by Sam Willis
Baltic League, see League of Armed Neutrality
Baltic shipbuilding supplies, 210–11, 214, 226
Bantry Bay, 153
Barbados, 309
Barbary Coast, 108
Barham, Lord, 293
Basque Country, 84
Basque Roads, Battle of the, 10
Bastia, siege of, 108, 137
Bastille, fall of, 30–1
Batavian Republic, 118–120, 125
battles, chronology of, 12, 247
Bay of Biscay, 36, 38, 261, 303
Beaufort scale, 273
Bedouin, 183, 202
beds, 149–50
beer, 18, 148
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas, 189
Benhall Manor, 207–8, 241
Berkeley, Captain George, 59
Berry, Captain Edward, 11, 13, 97–8, 169, 177, 78, 280, 308, 319, 326
Berthier, Louis Alexandre, 163
Bertie, Captain Thomas, 239
Blackwood, Captain Henry, 261, 267, 280
Bligh, Captain William, 137–8, 148, 150, 238, 341
blockades, 10, 12, 20, 112, 122, 249, 298, 302–3
blockships, 18
‘Blue Lights’, 263
Boleyn, Anne, 208
bomb vessels, 18
Bombay, 173
Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 306
Bosphorus, 172
Bosworth, Battle of, 208
Boulogne, 250
Bowyer, Admiral George, 51, 251
Braun, Commander, 238
Brest, 20, 33, 37–8, 79, 89, 161, 249, 302–3, 308–9
Bridport, Admiral Lord, 13, 26
British army, 21
Brueys d’Aigalliers, Admiral Francois-Paul, 159, 162, 168, 183, 190, 192, 194
Burchett, Josiah, 22
Burges, Captain, 132
Cachopos Shoals, 108
Cadiz, 90, 92, 112, 180, 249–50, 252, 273, 297
Duckworth abandons, 302–4, 307–9, 328
Spanish prisoners and, 261, 287, 289
Calais, 336
Caldecot church, 160
Calder, Captain Robert, 10, 94, 97, 99–102, 279, 285
Camperdown, Battle of, 115–55
British casualties, 145–6
British order of battle, 17, 133–5, 140, 165
Dutch losses, 9, 130, 139, 153
Dutch provocation, 125–6
location, 129
Monarch list of wounded, 140–5
personal losses, 148–50
Russian fleet’s absence, 136
Walker’s dispatch, 150–2
Canary Islands, 164, 308
cannons, bursting of, 237
Canopus, 169
Cape of Good Hope, 120, 329
Cape Ortegal, 293
Cape Wrath, 124
Capel, Captain Thomas, 173
Caribbean station, 16–17
Carron Company, 238
carronades, 135, 238, 318
Cartagena, 90, 249, 307
Casabianca, Commodore, 183
Catalonia, 84
Catherine the Great, Empress, 123
Ceylon, 330
Channel fleet, 17, 34–5, 72, 87, 125
Charles IV, King of Spain, 83–4
Chateau de Grenelle, 198
Chatham, 123, 332
Chatham Chest, 222
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 207
Chesapeake, Battle of the, 136–7, 162
Chesapeake Bay, 38
Christmas Island, 338
chronometers, 301
Churruca, Brigadier Don Cosme, 285
Cisneros, Admiral Don Baltazar, 285–6
Clanny, William, 239
Clavell, Lieutenant, 255
coastal bombardments, 10
Cochrane, Admiral Alexander, 309, 316, 318–19, 328
Codrington, Captain Edward, 7, 273, 280
Collingwood, Admiral Cuthbert
and Battle of St Vincent, 52, 93, 97, 101
his dispatches, 254–61, 270–5, 290–3, 333
and Duckworth, 328
general orders, 261–4
and Glorious First of June, 51–2, 59, 101, 106, 251
mental state after Trafalgar, 7, 255
and navy’s reputation, 261, 280
and officers’ conduct, 251–2, 261–2, 280
and prisoners, 286–90, 341
relationship with Curtis, 13
relationship with Nelson, 251, 257
religious faith, 263
style of command, 251, 263
writing style, 15, 257
see also Trafalgar, Battle of
Committee of Public Safety, 30, 33
Constantinople (Istanbul), 171–3, 180
Continental System, 297, 329
convoy escorts, 10
Cook, Captain James, 137–8
Copenhagen, bombardment of, 11, 234
Copenhagen, Battle of, 205–42
approaches to Copenhagen, 215–17
British casualties, 230, 235–7
compared with San Domingo, 328
Danish casualties, 235, 238
Danish defences, 212–13, 217, 220–1, 229–30, 232
Danish losses, 9, 232, 241
ruse de guerre, 233–4
signal to withdraw, 225
strategic unimportance, 332
uniqueness of dispatches, 217–18
unreliable intelligence, 219
Copenhagen Sound, 212–13, 215, 217–18, 221
Copley, John Singleton, 35
Corbett, Thomas, 22
Córdóba y Ramos, Admiral José de, 17, 86, 90–1, 112
Corfu, 168–9
Corsica, 88–9, 107–8, 164
Cosmao-Kerjulien, Commodore, 281
Courrier, 180
courts martial, 13, 64, 132, 137, 279, 296, 305–6, 328
Crete, 167
Crimean War, 336–7
Cromwell, Oliver, 21
Culverhouse, Lieutenant, 97
Curtis, Captain Roger, 13
Curzon, Captain, 40–1
Cuthbert, Lieutenant, 177
Daendels, General Herman, 121
Dallas, Texas, 338
Danish navy, 11, 211–12, 215, 218, 234, 241, 335
Danish ships
Dannebrog, 238
Freja, 210
Holstein, 237, 241
Sjælland, 237
Darby, George, 36
Dardanelles, 328
Dartmouth, 34
Davis, Oliver, 108
Davison, Alexander, 337–8
Davout, Louis Nicolas, 163
de la Pole, John, 208
de la Pole, Michael, 207
de la Pole, William, 207
de Ruyter, Michiel, 120
de Winter, Admiral Willem, 121, 124–6, 128–9, 153
Delfshaven, 117
Den Helder, 129, 153
Denmark (Danes), 210, 212, 215, 234–5, 241–2, 336
des Touches, Lieutenant Gicquel, 270
Desaix, Louis, 163
Dessalines, Jean Jacques, 302–3, 309
Dickens, Charles, 9
Directory, the, 31, 119, 154, 161, 180, 182, 203, 208
delivery of, 5–6
and historiography, 330–3
inaccuracy of, 19, 333
lack of emotion in, 18
markings on, 24–5
dockyards, 87, 248–9, 332–3
Dogger Bank, Battle of the, 110, 112, 137, 214
Dort, 119
Dover, 336
Drummond, William, 226
dry docks, 18, 333
Duckworth, Admiral John
age, 165
his captains, 307–8
courts martial, 305–6, 328
denied peerage, 13, 305, 328–9
and Diomède surrender, 315–16, 326–7
his dispatches, 311–14, 326–7
letter of thanks, 323–4
naval career, 304–7
and officers’ conduct, 316
relationship with crew, 323–6
relationship with Keats, 13, 307, 316
his sextant, 301–2
writing style, 15, 311
see also San Domingo, Battle of
Dumanoir, Admiral Pierre, 279, 281, 286, 293
Dumas, Alexandre, 163
Duncan, Admiral Adam
age, 165
his captains, 136–8, 165
capture of de Winter, 129
his dispatches, 126–33, 138–40, 176
and Dutch provocation, 125–6
and mutinies, 122–5
naval career, 123–4
and officers’ conduct, 132
his reputation, 154
stature, 122–3
tactics, 128, 132–3, 135
writing style, 15, 126
see also Camperdown, Battle of
Dundas, Henrietta, 124
Dundas, Henry, 124, 165
Dunnose Point, 71
Dutch national identity, 120, 125–6
Dutch navy, 119–22, 153
Dutch ships
Admiral de Vries, 153
Alkmaar, 150, 153
Brutus, 140
Delft, 117–18, 139, 150
Gelikheid, 153
Haarlem, 153
Jupiter, 139, 153
Vrijheid, 153
Wassenar, 153
Dutch Wars, 112
Duval, Lieutenant Thomas, 173
East Indiamen, converted, 135, 150
East Indies, 4, 11, 20, 33, 120, 214, 302, 304, 331
Edison, Thomas, 336
Edward IV, King, 208
Egypt, French invasion, 154–5, 161–3, 166–8, 171–2, 180, 202–3, 297, 332
El Escorial, 83
El Ferrol, 247, 249
Elba, 88, 90
Eliot, Gilbert, 99
Elphinstone, Admiral George, 120
English Civil War, 21
English ships
HMS Acasta, 317
HMS Achille, 277
HMS Adamant, 122, 135
HMS Africa, 269, 277
HMS Agamemnon, 233, 269, 277–80, 308, 319
HMS Agincourt, 132–3, 135, 138
HMS Ajax, 277, 279
HMS Alexander, 177, 182, 194
HMS Amazon, 232
HMS Aquilon, 273
HMS Ardent, 135, 147, 237, 239
HMS Atlas, 308, 319
HMS Audacious, 40–2, 46, 51, 64, 178
HMS Barfleur, 51, 59, 76, 106, 251
HMS Beaulieu, 140
HMS Belleisle, 266, 277
HMS Bellerophon, 36, 64, 192, 194, 196, 240, 277
HMS Belliqueux, 132
HMS Bellona, 222, 232, 237, 239
HMS Blanche, 240
HMS Blenheim, 93, 105
HMS Bombay Castle, 108
HMS Bounty, 137, 150, 238, 341
HMS Britannia, 246, 262, 267, 269, 277–8, 310
HMS Brunswick, 67–8, 145, 194
HMS Caesar, 51, 59, 64, 72
HMS Caledonia, 310
HMS Canopus, 307–8, 310, 317, 319–20
HMS Captain, 93, 97, 105, 108
HMS Colossus, 277, 280
HMS Comet, 8
HMS Conqueror, 280
HMS Courageaux, 108
HMS Culloden, 93, 180, 190, 196
HMS Defence, 269, 277
HMS Defiance, 269, 277
HMS Diamond, 306
HMS Director, 137
HMS Donegal, 308
HMS Dreadnought, 267, 269
HMS Edgar, 214, 237
HMS Elephant, 237–8
HMS Endymion, 140
HMS Epervier, 317
HMS Euryalus, 257, 265, 292
HMS Excellent, 93, 105
HMS Gibraltar, 108
HMS Glatton, 237–8
HMS Glory, 36
HMS Goliath, 189, 192
HMS Hector, 40
HMS Hibernia, 310
HMS Implacable, 295
HMS Impregnable, 59
HMS Investigator, 240
HMS Irresistible, 93, 106
HMS Isis, 133, 237
HMS Kingfisher, 317
HMS Lancaster, 133, 135
HMS Leander, 169, 180, 194, 196, 222
HMS Leviathan, 64
HMS Lively, 94, 99
HMS London, 237–8
HMS Magicienne, 317
HMS Magnificent, 292
HMS Majestic, 192
HMS Marlborough, 59, 76
HMS Mars, 266, 277
HMS Minotaur, 270, 279
HMS Monarch, 135, 140, 233, 237
HMS Monmouth, 133, 135, 150
HMS Montagu, 136
HMS Mutine, 173, 180, 196
HMS Namur, 306
HMS Neptune, 266, 279
HMS Northumberland, 318–19
HMS Orion, 93, 107, 110, 194, 273, 280, 306, 325
HMS Pallas, 40
HMS Pickle, 290–1
HMS Polyphemus, 240, 269, 277, 279–80
HMS Porpoise, 240
HMS Prince, 267, 269, 277–8
HMS Prince George, 101, 103, 106
HMS Queen, 68
HMS Queen Charlotte, 47, 51, 76, 310
HMS Resolution, 137–8
HMS Royal George, 310
HMS Royal Sovereign, 57, 59–60, 257, 266, 269, 273, 277, 310
HMS Russell, 59, 64, 135, 232
HMS St George, 108
HMS Spartiate, 245, 279
HMS Speculator, 126
HMS Spencer, 308, 319–20
HMS Superb, 307, 317–19
HMS Swiftsure, 189, 194, 269, 277, 279
HMS Temeraire, 16, 145, 266–7, 275, 277, 281, 307
HMS Thunderer, 269, 279
HMS Tremendous, 64
HMS Triumph, 135
HMS Valiant, 59
HMS Vanguard, 155, 176, 192
HMS Venerable, 122, 133, 138
HMS Veteran, 135
HMS Victory, 16, 102, 106, 245–6, 266–7, 269–70, 275, 277, 280, 295, 307, 310, 338
HMS Ville de Paris, 310
HMS Warrior, 8
HMS Zealous, 108, 173, 196
Epiphany Uprising, 207
Escaño, Antonio de, 85
evangelicals, 263
Fairfax, Captain William George, 132–3
Falmouth, 5, 292
Fancourt, Captain Robert, 233
Fearney, William, 98
Ferrand, General, 309
Finisterre, Battles of, 37
First Coalition, 85, 112, 123, 161, 172
First World War, 118
Fischer, Olfert, 238
Fishguard, 113
Flinders, Matthew, 240
floating batteries, 212–14, 237
Foley, Captain, 189–90, 233
Fontana, Bill, 340
Franklin, Benjamin, 160, 181
Franklin, John, 240
Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark, 212, 226, 233–4
Fremantle, Captain Thomas, 279
French East India Company, 181
French navy, 32–4, 249–50
change in strategy, 297–8
expansion under Napoleon, 329
inexperience, 32–4, 50
manning system, 36, 163
naming of ships, 42, 181, 317–18
officers, 32, 75, 163, 183, 284
purges, 32–3, 75, 163
rebuilding, 33–4, 163
rotten hierarchy, 183
French Republic, 29–30
alliance with Spain, 83–4
conscription, 37
Napoleon seizes power, 202–3, 208–9, 249
starvation, 37–8
territorial expansion, 79, 161–2
tricolour flag, 118–19
French Revolution, 30–2
and atheism, 176
Fructidor coup, 162, 182
and the Netherlands, 119–20
Reign of Terror, 30–1, 79, 161, 16
Thermidor coup 119, 161
French ships
Achille, 291
Aigle, 239
Alcide, 35
Alexandre, 319, 329
America, 29–30, 60
Brave, 326, 329
Bucentaure, 281
Diana, 196
Diomède, 314–16, 325–6
Duguay-Trouin, 295
Fougueux, 281
Franklin, 181, 183, 194
Généreux, 169, 196
Gloire, 8
Guerrier, 189, 192
Guillaume Tell, 181, 196
Heureux, 196
Impérial, 16, 310, 314–15, 318, 325–6, 328
Indomptable, 281
Jacobin, 75
Jupiter, 329
Justice, 196
L’Orient, 159, 161, 163, 167, 176, 181, 190, 192, 194, 196, 250
Mercure, 196
Neptune, 281
Patriote, 67
Peuple, 310
Peuple Souverain, 194
Redoubtable, 277
Réunion, 110
Révolutionnaire, 42, 47, 51, 64
Saint Antoine, 247
Spartiate, 181
Swiftsure, 295
Terrible, 59
Timoléon, 176, 181, 183, 196
Tonnant, 176, 183, 196
Vengeur du Peuple, 47, 67–8, 75, 145, 194, 310
Ville de Paris, 110
friendly fire incidents, 12, 59, 133, 319
frigate actions, 10, 34, 97, 110
Gage, Lieutenant William Hall, 97
Galiano, Don D. A., 285
Gambier, Admiral ‘Dismal Jimmy’, 10, 175
Genoa, Battle of, 214
George III, King, 35, 77, 99, 111, 226, 278
George IV, King, 7
Germany, 209, 336
Gibraltar, 16, 84, 88–9, 167, 169, 181, 280, 307
siege and relief of, 86, 123, 285
Glorious First of June, Battle of the, 27–79
British captains, 36–7
British casualties, 68, 72, 75, 78, 106
British damage report, 76–8
British order of battle, 133–4
Brunswick damage report, 67–71
conduct of van division, 51, 59, 64
date, 39
French casualties, 75, 163, 249
and French convoy, 17, 37–9, 79, 209–10
French flag, 29–30
French fleet, 55–7
French losses, 9
French prisoners, 72, 180
French Revolutionary context, 30–2
French seamanship, 50–1, 60
French ships escape, 9, 47, 101, 110
Howe’s dispatches, 47–55, 71–5
Montagu’s report, 40–1
Parker’s report, 42–6
Pasley’s report, 64–7
Révolutionnaire escape, 47, 51, 64
Royal Sovereign signals log, 57–63
typhus outbreak, 72, 78
use of combustible ammunition, 68, 194
Godoy, Manuel de, 84–5
Gold Standard, 113
Goree, 140
Gould, Captain Davidge, 13, 178
gout, 35
Grande Armée, 252, 297
Grantham church, 160
Graves, Admiral Thomas, 59, 233, 241
Gravina, Admiral Don Federico, 284, 286, 288