Humanity Gone (Book 2): Facade of Order

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Humanity Gone (Book 2): Facade of Order Page 11

by Derek Deremer

  “I don't suggest you do that,” the voice continues.

  Rustles and thumps fill our ears from all around. I turn my head away from the office and see a figure emerging from pile of rubble by the wall. Beside him, another figure rises from a the rubble. I continue to look around as more and more men stand from within the compound and look at us from the sights of their guns. I quickly start to add them up as I glance around.

  Two, four, eight, eleven, sixteen... there's too many. One emerges from the rubble with an RPG over his shoulder pointed at the last vehicle. Destroying that one would trap the cars.


  We are surrounded, out-manned, and out-gunned. What have I done? And where the hell did they get that kind of weaponry?

  “Put down your weapons and maybe we can arrange some kind of trade for your lives.”

  This was stupid. This is my fault if they all die here today. I should have listened to Caitlyn.

  “We aren't here to fight. We don't want anything. We just want to talk.”

  “Well, if you just want to talk then you don't need your guns.”

  What to do...

  I look around at everyone in the cars and outside in the downpour. There are only twelve of us. We only have one option.

  I release my fingers from the grip of my gun and let it hang from my finger.

  “Fine. I'm putting it down. Everyone put them down.” I sense the hesitation from those around us. I continue my stare at the office as I lower my gun to the ground and lay it on the wet asphalt. A few seconds later, I hear the small sounds of other guns splashing against the parking lot. Carter and Jo are setting theirs down as well. They both look more worried than the rest of us.

  They know firsthand what these monsters are capable of. If this goes sour, I will never forgive myself.

  As I raise both my hands to the sky, a shadow from the motel office emerges from the door frame. The shadow focuses into a single man walking towards us. He holds a pistol relaxed in his right hand beside a torn navy jacket that was barely repelling the rain. His soaked black hair is parted tight to the right side of his clean shaven face. His build is formidable, but the navy jacket he wears seems almost too small for him and did not go with the rest of his military-like attire. However, the confidence in his eye told me that he was the guy in charge. He is the one I need to talk to.

  This plan needs to work, or we are all going to be killed.

  “Please, we are not enemies.”

  “Is that so? You barge in here with over a dozen armed men...”he looks to the left towards Jo and Caitlyn, “and women. How do we know you're not New Americans looking to take back everything else?”

  “We are not New Americans. In fact the very reason we are here is to become allies. To become friends. We have a common enemy.”

  He hesitates for a moment and looks back to me.

  “Why are you coming to us now?”

  “We recently learned that the New Americans are out there looking for you. And if they are looking for you that means you are giving them problems.” I try to relax my face and show confidence. “We are doing the same and thought we could benefit from a joint effort.”

  He looks me up and down and briefly inspects the rest of our forces with his eyes.

  “Is this all you have?”

  “No. We have many more who will come looking for us.”


  He walks past me and begins to move in front of both cars and around my men. A few look at me for guidance. I signal for them with an open palm. Keep calm. However, I am anything but calm. I worry they all can hear my heart as it beats away.

  He walks to the back of the one car and peeks inside.

  “Well hello. What's your name?” he asks.

  “Paige...” Paige answers back. Her voice quivers for a second. No. Carter and I exchange nervous glances. This can't go down the same road. I glance at my gun on the ground. If he tries anything. Anything. I am certain that I can at least take him down before they get me.

  After he inspects Carter, Jo, and Caitlyn, he walks over to me.

  “Well,” he begins, “I believe you. Judging by your hardware and the faces staring back at me, you're not those New American punks.” Instantly he holsters his gun and waves for the rest of his men. They lower their weapons and walk towards us. Their sudden action catches me off guard. I breathe for the first time in minutes. He walks up to me and reaches out his hand.

  “My name is Michael. Let me introduce you to the Sanctuary.” His voice is not nearly as deep as before and almost giddy. We pick up our weapons and listen as he lists through a few of his soldier's names and welcomes us to their “home.”

  He takes us into the remains of the office and inside is entire row of motel rooms hidden by the pile of rubble on the right side. Nearly half of the rooms in the lower level are accessible and some even have electricity. Well, I assume they do because of the flickering lights keeping the corridor bright. It felt good for all of us to get out of the rain. A few of Michael's men follow us inside, but most remain in the rain keeping watch. After Michael gloats over a few more of the finer points of the “hidden” Sanctuary, he brings us all together in the office. Despite the destroyed exterior, it is pretty pleasant on the inside. Surprisingly, among all the wreckage and rubble, they have managed to maintain their home. The entire burned out motel is a facade for their real Sanctuary.

  “So as you know, the New Americans charged in a few years ago and took everything, “Michael says. “Those of us that survived their so-called “visit” began to rebuild, but in this secret section that looks like a pile of trash. We watched them come back here a few months ago, and they had no idea we were all watching them from within those hiding places throughout the compound. We were vastly out-manned, so we simply watched them come and go. I doubt they will ever think to come back here again. So since our home is now safe, when we get word of some information on the New Americans we take action to ruin their plans. Retribution has been on the Sanctuary's agenda for the past year. “

  I decide to speak up. “Long story short Michael, we want to work together and deal them a serious blow.”

  “I'm in.” Michael quickly replies. A few of his men around him nod with smirks too. “We wouldn't miss it. The more the merrier.” This is going easier than I imagined. They are ready to roll.

  “What we were hoping is...” I begin to say.

  “Whoa, it's getting late,” he interrupts. He turns to several of my men who are soaked and trying to prevent the shivers by holding their chest tightly. “You're freezing. There is no rush to get this started tonight. Please, we have more rooms than we need. Stay out of this rain tonight. Get some food and we can have this conversation in the morning when you all are rested. You wouldn't be the first weary travelers we have given refuge to. I try to make the title Sanctuary still stand for something worthwhile.”

  That sounded reasonable enough to me. Maybe too reasonable. Fifteen minutes ago we were outside pointing guns at each other. He continues:

  “And ladies, inside a few rooms we have a hot shower if any of you are interested. Chivalry isn't quite dead. Men there are...” I can tell Caitlyn cannot hold her tongue anymore. She steps out from the side of Carter and points a finger accusingly at Michael.

  “Don't try to play nice with us. We know what the hell you did here for years to girls like us.”

  The blood quickly drains from Michael’s face as he turns to Caitlyn. My arm twitches for my gun. Michael looks sad, and so do many of his men.

  “No. No, my dear. That was a long time ago. A long, long time ago. That hasn't happened since our first so-called leader was killed. When I took over, I ended that barbaric activity and all those who went along with him were thrown out. That one day, we just lost too many men over one man's cold-blooded desires. Those of us who remained try to literally live up to the name we once ironically held.”

  “Saul...” Caitlyn starts to mumble.

“Yes. Obviously news of him has spread. I managed to clean up the mess he left and turn over a new leaf.” He walks towards the girls. Carter moves slightly between them and Michael looks over Carter's shoulder at Caitlyn.

  “Ladies... and you men as well, I promise. You are completely safe here. I swear to God that nothing will happen to you here.” He reaches to his holster with his opposite arm and pulls out his gun by the the chamber. He holds it by the barrel and hands it to Jo.

  “Here. Take this if it makes you feel better. It's one heck of a piece. I've had it for years. Keep it. I thought that maybe people had forgotten about what happened here. It seems I am still making up for past sins.”

  Jo grabs the gun and holds it at her side. Michael tries to rise a grin out of her, but she denies him. He moves on and makes his way back to me. He stares at the ground and then back up. He looks as if he is trying to work something out in his mind.

  The odd look in his eye vanishes as he gets to me.

  “Ryan. Bring all your men inside. We will prepare what food we have and we can all talk about a course of action in the morning. All of the doors have locks, and your people are free to hold onto their guns.”

  “Thank you Michael.”

  The others may not be convinced, but I believe him. If they wanted to harm us we would already be dead. I don't have the same history that the others have, but I am going to give him a chance. I spread the word and unload the few supplies in the cars and my people spread out into a few of the rooms. Caitlyn and Jo go into the same room with Kevin and I hear the door lock and latch behind them. Carter and Paige join a few of my men and take the adjoining room beside it. After they are all inside, I make my way back to the front office. One of Michael's men is barricading the exit door with some steel bars and covering the shattered windows with plywood. As he places the last board, the office becomes much quieter. Off to the side is a small lobby with torn leather chairs. Michael sits at one with his leg crossed over the other. Beside him on the table is a steaming mug. He points to a table behind me, and the brewing coffee pot. I fill a cup.

  “Sorry we don't have any cream or sugar at the moment.”

  “No, this is great. Thank you. I haven't had coffee in forever.”

  “Well it tastes like coffee; I will give you that.” We share a quiet laugh.

  I sit beside him and hold the mug to my nose. The warmth seems to dry me off. I slouch into the leather chair. It didn't look like much at first, but it certainly is comfortable.

  “This could really work out...” I begin. Today has been more than successful. If this goes right, this could be the start to a change in the territory. Combined, we may be able to convince others to join in on the battle.

  Hopefully, I'm not the one that they place at the top.

  Michael simply nods and continues to stare straight ahead. He is acting odd. His mouth opens and closes as he tries to find the right words. A look of shame stretches across his forehead as his eyes finally meet mine.

  “I don't want you to tell anyone else this,” Michael begins. I nod in response. “But I'm certain I shot that girl’s brother five years ago.”

  Chapter 18: Paige

  The four of us lie in the small hotel room. We share a room with Alex and Henry, two of Carter's best on the medical team. Jo and Caitlyn are next door with a few of the other soldiers. It's clear Jo had a hard time seeing us together. I can't really blame her. The dinner that the Sanctuary brought us was meager but pleasant. A few of the Sanctuary men brought it and kindly ate with us. I kept looking over at Carter who kept an uneasy look on his face as he glanced at all the others around the small coffee table. I couldn't blame him either. On the other hand, these people seem alright now to me. Trusting them is a lot easier for me than it is for him.

  I don't have the scars.

  When midnight approaches, our long conversation ends and the Sanctuary men, Rob and Doug, leave. They told stories of a family that was coming south from the Canadian border. Despite their best efforts, the family was not allowed inside the country to seek refuge. Along the entire border were crudely structured fences and watch towers. When they came too close to the border, the guards fired a warning shot into the ground in front of them. They tried to reason with the guard but he was completely silent. The family traveled miles along the border looking for a hole, but all they found was more guards and the occasional mine field. Canada did not want us entering the country, although I wish they had told them why. Soon the family gave up and headed the other direction. Doug found them broken down along the side of the road and gave them some assistance. They stayed for a few nights and then moved on. They thought Mexico might be a good idea.

  The story gave Carter some time to warm up to them. Both men joined the Sanctuary two years ago – long after Carter was here last; they were brothers. This place really isn't the same place anymore. After they left, we decide to get some rest. I curl up closer to Carter in the small double bed. The others were on the floor and in the bed nearby. They are already fast asleep, having dozed off shortly after Rob and Doug left. His arm wraps tighter around me. He can't sleep, and neither can I really.

  “Carter, you never told me really what happened here five years ago.”

  He hesitates and looks back up at the ceiling, almost as if he was looking for something to be up there.

  “And I never will. It was one of the darkest nights of my life. I don't want to burden you with it.”

  “You have to stop thinking like that. You can't protect me from everything. I can take care of myself.” I prop my head up with my hand and look at him.

  He blinks a few times, before looking at me. After a few minutes of silence I lay my head back down defeated. Carter takes in a deep breath. “Her name was Tina...”

  He tells me everything. How they shot her right in front of him. How he almost saved her. Since then she's been a ghost that haunted him. Carter would still trade his life for hers in a heartbeat, and he didn't know her longer than five minutes. She had become a part of his family - someone that he had to protect. The part he failed. The mistake he will never repeat.

  Carter drifts into sleep soon after. He may have tears in his eyes, but it's too dark to see. I pull close to him, and try to sleep.

  * * *

  “Wake the hell up!” My body is shaking and Carter is above me with his hands on my shoulders.

  “Finally. Paige we need to go. Now.”

  “Carter, what's going on...?” My vision focuses and then I hear some yelling in the distance.


  An explosion shakes me from the bed. Carter turns towards the open motel room. Alex and Henry are already running out and loading clips into their rifles. Carter pulls me from the bed. Quickly, I throw my medical bag over my shoulder and reach for my boots, but he pulls me away. I barely have time to grab them from the ground as I leave in my bare feet.

  “There's not enough time. The New Americans are here.” Carter yells as he takes me by the hand and leads me out of the hotel room. What? How did that happen? We travel through the tunnel of wreckage, and past the other rooms. Everyone else is charging out of their rooms with guns at the ready. We run through the lobby, and into the parking lot. Another explosion rings out, and the roar of an engine rumbles from above. My eyes go straight up. The rising sun briefly blinds them, but as I shake my head and squint, four helicopters come into focus. One fires a missile, and it explodes on the asphalt. Four men are knocked to the ground by the blast. I don't know if they are from the Sanctuary or the Resistance. I drop my boots to the ground.

  Carter continues to pull me towards one of the SUVs. Two others are already infernos, and the fourth is also loading up with people.

  “Get in.” He literally throws me into the SUV. Ryan is already in the driver's seat. Jo is in the passenger's seat and Caitlyn is crammed in the back with several other soldiers. Jo points the rifle out the window and fires shot after shot into one of the choppers. I look through the rear window a
s Kevin and a few others jump into the open trunk. Carter hesitates at the open door and then slams it shut.

  “Ryan drive.” He yells through the open passenger side window.

  “No, Carter, get in here.” I yell through the door. Caitlyn looks over to me.

  “What is he doing?” Caitlyn yells to me. I shake my head. Jocelyn turns around and looks at me and then out the window at Carter.

  She looks over her rifle at him. “Carter, get in the damn...”

  I feel heat on my face and the area behind Carter lights up in a fireball. A missiles explosion throws Carter against the side of the SUV, and his head smacks into the glass, hard. A streak of blood runs down the new crack in the window.

  God no.

  I throw back open the door and Carter is slumped on the ground. I reach down to his neck with two fingers. He is still alive, probably just knocked out.

  I lift up his upper body the best I can. I look up to the truck. Kevin jumps off the back, and grabs Carter's torso. Jo climbs out of the front seat and grabs his thigh while I grab the other. Kevin has to get in the SUV to pull him in. As soon as Carter's feet are in I slam the door shut. Jo steps back to the passenger's seat, and gestures with her hand.

  “Come on, there's room for both of us up here.” Her eyes show genuine concern for me. “Come on!” I move towards the door.

  “Help...” a low voice mumbles behind me. I turn to a soldier on the ground. Most of his lower body is missing. It was Rob.

  I can't leave him like this. I have some morphine. Maybe he can pull through...

  “Go.” I yell vainly. Ryan looks over. “Just go.” I can't leave him...

  Jo looks down at him. “He's as good as dead Paige; get in!”


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