by David Laskin
last hours of
Graber, Peter, Sr.
Graber, Susanna Gering
Graber family
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grass of the Earth (Raaen)
Great American Desert
see also prairie
Great Northern Railway Company
Great Plains, population of
Greely, Adolphus W.
Arctic expedition of
in blizzard’s aftermath
as chief signal officer
and cold wave warnings
Hazen reprimanded by
and Saint Paul weather station
and weather service transfer
and Woodruff-Payne dispute
Green, Allie
Groton, S.Dak.
blizzard in
school at
Groton News
Harrington, Mark W.
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrod, Frank L.
Haun, John
Hazen, Henry A.
Hazen, William B.
Heins, Peter
Heins family
Helena, Mont.
Henjum family
Heroine Fund
Higgins, Thomas W.
Hildens, Carl
Hildens, Hans
Hill, James J.
Hinner family
History of Jerauld County (Dunham)
Hobbs, E. J.
Homestead Act (1862)
Hooker, Joseph
Howgate, Henry W.
Hunt, May
Huntley, Abi Townsend
Huntley, Ernest
Huntley, Mabelle
Huntley, Mary
Huntley, S. F.
Huron, Dakota Territory
blizzard in
blizzard’s aftermath in
Hurst, Samuel H.
Hytrek, Roman
Ilges, Guido
immersion hypothermia
immigrant trains
immigration, immigrants
and Castle Garden
from Czech Bohemia
from Germany
from Norway
from Ukraine and Russia
Indianapolis, U.S.S.
Indian Territory
Ingalls, Mary
Inman, William
Inman Line
Jackson, Mr.
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall”
Jacobson, Abraham
James River
Jensen, Alvilda
Jensen, Andrew
Jensen, Anna Nickoline
Jensen, John
Jensen, Nickoline
Jerauld County, Dakota Territory
jet streak (jet maximum)
jet stream
Johnstown, Pa., Flood (1889)
Joseph, Chief
Journal of the Military Service Institution
Kaufman, Anna (granddaughter)
Kaufman, Gladys
Kaufmann, Anna
in blizzard’s aftermath
emigration of
remarriage of
in Snow Winter of 1880–1881
Kaufmann, Anna (daughter)
Kaufmann, Elias
in blizzard
death of
last hours of
recovery of body of
Kaufmann, Emma
Kaufmann, Heinrich
last hours and death of
Kaufmann, Jacob
Kaufmann, Johann, Jr.
in blizzard
as child immigrant
last hours and death of
Kaufmann, Johann, Sr.
in blizzard’s aftermath
death of
emigration of
and grasshoppers
in Snow Winter of 1880–1881
Kaufmann, Jonathan
later years of
Kaufmann, Julius
Kaufmann, Peter
Kaufmann family
Keokuk, Iowa
King, Mary Paulson
Kingsbury, George
Kinney, A. F.
Klemp, William
Knieriem, Addie
in blizzard
in blizzard’s aftermath
Knieriem, Frank
Knieriem, Mr.
Kong Sverre
Krakauer, Jon
Kristof, Nicholas D.
Kurtz, Christina Milbier
Kurtz, Jacob
Lady Franklin Bay Expedition (1882–1884)
Larrabee, William
Leavenworth, Kans.
Lee, Emma
Lee, Robert E.
Lilia (teacher)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Nebr.
Lincoln, Robert Todd
Lind, Jenny
Little Bighorn, Battle of (1876)
“Little Match Girl, The” (Andersen)
Lockwood, James B.
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Long, Francis
Long Winter, The (Wilder)
Loomis, Elias
Lorenz, Edward N.
Lyon & Healy
Lyons, Patrick
McAdie, Alexander
McKinley, William
McLain, J. S.
MacMurphy, Mr. (newsman)
Mathias, A. M.
Medicine Hat, Canada
Medora, Dakota Territory
Melville, Herman
Mennonite Committee of Relief
see also Schweizers
Merrifield, Bill
Merrill, James
Messerschmidt, Mrs.
failure to predict blizzard by
Joseph Henry on
weather fronts in
Methodist Episcopal Church
mid-latitude cyclone
Milbier, Frederick
Miles, Nelson A.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Minneapolis Journal
blizzards of 1873 in
Snow Winter of 1880–1881 in
Minnesota State Weather Service
Payne as director of
and Payne-Woodruff dispute
Mirror (Groton, S.Dak.)
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Mitchell Capital
Moby-Dick (Melville)
Moen, Anderson
Nez Perce defeat in
record low temperature in
Monthly Weather Review
Mores, Antoine de Vallombrosa, Marquis de
Morey, George W.
Morgan family
Morrow, Edwin R.
Moss, Will
Murphy, Daniel D.
Murphy, John
Napoleon I, emperor of France
National Centers for Environmentaln Prediction
National Weather Service
Native Americans
Nebraska City Press
Nebraska Press Association
New Orleans, La.
New York, N.Y.
in blizzard of March 12
New Year’s Eve ball drop in
New York Times
and blizzard of March 12
New York Tribune:
and blizzard of March 12
post-blizzard articles of
Nez Perce
Nilsdatter, Kari
Atlantic crossing of
in blizzard’s onset
Norsk Line
North Dakota
Northfield, Minn.
North Platte, Nebr.
blizzard in
Norwegians, reticence of
Omaha, Nebr.
blizzard in
Omaha Bee
Heroine Fund of
Shattuck Special Fund of
Westphalen Monument Fund of
nbsp; Woebbecke fund drive of
Omaha Republican
O’Neill, John J.
O’Neill, Nebr.
Ordway, S. Dak.
“Our Indian Question” (Woodruff)
Palestine, Tex.
paradoxical undressing
Parkins, J. M.
Payne, William Wallace
in blizzard
observatory of
and Western Union
Woodruff’s dispute with
Pirnie, Thomas
point discharges
polar jet
Potter, Dr.
Powell, John Wesley
agricultural potential of
blizzards as ultimate curse on
in Blue Snow Winter of 1886–1887
cattle ranching on
children’s lives on
cold fronts on
fires on
major hardships of
pioneer exodus from
settlement of
settlers of
slowing of immigration to
weather as main danger on
in winter of 1887–1888
Preheim family
Presson, J. H.
Protestants, Protestantism
Pullman cars
Purcell, H. G.
Raaen, Aagot
blizzard’s shutdown of
and settlement of prairie
Rapid City, Dakota Territory
“Recollections from the Old Days” (Rollag)
Reese, John B.
rewarming shock
Reynolds, Dr.
Ridgeley, Nebr.
Rock County, Minn.
Rockefeller family
Rocky Mountains
Rogers Pass, Mont.
Rollag, Ann
Rollag, Anna Marie
Rollag, Austin (Osten) Knutson
Atlantic crossing of
on blizzard’s ferocity
in blizzard’s onset
name change of
on Snow Winter of 1880–1881
Rollag, Charley
Rollag, Clara
Rollag, Grace (Gro)
arrival on prairie of
in blizzard
memoir of
Rollag, Nels
Rollag, Ole
in blizzard
Rollag, Peter (Peder)
Rollag, Soneva
Rollag, Susan
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosberg, Hattie
Rowe, Charles H.
Royce, Lois
Ruger, Thomas H.
St. Croix Lumber Yard
St. Elmo’s fire
St. John’s Ridgeley Lutheran Church
Saint Paul, Minn.
Aberdeen Hotel in
blizzard’s aftermath in
Signal Corps office in
winter carnival in
Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company
Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce:
meteorological committee of
office building of
Saint Paul Dispatch
Salem Mennonite Church
San Antonio, Tex.
Scandinavian Americans
Schaaf, John
Schlesselmer, Johann Friedrich
Schley, Winfield Scott
Schneider, A.
Schneider, John
Schoolchildren’s Blizzard, see Blizzard of January 12
schools, frontier
as blizzard refuges
discipline in
English as requirement in
teachers’ pay at
Schopp, George
Schrag, Johann
Schrag family
in blizzard
in blizzard’s aftermath
emigration of
first Dakota years of
and grasshoppers
and prairie fires
in Snow Winter of 1880–1881
see also Mennonites
Science magazine
Scientific American
Scribner, Charles
Scribner, Nebr.
Seward, Nebr.
blizzard in
Seward, William
Shafter, William
Shattuck, Benjamin
in Civil War
Shattuck, Etta
in blizzard
in blizzard’s aftermath
death of
funeral of
Shattuck, Sarah Jane Targe
Shattuck Special Fund
Shaw, Sadie
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherwood, Sergeant
Shirk, Amelia
Signal Corps, U.S. Army
in blizzard
blizzard prediction failures of
in blizzard’s aftermath
disorders within
in March 12, 1888 blizzard
meteorological service of
meteorological service removed from
New York office of
Saint Paul office of
San Francisco office of
training course of
Washington office of
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Siple, Paul
Sisson, Mary Matilda
Sitting Bull
Smithsonian Institution
Snow Winter (1880–1881)
sod houses
“Song of the Great Blizzard 1888, Thirteen Were Saved or Nebraska’s Fearless Maid”
South Dakota
Spanish-American War
stable air masses
static discharges
Stavig, Lars
Stearns, Mr. (schoolteacher)
Stevens, Frank
see also Western Union
Thetis, U.S.S.
Three Years of Arctic Service (Greely)
Tisland, Andreas
Tisland, Karen
Atlantic crossing of
Tisland, Ole
Atlantic crossing of
Tisland, Ole, Jr.
Towne, Arthur E.
Townsend, Dr.
Treatise on Meteorology (Loomis)
Trinity Church
Uccellini, Louis W.
Unruh family
U.S. Naval Observatory
Vanderbilt family
Walshe, John C.
Signal Corps criticism of
Warren, Jessie
and atmospheric equilibrium
importance of front in
as main danger on prairie
North American terrain and
and record low temperatures
Weather Bureau, U.S.
weather forecasting, see meteorology
Weeks, Charles
Weeks, Fred
Wegner, Barbara
Wessington Springs, Harmony Township, Dakota Territory
Western Union
Payne’s dispute with
Westphalen, Eda
Westphalen, Frederick
Westphalen, Matilda
Westphalen, Peter
Westphalen Monument Fund
Whitman, Walt
Wierenga, Peter
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Williams, Norris E.
Winter of Blue Snow (1886–1887)
Woebbecke, Catherina
Woebbecke, Lawrence
Woebbecke, Lena
in blizzard
in blizzard’s aftermath
grave of
later years and death of
Omaha Bee fund for
Woebbecke, Wilhelm
Woebbecke family
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The (Baum)
Woodruff, Annie Sampson
Woodruff, Elizabeth
Woodruff, Thomas Mayhew
as artist
and blizzard prediction failure
in blizzard’s aftermath
cold wave warning of
death of
description of
Greely’s lack of support for
in Indian Wars
Payne’s dispute with
personality of
as Ruger’s aide-de-camp
Saint Paul office closed by
Signal Corps left by
Signal Corps service of
in Spanish-American War
on U.S. Indian policy
weather forecasts issued by
at West Point
writings of
World Trade Center collapse (2001)
World War I
Yankton, Dakota Territory
blizzard in
blizzard’s aftermath in
Custer and storm of 1873 in
flooding of