’s neck, I hate myself for even thinking it. But what choice do I have? If I don’t do right by Simon, things will get ugly no matter what.

  I curse Simon for ruining my moments with these men.

  These men that I’m secretly starting to fall for.

  Chapter 20


  All seems right in the world.

  I’m standing in the lower stairwell with Meg’s arms around my neck.

  Her body is tight beneath my arms, and yet I feel her soft, ample breasts pushing up against me. I force myself to hold back. I’m dying to take this one step further, and it’s all I can do to not slide down to my knees right here and start eating her out.

  But I have other plans in mind for Meg and me, and I’m not going to take the chance of a public romance in this mansion. Everyone seems to be trying for Meg’s attention and therefore knowing each other’s business.

  When Paul took Megan to his bedroom, it got around like wildfire. I don’t need that to happen to us, so I have a plan for something a little different.

  “God, Meg. You know I want you, right?”

  “Yes,” she purrs.

  We kiss and it’s passionate—teeth and tongue and everything in between.

  I pull myself away from her long enough to say, “If you’re willing to take the time off and stay as our houseguest, then maybe you’ll take me up on my offer for dinner too?”

  “What do you have in mind?” she says, brushing her lips up against my own.

  The effect is absolutely tantalizing. I want to drag her back to my bedroom and claim her right now. But like I said, I have other plans in mind.

  “You’ll find out, Meg. Just be ready by seven,” I say. And then I decide to mention, “You have adequate evening attire, yes?”

  I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. I forgot about her little shopping trip with Ian. Like I said, gossip travels fast around here.

  The thought of her with Ian and not me makes me cringe. More than that, it makes my competitive streak set in, and I want to make love to her more than ever. I want to lock this down and be the only brother she ever thinks about again. Today is my day, that’s for sure.

  “I have clothes. I...I got them at...never mind,” she hesitates to tell me the truth.

  That’s nice of her not to rub it in my face. The fact that she’s been with two of my brothers already and not me is really starting to sink in.

  I was the one that went after her first, after all. I was the one who had cornered her in the library and had stolen that first kiss. It has to mean something, and I hope she remembers that. I hope she remembers that I’m the one for her.

  She might have had some playtime with my brothers, but the real man she’ll become obsessed with is me—just as I am obsessing over her this very moment.

  “I’ll see you then,” I say, hating the fact that I have to go. “Mrs. Simmons would like it if you returned your uniform to her, and other than that, everything should be in place,” I say to her.

  I’m still leaning against her. I have her pinned against the stairway wall with my hips. I know she can feel my enormous manhood rising only for her.

  “Is Mrs. Simmons mad?” she asks as though she’s genuinely concerned.

  “No, of course not. She’s a very reasonable woman and I think she’s already gone about the task of hiring a new maid. I’m glad you’re going to stay here unencumbered by work. I want you to relax every day, got it?”

  She nods her head yes in submission and it makes me very happy. I give her one more kiss and then pull away to go about the day’s business. Fucking business. I don’t want to leave her beautiful sight.

  “So what are you gonna do today?” I say over my shoulder as we make our way up the stairs.

  She thinks about it for a moment and says, “I don’t know. I guess, maybe hang out by the pool?”

  The idea of Meg in a tiny bikini makes my cock strain even more against my pants. There’s nothing to do about
it now, but tonight, oh tonight it will definitely happen.

  I kiss her cheek before breaking away, “Don’t get too much sun, baby.”

  I leave her to her own devices, free to do as she wishes in the mansion, as I go about setting up our evening. I want tonight to be special for Meg so that I’m at the top of her list.

  I go to the library so I can make a few calls uninterrupted. On my way there, I run into my brother Ian.

  “Hey man, what are you doing in town? I thought you’d be in the city,” I say.

  He casts me a deviant smile and says, “No, I’ve decided to stay around the mansion for a while. I have other interests that lie here, more important than work.”

  “Let me guess, your other interest involves one beautiful brown-haired girl that’s staying with us? Am I right?”

  He chuckles and says, “You’re exactly right. Have you seen her?”

  Now it’s my turn to be smug. “Actually, yes. I just came from seeing Meg. I told her that she’s officially relieved of her duties as being our maid. I didn’t think it’s appropriate anymore that she works for us in any capacity. She’ll be staying on as a houseguest.”

  He’s shocked. Without a doubt, he’s wishing he thought of this. Everybody knows that Meg is too brilliant and beautiful to be working for us in the house. Besides, I want her to have ample time to think about...me.

  “Nice move, brother. I have to give it to you. That was a good one.”

  At least he’s admitting defeat in this round.

  “And, I have a wonderful evening planned for her,” I continue. “It’s all scheduled so don’t get any ideas about interrupting us like you did with Evan’s breakfast.”

  “Word travels fast around here,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “Indeed it does. I’ll see you around.”

  I walk past him and make my way to the library. In the solace of the beautifully carved wood and book-lined walls, I can make my calls in peace.

  I sit at father’s desk which is organized by now, thanks to Meg. I make some calls, namely to the Ritz Carlton.

  “Hi, I’d like to make reservations for two. If we could be in your VIP area that would be great. And would you also book us a suite?”

  “No problem, sir. We’ll just need a credit card to hold that room,” the receptionist says.

  “My name is Matt Knight.”

  That’s all I have to say. We’re so well-known around this part of the town and even within the broader city that it only requires my name to hold the space. Fuck having a credit card. She knows exactly who I am. It comes with exclusivity.

  Once she knows who I am, her tone turns from friendly to interested.

  “Sure, Mr. Knight. We have you all booked. Have a nice evening.”

  I sit back in my father’s cushioned and worn leather chair. He completed so much business here, right in this spot. I look around at the pictures of us boys and I’m reminded of how proud he was of us. It makes me want to do right by him in the future and to continue to succeed.

  As I’m sitting at the desk, I’m reminded that I need to get his will out so the lawyers can access it.

  I go to the ottoman with the secret drawer and unlock it. There’s his will where he so generously bestowed his fortune on my brothers and me.

  I take another key from underneath the lip of his desk and open the bottom drawer. I lock it and leave the will there, ready for business.

  There’s no need for the whole world to know our secret hiding place when time comes to meet in here. Though the document has been signed and looked over, it’s still important to have it.

  I stand up and look out the historical arched, iron-framed window and look outside at the beautiful country grounds. It really is spectacular here, and I understand why my father spent so much time away from the city. He loved it out here, and I’m beginning to love it as well. But what makes it worth it is Meg. And I’ve officially unbound her from her duties.

  To my extreme happiness, I see her walking out to the side of the pool in her little turquoise bikini. I knew her body was exceptional, but I had no idea it was perfect.

  Her body is defined and lean, not too muscular. I think she looks like a goddamn dancer or model or something of which I can’t compare. Her beauty is just radiant.

  I watch her brown hair flow lightly in the slight wind and her heart-shaped ass as she arranges herself by the pool.

  There’s something voyeuristic and thrilling about watching her from a distance.

  I could get used to this view, and then I remind myself that monogamy is a dangerous game, one of which I don’t partake.

  Meg is a fling. Meg is not permanent. And yet I feel possessive of her already.

  Chapter 21


  I pour warm suntan oil over my body and rub it into my smooth skin.

  It’s a blessing to have this opportunity to relax. I’ve been working too damn hard.

  I’m surprised with Matt’s offer to have me stay here as a house guest. It means that things have definitely moved between me and the guys from the realm of business to pleasure.

  Having this time to sit by the pool feels absolutely incredible. I’ve never worked so hard in my life as I have since I’ve been out here at the mansion. Though I’m sure Mrs. Simmons is wondering what makes me so special that I’m off the hook and I don’t have to answer to her anymore, none of it matters now.

  All I care about is sitting by this pool and soaking up the sun’s rays. I tip my head back and allow the warmth to penetrate my body. With each passing minute, I feel more and more in my element. This sure beats being on my knees, scrubbing floors, and all manner of other things.

  I idly check my phone and see that, of course, Simon has been texting me. I knew that my time here would be littered with interruptions from him, but it’s getting out of control.

  You better not be having the time of your life over there, Meg. I set this up for a reason. And I can take it away just as fast. Find me the will, dig up some dirt, or else…he writes.

  His texts have become basically threatening now, and there is no pretense around the fact that we ever dated. I think he and I both know this thing is over. If he doesn’t know it, then he’s very daft.

  I’m so sick of him talking to me like this. But as I sit under the sun by the pool, I think that soon, I can be far away under the sun by the pool on some island. The thought makes me smile. Simon won’t know what hit him once I escape.

  Still, I’m in a precarious position. I have to worry about whether Simon will rear his ugly head and break my persona or not. He could destroy everything I’ve built with these guys in an instant.

  I attempt to soak up the sun and to ignore these thoughts about Simon. I don’t want to spy on the guys. I’m pretty much over this entire deal. I’m starting to care for these men and I definitely don’t want to betray them.

  But even as I try to relax, I know that I need to at least try to find the will one more time. What could it hurt if Simon has a copy of it? As far as I know, everything’s been signed and the fortune is firmly in the hands of the Belcourt brothers.

  I check my watch and see that I have enough time to get ready for my date, and also to maybe sweep over the library one final time.

  I reluctantly get up and out of the sun and put on my kimono to cover myself.

  I walk as stealthily as possible in my bare feet to the large, formal library.

  Before I get there, I see Matt leaving the room. It’s a close call, though if he saw me, I could just say I was looking for him.

  Once the coast is clear, I go into the beautiful, commanding two-story room.

  I look around for random documents on file cabinets or anyplace where the will could be. At George Belcourt’s desk, I check all the drawers and cubbies once again. Only this time do I notice that the bottom left drawer is locked.

  It definitely wasn’t like that before. I remember going through the contents of that drawer. There was no will, just a mess
of paperwork. But it’s locked now and that makes me feel like at last, I’ve found the missing paper.

  The problem is I don’t have a key. I sort through the other drawers and in all nooks and crannies, but the key is absent.

  Then, I run my fingers underneath the desk and find the key magnetically placed there.


  I take the key and it easily slips into the lock on the drawer. Just my luck. I open it and see the will. It’s the only document in there. It’s practically smiling at me. I’ve been looking for this thing for so long and finally, I have it.

  I lay out the sheets of paper evenly on the desk and then take out my phone to snap a couple of pictures. This should be enough information for Simon to hopefully get him off my back.

  Once I have the pictures, I slip the document back into its hiding place and lock it. I place the key back to where I found it and delightfully skip out of the library.

  This picture will buy me some time—and hopefully my freedom. What more could Simon want from me?

  I don’t know what he intends to do with the document, because from what I can see, it clearly states that the four Belcourt brothers are George’s sole heirs. How can Simon dispute that?

  Or maybe I’m just telling myself this so I don’t feel so guilty about the betrayal. It makes me feel better to know that all I did was take a picture. And hopefully, the picture can do no harm to anyone. Hopefully, Simon is just out of his mind in thinking he has a shot at stealing the fortune.

  And internally to myself, I think about how lucky George Belcourt was not to have married Simon’s mother. Had that been the case, all of the money would’ve gone to her and to Simon and they’re truly horrendous people.

  I see Simon’s frustration at having been so close to billions of dollars, and it makes me chuckle.

  I don’t think Simon can amend the will in any way. And sending a sending simple picture shouldn’t be a big deal, right?


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