Trista Ann Michaels

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Trista Ann Michaels Page 9

by Wicked Lies

  He let out a sigh as he rested his head next to hers. His breath brushed across her temple and she smiled, closing her eyes as the warmth from his body settled into hers.

  “I need to tell you something, Sinclair,” he whispered.

  Sinclair wasn’t sure she’d heard him. She was so tired, so sated; she couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying and let her mind slowly fade as sleep took over.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The beeping of his phone woke Marcus and he quickly jumped from the bed to grab it off the dresser. He hit the silence button, then glanced back to make sure Sinclair was still asleep.

  He sighed in relief to see the phone hadn’t waked her, then went to the kitchen to see who’d sent the text.

  I’m right outside. Open the door.

  Marcus rolled his eyes and walked over to the door. He opened it and stared at Jim in annoyance.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked.

  “My job,” Jim snapped back. “Where’s Sinclair?”

  “She’s still sleeping … I think. Why?”

  Jim held up a set of papers. “You need to sign these.”

  “This couldn’t have waited?” Marcus took them from his grasp.

  “They need to be back by six tonight or they’re null and void.”

  Marcus started toward the kitchen as he glanced over the top page. “I already signed these.”

  “Look at the signature.”

  Marcus flipped through to the last page and sighed. He’d signed them Marcus. “Damn.”

  “I didn’t notice it at first either. You’ve got to stop doing that. When signing important company papers, you’re Alexander Deveraux not Marcus Rogers.”

  “Excuse me?” Sinclair said from behind them and Marcus turned in surprise to see her standing in the bedroom doorway. Her hair was still mussed, her dress thrown on in haste and still wrinkled from its night on the floor. He could tell by the shocked look on her face, the hurt in her eyes that she’d heard what Jim had said.

  “Alexander Deveraux?” she snarled.

  Damn. Marcus’s heart stopped. This was so not how he wanted her to find out.

  Jim looked a little surprised, then he turned to glare at Marcus. “You didn’t tell her yet?”

  “I haven’t had a chance.”

  “You’ve had two days,” Jim snapped.

  Marcus shrugged as though unsure what to say.

  “Tell me what?” Sinclair snarled. “That you’ve been lying to me all this time? That you’re really my boss? What were you doing? Spying on me? Making sure I was doing my job correctly?”

  “No,” Marcus snapped. Wow, she was pissed and in truth, she had every right to be. “Sinclair,” he began.

  Sinclair held up her hand, palm up. “I don’t even know who you are. Is anything you’ve told me the truth?”

  Marcus wasn’t quite sure what to say. Some of it had been. Some of it had been made up for his Marcus persona. He’d started this years ago. He was Marcus quite a while before he met her. He’d hired her through Jim, which wasn’t unusual. It’s how he’d hired a lot of people once he became Marcus. He used his position as a pilot to check them out without them knowing who he was. It had worked out perfectly for him.

  This situation with Sinclair had come about by accident. Jim had done Sinclair’s interview and recommended her. His assistant knew what he looked for, and since Jim would actually be working with her more than he would, he’d trusted his judgment. And he’d been right. Sinclair had been the perfect assistant. When her usual pilot had called in sick and he’d been the only one available to take his place, she’d come to know him as Marcus. From that first trip together, he’d been hooked on her sweet smile and fiery personality. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to see her. He’d fallen in love with her and put off telling her the truth for fear of losing her. Her reaction was anger, distrust. She had every right to feel that way. He’d lied to her.

  “When I told you I love you,” he said. “That’s the truth.”

  “You love me or Alexander loves me?” she snarled sarcastically. “I need to go home.”

  She stomped forward and snatched her purse from the kitchen counter. Marcus watched sadly, unsure what to do as she grabbed a pair of sandals from her room. When she passed by him, he reached out to grab her arm. She quickly jerked away and glared.

  “Don’t touch me.”


  “Don’t,” she snapped and started toward the door.

  Marcus made a move to go after her, but Jim stepped in front of him and put his hand on his chest. “Let her go, Alex.”

  Marcus stared at him in shock. “Let her go? Are you fucking insane?”

  The door shut with a loud slam and Marcus’s heart dropped to his knees.

  “She just needs time. It wouldn’t hurt her this much if she didn’t care for you.”

  “I know she cares for me. I can’t lose her over this, Jim.”

  “You’re not going to.” Jim dropped his hand. “Just give her a few days.”

  “How’s she gonna get home?” Marcus sighed and waved his hand toward the door. “Go get her, offer her a ride home. Make sure she gets there okay.”

  Jim nodded and grabbed the papers Marcus still hadn’t signed off the counter and handed them to him. “Take care of this.” He let out a tired sigh and headed toward the door. “In the meantime, let me see what I can do to fix your mess.”


  Sinclair slowly slid from the golf cart as it pulled up to the small jet parked at the end of the runway. It was one of Alexander’s. She would recognize the paintjob anywhere. All his jets were black. How many was it he had? Three or four? She wasn’t even sure now, nor was she sure she even cared.

  Letting out a deep sigh of regret, she started toward the stairs that led to the cabin. The captain came to the opening and stared down at her in suspicion, at first anyway, until he recognized her. As Alexander’s assistant, she knew most of the pilots and top executives.

  “Sinclair?” he asked. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Long story,” she replied. “Can I hitch a ride home?”

  “Don’t you normally fly with Marcus?”

  “Again,” she said sadly. “Long story.”

  The captain nodded and moved aside, allowing her to climb on board. She’d left in such a hurry she hadn’t gotten her suitcase or a jacket. It would be freezing when she got home, especially in this short sundress.

  She dropped into one of the seats in the back of the plane and stared out the window. “I’m assuming you flew Jim in. Is Jim leaving soon?” she called toward the cockpit.

  “He just texted he’s on his way back to the plane. We should be airborne in about thirty minutes.”

  Sinclair nodded and turned to look back out the window. Now that she was still, regret began to tug at her heart. She should’ve never gotten involved with him. She knew better, but she would’ve never imagined he was Alexander. Why had he done it? What was his purpose? Did he do this sort of stuff all the time? And if he lied about who he was, did he lie about being in love with her?

  A single tear slipped down her cheek and she swiped it away in frustration. She needed to think. She needed to get away from this island, and most importantly, away from Marcus … or Alexander, or whoever the hell he was.

  Jim stepped on board and stuck his head into the cockpit. She could hear them softly talking to one another, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. If the truth were known, she really didn’t care anyway.

  Jim walked back and took the seat across from her. He swiveled it around so they faced each other before locking it in place.

  “We’ll drop you off first.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. I’m sorry to put you out like this.”

  “You’re not putting me out.”

  Sinclair smiled softly. Jim had always been nice. He’d been Alexander’s right-hand man for years. As far as she knew, he wasn
’t dating anyone and she’s often wondered just how his preferences ran, but never asked. Sometimes he did things that to her smacked of gay, and other times he didn’t appear gay at all. If he was, he hid it well.

  With his dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, and tall, fit build, he would be a catch for any woman or man.

  “Are you okay, Sinclair?” he asked gently.

  She blinked, forcing her thoughts back to the last thing in the world she wanted to think about. “I’m fine,” she whispered. But truthfully, she wasn’t. She hurt like she’d never hurt before. It was like he’d taken a knife and just sliced through her chest.

  “If it helps any, he was Marcus long before you came along.”

  She shook her head and turned back to the window. In the distance, she could see the ocean and another tear slipped down her cheek. It didn’t help any. Not at all. He should’ve told her before they slept together. He should’ve come clean before he told her he loved her, before she let herself completely fall for him.

  “Sinclair,” Jim began.

  She shook her head. “Just … let’s just don’t talk about this, please,” she pleaded softly. “I just need to think.”

  “You need to know why,” Jim replied.

  “I know. And I want to know why, just not right now.”

  Jim nodded sadly and unlocked his chair so he could swivel it back around to face the front of the plane. Sinclair sat in silence, watching as the plane sped down the runway, feeling as though she was leaving a huge chunk of her heart behind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Karen sat across from her at Sinclair’s kitchen table, her mouth open in shock. “Marcus is Alexander?”

  “So it would seem,” Sinclair replied dryly.

  She’d called Karen the second she arrived home and her friend had rushed over. She’d spent the better part of the evening crying out everything to the point she wasn’t sure she had any more tears left to cry.

  “Did you find out why?” Karen asked.

  Sinclair shook her head.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “I just had to get out of there,” Sinclair whined. “All I could see was he’d lied to me. I fell in love with Marcus only to find out that’s not who he is.”

  “Sinclair, does it really matter?”

  “I don’t know. Did he ever plan to tell me?” she asked, spreading her palms up on the table. “Was I going to go through life as Mrs. Marcus Rogers, never knowing his true identity?”

  “What if he had a good reason for doing it?”

  Sinclair snorted. “What reason would that be?”

  “Think about it. The man has more money than God. Maybe he just wanted people to like him for him. Maybe he wanted to keep his identity a secret to keep away the moochers. Women can be incredibly greedy and money hungry. Take me for example. I would marry for money like that in a heartbeat.”

  Sinclair snickered and shook her head. “I appreciate your honesty, Karen.”

  A knock sounded at the door and they both jumped.

  “I’ll get it,” Karen said.

  She walked to the door and opened it. At her gasp of surprise, Sinclair turned to see what was going on. As she did, in walked three men, all carrying a bouquet of roses. Each rose was a different color, some she’d never seen before.

  She stood and walked over to smell one as he placed it on the coffee table.

  “Who are these from?” she asked as she stared at them in surprise.

  “Sinclair, are you really that dense?” Karen asked with just a hint of sarcasm as she signed the delivery form. She quickly shooed them out the door, then shut it. With a grin, she handed Sinclair a card that had come with the flowers. “Ten bucks says these are from Alexander.”

  Sinclair stared at the card, knowing she’d start crying again the second she read it. Sighing, Karen opened it herself and read it out loud. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you sooner, but I was afraid of this very thing. My feelings haven’t changed. I love you. Signed, Alex.”

  Tears began to well up in her eyes again as she fingered one of the bright yellow roses.

  “Sinclair, I swear if you don’t hear this man out, I’ll wring your neck.”

  Sinclair remained silent and Karen continued. “The card says he loves you. Do you love him enough to forgive him?”

  * * * *

  “You love her, what the hell are you doing?”

  Alex gave Jim a look of annoyance, but Jim just snorted.

  “Don’t give me that ‘I’ve over-stepped the boundaries’ look. I cross that line all the time.”

  Alex let out a tired sigh and turned his chair sideways behind his desk. Using the tip of his pen, he outlined the streak of sunlight streaming across the wood as the sun rose and shone through the window behind him. “It’s not that simple.”

  “It’s exactly that simple.”

  “I lied to her.”

  “You lie to everybody. No one knows you as Alexander anymore. Hell, half the time I call you Marcus now. She’ll understand.”

  “She may understand, but I bet she never forgives me. She won’t answer my calls or respond to my texts.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Jim asked.

  Alex looked at his assistant and frowned.

  “Since when do you mope?”

  Alex twisted his lips as his gaze dropped back down to the desk. “I’m not moping.”

  “Oh, the hell you’re not,” Jim replied in amusement. “It’s almost comical if it wasn’t so damn sad. Where’s the ‘I get what I want’ business man I’ve been working with for over ten years? Go see her. It’s been a few days, she’s had time to think, to calm down. She’ll remember the great sex, the romantic nights, the little things you did… And I’m assuming you did the little things,” he added in his usual no nonsense drawl.

  Alex couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at his lips but he lifted his middle finger anyway just for giggles.

  Jim snorted. “I take that as a yes.”

  “You’re not supposed to be smarter than me, Jim.”

  Jim grinned. “I’ve always been smarter than you, I just held myself back so you wouldn’t notice.”

  This time Alex chuckled. Jim had become more than just his personal assistant. He’d become his friend. A friend that had been with him through so many things. A friend who’d helped him come up with this crazy idea of taking on another identity to protect himself from all the money-hungry women out there that couldn’t see past his checkbook. A friend that had made him see his feelings for Sinclair and talked him into the resort idea. Unfortunately, it was an idea that may have cost him the woman he loved.

  Could she forgive him? Would she? Should she? He wasn’t sure at this point he would if the situation were reversed. Had he just made the worst mistake of his life?

  A set of keys dropped onto the desk with a loud clang and Alex jumped in surprise. He glanced up at Jim in question.

  “Keys to your car. You can’t walk to the airport.”

  Alex’s eyebrow lifted. “What? You’re not driving me?”

  “You can drive your own damn self. I’ve got work to do. I’m going to have to pick up the slack while you take your fiancée on a trip to make it up to her. And don’t forget to get a ring.”

  “You’re that sure she’s going to say yes?” Alex called after him as Jim opened his office door.

  “Oh, trust me,” Jim replied over his shoulder. “I’m that sure. Now get up off your ass and go make amends. I swear, I have to do everything around here,” Jim grumbled as he left the office.

  Alex shook his head and grinned at Jim’s teasing complaint. He was right, though. It was time he took the bull by the horns. She would either forgive him or tell him to take a flying leap. It was time he found out which one it would be.

  * * * *

  Alex stepped off the elevator in Sinclair’s building and turned left down the hall toward her apartment. Her friend, Karen, stepped out into the hall and shut the door behind her. As soon
as she lifted her head, she recognized him and froze.

  “So,” she said. “Am I to call you Marcus or Alexander?”

  Alex’s lips twitched slightly. “Alex, actually.”

  “Okay, Alex,” she said with a nod.

  “Is she here?”

  She stared at him for a moment before answering. “She’s inside. Her first day home she did nothing but cry, although don’t tell her I told you that, she’ll have my head.” Her eyes narrowed. “You hurt her.”

  “I know,” he replied sadly.

  “You’ve been working with her for how long now?” Karen began. “Don’t you know her well enough to know your checkbook was the last thing on her mind? If that’s why you did this.”

  “I didn’t play Marcus to try and win her. I was already—”

  Karen held up her hand, stopping him. “It’s not me you need to tell this to. Trust me, whatever you tell her, I’ll hear eventually.”

  Alex rolled his eyes, knowing she was probably right. He knew how close she and Sinclair were.

  “Just be honest with her, Alex.”

  She patted him on the shoulder as she walked past, but Alex didn’t move toward the door. He just stood there, staring at it as though he could get it to open without having to touch it. Now that he was here, his usual bravado was gone. He couldn’t ever remember being this nervous about talking to someone. But never in his life had that someone been so important to him.

  “Don’t just stand there,” Karen called from behind him.

  Alex sighed out a soft laugh. Karen was bossy; that was for sure. Such a complete opposite from Sinclair.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and knocked softly on the door. Sinclair pulled it open quickly.

  “Did you forget something?” she asked as her eyes locked with his. Her smiled faded, but in her eyes he could see hope, desire. “Oh … I thought you were Karen coming back.”

  “No. Karen uh…” He waved toward the elevator. “She left.”

  Sinclair nodded, but said nothing more nor made a move to allow him in.

  “May I come in?” he asked. “We need to talk.”

  She stepped aside, her stance nervous. He noticed even her fingers trembled slightly as she shut the door.


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