Stormy Satisfaction [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Stormy Satisfaction [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Chloe Lang

  “You need a receipt?”

  She stood. “I’ll get it later. I need to get back to work.”

  “You got it.” Desirae left again.

  Nic and Sylas stood.

  “I’ll see you guys shortly at the office.”

  “I want to ask you to dinner,” Nic said. “I’ll be in town for a couple of days.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Just as friends.” Nic smiled. Was he serious? Was that even possible?

  “I don’t know, Nic.” She looked at Sylas, but she couldn’t read him. What was he thinking? “How long are you in town?”

  “Same as Nic. A couple of days.”

  “Let me buy you dinner, Ash.” Nic continued pressing. “You could fill me in on what it’s like to work for Phoebe.”

  “Let me think about it. I’ll tell you after your meeting with her.” Ashley rushed out of the diner. She wanted to meet with Phoebe herself, before Nic and Sylas arrived. She needed answers. What the hell is she thinking?

  Chapter Two

  Sylas watched Ashley walk away from his and Nic’s table.

  Ashley was gorgeous from head to toe. Five feet and three inches of feminine perfection. All the curves in all the right places. Bright green eyes that mesmerized him. Back when they had still been dating, she’d mentioned wanting to cut her hair short. He’d begged her not to, loving her long, dark hair. Ashley was a woman who had a strong will and a mind of her own. She wasn’t a pushover, which was just one of the many things he loved about her. But she had given in to him about her hair, promising to keep it just the way it was.

  After the breakup, he’d wondered if she’d changed her mind. Thankfully, she hadn’t. Seeing her today with the same long, beautiful hair made him so happy.

  She walked out of the diner. Just like when she’d walked out from him and Nic back in Chicago, he wasn’t sure how to fix the situation—if he could fix it at all. Could things get any worse?

  He looked at Nic, who had been admiring her as well.

  Nic shrugged. “That didn’t go as bad as it could have.”

  “But it didn’t go well.” He sat back down, and so did Nic.

  Neither of them spoke. The silence was something that had become the norm between them lately. The only time they said a word to each other these days was when it had to do with some case for Braxton they were both working. Nothing else. Ever.

  They had been quite close in the past. Very good friends. Like brothers. They’d met in high school and had ended up going to college, and later law school, together. Nic went to work at Braxton first and had recommended him for the job in the legal department six months later. Everything had been terrific for the past several years between them—until Ashley had showed up at their offices.

  The waitress returned with their lunch. “Two Blue Plate Specials with Italian dressing.” She placed the meals on the table and refilled their waters. “If you have room left after you finish, we have the most wonderful chocolate pie. Just yell ‘Desirae’ and I’ll come running.”

  “Thanks,” he said. “We will.”

  She smiled.

  Several people walked into the diner.

  “Lunch rush is starting. Let me know if you need anything else.” She walked away, greeting the new customers.

  “She’s very pretty,” Nic said. “And clearly into you.”

  “Yes, she is pretty, but I’m not interested.

  “What about that other girl that she and Ash were talking to? She’s cute, and she has blonde hair like you normally go for.”

  “You know I’m interested in only one woman, and she happens to have dark hair and green eyes.”

  Nic frowned. “Damn it, Sylas. Just eat your lunch. We don’t have to talk.”

  What a screwed-up mess. He and Nic had pursued Ashley. But she had made it clear from the start that she was interested in both of them. They really hadn’t truly understood the full depth of what she meant. So they both dated her. The weekends she was in Chicago, Nic enjoyed her company Friday night through Saturday afternoon. Then Sylas got to see her from then until Sunday when she boarded a plane back to Destiny.

  The rivalry grew between them as they each wanted to take things to the next level with Ashley. When she walked out, their friendship was totally wrecked. In fact, this was the first time they’d been civil to each other since the breakup.

  Sylas looked around the diner. The lunch crowd had arrived, but it wasn’t like any lunch crowd he’d ever seen before. The lifestyle Ashley wanted, being the center of more than one man’s attention, was on display at most of the tables. The one that held his attention the most was the threesome walking into the diner at that very moment. They appeared older than any of the other customers. He guessed them to be in their seventies. They greeted everyone as they passed by their tables. The men held the woman’s hand, one on each side of her. Seeing how she looked at the two men and how they looked at her, Sylas knew that they were in love. How long had they been together? I wish I could talk to them and get some advice.

  He looked back at Nic and found him staring at the same threesome. What was going through his mind? Was he also thinking about what Ashley had said about this town? Sharing was commonplace in Destiny. How had she put it? “All that matters is love, whatever way it presents itself. Two men with one woman is not uncommon.”

  Nic pushed his plate to the side and broke the silence. “Let me make this clear to you, Sylas. I intend to land the job. I’m moving to Destiny, and I intend to win Ashley back. She is the woman of my dreams. I am not going to just lay down and give up.”

  “Apparently you weren’t listening to Ashley in Chicago, Nic. She stated she wanted us both and she needed to live the Destiny lifestyle. My purpose here is to find out about that lifestyle.”

  “Could you possibly share a woman with me?”

  Sylas leaned back in his chair. “Truthfully, I never thought about it until Ashley. Now, I’m thinking about it. I really don’t know, Nic. But I do know that it isn’t going to hurt to find out about this lifestyle. That’s what she wants. And all I want is to make her happy. Maybe Phoebe will hire you and not me. But I’m staying, no matter what.”

  “Without a job?”

  “Even if I have to start my own practice.”

  “Damn it, Sylas. You’re pissing me off. She’s mine.”

  “You’re barking up the wrong tree. We must respect Ashley’s feelings. If you’re truly considering moving here, like I am, you need to be more open to the possibility of sharing her.”

  “Hell, Sylas, I’ve never thought of anything like this in my life.” Nic seemed to be softening a little, but only a little.

  “Me either, but don’t you think Ashley is worth our effort?” Sylas could see in Nic’s eyes that he wasn’t as confident about winning Ashley alone as he professed. Maybe there was hope for Nic to turn around. Maybe there was hope for him, too. Ashley was more than worth their best.

  Nic shook his head. “Sharing a woman? Granted, Ashley is wonderful—more than wonderful. I want her. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as her, Sylas. But how would such a thing work?”

  “I don’t know, but obviously it does somehow. That’s why I’m here. To learn how it works.”

  Nic nodded. “You’re the quiet one of the two of us, but you’ve always been the one willing to step up first when the need arose. I’ve always admired that about you.”

  “And I’ve always admired that you aren’t afraid of a challenge. Come on, Nic. This is just another one you and I can master together.”

  “This is not rock climbing or skydiving, Sylas. This is about the future. It’s about the rest of my life, and Ashley’s, though she can’t see that right now.” Nic stood and threw a fifty-dollar bill on the table. His walls were clearly back up. “If you want to get your freak on in this town, I don’t care. Have as many threesomes as you want, but stay out of my way when it comes to Ashley. I’m not going to let you fuck up my life,

  Desirae walked next to Nic. “No pie?”

  He didn’t answer but stormed out of the diner.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Sylas shook his head. “No. He’s just very tired. I’ll take a slice of that pie, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” She glanced down at the fifty-dollar bill, and her eyes widened. “He left without his change. You’re friends, right? I can give it to you and you can make sure he gets it, okay?”

  “Desirae, I’m sure Nic meant that for you.”

  “That’s way too much, especially for the Blue Plate Special. If he comes in again, I’m going to ask him about that.” She filled his water glass. “I’ll be right back with your pie.”

  “Take your time. My appointment isn’t for another hour. How’s your coffee here?”

  “Hot and fresh.” Her face turned red.

  “Bring me a cup, please.”

  “My pleasure.”

  After she left, he looked at the table with the elderly threesome. His eyes locked with the woman’s. She had beautiful silver hair and blue eyes. The man on her right was bald with a gray beard. The one on her left had silver hair. The woman whispered something to her two companions. The three of them stood and walked straight to his table.

  “Hello,” the stately woman said. “I’m Ethel O’Leary and these are my husbands, Patrick and Sam.”

  Two husbands? Destiny was turning out to be just like Ashley had told him and Nic.

  “I’m Sylas Hayes. Pleased to meet you.”

  Sam was the bald one with the beard. “Welcome to Destiny.”

  He shook their hands.

  Patrick smiled. “Since you’re alone, do you mind if we join you?”

  Both men had a slight Irish accent, though Ethel’s sounded American, Midwestern.

  “I don’t mind at all. I just ordered pie and coffee. Please, have a seat.”

  “That’s why we came to the diner,” Ethel said. “We had lunch at home, but that chocolate pie was calling us.”

  Desirae stepped up with a tray with four slices of pie and four cups of coffee. “I see you’ve met the Destiny Welcome Wagon.”

  “Yes, I have.” He smiled. “And I’m very impressed.”

  “Everyone is who meets the O’Learys.” Desirae placed the food and drink on the table and walked back to the kitchen.

  Ethel took the seat across from him. “I’m sorry we didn’t come over before your friend left.”

  “We want to meet him, too.” Patrick slid into the chair to his left. “But it looked like you two were having a serious conversation.”

  Sam moved into the seat on his right. “We didn’t want to intrude.”

  Sylas smiled. He liked these people. They were warm and kind. “Nic and I will be in town at least two days. I’m sure you’ll get a chance to meet him.”

  “I’d like that,” Ethel said.

  Patrick took a bite of the pie. “So good. Go on, Sylas. Try it.”

  He nodded and ate a forkful. “Oh my God. This is incredible.”

  “I knew you would love it.” Patrick sipped his coffee. “Sylas, what brings you to Destiny? A woman?”

  “Patrick Michael O’Leary, you hush,” his wife scolded.

  “Sweetheart, isn’t that why most people come here?”

  “Brother, just remember it is none of our business.” Sam grinned. “And you don’t want to upset our wife.”

  “Don’t worry, Ethel,” Sylas said. “I don’t have any secrets. Patrick, it’s partially true that a woman is why I’m here, but I actually have a job interview with Phoebe Blue Wolfe today. Do you know her?”

  Patrick laughed. “Son, this is a small town. We know everyone.”

  “Of course we know Phoebe, Sylas. She’s one of the best lawyers I’ve ever known.”

  “And that’s saying a lot,” Sam told him. “Ethel is the county judge. Has been for years.”

  “Wow.” Sylas looked at the regal woman with new respect. “Very nice to meet you. If I end up getting the job, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other more.”

  They finished their desserts and coffees, telling him more about the town and their lives. It was easy to talk to these three. And he had so many questions that they might be able to help him with about the lifestyle.

  “Since you’re interviewing with Phoebe,” Sam said, “I have a pretty good idea who the special woman is that drew you to our town.”

  “So when did you met Ashley?” Patrick asked with a grin.

  Ethel shook her head. “Honey, you are a hopeless case.”

  “Hopeless for you, my love.” Patrick grabbed her hand and kissed it. Then he turned back to Sylas. “Is your friend Nic here for the same reasons?”

  “Yes.” He wished things were back to normal with him and Nic. He wasn’t sure they could ever be again. “But we’re not on the same page.”

  “Son, it sounds like you have a lot you’re dealing with,” Sam said. “You want to talk about it?”

  He looked at him, Patrick, and Ethel. Even though they’d just met, he felt very comfortable talking with them. “I really must go, but I would like to talk with you more. I do need advice. Is there any way I can meet with you later?”

  Ethel smiled and slid a contact card across the table to him. “We’ll be home all day today. Come over any time.”

  Chapter Three

  Nic enjoyed the brisk March air hitting his face as he walked around the park in the center of the town. He was trying to clear his head, but his mind kept replaying the night Ashley had broken up with him—him and Sylas.

  Damn. What a fucking mess. How am I going to get her back?

  His appointment was in less than an hour. He needed to have a game plan before he arrived. Sylas was trying for the same job—for the same reason, too. If he was honest with himself, Sylas was just as capable an attorney as he was. Maybe even more so.

  There was no doubt Sylas could set up a new practice in this town and make it. Why couldn’t he be just an average lawyer? Hell, Sylas might even get the job and not him.


  “Everything okay?” The question came from a voice behind him.

  He turned around and saw the blonde woman who had been talking with Ashley in the diner.

  She stood on the sidewalk with a bag of takeout.

  “I’m fine. Sorry I said that out loud.”

  “That’s okay.” She smiled. “I’m Anna Banks.”

  “Nicholas Walker.” He shook her hand. Anna was perfect for Sylas. Just his type. Blonde and blue-eyed. Until Ashley, the only type of women Sylas dated. That was why they had been such good wingmen for each other. Nic preferred brunettes.

  “Nicholas, would you like to have a cup of coffee?”

  “I don’t have time right now. But thanks.”

  She reached into her purse and pulled out her business card. “Call me when you do have time.”

  He took it. “Nice meeting you.”

  Anna winked at him and then walked away.

  He glanced at her card.

  Anna Banks. Senior Software Developer. Two Black Knights Enterprises. TBK.

  If he could get Anna and Sylas together and they hit it off, his problems would be solved. He tucked her card into his pocket.

  As much as he hated to give up on him and Sylas ever being friends again, he knew there was no chance. He’d lost his best friend in the world. He wasn’t about to lose Ashley, too. He couldn’t give up on her. He wouldn’t give up on her. They were meant to be together. He’d fallen hard for her. He’d never imagined having a family of his own. The only thing close to family he’d ever known was his friendship with Sylas, who was like a brother to him, but even that got fucked up.

  What do I know about family? Nothing. Zilch. Not a damn thing.

  That’s why playing the field had always appealed to him. Before things got too serious with any woman, he always moved on. But then, Ashley had walked into Braxton’s headquart
ers and into his life. That’s when everything changed.

  He resumed his trek around the park with its four dragon statues. Now he was thinking about family but he didn’t have a clue how to get there. He was certain about one thing. He needed to beat out Sylas for that job at Ashley’s office.

  Time to bring out the charm, Nic.

  * * * *

  Ashley rushed into the office with hers and Phoebe’s lunches, ready to confront her. Seeing through the glass walls of the conference room, she saw Jennifer Steele with Phoebe.


  Phoebe’s appointment with Jennifer had completely slipped her mind after seeing Nic and Sylas. Jennifer had been served papers from a law firm in Florida whose client claimed to have proof of ownership of Steele Ranch, which was worth tens of millions. The proof was an alleged last will and testament of Jennifer’s late husband.

  Jennifer was someone Ashley admired. The woman had lost her husband to cancer before turning thirty. Now in her forties, she remained unattached. She was very attractive but showed no interest in marrying or accepting any Dom’s collar. Whenever her deceased husband’s name was brought up, Jennifer got choked up.

  Ashley had never known Bill Steele. She’d only moved to Destiny a few years ago from Elko, Nevada, her hometown. But she knew he had to be a good man to have won the heart of such a wonderful woman as Jennifer.

  She walked into the break room and placed the bag from the diner on the table. Normally, she would’ve gone ahead and eaten her lunch without Phoebe. Not an unusual occurrence with all the work they were dealing with. But she decided to wait. How could she eat with her insides quaking violently? She was a complete wreck.

  She walked back to her desk and could see Jennifer and Phoebe were still talking. She looked at the clock. The seconds seemed to be ticking by at an unusually slow pace. Sitting down at her computer, she brought up Phoebe’s appointments. Jennifer Steele was slated for another twenty-two minutes. Meetings with Phoebe rarely went over, but that twenty-two minutes was going to kill Ashley. “I’ll just have to wait.” Then she looked at the two hours that Phoebe had blocked out after her appointment with Jennifer. In all the years she’d worked for her, Phoebe had always kept her in the loop about everything at the practice. It didn’t make any sense to Ashley that she had chosen to keep her in the dark.


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