To Hell and Back

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To Hell and Back Page 4

by Juliana Stone

  The demons spread out to surround Priest in a semicircle. As Kira gripped the dagger tighter in her hand, she carefully rolled to the side, aware that the demons were totally focused on the Priest and not her. She wouldn’t get another chance like this.

  Slowly, she began to crawl through the grass, occasionally glancing over her shoulder at the wreckage. Inch by inch she hauled her body forward, keeping silent, even when the largest demon rushed forward and hit Priest so hard he flew back into the car and overturned its steel carcass end over end. She paused, aware for the first time that she, too, bled. She felt the warmth seep down her leg and smelled the metallic scent.

  Hold on. The words whispered in her mind. They became a mantra that echoed over and over again as her eyes swept back to the forest. Hands and legs propelled her forward until she reached a small indent in the landscape. Kira rolled down the slight embankment, where she rested for a second and gathered her wits. Sweat pooled beneath her lips and across her brow. She blinked and shook her head, stifling a groan as pain spread out once more.

  A loud, god-awful scream rent the air and every hair on her body stood on end. Fear, thick and cloying, filled her throat, and a wheezing noise escaped her lips as she began to crawl again.

  A tingle of awareness pebbled across the back of her skull and Kira froze. Someone was behind her. Close enough for her internal radar to pulse and burn.

  She gripped the dagger in her hand, rolled over, and could do nothing to stop the shriek that ripped from her throat.

  One of the demons stood several feet away, long scythe held loosely in its hands, face contorted in a macabre grin. Saliva dripped from between lips that peeled back to reveal double rows of deadly, serrated teeth. It cocked its head to the side, nostrils flared, and its grin widened even more as the scent of Kira’s fear settled in its lungs.

  Behind him, grunts, squeals, and the clanging of weapons echoed in the air, but she couldn’t see Priest from her vantage point. At the moment, however, Kira’s only focus was her own survival. She would not perish out here among this filth.

  She would not.

  Kira shot to her feet, staggering a bit before she recovered and took off at a full run, the forest so close now, and yet as the beast behind her snorted and growled, so far away. She nearly tripped over the rocks that now littered the ground, but regained her balance quickly. Seconds later she plunged inside the cool interior of the forest, feet flying over the uneven terrain, fear nearly choking her as she heard the demon crash through the trees behind her.

  The air was much cooler in here, the sun blocked by the thick canopy of trees above her. Pine and the pungent odor of rotting leaves and vegetation greeted her, along with an eerie silence—save for the demon hot on her trail. Kira kicked it up a notch; she twisted and turned among the trees, not sure where she was headed, only knowing she had to escape or all was lost.

  Time stood still, her heartbeat filling her head. Her labored breathing. The pain in her side. The sweat rolling down her forehead.

  And then she was out in the open again, the smell of pine forgotten.

  “No,” she whispered hoarsely.

  And when she fell her to knees, there was nothing left inside to get her back up. The well was dry. She’d run in circles, it seemed, and was now back where she’d started.

  Priest has slain one of the demons. Its body was prone on top of what was left of the Accord. But the other was locked in a deadly battle with the warrior, the two of them rolling on the ground, looking to silence the other forever.

  For a second, a sliver of hope rolled through Kira—it looked like Priest had the upper hand—but then she felt the heat of danger at her back and knew her time was up.

  A roar sounded behind her.

  The cold dread that sat in her gut tasted like sawdust. Kira gripped the dagger still in her hand and turned around. The demon had followed her from the forest and stood a few feet away, legs spread, deadly blade in hand, a grin exposing sharp, serrated teeth.

  It began to walk toward her, each step accompanying an answering heartbeat inside Kira. She was cold. Numb, really.

  Had she really escaped death weeks earlier only to find it once more out here in the middle of nowhere? Was the love she’d found with Logan going to wither and die as her blood spilled?

  She thought of the child. Of the man she loved. And sorrow filled her. It was deep and heart wrenching. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek and she angrily wiped it away.


  The noise from behind her faded. Priest would meet his own destiny, and Kira needed to forge her own. To make a stand even if it was her last.

  Her fear and anger and pain slipped away as she got to her feet, swaying slightly, her body exhausted and shaking from adrenaline overload. The demon was much closer now, his otherworld stink filling her nostrils, the inhuman glint in his eye unmistakable.

  She held the dagger in front of her.

  Always take the head, it’s the only way. Logan’s words echoed in her mind and the despair inside her tripled. The beast was huge and strong and grinning at her as if she was going to be the most delectable appetizer he’d ever had. How in the hell was she going to bring such a creature to its knees?

  It was nearly upon her, Goliath to her David, when it paused and a strange expression fell over its face. The eyes were wide now, filled with something that looked like shock. Kira took a step back, breaths falling rapidly, knees shaking like crazy, and watched as the demon’s head slowly tilted forward and then fell to the ground. It rolled a few feet toward her as its massive body buckled and fell to the side.

  The sun shone so brightly then, that for a second, she saw nothing but the blurry outline of a tall body.

  “It’s about bloody time.”

  She whirled around and heaved a sigh of relief as Priest strode forward, dark blood dripping from the end of his sword.

  “Sorry I’m late to the party.” The tall newcomer said as he stepped out from behind the dead demon and moved toward her. Before Kira could react, he grabbed her elbow and turned toward the road. “And though I’d love to chat, catch-up-and-get-to-know-each-other-time isn’t on our side at the moment. We’ve got to get going.”

  “Who are you?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Cale.” He didn’t miss a beat.

  “Where are we going?” She shrugged out of his grip, eyes trained on Priest.

  Priest’s steely gaze moved to the second man and something passed between the two of them. “The Pines,” Priest answered carefully. “It’s the only place we can keep you safe.”

  “The Pines,” she arched questioning brow. “Where is that?”

  Priest nodded into the distance. “Not far, but if we don’t get out asses in gear, it’s gonna feel like eternity.”

  Chapter Six

  * * *

  SHE’D FALLEN ASLEEP an hour into the ride. The warm air blowing from the vents, the glare of the sun through the windows of the truck, the heavy wool blanket Priest had given her—all of them, combined with exhaustion, lulled her to dreamland.

  And at the moment it was a place she never wanted to leave.

  Warm. Safe. Sensual.

  Kira carefully picked her way through a bed of moss-green grass, so soft it felt like she was walking on clouds. Her toes burrowed deep into the blades and she sighed happily as she moved forward. A butterfly drifted in the air, the large, multicolored wings luminescent beneath the sun’s rays. God, how she loved butterflies.

  Her gaze followed its languid progress. She watched as it dipped into the breeze and rode an invisible wave higher until it once more drifted down. A glow emanated several feet ahead of her, its warmth caressing her bare flesh, and as a breeze picked up she couldn’t quite place the smells in the air. Fresh. Tangy. Sharp, yet … soft.

  Where was she?

  She took a few more steps and then paused as the sound of a waterfall filled her ears. It was there, through the mist that rolled along the ground and crept up
into the clouds.

  Kira followed the sound, a melody of promise, and a few moments later the mist dissolved, leaving paradise in its wake.

  A jungle paradise. A paradise unlike any other she’d ever seen in a magazine or ever dreamed of. She was light in both heart and soul and a smile broke wide open as she gazed around.

  The water fell from nearly one hundred feet above her head, the rushing stream making its way lazily down the rock face, until it slipped into pool at the bottom. On either side was a thick stand of foliage—vine-heavy trees sprinkled with flowers in all the colors of light and beauty. Pinks, purples, reds, yellows, and oranges. Among them small birds as exotic as the petals flitted among them.

  Overhead the sun shone fully—long fingers of warmth rolling over her already heated skin. A bird sang, lost somewhere deep within the jungle. Its song was haunting and awoke such longing in her that tears sprang from the corners of her eyes.

  Then she saw him and her heart stopped. The air in her lungs froze even as a soft sigh escaped her lips.

  He was here. With her.

  Logan turned to her, his body half-hidden by the shadows that played off the trees, and behind him, the depths of the pool held jewel tones that shimmered as the water fell into it. He was like a treasure, one meant only for her, kept hidden in this waking dreamland.

  For a second pain shifted inside—she knew this wasn’t real. Logan was gone from her, taken by the sadistic creatures who now hunted her—and yet as his dark eyes burned into her own she knew magick existed in this place. And maybe …

  Her shoulder burned hot for a second, there where he’d marked her as his weeks earlier, and her hand rose until she was able to caress the skin there. To feel where his mouth had been and to somehow acknowledge this was real.

  “This is no fantasy,” he said, his voice low and throaty.

  Logan. She whispered his name like a secret, unable to make her vocal cords work.

  His dark hair hung in damp waves, touching the tops of his shoulders. Water sluiced over his skin, the glittering remnants rolling over powerful shoulders and finding their way down rock-hard abs until they disappeared into the water that lapped at his waist. Her mouth was dry. Her body tight.

  His hand rose and he beckoned her forward. “Come.”

  Kira took a hesitant step. And then another.

  And then she rushed forward, plunging into the water until his arms wrapped around her. Until she felt his heat against her own, his hardness against her softness.

  Such overwhelming need rose in her that she struggled to swallow. This man—this hellhound—meant everything to her. He’d pulled her from the gray realm when there was no hope. He’d given her that—hope, a future, and a family.

  His hands were in her hair and he forced her to look up at him, into eyes that she could easily lose herself in.

  “You’re safe,” he whispered.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  And then his mouth was on hers, his lips strong and warm as one hand held her firmly in place and the other wove its way down until he cupped her butt and pulled her into his groin. Logan’s erection pushed against her softness and she gasped as images of his naked body riffled through her mind. As his tongue teased and caressed, as his teeth nipped at her lips.

  Kira’s hands slid up his narrow waist, past his chest, until she cupped his jaw. They kissed as if they were starving, and the need was so great she couldn’t hide the groan in her throat. His teeth nipped a path below her ear and she shuddered when he suckled at the base of her throat, there where her pulse beat so rapidly she’d surely fall to her knees if not for him holding her.

  “Logan, is this real?” Her whispered words ended abruptly as his hand moved from her butt and sank between her legs, where he rubbed suggestively against the denim. The friction was incredible and she sank against him, every cell tingling as he whispered hoarsely.

  “It’s more real than you can imagine. We are mated, little Dove, and our connection transcends time and place. Even Lilith’s grasp cannot hold me.”

  “But how?” She barely got the words out before his teeth pulled on the end of her T-shirt and it ripped down the center, a nice clean splice that left her small breasts exposed. Her nipples pebbled, hardened with desire and heat and cold. They swelled beneath his gaze and when he lowered his head, when his hot mouth encircled one engorged peak, something broke inside her—a wet crush of desire that left her shaking.

  She came instantly and held him there—her body thrusting against his tongue, against the hand that still caressed between her legs. And when the burning began, deep inside, she whimpered, her mind going crazy, her body on fire.

  Logan suckled hard, his lips and tongue caressing her breasts as his large hands roved over her flesh, removing the ruined T-shirt and tossing it onto the grass beside the pool. Above them the water continued to fall, and he pulled her with him toward the waterfall. Her jeans and boots disappeared as well but Kira had no clue when or how. She didn’t care.

  He lifted her into his arms and settled her onto a slippery rock that jutted out enough to make room for a body—hers. She was level with him now and she gazed at him hungrily. The warm mist of water fell to her right and showered them both in a spray of silken heat. She watched rivulets roll down his face and couldn’t take her eyes from the intensity of his gaze.

  Her hellhound was on edge. She saw the shimmer that rolled beneath his flesh and when she would have leaned forward—her eyes caught some fresh welts along the tops of his shoulders—he growled and slid his hands over her breasts, and didn’t stop until he held each knee.

  “You will always belong to me,” Logan rasped.

  Kira exhaled a shaky breath. “I know.”

  “They won’t claim you.” His eyes were darker now, not only filled with passion but tinged with fury and cold, steely determination. “I won’t let them.”

  “I know,” she whispered again.

  Logan stared at her for so long that her skin prickled with goose bumps. Her desire began to fade, replaced with fear of the unknown. Fear not only for herself, but for …

  “I love you,” Logan said simply, and then he leaned forward and his lips parted hers and he kissed her with such gentleness that tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. “I will love you until the end of time.” His mouth moved to the corner of hers. “Until there is no breath left in my body, and even then”—he suckled his way to her earlobe—“I will love you.”

  Kira’s heart hurt; it swelled and stretched until she didn’t think she could take it anymore. For so long she’d lived in darkness, and only this man had been there to keep her sane. He’d rescued her from the pits of Hell when she’d been ten and he’d come for her after she’d been murdered her. After she’d wandered the gray realm, alone, confused, and searching for something.

  Him. Logan Winters. Hellhound. Savior. Lover.

  “Logan,” she said softly, her hands in his hair. Gently she forced him away from her skin, until she could look into his eyes. “I didn’t live until I met you.” She shook her head, voice quivering with emotion. “Every breath I take is because of you. Every heartbeat. Every peaceful, wonderful thing in my life.” Her finger traced his lips and she couldn’t be sure, but the water that sat on his long lashes might have been tears. She leaned forward and kissed them away. “You’re everything to me, and I’ll fight until the end for us.” She leaned her forehead against his, chest heaving, tight with emotion. “You have to know that. Wherever you are, you have to know that.”

  “I’m right here,” he said gruffly, and kissed his way down her chest, past her taut belly, until his hands gently pushed her knees apart. His eyes glittered and he looked like he wanted to eat her. They dropped to the juncture between her thighs, to the place that was warm and wet and aching for him. “I’m going to show you exactly where I want to be.”

  He slipped lower in the water and knelt forward, his hands now firm on her knees, his dark head so close to her. Kira’s breat
hs came in sharp, heavy, spurts and when his mouth found her, when he suckled and tongued her clitoris, she fell back against the rock face, her body jelly. The heat was instant, the pleasure that erupted inside her intense. Made all the more erotic by the growls and animalistic noises that Logan made as he pleasured her.

  He blew on her wetness, his hair tickling the sensitive area inside her thighs, and when he plunged two long fingers deep inside her, she squealed, loving the way he stroked and crooked his finger just so, finding that special spot that made her jump and squirm. The heat in her belly erupted and she leaned forward, groaning once more as her hands sank into his hair. She forced him back down. “I want your tongue,” she gasped.

  He laughed wickedly and obliged.

  Only when she’d come once more did he stop.

  Kira looked down at him, satisfied but not satiated. Her gaze lowered, straining to see below the water, there where his erection strained. She knew the restraint he had. His muscles bunched along his shoulders, stretched tight across his chest, and his eyes no longer burned black, but were tinged with the very fires of Hell.

  He stood. He reached for her, his eyes never leaving hers. She saw possession in their depths and her heart swelled knowing a man such as he wanted her. Kira Dove. At one time, damaged. Broken. But no more.

  Logan brought her forward and as the water slid over them, her hands reached for his shoulders to steady herself as his mouth teased one nipple and then the other. They were buoyant in the water and Kira felt him, hard, against her. She guided her legs up, wrapped them around his waist, and sank onto him without waiting.

  A smile touched his lips, even as desire fevered his face. Logan nipped at her mouth and murmured next to her ear. “A little anxious, are we?”

  She groaned as his cock filled her. The sensation was exquisite and Logan held her in place as he moved through the water, eyes locked to hers. Only when he’d laid her down onto the soft bank of grass did he begin to move inside her. Long, slow, erotic thrusts. The kind that curled her toes and made her ache as he nearly withdrew each time, only to slide into her once more.


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