by Brian Greene
In the first class of proposals, the Schrödinger framework is not at all modified, so temporal symmetry is maintained. In the second class, temporal symmetry may or may not survive, depending on the details. For example, in Bohm's approach, the new equation proposed does treat time future and time past on an equal footing and so no asymmetry is introduced. However, the proposal of Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber introduces a collapse mechanism that does have a temporal arrow—an "uncollapsing" wavefunction, one that goes from a spiked to a spread-out shape, would not conform to the modified equations. Thus, depending on the proposal, quantum mechanics, together with a resolution to the quantum measurement puzzle, may or may not continue to treat each direction in time equally. Let's consider the implications of each possibility.
If time symmetry persists (as I suspect it will), all of the reasoning and all of the conclusions of the last chapter can be carried over with little change to the quantum realm. The core physics that entered our discussion of time's arrow was the time-reversal symmetry of classical physics. While the basic language and framework of quantum physics differ from those of classical physics—wavefunctions instead of positions and velocities; Schrödinger's equation instead of Newton's laws—time-reversal symmetry of all quantum equations would ensure that the treatment of time's arrow would be unchanged. Entropy in the quantum world can be defined much as in classical physics so long as we describe particles in terms of their wavefunctions. And the conclusion that entropy should always be on the rise—increasing both toward what we call the future and toward what we call the past—would still hold.
We would thus come to the same puzzle encountered in Chapter 6. If we take our observations of the world right now as given, as undeniably real, and if entropy should increase both toward the future and toward the past, how do we explain how the world got to be the way it is and how it will subsequently unfold? And the same two possibilities would present themselves: either all that we see popped into existence by a statistical fluke that you would expect to happen every so often in an eternal universe that spends the vast majority of its time being totally disordered, or, for some reason, entropy was astoundingly low just following the big bang and for the last 14 billion years things have been slowly unwinding and will continue to do so toward the future. As in Chapter 6, to avoid the quagmire of not trusting memories, records, and the laws of physics, we focus on the second option—a low-entropy bang—and seek an explanation for how and why things began in such a special state.
If, on the other hand, time symmetry is lost—if the resolution of the measurement problem that is one day accepted reveals a fundamental asymmetric treatment of future versus past within quantum mechanics— it could very well provide the most straightforward explanation of time's arrow. It might show, for instance, that eggs splatter but don't unsplatter because, unlike what we found using the laws of classical physics, splattering solves the full quantum equations but unsplattering doesn't. A reverse-run movie of a splattering egg would then depict motion that couldn't happen in the real world, which would explain why we've never seen it. And that would be that.
Possibly. But even though this would seem to provide a very different explanation of time's arrow, in reality it may not be as different as it appears. As we emphasized in Chapter 6, for the pages of War and Peace to become increasingly disordered they must begin ordered; for an egg to become disordered through splattering, it must begin as an ordered, pristine egg; for entropy to increase toward the future, entropy must be low in the past so things have the potential to become disordered. However, just because a law treats past and future differently does not ensure that the law dictates a past with lower entropy. The law might still imply higher entropy toward the past (perhaps entropy would increase asymmetrically toward past and future), and it's even possible that a time-asymmetric law would be unable to say anything about the past at all. The latter is true of the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber proposal, one of the only substantive time-asymmetric proposals on the market. Once their collapse mechanism does its trick, there is no way to undo it—there is no way to start from the collapsed wavefunction and evolve it back to its previous spread-out form. The detailed form of the wavefunction is lost in the collapse—it turns into a spike—and so it's impossible to "retrodict" what things were like at any time before the collapse occurred.
Thus, even though a time-asymmetric law would provide a partial explanation for why things unfold in one temporal order but never in the reverse order, it could very well call for the same key supplement required by time-symmetric laws: an explanation for why entropy was low in the distant past. Certainly, this is true of the time-asymmetric modifications to quantum mechanics that have so far been proposed. And so, unless some future discovery reveals two features, both of which I consider unlikely— a time-asymmetric solution to the quantum measurement problem that, additionally, ensures that entropy decreases toward the past—our effort to explain the arrow of time leads us, once again, back to the origin of the universe, the subject of the next part of the book.
As these chapters will make clear, cosmological considerations wend their way through many mysteries at the heart of space, time, and matter. So on the journey toward modern cosmology's insights into time's arrow, it's worth our while not to rush through the landscape, but rather, to take a well-considered stroll through cosmic history.
8 - Of Snowflakes and Spacetime
Richard Feynman once said that if he had to summarize the most important finding of modern science in one sentence he would choose "The world is made of atoms." When we recognize that so much of our understanding of the universe relies on the properties and interactions of atoms—from the reason that stars shine and the sky is blue to the explanation for why you feel this book in your hand and see these words with your eyes—we can well appreciate Feynman's choice for encapsulating our scientific legacy. Many of today's leading scientists agree that if they were offered a second sentence, they'd choose "Symmetry underlies the laws of the universe." During the last few hundred years there have been many upheavals in science, but the most lasting discoveries have a common characteristic: they've identified features of the natural world that remain unchanged even when subjected to a wide range of manipulations. These unchanging attributes reflect what physicists call symmetries, and they have played an increasingly vital role in many major advances. This has provided ample evidence that symmetry—in all its mysterious and subtle guises—shines a powerful light into the darkness where truth awaits discovery.
In fact, we will see that the history of the universe is, to a large extent, the history of symmetry. The most pivotal moments in the evolution of the universe are those in which balance and order suddenly change, yielding cosmic arenas qualitatively different from those of preceding eras. Current theory holds that the universe went through a number of these transitions during its earliest moments and that everything we've ever encountered is a tangible remnant of an earlier, more symmetric cosmic epoch. But there is an even grander sense, a metasense, in which symmetry lies at the core of an evolving cosmos. Time itself is intimately entwined with symmetry. As will become clear, the practical connotation of time as a measure of change, as well as the very existence of a kind of cosmic time that allows us to speak sensibly of things like "the age and evolution of the universe as a whole," rely sensitively on aspects of symmetry. And as scientists have examined that evolution, looking back toward the beginning in search of the true nature of space and time, symmetry has established itself as the most sure-footed of guides, providing insights and answers that would otherwise have been completely out of reach.
Symmetry and the Laws of Physics
Symmetry abounds. Hold a cue ball in your hand and rotate it this way or that—spin it around any axis—and it looks exactly the same. Put a plain, round dinner plate on a placemat and rotate it about its center: it looks completely unchange
d. Gently catch a newly formed snowflake and rotate it so that each tip is moved into the position previously held by its neighbor, and you'd be hard pressed to notice that you'd done anything at all. Take the letter "A," flip it about a vertical axis passing through its apex, and it will provide you with a perfect replica of the original.
As these examples make clear, the symmetries of an object are the manipulations, real or imagined, to which it can be subjected with no effect on its appearance. The more kinds of manipulations an object can sustain with no discernible effect, the more symmetric it is. A perfect sphere is highly symmetric, since any rotation about its center—using an up-down axis, a left-right axis, or any axis in fact—leaves it looking exactly the same. A cube is less symmetric, since only rotations in units of 90 degrees about axes that pass through the center of its faces (and combinations thereof) leave it looking unchanged. Of course, should someone perform any other rotation, such as in Figure 8.1c, you obviously can still recognize the cube, but you also can see clearly that someone has tampered with it. By contrast, symmetries are like the deftest of prowlers; they are manipulations that leave no evidence whatsoever.
Figure 8.1 If a cube, as in ( a ), is rotated by 90 degrees, or multiples thereof, around axes passing through any of its faces, it looks unchanged, as in ( b ). But any other rotations can be detected, as in (c).
All these are examples of symmetries of objects in space. The symmetries underlying the known laws of physics are closely related to these, but zero in on a more abstract question: what manipulations—once again, real or imagined—can be performed on you or on the environment that will have absolutely no effect on the laws that explain the physical phenomena you observe? Notice that to be a symmetry, manipulations of this sort are not required to leave your observations unchanged. Instead, we are concerned with whether the laws governing those observations—the laws that explain what you see before, and then what you see after, some manipulation—are unchanged. As this is a central idea, let's see it at work in some examples.
Imagine that you're an Olympic gymnast and for the last four years you've been training diligently in your Connecticut gymnastics center. Through seemingly endless repetition, you've got every move in your various routines down perfectly—you know just how hard to push off the balance beam to execute an aerial walkover, how high to jump in the floor exercise for a double-twisting layout, how fast to swing on the parallel bars to launch your body on a perfect double-somersault dismount. In effect, your body has taken on an innate sense of Newton's laws, since it is these very laws that govern your body's motion. Now, when you finally do your routines in front of a packed audience in New York City, the site of the Olympic competition itself, you're banking on the same laws holding, since you intend to perform your routines exactly as you have in practice. Everything we know about Newton's laws lends credence to your strategy. Newton's laws are not specific to one location or another. They don't work one way in Connecticut and another way in New York. Rather, we believe his laws work in exactly the same way regardless of where you are. Even though you have changed location, the laws that govern your body's motion remain as unaffected as the appearance of a cue ball that has been rotated.
This symmetry is known as translational symmetry or translational invariance. It applies not only to Newton's laws but also to Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism, to Einstein's special and general relativities, to quantum mechanics, and to just about any proposal in modern physics that anyone has taken seriously.
Notice one important thing, though. The details of your observations and experiences can and sometimes will vary from place to place. Were you to perform your gymnastics routines on the moon, you'd find that the path your body took in response to the same upward jumping force of your legs would be very different. But we fully understand this particular difference and it is already integrated into the laws themselves. The moon is less massive than the earth, so it exerts less gravitational pull; as a result, your body travels along different trajectories. And this fact—that the gravitational pull of a body depends on its mass—is an integral part of Newton's law of gravity (as well as of Einstein's more refined general relativity). The difference between your earth and moon experiences doesn't imply that the law of gravity has changed from place to place. Instead, it merely reflects an environmental difference that the law of gravity already accommodates. So when we said that the known laws of physics apply equally well in Connecticut or New York—or, let's now add, on the moon—that was true, but bear in mind that you may need to specify environmental differences on which the laws depend. Nevertheless, and this is the key conclusion, the explanatory framework the laws provide is not at all changed by a change in location. A change in location does not require physicists to go back to the drawing board and come up with new laws.
The laws of physics didn't have to operate this way. We can imagine a universe in which physical laws are as variable as those of local and national governments; we can imagine a universe in which the laws of physics with which we are familiar tell us nothing about the laws of physics on the moon, in the Andromeda galaxy, in the Crab nebula, or on the other side of the universe. In fact, we don't know with absolute certainty that the laws that work here are the same ones that work in far-flung corners of the cosmos. But we do know that should the laws somehow change way out there, it must be way out there, because ever more precise astronomical observations have provided ever more convincing evidence that the laws are uniform throughout space, at least the space we can see. This highlights the amazing power of symmetry. We are bound to planet earth and its vicinity. And yet, because of translational symmetry, we can learn about fundamental laws at work in the entire universe without straying from home, since the laws we discover here are those laws.
Rotational symmetry or rotational invariance is a close cousin of translational invariance. It is based on the idea that every spatial direction is on an equal footing with every other. The view from earth certainly doesn't lead you to this conclusion. When you look up, you see very different things than you do when you look down. But, again, this reflects details of the environment; it is not a characteristic of the underlying laws themselves. If you leave earth and float in deep space, far from any stars, galaxies, or other heavenly bodies, the symmetry becomes evident: there is nothing that distinguishes one particular direction in the black void from another. They are all on a par. You wouldn't have to give a moment's thought to whether a deep-space laboratory you're setting up to investigate properties of matter or forces should be oriented this way or that, since the underlying laws are insensitive to this choice. If one night a prankster were to change the laboratory's gyroscopic settings, causing it to rotate some number of degrees about some particular axis, you'd expect this to have no consequences whatsoever for the laws of physics probed by your experiments. Every measurement ever done fully confirms this expectation. Thus, we believe that the laws that govern the experiments you carry out and explain the results you find are insensitive both to where you are—this is translational symmetry—and to how you happen to be oriented in space—this is rotational symmetry. 1
As we discussed in Chapter 3, Galileo and others were well aware of another symmetry that the laws of physics should respect. If your deep-space laboratory is moving with constant velocity—regardless of whether you're moving 5 miles per hour this way or 100,000 miles per hour that way—the motion should have absolutely no effect on the laws that explain your observations, because you are as justified as the next guy in claiming that you are at rest and it's everything else that is moving. Einstein, as we have seen, extended this symmetry in a thoroughly unanticipated way by including the speed of light among the observations that would be unaffected by either your motion or the motion of the light's source. This was a stunning move because we ordinarily throw the particulars of an object's speed into the environmental details bin, recognizing that the speed observed generally depends upon the motion of the observer. But Einstein, seeing
light's symmetry stream through the cracks in nature's Newtonian façade, elevated light's speed to an inviolable law of nature, declaring it to be as unaffected by motion as the cue ball is unaffected by rotations.
General relativity, Einstein's next major discovery, fits squarely within this march toward theories with ever greater symmetry. Just as you can think of special relativity as establishing symmetry among all observers moving relative to one another with constant velocity, you can think of general relativity as going one step farther and establishing symmetry among all accelerated vantage points as well. This is extraordinary because, as we've emphasized, although you can't feel constant velocity motion, you can feel accelerated motion. So it would seem that the laws of physics describing your observations must surely be different when you are accelerating, to account for the additional force you feel. Such is the case with Newton's approach; his laws, the ones that appear in all first-year physics textbooks, must be modified if utilized by an accelerating observer. But through the principle of equivalence, discussed in Chapter 3, Einstein realized that the force you feel from accelerating is indistinguishable from the force you feel in a gravitational field of suitable strength (the greater the acceleration, the greater the gravitational field). Thus, according to Einstein's more refined perspective, the laws of physics do not change when you accelerate, as long as you include an appropriate gravitational field in your description of the environment. General relativity treats all observers, even those moving at arbitrary non-constant velocities, equally—they are completely symmetric—since each can claim to be at rest by attributing the different forces felt to the effect of different gravitational fields. The differences in the observations between one accelerating observer and another are therefore no more surprising and provide no greater evidence of a change in nature's laws than do the differences you find when performing your gymnastics routine on earth or the moon. 2