Warlock's Way [PUP Squad Alpha 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Warlock's Way [PUP Squad Alpha 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Abby Blake

  It was a whole other matter, though, for the protector to fall for his charge. Wilson shook his head slightly, trying to set aside the thought and remember the conversation. Ah, yes, why did he have a heartbeat?

  “Vampires differ a lot from the legends humans have created over the centuries. We’re more like a different species than the living-dead version Hollywood prefers.”

  “Oh, so you weren’t human once?”

  “I was,” he said, remembering his brief human life. “All vampires begin as humans. It’s the mixing of blood that changes our DNA and makes us a different species.” He closed his eyes and thought back to that fateful day. “My sire, the vampire who made me, found me bleeding to death in a back alley, victim of a vicious mugging.” He’d been in terrible pain and willing to agree to anything for another chance. He wasn’t even certain he’d known at the time what his sire had been offering. Fortunately, Elizabeth had changed him, healing his wounds in the process, and then taken the next few months to teach him how to be a good vampire. She’d been sweet and shy and easy to love, but when the initial, and apparently natural, attraction between a sire and a fledgling had worn off, they’d had very little in common. They’d parted ways amicably. On rare occasions like today he remembered her and smiled.

  But the lukewarm fuzzy feelings he’d had for Elizabeth were nothing compared to the fire of his need for the woman in his arms. He’d only known her three days, but somehow that just made him more excited to get to know her better. Considering she was human, and therefore short-lived by comparison, it wasn’t exactly an ideal match.

  “Okay, soup in a cup and ration pack number five is about the best I can do on short notice.”

  “Seriously?” Amber asked as she sat up straighter. “I thought you said we had food enough for three weeks.”

  “We do,” Darian said, looking annoyed at Amber’s teasing. “I didn’t claim it was gourmet.”

  Amber wriggled off the sofa and wrapped her arms around Darian’s waist. The poor guy didn’t seem to know what to do. It had become obvious over the past few days that Darian was as attracted to Amber as Wilson was, but it was also very clear that he didn’t want to be.

  “Thank you,” Amber said as Darian’s arms slid around her despite what seemed his best intentions not to. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. I could stand to lose a few pounds anyway.”

  Darian slapped her ass, and looked even more surprised than Wilson felt.

  “Ugh, um,” Darian mumbled, his embarrassment almost palpable. “I…um.” He stopped short of actually apologizing. “It’s just that you’re the perfect shape, and shouldn’t put yourself down like that.”

  Amber seemed confused at first, but then she did that head-tilt thing that she did whenever she knew something they hadn’t told her. She grinned like a cat that had gotten the cream.

  “Careful, big guy,” she said with a sassy wink. “You don’t want to start something you don’t plan to finish.”

  It would have been almost funny if Amber hadn’t just deliberately baited a Dom with sexual innuendo. The scariest part was that Amber obviously knew Darian was into BDSM, proving it a moment later when she glanced at the leather bag under the bed.

  Wilson cleared his throat, trying to break the unexpected tension. Until this moment it hadn’t even occurred to him that there was only one bed. “I thought you said you’ve never brought anyone here before.” So much for breaking the tension.

  “I haven’t,” Darian answered defensively, following the direction of Amber’s and Wilson’s gazes. “That is just…” He trailed off, perhaps realizing that lying about the contents of the bag wasn’t going to convince either of them. “I got sick of looking at it at home.” He shrugged, the movement one of disinterest rather than defeat. “Here seemed as good a place as any to store it.”

  “If I ever meet her face-to-face, I just might scratch her eyes out.”

  Darian seemed shocked by Amber’s vehement threat, but then smiled and pulled her into his embrace once more. “Thank you, princess,” he said with a smile, “but considering the lifestyle we led, she probably didn’t really do anything wrong.”

  “She hurt you. She knew you wanted an exclusive relationship, but she deliberately ignored your wishes in favor of what she wanted.”

  Wilson raised an eyebrow, silently questioning Amber’s accuracy. Darian nodded just once. In the past six months none of the PUP squad or the friends Darian had at Deeks Security had been able to get the story from him. It was a little spooky that Amber “knew” it without being told.

  * * * *

  Darian pulled Amber closer. “Ancient history,” he said, feeling for the first time in six months that perhaps it was.

  “So you’re over the need to tie the woman down and spank her ass?”

  “Yes,” he said with a soft laugh.


  “What?” Darian and Wilson asked in unison.

  She laughed softly. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be spanked like that. I could have filled in for her.”

  Darian growled, the sound almost as low as the werewolves they worked with. “Trust me, princess, if I feel the need to spank anyone’s ass, it’s going to be yours, and it’s going to be because you deserve it. Not someone else. Got that?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a mock salute.

  Darian swatted her ass again, laughing with her when she winked at Wilson. Whatever else the future held, meeting this woman was good for his soul, and for the first time in many months Darian found himself looking forward to the days ahead.

  * * * *

  Ten days went by so slowly that Amber felt like she’d been here a month, but it was good to see the strain lift from Darian’s eyes. He laughed more freely now and no longer held his jaw quite so tightly closed. It was obvious he was still alert for trouble, but in a more natural kind of way. Protecting people was what he did for a living, and judging by the way he protected her, he did it very well.

  “Good morning, Amber,” Wilson said as she walked past the sofa. Both men had insisted that she take the bed, but it felt kind of selfish to take a space that was literally big enough for the three of them and leave them taking turns on an uncomfortable sofa.

  “Why don’t you climb into the bed for a few hours? I can’t imagine either of you are getting much rest.”

  “I’m fine,” Wilson said with a wink. “I sleep like the dead anyway.”

  “I already know that’s not true. I can hear your heart beating from here.” She stopped in front of him and tried a little harder to convince him. “Just a couple of hours and then Darian can wake you up to take over.”

  “Not without you, beautiful,” Wilson said with a humorous wink. He and Darian had both been flirting outrageously since her crack about being spanked, but she also sensed that it was just a bit of fun, nothing really serious. Of course, that didn’t stop her from wanting it to be real.

  She decided to test his resistance to what was essentially his idea. “Okay, do you want the left side or the right?” He looked stunned, opened his mouth a time or two, but no words came out. She took that as an opportunity. “Come on, Wilson, bedtime.”

  He smiled and let her drag him off the sofa and lead him to the bed. It was a little awkward at first, but eventually Wilson huffed out a sound of annoyance, wrapped his arms around her, and cradled her back against his front.

  A few moments later Darian came in the front door. He’d set a magical field over the entrance so that it would only open for him, Wilson, and Amber. Amber of course had been cautioned not to open the door unless it was an absolute emergency. Despite being deep inside a tropical jungle, inside a house protected by wards and spells, and camouflaged to be nearly invisible, Amber still wasn’t allowed outside. Even though she understood their caution, it felt rather stifling at times.

  Darian stopped in his tracks, stared at the bed for a moment before smiling at her and continuing on as if nothing were amiss. Wilson relaxed a
nd pulled her closer, jolting away quickly when she felt his hard erection brush against her bottom. Very casually he moved out of reach. She considered wriggling backward until she felt his hard cock once more, but eventually decided to let the man sleep. Despite their reassurances to the contrary, she was certain that proper rest had not been high priority for either man.

  As Wilson relaxed and his breathing evened out, she closed her eyes and tried not to wonder what it would be like to make love to both of the men protecting her.

  * * * *

  Wilson woke with a start. He pulled Amber closer before he realized it was the woman’s moan that had woken him in the first place. She writhed slightly, her eyes still closed, a soft smile on her face, as she dreamed. Judging by her quiet moans, she had quite an imagination, but it was when she whispered his name on one of those deliciously breathless pleas that he realized he was in real trouble.

  He ran a hand down her arm, trying to soothe her back to sleep without waking her. If she was like any of the other women he’d known over the past couple centuries, she’d be completely mortified if she woke in the middle of this fantasy.

  Unfortunately, his soft touch seemed to inflame her arousal. “Please,” she whispered in an almost silent voice. When she rolled in his arms, pressed a kiss to his chest, and breathed the word “Darian,” Wilson realized that he couldn’t stay there any longer. He tried to extricate himself from her grip, but she held on tighter, one of her legs lifting over his hip, opening her panty-covered pussy over his rock-hard cock. Thank god for leather pants or he probably would have buried his erection in her body before he could call back the instinct.

  She pressed her head against his shoulder, the warm flow of blood through her jugular vein tempting him like nothing had ever tempted him before. He felt his fangs drop and realized one more second pressed against her was going to cause all sorts of problems for them both.

  He used his vampiric speed to get as far across the room as the little cabin would allow. She woke, of course, disorientated and confused, but at least Darian was there to comfort her.

  “It’s okay, princess,” he said in a kind voice. “You’re safe here. Go back to sleep.”

  Chapter Three

  Go back to sleep?

  As if that were possible.

  The specifics of her dream might have been fading in her mind, but she knew exactly what topic she’d been dreaming about. Her clit still throbbed, her breasts still ached, and every inch of her was hypersensitive. She shook all over with arousal. It had been a long time since she’d had sex but, wow, even she didn’t think she’d been that hard up.

  She lifted her hand and pushed the hair out of her face with shaking fingers. Shit.

  Darian sat on the edge of the bed, not touching her, but close, his voice soothing, his presence comforting.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked sincerely.

  The sarcastic laugh wasn’t really intentional, but she couldn’t seem to hold it in.

  “Maybe,” he said, leaning over to push the hair from her eyes, “now would be a good time for that spanking.”

  She heard Wilson’s sharp intake of breath even over the loud moan that escaped her. Hell, was she really considering this?

  “I can help you,” Darian said quietly. “The past few weeks have been full of stress. Orgasm is a good way to relieve it.”

  “You’re going to spank me to orgasm?” she asked incredulously. She’d read about that kind of thing, sure, but it wasn’t something she’d taken seriously. How could anyone climax from pain?

  “If that’s what you want,” Darian said seriously. She’d never seen him like this. He’d held so much of himself away from her, but she had no doubt she was seeing the real man now.

  “I…Can you maybe just hold me for a while?” She glanced over her shoulder at Wilson. He seemed as freaked out as she felt. “Is Wilson okay?” she whispered.

  “He can hear you,” Darian said in a normal voice. “And no, I don’t think he’s okay.”

  Wilson was quick to deny Darian’s assessment, but he didn’t move closer to the bed. “I’m fine,” he growled in a voice that showed very clearly that he was not.

  “He’s hungry,” Darian said, touching her face with a callused finger. “Considering that you’re the only vampire food for hundreds of jungle-filled miles, he’s showing incredible restraint.” He glanced over at Wilson and then turned his attention back to her. “When I came in earlier, I thought he’d finally asked you to help him. Judging by his reaction now, I can see that wasn’t the case.”

  “Will it hurt me?”

  Darian smiled. “No, princess, from what I understand it’s quite a pleasurable experience.”

  “So why haven’t you asked?” She ignored her own throbbing arousal and rolled off the bed to move toward Wilson. He seemed determined to back away, but with the kitchen cupboards behind him, he really had no place to go. She supposed he could have used his vampiric speed to get past her, but he took a deep breath and made an effort to look relaxed.

  “It’s not exactly something I usually ask of my clients.”

  “Is that all I am to you?” she asked, feeling an ache bloom inside her chest. She’d spent two full weeks, twenty-four hours a day with these two men. It seemed like she knew them better than anyone else in her life, yet maybe it wasn’t the same for them. They did this kind of protection work all the time. She could feel the heat of embarrassment climb up her neck as Wilson hesitated before answering.

  “No,” Wilson said, stealing what little air was left in her lungs. “You’re not just an assignment to me. There’s a connection between us.”

  “Oh, thank god,” she whispered as she moved into his arms. He held her tight, crushing her to him as his arms shook slightly. “Please let me help you.”

  * * * *

  Wilson wanted to say yes. He’d thought his hunger was under control until she’d accidentally offered him her throat earlier. He’d planned to hold out as long as possible and then have Darian open a bounce tunnel to go get supplies. But it was true that every time Darian used his magic to travel he risked leading someone back to their hideout, so it would be far better if Wilson could wait until Darian and Amber were also out of food. One trip was less risky than two.

  Of course none of that addressed the fact that he wanted to be buried balls deep in her pussy when he fed from her throat.

  “Okay, looks like that’s settled. I’ll just give you two some privacy.” Darian headed for the door, but Wilson’s next words stopped him in his tracks.

  “Except that it was your name she whispered when she was kissing my chest.”

  A look of intense longing flitted across Darian’s face before he managed to find his voice. “I’m pretty sure I heard your name, too.” He seemed to be trying to rein in his thoughts the same way Wilson was, but just like Wilson he seemed to be failing. Darian turned his gaze to Amber. “Were you dreaming about both of us, princess?”

  Amber colored prettily with embarrassment but nodded shyly.

  “Would you like both of us in your bed, Amber?” Wilson asked. It was probably a little too early to be thinking about the future, but he couldn’t shake the knowledge of how happy his teammates were with the women they shared. His and Darian’s type of work was hell on relationships. Maybe the two of them sharing Amber was the perfect solution all around.

  “Would it sound awful if I said yes?”

  “Not at all,” Darian said as he stepped closer and pressed a kiss to the back of Amber’s neck. “It’s okay to be attracted to both of us.”

  “But what about your ex? Doesn’t that make me just like her?”

  “Hell, no,” Darian said with great feeling. “Being honest about what you want makes you the exact opposite of my ex.”

  “So you wouldn’t feel like I was cheating if I had sex with Wilson?”

  Darian smiled. It was the first truly relaxed smile Wilson had seen from the guy in over a year. “Actually,
I might even be inclined to watch.”

  Judging by the shiver that shook her whole body and the smell of her arousal that suddenly filled the air, Wilson figured she really liked that idea. “If we have sex, I will bite you, Amber. The instinct is too strong when I’m this hungry.”

  “Will you be able to stop?” she asked with a soft smile that spoke volumes about her trust in him.


  * * * *

  “Well in that case,” Amber said as she stepped out of his arms and lifted the shirt over her head. “Race you to the bed.”

  He was there first, of course, his vampiric speed making it possible for him to not only beat her to the mattress but to also strip off his clothes on his way there. He lay on his back, naked, his hard cock rising from the springy curls on his groin. He had his hands tucked behind his head, a portrait of nonchalance, but it was the heat in his eyes that gave him away.

  “Maybe now would be a good time for that spanking,” Wilson said, glancing over at Darian before searching Amber’s face. She couldn’t help the clenching of her pussy that had more of her juices wetting her panties, but she managed to stifle the moan. Darian stepped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her back against his hard cock.

  “I think that is probably a very good idea. What do you say, princess? Ready to come walk on the wild side?” She nodded her head, moaning as liquid heat seemed to melt over her from top to toe. “Good girl,” he said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. “Straddle Wilson’s hips, then lean forward so that you have your hands and knees on the bed.”

  She nodded, and quickly moved to do as he said. The position left her feeling vulnerable. Staring into Wilson’s eyes, her ass in the air, her breasts swinging, two men she’d grown to care for about to smack her bottom and fuck her silly. A hysterical giggle escaped her as Wilson reached up to pinch her stiff nipples and Darian smoothed a hand over her ass.


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