The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality

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The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality Page 49

by Brian Greene

  The second approach employs the braneworld scenario, and in its most radical incarnation posits a completely new cosmological framework. It is far from clear whether this approach will survive detailed mathematical scrutiny, but it does provide a good example of how breakthroughs in fundamental theory can suggest novel trails through well-trodden territory. The proposal is called the cyclic model.

  Cyclic Cosmology

  From the standpoint of time, ordinary experience confronts us with two types of phenomena: those that have a clearly delineated beginning, middle, and end (this book, a baseball game, a human life) and those that are cyclic, happening over and over again (the changing seasons, the rising and setting of the sun, Larry King's weddings). Of course, on closer scrutiny we learn that cyclic phenomena also have a beginning and end, since cycles do not generally go on forever. The sun has been rising and setting—that is, the earth has been spinning on its axis while revolving around the sun—every day for some 5 billion years. But before that, the sun and the solar system had yet to form. And one day, some 5 billion years from now, the sun will turn into a red giant star, engulfing the inner planets, including earth, and there will no longer even be a notion of a rising and setting sun, at least not here.

  But these are modern scientific recognitions. To the ancients, cyclic phenomena seemed eternally cyclic. And to many, the cyclic phenomena, running their course and continuously returning to begin anew, were the primary phenomena. The cycles of days and seasons set the rhythm of work and life, so it is no wonder that some of the oldest recorded cosmologies envisioned the unfolding of the world as a cyclical process. Rather than positing a beginning, a middle, and an end, a cyclic cosmology imagines that the world changes through time much as the moon changes through phases: after it has passed through a complete sequence, conditions are ripe for everything to start afresh and initiate yet another cycle.

  Since the discovery of general relativity, a number of cyclic cosmological models have been proposed; the best-known was developed in the 1930s by Richard Tolman of the California Institute of Technology. Tolman suggested that the observed expansion of the universe might slow down, someday stop, and then be followed by a period of contraction in which the universe got ever smaller. But instead of reaching a fiery finale in which it implodes on itself and comes to an end, the universe might, Tolman proposed, undergo a bounce: space might shrink down to some small size and then rebound, initiating a new cycle of expansion followed once again by contraction. A universe eternally repeating this cycle— expansion, contraction, bounce, expansion again—would elegantly avoid the thorny issues of origin: in such a scenario, the very concept of origin would be inapplicable since the universe always was and would always be.

  But Tolman realized that looking back in time from today, the cycles could have repeated for a while, but not indefinitely. The reason is that during each cycle, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that entropy would, on average, rise. 8 And according to general relativity, the amount of entropy at the beginning of each new cycle determines how long that cycle will last. More entropy means a longer period of expansion before the outward motion grinds to a halt and the inward motion takes over. Each successive cycle would therefore last much longer than its predecessor; equivalently, earlier cycles would be shorter and shorter. When analyzed mathematically, the constant shortening of the cycles implies that they cannot stretch infinitely far into the past. Even in Tolman's cyclic framework, the universe would have a beginning.

  Tolman's proposal invoked a spherical universe, which, as we've seen, has been ruled out by observations. But a radically new incarnation of cyclic cosmology, involving a flat universe, has recently been developed within string/M-theory. The idea comes from Paul Steinhardt and his collaborator Neil Turok of Cambridge University (with heavy use of results discovered in their collaborations with Burt Ovrut, Nathan Seiberg, and Justin Khoury) and proposes a new mechanism for driving cosmic evolution. 9 Briefly put, they suggest that we are living within a three-brane that violently collides every few trillion years with another nearby, parallel three-brane. And the "bang" from the collision initiates each new cosmological cycle.

  The basic setup of the proposal is illustrated in Figure 13.7 and was suggested some years ago by Ho ava and Witten in a noncosmological context. Ho ava and Witten were trying to complete Witten's proposed unity among all five string theories and found that if one of the seven extra dimensions in M-theory had a very simple shape—not a circle, as in Figure 12.7, but a little segment of a straight line, as in Figure 13.7—and was bounded by so-called end-of-the-world branes attached like bookends, then a direct connection could be made between the Heterotic-E string theory and all others. The details of how they drew this connection are neither obvious nor of the essence (if you are interested, see, for example, The Elegant Universe, Chapter 12); what matters here is that it's a starting point that naturally emerges from the theory itself. Steinhardt and Turok enlisted it for their cosmological proposal.

  Figure 13.7 Two three-branes, separated by a short interval.

  Specifically, Steinhardt and Turok imagine that each brane in Figure 13.7 has three space dimensions, with the line segment between them providing a fourth space dimension. The remaining six space dimensions are curled up into a Calabi-Yau space (not shown in the figure) that has the right shape for string vibrational patterns to account for the known particle species. 10 The universe of which we are directly aware corresponds to one of these three-branes; if you like, you can think of the second three-brane as another universe, whose inhabitants, if any, would also be aware of only three space dimensions, assuming that their experimental technology and expertise did not greatly exceed ours. In this setup, then, another three-brane—another universe—is right next door. It's hovering no more than a fraction of a millimeter away (the separation being in the fourth spatial dimension, as in Figure 13.7), but because our three-brane is so sticky and the gravity we experience so weak, we have no direct evidence of its existence, nor its hypothetical inhabitants any evidence of ours.

  But, according to the cyclic cosmological model of Steinhardt and Turok, Figure 13.7 isn't how it's always been or how it will always be. Instead, in their approach, the two three-branes are attracted to each other—almost as though connected by tiny rubber bands—and this implies that each drives the cosmological evolution of the other: the branes engage in an endless cycle of collision, rebound, and collision once again, eternally regenerating their expanding three-dimensional worlds. To see how this goes, look at Figure 13.8, which illustrates one complete cycle, step by step.

  At Stage 1, the two three-branes have just rushed toward each other and slammed together, and are now rebounding. The tremendous energy of the collision deposits a significant amount of high-temperature radiation and matter on each of the rebounding three-branes, and—this is key—Steinhardt and Turok argue that the detailed properties of this matter and radiation have a nearly identical profile to what's produced in the inflationarymodel. Although there is still some controversy on this point, Steinhardt and Turok therefore claim that the collision between the two three-branes results in physical conditions extremely close to what they'd be a moment after the burst of inflationary expansion in the more conventional approach discussed in Chapter 10. Not surprisingly, then, to a hypothetical observer within our three-brane, the next few stages in the cyclic cosmological model are essentially the same as those in the standard approach as illustrated in Figure 9.2 (where that figure is now interpreted as depicting evolution on one of the three-branes). Namely, as our three-brane rebounds from the collision, it expands and cools, and cosmic structures such as stars and galaxies gradually coalesce from the primordial plasma, as you can see in Stage 2. Then, inspired by the recent supernova observations discussed in Chapter 10, Steinhardt and Turok configure their model so that about 7 billion years into the cycle—Stage 3—the energy in ordinary matter and radiation becomes sufficiently diluted by the expansion of the brane s
o that a dark energy component gains the upper hand and, through its negative pressure, drives an era of accelerated expansion. (This requires an arbitrary tuning of details, but it allows the model to match observation, and so, the cyclic model's proponents argue, is well motivated.) About 7 billion years later, we humans find ourselves here on earth, at least in the current cycle, experiencing the early stages of the accelerated phase. Then, for roughly the next trillion years, not much new happens beyond our three-brane's continued accelerated expansion. That's long enough for our three-dimensional space to have stretched by such a colossal factor that matter and radiation are diluted almost completely away, leaving the braneworld looking almost completely empty and completely uniform: Stage 4.

  Figure 13.8 Various stages in the cyclic braneworld cosmological model.

  By this point, our three-brane has completed its rebound from the initial collision and has started to approach the second three-brane once again. As we get closer and closer to another collision, quantum jitters of the strings attached to our brane overlie its uniform emptiness with tiny ripples, Stage 5. As we continue to pick up speed, the ripples continue to grow; then, in a cataclysmic collision, we smack into the second three-brane, we bounce off, and the cycle starts anew. The quantum ripples imprint tiny inhomogeneities in the radiation and matter produced during the collision and, much as in the inflationary scenario, these deviations from perfect uniformity grow into clumps that ultimately generate stars and galaxies.

  These are the major stages in the cyclic model (also known tenderly as the big splat ). Its premise—colliding braneworlds—is very different from that of the successful inflationary theory, but there are, nevertheless, significant points of contact between the two approaches. That both rely on quantum agitation to generate initial nonuniformities is one essential similarity. In fact, Steinhardt and Turok argue that the equations governing the quantum ripples in the cyclic model are nearly identical to those in the inflationary picture, so the resulting nonuniformities predicted by the two theories are nearly identical as well. 11 Moreover, while there isn't an inflationary burst in the cyclic model, there is a trillion-year period (beginning at Stage 3) of milder accelerated expansion. But it's really just a matter of haste versus patience; what the inflationary model accomplishes in a flash, the cyclic model accomplishes in a comparative eternity. Since the collision in the cyclic model is not the beginning of the universe, there is the luxury of slowly resolving cosmological issues (like the flatness and horizon problems) during the final trillion years of each previous cycle. Eons of gentle but steady accelerated expansion at the end of each cycle stretch our three-brane nice and flat, and, except for tiny but important quantum fluctuations, make it thoroughly uniform. And so the long, final stage of each cycle, followed by the splat at the beginning of the next cycle, yields an environment very close to that produced by the short surge of expansion in the inflationary approach.

  A Brief Assessment

  At their present levels of development, both the inflationary and the cyclic models provide insightful cosmological frameworks, but neither offers a complete theory. Ignorance of the prevailing conditions during the universe's earliest moments forces proponents of inflationary cosmology to simply assume, without theoretical justification, that the conditions required for initiating inflation arose. If they did, the theory resolves numerous cosmological conundrums and launches time's arrow. But such successes hinge on inflation's happening in the first place. What's more, inflationary cosmology has not been seamlessly embedded within string theory and so is not yet part of a consistent merger of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

  The cyclic model has its own share of shortcomings. As with Tolman's model, consideration of entropy buildup (and also of quantum mechanics 12 ) ensures that the cyclic model's cycles could not have gone on forever. Instead, the cycles began at some definite time in the past, and so, as with inflation, we need an explanation of how the first cycle got started. If it did, then the theory, also like inflation, resolves the key cosmological problems and sets time's arrow pointing from each low-entropy splat forward through the ensuing stages of Figure 13.8. But, as it's currently conceived, the cyclic model offers no explanation of how or why the universe finds itself in the necessary configuration of Figure 13.8. Why, for instance, do six dimensions curl themselves up into a particular Calabi-Yau shape while one of the extra dimensions dutifully takes the shape of a spatial segment separating two three-branes? How is it that the two end-of-the -world three-branes line up so perfectly and attract each other with just the right force so that the stages in Figure 13.8 proceed as we've described? And, of critical importance, what actually happens when the two three-branes collide in the cyclic model's version of a bang?

  On this last question, there is hope that the cyclic model's splat is less problematic than the singularity encountered at time zero in inflationary cosmology. Instead of all of space being infinitely compressed, in the cyclic approach only the single dimension between the branes gets squeezed down; the branes themselves experience overall expansion, not contraction, during each cycle. And this, Steinhardt, Turok, and their collaborators have argued, implies finite temperature and finite densities on the branes themselves. But this is a highly tentative conclusion because, so far, no one has been able to get the better of the equations and figure out what would happen should branes slam together. In fact, the analyses so far completed point toward the splat being subject to the same problem that afflicts the inflationary theory at time zero: the mathematics breaks down. Thus, cosmology is still in need of a rigorous resolution of its singular start—be it the true start of the universe, or the start of our current cycle.

  The most compelling feature of the cyclic model is the way it incorporates dark energy and the observed accelerated expansion. In 1998, when it was discovered that the universe is undergoing accelerated expansion, it was quite a surprise to most physicists and astronomers. While it can be incorporated into the inflationary cosmological picture by assuming that the universe contains precisely the right amount of dark energy, accelerated expansion seems like a clumsy add-on. In the cyclic model, by contrast, dark energy's role is natural and pivotal. The trillion-year period of slow but steadily accelerated expansion is crucial for wiping the slate clean, for diluting the observable universe to near nothingness, and for resetting conditions in preparation for the next cycle. From this point of view, both the inflationary model and the cyclic model rely on accelerated expansion—the inflationary model near its beginning and the cyclic model at the end of each of its cycles—but only the latter has direct observational support. (Remember, the cyclic approach is designed so that we are just entering the trillion-year phase of accelerated expansion, and such expansion has been recently observed.) That's a tick in the cyclic model's column, but it also means that should accelerated expansion fail to be confirmed by future observations, the inflationary model could survive (although the puzzle of the missing 70 percent of the universe's energy budget would emerge anew) but the cyclic model could not.

  New Visions of Spacetime

  The braneworld scenario and the cyclic cosmological model it spawned are both highly speculative. I have discussed them here not so much because I feel certain that they are correct, as because I want to illustrate the striking new ways of thinking about the space we inhabit and the evolution it has experienced that have been inspired by string/M-theory. If we are living within a three-brane, the centuries-old question regarding the corporeality of three-dimensional space would have its most definite answer: space would be a brane, and hence would most definitely be a something. It might also not be anything particularly special as there could be many other branes, of various dimensions, floating within string/M-theory's higher dimensional expanse. And if cosmological evolution on our three-brane is driven by repeated collisions with a nearby brane, time as we know it would span only one of the universe's many cycles, with one big bang followed by another, and then another.
/>   To me, it's a vision that's both exciting and humbling. There may be much more to space and time than we anticipated; if there is, what we consider to be "everything" may be but a small constituent of a far richer reality.


  14 - Up in the Heavens and Down in the Earth


  We've come a long way since Empedocles of Agrigento explained the universe using earth, air, fire, and water. And much of the progress we've made, from Newton through the revolutionary discoveries of the twentieth century, has been borne out spectacularly by experimental confirmation of detailed and precise theoretical predictions. But since the mid-1980s, we've been the victims of our own success. With the incessant urge to push the limits of understanding ever further, our theories have entered realms beyond the reach of our current technology.

  Nevertheless, with diligence and luck, many forefront ideas will be tested during the next few decades. As we'll discuss in this chapter, experiments either planned or under way have the potential to give much insight into the existence of extra dimensions, the composition of dark matter and dark energy, the origin of mass and the Higgs ocean, aspects of early-universe cosmology, the relevance of supersymmetry, and, possibly, the veracity of string theory itself. And so, with a fair bit more luck, some imaginative and innovative ideas regarding unification, the nature of space and time, and our cosmic origins may finally be tested.


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