Londyn Falls

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Londyn Falls Page 43

by Jennifer Domenico

We walk further into the space. In the center is a large open space and off to my right is another room with nothing in it.

  “This,” he says holding his arms out, “used to be the living room. Once I expand the stairwell, I’m going to have this area open to the downstairs to give this area a more open feel.”

  “That will be nice.”

  “And this section,” he says leading me to the room on my left, “is your surprise.”

  I’m sure I look perplexed. It’s just a big, square room. Luca laughs.

  “I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with this space. It used to be the kitchen.” He walks into the space and runs his hands across the blank wall. “It came to me last night.”


  “It’s going to be a library. Not a study, just a beautiful soothing space where my angel can come and read and write and do whatever she needs to feed her soul.”

  A library!

  “I’m going to have floor to ceiling bookcases installed on these walls. Then over here, we’ll have a built-in reading nook for you. It will be nice with this large window letting in natural light. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Luca approaches me and pulls me into his arms. Holding me close, he kisses the top of my head and I lean against his chest, listening to his beating heart.

  “I want you to feel comfortable here. This is our home, our sanctuary. I want it to be perfect for you.”

  “It is, Luca,” I whisper. “Anywhere you are is my sanctuary.”

  “Come.” He takes me down the hallway and opens a door. “This is the master.”

  “It’s big.”

  “I had an extension built to accommodate everything I wanted this room to be.” He looks down at the floor. “You may have noticed the lack of workers here since you’ve been coming over.”

  “I have.”

  “I put the project on hold months ago, before we met. I had no vision for what I wanted any of this to be like.” He stares out a window as he talks. “Just recently, I’ve very much wanted this space to be finished. The house feels so different to me now that you’re here. I used to dread coming home, hoping Ellen was here for a few moments of human interaction. I often called Jake and Priscilla over for dinner, just to delay the inevitable loneliness that would settle over me once everyone was gone.” Turning to me, he smiles, and it’s a beautiful smile. “Since I’ve allowed myself to feel the love I have for you and experience your love in return, it’s like this house suddenly has a soul. She smiles at me as I approach now, extending her arms to pull me into her warmth. She waits for me all day to come in and welcome the reprieve she offers. When you’re here, she sings. This house needed you just as much as I did.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just that you’ll live here with me soon.”

  “You know that I will.”

  He grins at me. “Let’s go back downstairs before you catch a chill.”

  We start our descent to the main floor. At the bottom of the stairs, I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss Luca’s delectable lips.

  “Thank you,” I say softly.


  “Letting me in.”

  RISING FROM THE BED, I leave the room quietly so as not to disturb Londyn from her nap. I wonder if I will ever get enough of her. I desire her touch every moment of the day.

  Sitting in the study, I decide to call Clara. This will be a request she won’t be expecting. I dial her number and wait for her response.

  “Hey, Luca! How are you?”

  “Wonderful. How are you?”

  “Good. You sound so happy.”

  “I am happy. I have something to share with you and then a request.”

  “Of course.”

  “Remember the girl I told you about that I was having feelings towards?”

  “How could I forget? That was a momentous occasion.”

  “Yes, well, we’ve started a relationship.”

  “Oh, Luca! I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you. I knew you would be. I proposed to her, Clara. Things have moved quickly, but I know it’s right. I’ve waited ten years to feel like this again.”

  Clara is silent and I wonder if I’ve somehow upset her.

  “Are you there?”

  “Of course,” she says, and I can tell she’s crying. “I’ve waited for you to get to this point and I am so happy for you. Is she wonderful to you?”

  My eyes begin to fill with tears that I quickly blink back. Clara’s concern for me is so touching. “She is. More than I ever could have hoped for. I never thought this would happen to me again.”

  “I always knew it would if you would just put your guard down.”

  “She helps me with that every day. I have started to make amends for some things and I’m working on forgiving myself for my role in Sara’s death.”

  Clara cries a little harder now.

  “I said goodbye to Sara, with Londyn’s help, and you know what?”


  “I know in my heart she is truly at peace now. I released her and she needed that. I felt her presence in a dream giving me her blessing to fall in love with Londyn. It was a life changing moment for me.”

  “Oh, Luca,” Clara says, continuing to cry. “That’s so beautiful.”

  “I took Londyn to meet her and I knew then that she was gone. I’ve accepted it, Clara. I loved her with all my heart and part of me always will, but I’m ready to be a part of this world now and love a woman who can be here every day.”

  “I am so moved. So happy you got to this place. I know Sara would want this for you. I’ve always known it.”

  “I know you did. Thank you for being there for me all these years. And now my request.”


  “I’d like you to meet Londyn. How would you and your family feel if we stopped by on Christmas Eve? We won’t stay long, but I’d like to leave a gift and let you all meet her.”

  “We’d love it, you know that. My mom asks after you all the time. They will be happy for you too.”

  “Will you all be in Rockport?”

  “No, actually, I’m making Christmas Eve dinner, can you believe it? My parents are coming out tomorrow, actually, and will spend the night with me. Then we’ll all head up to Rockport for Christmas day.”

  “We’re going to the Cape to see my parents.”

  “Really? On Christmas Eve?”

  I take a deep breath. “Yes. It’s time I rid myself of the demons I created. Londyn deserves that.”

  “So do you, Luca. You deserve this, too.”

  A thought enters my mind that I’m sure never has. “Yes, I deserve it too.”

  “Thank you for calling me. This is the best gift you could ever give me.”

  “It means everything to me that you stood by me. I tried so hard to shut myself away, but you wouldn’t let me let you go.”

  “No,” she laughs. “I’m stubborn like that. Having you in my life was like having a little bit of Sara. Your love for her was a beautiful thing and it comforted me to know she had you while she did. Honestly, though…” she stops mid-sentence.


  “It made me so sad to see you living the way you did. I knew she would hate it. You have so much love inside you that you locked up. Our visits to her were heartbreaking and I wanted so much for you to get to where you didn’t need it anymore. She can live in your memory, but she should rest now.”

  “I agree. I know that Londyn was worth waiting for and it was worth the pain I went through. I am a better man now. When you meet her, you will see.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “I’ll see you in a few days then.”

  “I love you, Luca. You’re just like a brother to me. You always have been.”

  A lump of emotion settles in my throat. I clear it before speaking. “I love you, Clara. Thank you.”

  We hang
up and I lean back against my chair. The only thing I want right now is to hold Londyn again. I creep back into the bedroom and slide up against her backside. Nuzzling her hair, I kiss her neck. She sighs and moves closer to me. I couldn’t want for anything more.

  Two days later, I wait in the living room for Londyn to appear. She’s a nervous wreck and I’ve done everything I can to calm her nerves. I don’t blame her though, really. She’s meeting very important people today, but I know they will love her just as I do.

  A smile crosses my lips when I remember my mother’s reaction to the news that I was bringing a woman with me. Wait until she hears we’re engaged. She is dying for grandchildren and is suddenly hopeful that’s on the horizon. I must say, so am I. I can already tell Londyn is going to be an amazing mother.

  She appears from the hallway and my breath catches. She looks incredible. She’s piled her luxurious hair high on her head with just a few wisps falling. The dress she chose, a creamy winter white, hugs her body perfectly, highlighting everything nice about it. She’s wearing my favorite knee high black boots.

  “You look beautiful.” Her cheeks turn bright pink, causing me to chuckle. “I wonder if you will always blush like that when you receive a compliment.”

  “Most likely, yes.” She smiles.

  “You will definitely be compared to a doll today.”

  “That’s fine. There are far worse things.”

  “True.” I take her arm in mine. “Are you ready?”

  “As much as I’m going to be.”

  “You’re with me. Everything is going to be fine.”

  She looks up at me with those stunning blue-green eyes and smiles. “I know.”

  We wrap ourselves up in our winter gear, grab the gifts and head to the car. First stop, Clara’s.

  “Is there anything I shouldn’t say, or anything I should know?” Londyn asks, as she buckles her seatbelt.

  “I don’t think so. I mean, I’m not bringing up Sara unless one of them does.”

  “I’ll follow your lead.”

  “It will be fine. We’ll chat a bit, perhaps have a cup of coffee then we’ll be on our way. I just want them to meet you.”


  I reach over and squeeze her hand. “Thank you for doing this with me.”

  “From now on, I’ll do all of it with you.”

  I smile and put the car into drive.

  Londyn is quiet as we drive, staring out the window. It’s only a short twenty minute drive to Clara’s. When we pull into the driveway, I can see Londyn’s body tense. I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “Angel, it’s going to be fine. They are nice people.”

  “I’m sure they are. I just want to make a good impression. I want them to like me.”

  “They will.”

  She exhales slowly. “Okay, I can do this.”

  “Of course you can.”

  We step out and I pull the gift from the trunk. We chose a nice gift basket with wine, fruit, and chocolates in it. We walk to the front door and I ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, Clara appears at the door with a huge smile on her face.

  “Luca!” She hugs me and kisses my cheek. “You must be Londyn,” she says, ushering us inside. “I’m so happy to meet you.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you as well.”

  “I love your accent. It’s adorable.”

  Londyn smiles shyly. “Thank you.”

  “Come on in. We’re all hanging out in the family room by the fire.”

  Clara takes our coats and leads us down the hallway. When we enter the room, Clara’s parents jump up from the couch and greet me like a long lost son. It’s a heartwarming reaction. Clara’s husband Jim greets me and their kids run around my legs trying to grab the basket. I glance at Londyn, who stands to the side with a smile on her face. Clara’s mother, Joan, approaches her.

  “You must be Londyn.”

  “I am.”

  “I’m Joan, Clara’s mother.”

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  Joan pulls Londyn into a hug, clearly surprising her.

  “Please, come sit with us.”

  Londyn and I sit on the tiny loveseat as Clara and Jim run to get coffee for everyone.

  “So,” Joan begins, “You met Luca at work?”

  “Yes, I’m his assistant.”

  “How nice. What a wonderful place to find love.”

  Londyn glances at me. “It is.”

  “May we see your ring, dear?” Londyn holds her hand out. “It’s beautiful. You have good taste, Luca.”

  “I do.” I squeeze my angel’s hand. “Thanks for seeing us. We just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and I wanted you all to meet Londyn.”

  “We’re happy you came over. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. Work is going well?”

  “Quite well.”

  Clara’s father, Byron, clears his throat. His face is bright red and he appears to be upset.

  “Mr. Saxton, are you alright?” I ask.

  “I am,” he says, slowly. “I’m just happy to see you, son.”

  I’m touched by the obvious emotion he’s attempting to hold back. “I’m sorry it’s been so long. You know it’s been hard for me sometimes.”

  “We know,” he says. “Did you help him with this?” he asks Londyn.

  She smiles that sweet smile of hers. “I encouraged him. It was his decision, though.”

  “We hope it isn’t the last time,” he adds. “Luca is a part of this family. He always will be.”

  Londyn smiles. “Luca is a lucky man to have so many wonderful people who love him.”

  “You are one of those people,” I whisper to her.

  “May I use the restroom?” she asks.

  “Oh, of course. It’s down this hall, the second door on the right.”

  “Thank you.” Londyn excuses herself and disappears down the hall.

  “She seems lovely,” Joan observes.

  “She is.”

  “Is she shy?”

  “Yes, a bit. She warms up.”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you for always welcoming me. You’re all very important to me. When I told Londyn about losing Sara-”

  I’m interrupted by Joan’s loud gasp. “I don’t think you’ve ever said her name out loud.”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I couldn’t for so long. Until just a little bit ago. Londyn made me want to tell her why my heart was broken. She’s the only person I’ve ever talked to about Sara other than Clara. It was very healing for me.” I look up and smile. “A lot has happened to me recently. I want to fix the relationships my pain caused me to break. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Our relationship with you was never broken,” Byron says. “We knew why you were hurt and we accepted it. We understood how difficult it was for you to be around us. It reminded you.”

  “Yes. I felt guilty for taking your daughter away from you.”

  “What happened was terrible,” Joan says. “No doubt it broke all of our hearts, but we know how you loved her and it was an accident.”

  “I know. I was stuck in my grief for so long, but I’m seeing the light now.”

  Yes, I finally see the light.

  WALKING BACK TO THE FAMILY room, I hear my name called and look up. Clara motions for me to come into the kitchen.

  “My parents and Luca are talking and it’s been so long. I thought we could give them a few minutes.”

  “Oh, of course.” I peer through the small cut out and see them talking. It looks emotional and my heart tugs for the man I love. I’m so proud of him for facing all of this.

  “You’ve changed his life, Londyn,” Clara says. “He’s opened up.”

  “I’m honored I have played a small role in this.”

  Clara laughs softly. “I don’t think your role was small. He gives you all the credit.”

  “I didn’t do anything. I just loved him.”

  “That’s what he needed. Months ago, I me
t him at Sara’s grave and he told me about you.”

  “He did?”

  “Yes, he told me for the first time since my sister died he thought he had met someone special and someone who he wanted to fall in love with. He was so scared.” She reaches out and touches my hand as Jim takes the kids upstairs. “He was afraid that loving someone else would make him forget Sara.”

  I nod my head. I know.

  “I encouraged him to put his guard down and see what it could become. Now you’re engaged. It’s spectacular, really.”

  “It went quickly, from the outside looking in, but there was this moment when I knew I loved him and it was like I always had.”

  “I’m so glad he met you. He deserves love. He’s a sweet man, but he built a mighty big wall around him.”

  “That he did. I had no idea he was letting me inside until one day, he just did.”

  “I’ve been worried about him. Worried he would never find love and now, here you are.” She strokes my hand. “You are welcome here too, Londyn.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me.”

  “You went with him to see Sara?”

  “I did.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t know that a lot of women would understand.”

  “I understand everything about Luca. We are soul mates. It sounds cliché, but we are. I’m terribly sorry that you lost your sister. I can’t imagine your pain. I don’t want Luca to ever think he has to hide that pain from me. It’s part of him and I accept it. I love everything about him. Even his sadness.”

  Clara reaches across the table and embraces me. When she releases me, she wipes away a few tears that stream down her cheeks. The sight of her tears causes my own to start flowing and we both start laughing.

  “I’m happy he has you,” Clara says.

  “I’m happy he has you.”

  Jim comes downstairs looking a little worse for wear. “They’re a little ramped up for Santa’s visit. Is the coffee ready?”

  “It is,” Clara says. “Shall we go join everyone else?” Clara asks me.

  “We shall.”

  Back in the living room, Jim, Clara, and I bring the coffee. It’s obvious Clara has been crying and I’m sure I look the same.

  “Everything alright?” Luca asks.

  I nod and grin before taking my seat next to him. “Everything is wonderful.”


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